Performance Measures


Objective 1.1

Improve the Effectiveness of Ethics Policy.


Performance Measure:

Percent of customers who rate OGE as responsive to emerging ethics program issues.


Performance Target

Baseline     78%

FY 2007     80%

FY 2008     80%

FY 2009     80%

FY 2010     85%

FY 2011     80%


Performance Measure:

Percent of ethics officials who rate guidance as useful.


Performance Target

Baseline     94%

FY 2007     95%

FY 2008     95%

FY 2009     95%

FY 2010     95%

FY 2011     95%


Performance Measure:

Percent of ethics officials who say they receive the guidance they need to do their job effectively.


Performance Target

Baseline     85%

FY 2007     85%

FY 2008     85%

FY 2009     85%

FY 2010     90%

FY 2011     90%


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