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United States Department of the Interior

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National Notices to Lessees & Operators
Alaska Region Notices to Lessees & Operators
Gulf of Mexico OCS Region Notices to Lessees & Operators
Pacific OCS Region Notices to Lessees & Operators
Inactive National Notices to Lessees & Operators
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Kumkum Ray

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Notices to Lessees and Operators

National Notices to Lessees and Operators (Archives)

The following is a list of the inactive National Notices to Lessees and Operators (NTLs) for your reference. These NTLs have been superseded, expired, rescinded, or are no longer necessary. You may find current and active National NTLs at National Notices to Lessees

Inactive National Notices to Lessees and Operators

NTL Number

Inactive Date/



Rescinded 09/30/2007

Outage of Pay.Gov for electronic fee payments, Friday, September 28, 2007; through Sunday, September 30, 2007


Expired 04/29/2007 2007 Industry Awards Program and Luncheon
2006-N04 Superseded by NTL No. 2006-N05 New Payment Method for Existing Cost Recovery Fees


Expired 03/01/2006 Reminder to Submit Performance Measures Data by March 31, 2006


Superseded by NTL No. 2006-N04 Payment Method for New and Certain Existing Cost Recovery Fees
2006-N01 Expired 04/29/2006 2006 Industry Awards Program and Luncheon


Performance Measures for OCS Operators and Form MMS-131
2005-N01 Expired 04/29/2005 2005 Industry Awards Program and Luncheon

Superseded by 2007-N02

Revised Assessment Matrix
2003-N05 Expired 02/6/2004 eWell Permit and Reporting System Presentations
2003-N03 03/07/2003

Performance Measures for OCS Operators and Form MMS-131

2003-N02 Expired 11/01/2003 Reminder Concerning Periodic Inspection of Unmanned Fixed OCS Platforms
2003-N01 Expired 04/29/2003 2003 Industry Awards Program/Luncheon

Rescinded 6/17/2008

Drilling and Well Permit and Reporting Forms
2002-N12 11/1/2002

OEMM eGov Transformation Presentations



Rescheduled Houston MMS Well Applications and Reporting Forms Workshop



Surface Blowout Preventer Workshop for Floating Drilling Operations
2002-N09 09/30/2002 MMS Well Applications and Reporting Forms Workshop


Deepwater Blowout Intervention Workshop

Rescinded 06/17/2008

Guidelines for Crane Load Tests and Recordkeeping on Fixed Offshore OCS Facilities


International Workshop (June 12-14, 2002): Fire & Blast Considerations in the Future Design of Offshore Facilities
2002-N04 04/15/2002 4th Annual MMS Industry Awards Program and Luncheon
2002-N03 04/30/2002 2nd International Workshop on Human Factors in Offshore Operations
2002-N01 Superseded by 2003-N03 Performance Measures for OCS Operators and Form MMS-131


Subpart O - Well Control and Production Safety Training
2001-N01 04/15/2001 2000 Industry Awards Program and Luncheon
2000-N06 - Attachment 1

Attachment 2
Incorporated into 30 CFR 250 subpart B (final rule published 08/30/2005) Deepwater Operations Plans (DWOP)
2000 N05 Incorporated into 30 CFR 250 subpart B (final rule published 08/30/2005) Conservation Information
2000 N04 04/1/2001 Guidelines for Crane and Rigging Operations on Fixed Offshore OCS Facilities
2000-N03 10/15/2000 Subpart O - Well Control and Production Safety Training (Clarification of 30 CFR 250)
2000-N02 05/9/2000 Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) Systems Workshop
2000-N01 03/1/2000 Crane Safety Workshop
99-N07 11/23/99 1999 Industry Awards Program and Luncheon
99-N06 05/13/99 Information on Final Rule and Changes on MMS Offshore Energy and Minerals Management Appeals Process
99-N05 05/23/99 Year 2000 and End of Week Compliance of Global Positioning System Receivers

Superseded by 2007-N02

Revised Guidelines for Royalty Relief Under 30 CFR Part 203

Superseded by 2002-N01

Performance Measures for OCS Operators and Form MMS-131
99-N02 01/14/99 Invitation to MMS Industry Awards Program and Luncheon
98-19N 12/29/98 Year 2000 (Y2K) Readiness Disclosure Statement
Addendum to

and 98-18N
Superseded by 2003-N06 and
 Attachment 1,
Attachment 2,
Additional Guidance for Third-Party Guarantees

Supplemental Bond Procedures

Superseded by 99-N04

Revised Guidelines for Royalty Relief Under 30 CFR Part 203
98-16N  10/28/98 American Petroleum Institute  Specification 6D (SPEC 6D), Specification for Pipeline Valves (Gate, Plug, Ball, and Check Valves).

Expired 11/13/98

Invitation to Minerals Management Service/Industry Performance Measures/Best Practices Workshop
98-14N 07/1/98 Conservation Information

Rescinded 06/17/2008

Determination of Pollution Inspection Frequencies for Unmanned Facilities

Rescinded by Federal Register Notice, 01/13/99

Guidelines for Application for Suspension of Production Due to Uneconomic Market Conditions
98-10N 07/1/98 Decentralization of the Lessee Training Program
98-9N Expired 12/31/98 Redesignation of 30 CFR Part 250--Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf

The second link is an addendum to the original NTL that provides additional clarification.

98-8N 06/1/98

Revised guidelines for submission of a Deepwater Operations Plan (DWOP) for all deepwater development projects (water depths greater than 1,000 feet) and all projects utilizing subsea production technology. These guidelines are more user-friendly and answer many commonly asked questions. The intent and goal of the DWOP remain as originally described in the NTL 96-4N.

98-7N Expired 11/2/98 Reminder Concerning Periodic Inspection of Platforms in Accordance with Section 14 Survey Requirements of American Petroleum Institute Recommended Practice 2A, "Planning, Designing, and Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms," Nineteenth Edition (August 1, 1991) and Twentieth Edition (July 1, 1993)

Superseded by 99-N03

Performance Measures for OCS Operators and Form MMS-131

Rescinded by Federal Register Notice, 05/21/2003

Interim Guidance for Applying "Simplified Fatigue Analysis" Procedure from American Petroleum Institute Recommended Practice 2A, "Planning, Designing, and Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms," Nineteenth Edition (August 1, 1991) and Twentieth Edition (July 1, 1993) and its Supplement 1 (February 1, 1997)
98-3N Superseded by 98-17N, 11/1/98 Minerals Management Service Guidelines Available for Royalty Relief under 30 CFR Part 203


Minerals Management Service Guidance Regarding American Petroleum Institute Specification 14A, "Specification for Subsurface Safety Valve Equipment," Ninth Edition (July 1, 1994) and Supplement 1

Rescinded by Federal Register Notice, 05/21/2003

Interim Guidance for Applying Platform Design Criteria from American Petroleum Institute   Recommended Practice 2A, "Planning, Designing, and Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms," Nineteenth Edition (August 1, 1991) and Twentieth Edition (July 1, 1993) and its Supplement 1 (February 1, 1997)
97-5N Superseded by 2007-N02 Outer Continental Shelf Inspection Program: Generalized Matrix for Civil Penalty Assessments in $/Day/Violation
97-4N Superseded by 2007-N02 Outer Continental Shelf Civil Penalties Program: Annual Summary to be Published

Superseded by 2000-N07

Well Naming and Numbering Standards
97-3N 08/1/97 Outer Continental Shelf Annual Performance Review
97-1N Rescinded by Federal Register Notice, 11/20/98 Blowout Preventer Requirements for Drilling

Superseded by 2007-N02

Outer Continental Shelf Civil Penalties Program
96-6N Superseded by 98-14N, 07/1/98 Conservation Information
96-5N Superseded by 98-13N, 07/1/98 Use of New or Alternative Technology and Procedures
96-4N Superseded by 98-8N Revised guidelines for submission of a Deepwater Operations Plan (DWOP) for all deepwater development projects (water depths greater than 1,000 feet) and all projects utilizing subsea production technology. These guidelines are more user friendly and answer many commonly asked questions. The intent and goal of the DWOP remain as originally described in the NTL 96-4N.
96-3N Superseded by 98-5N Application and Audit Fees for Royalty Relief Requests or Adjustment Under 30 CFR Part 203
96-2N Rescinded by Federal Register Notice, 11/10/98 Reporting Oil Spills
96-1N Superseded by 98-12N Determination of Pollution Inspection Frequencies for Unmanned Facilities
95-1N Rescinded by Federal Register Notice, 11/10/98 Suspension of Requirements for Updating Safety and Pollution Prevention Equipment Inventory Lists
94-1N Superseded by 98-10N Decentralization of the Lessee Training Program
93-2N Rescinded by Federal Register Notice, 11/10/98 Liability of Assignors, Assignees, and Co-lessees for Plugging of Wells and Removal of Property on Termination of an Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Lease
93-1N Superseded by 99-N01 Guidelines for an Application for Certificate of Oil Spill Financial Responsibility for Covered Offshore Facilities
92-1N Superseded by 98-11N Guidelines for an Application for Suspension of Production Due to Uneconomic Market Conditions

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Last Updated: 09/11/2008, 01:53 PM

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