Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 12/10/85

Series: Delegation

Part 255: Bureau of Reclamation

Chapter 4: Authority for Carrying out Court Decree

Originating Office: Bureau of Reclamation

255 DM 4

4.1 Delegation. The Commissioner of the Bureau of Reclamation is authorized to perform the functions and exercise the authority of, and receive reports to, the Secretary of the Interior in accordance with the Stipulation of the Parties and Final Decree of the Court in the action United States v. Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District, et al. (U.S.D.C. for the District of Colorado, Civil No. 2782, 5016, 5017), except as to the revision and adoption of plans for the operation of Green Mountain Reservoir in accordance with section 6 of the Stipulation.

4.2 Notice of Appeal. The Commissioner shall notify all affected parties to the Stipulation of any action taken under this delegation of authority. Any party to the Stipulation may appeal to the Secretary within 15 days from the date of notification.

4.3 Redelegation. The Commissioner, Bureau of Reclamation, may, in writing, redelegate the authority granted in 255 DM 4.1 to the Regional Director of the Upper Colorado Region, Salt Lake City, Utah, and/or to the Bureau=s Regional Director of the Missouri Basin Region, Billings, Montana.

12/10/85 #2662

Replaces 1/17/80 #2228

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