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UMLS Community

User contributions

• As the UMLS community continues to grow, NLM recognizes the valuable contributions of our users as they integrate and customize the UMLS into their own environments. We will try, to the best of our resources, to share these contributions with the rest of the community in a public manner as we learn about and experiment with them as well.

• Contact information for the creators of these tools is provided within their posted files.

• Please be aware that these contributions cannot be guaranteed to function as-is on all platforms, and certain adjustments may be necessary to fit your local environment.

• Please understand that we must prioritize listing these contributions in accordance with the needs of the majority of our users.

Disclaimer: Neither the author(s) nor the National Library of Medicine (NLM) makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any liability or responsibility for the use of this information, scripts, or software described here. It is the sole responsibility of the end-user to verify compatibility, safety, and functionality of any third-party contribution before attempting to incorporate it into a production-level environment. NLM shall not be held responsible for any claims of data loss, system damage, or other unexpected outcomes resulting from incorporating these contributions into real-world applications. The posting of these contributions does not constitute endorsement by the NLM.

Last reviewed: 16 July 2008
Last updated: 16 July 2008
First published: 24 October 2007
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