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Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale: The Living Sanctuary

Humpback whales can generally be seen in Hawaiian waters between December and April. It is believed that click image for more...(photo: National Marine Fisheries Service)

Two humpback whales (Megaptera novaengliae) surfacing directly beneath a boat. The State of Hawaii's official marine click image for more... (photo: National Marine Fisheries Service)

Humpback whales are very protective of their calves and prefer the shallow areas around the islands of Maui, Molokai and click image for more... (photo: Dave Matilla - NMFS Permit #807)

Female humpback whales and their calves are sometimes accompanied by a single adult male humpback whale, click image for more... (photo: Joseph Mobely - NMFS Permit #810)

A young calf performing a back flip in Maalaea Bay, Maui. Spectacular behaviors such as these (known as breaching) can easily be click image for more... (photo: Dave Glickman)

The scientific name for the humpbacks, (Megaptera novaengliae), means "Great Wings of New England." click image for R. Cartwright - NMFS Permit # 895-1450)

A male humpback whale singing his mysterious songs. Different ocean floor topographies can affect the amplification and distribution of these sounds. Research has shown that while humpbacks (specifically the sexually mature click image for more... (photo: Dave Glickman - NMFS Permit # 882)

The curious bumps on a humpback whale's head are called tubercles. Each tubercle contains a tiny hair which acts as a click image for more... (photo: Stan Butler - NMFS Permit #633)

Other marine mammals found in Hawaiian waters include the Naia or Spinner Dolphin (Stenella longirostris). Hawaiian spinner dolphins click image for more... (photo: Lori Mazzuca)

One of the rarest marine mammals in the world, the Hawaiian Monk Seal (Monachus schauinslandi) is click image for more... (photo: Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale NMS)

A monk seal and a sea turtle get cozy. This photo was taken at French Frigate Shoals in the Northwestern Hawaiian click image for more... (photo: National Marine Fisheries Service)

The green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas), also known as honu, is the most common sea turtle in Hawaiian waters. It feeds on marine plants in shallow coastal waters throughout the islands and can grow to 200 pounds or more. click image for more...(photo: Stan Butler)

Ulua, also known as Skipjack (Caranx ignoblis) are large predatory fish found in deeper waters around Hawaii. The Ulua is considered a delicacy to local residents. (photo: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)

Ghost crabs (Ocypode ceratopthalmus) are among the common beach inhabitants in the Hawaiian Islands. (photo: Susan Scott)

The slate pencil sea urchin (Heterocentrotus mammillatus) is a common resident in Hawaii's coral reefs. These bright red sea urchins have three types of spines; long triangular spines which keep predators at bay; click image for more... (photo: Susan Scott)

Cowries, like this tiger cowry (Cypraea tigris), are prized for their glossy, colorful shells. Tiger cowries grow to a maximum size of 18 centimeters. (photo: Allen Tom)

The Crown of Thorns starfish (Acanthaster planci), a common and often unwanted resident of coral click image for more... (photo: Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale NMS)

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