Performance Measures


Objective 1.2
Enhance Assistance and Oversight.


Performance Measure: 
Percent of ethics officials who are satisfied with education and training provided by OGE to support ethics officials.


Performance Target
Baseline    64%
FY 2007    70%
FY 2008    75%
FY 2009    80%
FY 2010    90%
FY 2011    90%


Performance Measure:

Percent of ethics officials who view OGE’s program review process as adding value to their own programs.


Performance Target
Baseline    65%
FY 2007    75%
FY 2008    85%
FY 2009    90%
FY 2010    90%
FY 2011    90%


Performance Measure:

Percent of agencies that conduct internal reviews of audits to evaluate their program's compliance with applicable ethics laws and regulations.


Performance Target
Baseline    59%
FY 2007    60%
FY 2009    65%

FY 2008    70%
FY 2010    75%
FY 2011    80%


Performance Measure:

Percent of agencies that use self-assessment surveys to evaluate employee perceptions of their agency's ethics program and ethical culture.


Performance Target
Baseline    24%
FY 2007    25%
FY 2008    30%
FY 2009    40%
FY 2010    40%
FY 2011


Performance Measure:

Percent of ethics officials who are who are satisfied with information shared on ethics program model practices. 

Performance Target
Baseline    55%
FY 2007    65%
FY 2008    70%
FY 2009    75%
FY 2010    85%
FY 2011    85%

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