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Gray's Reef: Sustainable Seas Expedition

Bruce Cowden prepares to do his first dive during the DeepWorker training at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute in Moss Landing, CA. (Photo: Grays Reef NMS)

DeepWorker 2000 on the back deck of the NOAA Ship Ferrel awaiting a departure time to Gray's Reef. (Photo: Grays Reef NMS)

Gray's Reef research vessel Jane Yarn departs from Priest Landing Dock to head out to Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary as a support vessel during Sustainable Seas. Gray's Reef is located approximately 17 nautical miles off of Sapelo Island, one of Georgia's many barrier islands. (Photo: Grays Reef NMS)

First deployment of the DeepWorker at Gray's Reef. All pilots needed to undergo check out dives in the field. The Deepworker is being detached from the towline to prepare for its descent. (Photo: Grays Reef NMS)

NOAA Ship Ferrel getting in position to recover the DeepWorker. The recovery and deployment requires a coordinated effort by the Captain and the deck crew. (Photo: Grays Reef NMS)

Laddie Akins, Director of REEF (Reef Environmental Education Foundation) prepares for deployment. Laddie's mission at Gray's Reef was to conduct fish surveys and explore deep reefs of the Georgia coast. (Photo: Grays Reef NMS)

Laddie Akins, inside the Deepworker during a night dive at Gray's Reef, recorded observations of thousands of scad that were attracted by the lights of the sub. (Photo: Grays Reef NMS)

Alex Score, Gray's Reef Information Coordinator, is waiting anxiously to open the hatch of the sub after a three hour long dive at Gray's Reef. The temperatures in the sub can exceed 95°F during a summer day. (Photo: Grays Reef NMS)

Cathy Sakas, Gray's Reef Marine educator, was exuberant during her night dive. Her mission was to explore bioluminescence activity and describe the transition from diurnal too crepuscular to nocturnal (day to dusk to night) activity at Gray's Reef. (Photo: Grays Reef NMS)

A chase boat communicates with DeepWorker during the entire dive and obtains vital life support records. The "swimmer" in the chase boat attaches the towline for the NOAA Ferrel's complete recovery operations. (Photo: Grays Reef NMS)

Gray's Reef is made up of sandstone outcroppings that are covered by colorful sponges, soft corals, and tunicates, which in turn attract over 150 species of fish, sea turtles, dolphins and whales. (Photo: Grays Reef NMS)

Gray's Reef Ocean Festival was a great success. Sherry Downs from Savannah College of Arts and Design created a great collage for the Ocean Fest. It depicts Savannah's River Street as if it were under water with the DeepWorker and divers. (Photo: Grays Reef NMS)

Alex Score from Gray's Reef and Phil Otalora from DOER helped kids gather along the DeepWorker demo for a turn to sit inside and feel like a real "aquanaut". (Photo: Grays Reef NMS)

Cathy Sakas, Gray's Reef Marine Educator and SSE pilot, joined in with the "Crabettes" to sing a song during the Ocean Fest. (Photo: Grays Reef NMS)

Congressman Jack Kingston from Georgia's First Congressional District and his son John joined us for a tour. They tried the subs on for size and toured the ship courtesy of the FERREL's Commanding Officer, Paul Moen. (Photo: Grays Reef NMS)

Kids art table at the Oceanfest on River Street. Oceanfest was held on August 1st, which turned out to be the hottest day of the year. Despite the 120 degrees heat index, approximately 2000 people turned out for the event. (Photo: Grays Reef NMS)

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