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Brochures Available

Indicate the desired item(s) with an "X" and submit the form at the bottom of the page.

Discovering the Nature of Nature
Fermilab's most popular handout with a hand painted map of the Fermilab grounds. On the back a story on important questions in physics and how Fermilab tries to answer them.
  At the Frontier: A Brief History of Fermilab
The history of Fermilab in a 20-page booklet.
The Spirit of Discovery
Brochure about Education at Fermilab including:
Introducing Children to the World of Science; Providing Resources and Instruction to Teachers; A Center for Science Education; Offering Tours to the Public
  Enrico Fermi
The Story about the life of Enrico Fermi
Available online
Fermilab Prairie Reconstruction Project
A flyer on reconstructing the native American prairie at Fermilab featuring information on: the rebirth of a prairie ecosystem at Fermilab; prairie Plants and Animals; benefits of the Reconstruction Project
  Hands On! Sci-Tech Museum
A leaflet about the Hands-On Sci-Tech Museum in Aurora, IL.

Particle Physics for Regular People
A reading list for those who want to learn more about the smallest building blocks of our universe. Reprinted from the FermiNews Newsletter.
Available online
  Discovering The Quantum Universe
The role of particle colliders
Available online

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last modified 4/13/2005   email Fermilab
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