Welcome to the Department of Rehabilitation - 
Employment, Independence, & Equality


Welcome DOR Consumers

New Consumers

If you have never received assistance from the California Department of Rehabilitation and need our help now, this section will assist you with beginning the process.

Current Consumers

If you are currently receiving services from the California Department of Rehabilitation, this section will assist you with continuing the process.

Previous Consumers

If you have received services in the past from the California Department of Rehabilitation but, are not currently, this section will be of use to you for follow-up assistance.

Consumer Help

There are several options for consumers who are having difficulty with their case and need assistance. When questions or problems arise while involved with DOR, this section can be of assistance in resolving them.

Independent Living

The Independent Living Section of the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) is one part of California's Independent Living Network. The network is dedicated to the idea that communities become fully accessible and integrated so that all persons with disabilities can live, work, shop and play where they choose, without barriers. DOR administers the program in California and provides technical assistance and financial support for the independent living centers.