How to (Electronically) Reach the Assistant Administrator for Procurement

Interested parties may send electronic mail to NASA's Assistant Administrator for Procurement, Bill McNally, at:

Any comments and ideas about NASA Procurement are welcome. However, please keep in mind:

1) This does not take the place of official protests or inquiries. Comments and questions about specific contracts should be submitted through normal channels.

2) Please limit questions, comments, and ideas to no more than three typed pages. If at all possible, keep them to one typed page.

3) While we will make every attempt to answer questions, it may not always be possible to send a personalized answer. If there are a large volume of questions, we may add a FAQ (answers to Frequently Asked Questions) to this listing.

If you have additional questions about this e-mail address, you may contact Susie Marucci at the phone number or e-mail address listed below.

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Page Curator: Susie Marucci


This page was updated September 2007.

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