Federal CIO Council

XML Working Group


Wednesday, June 18, 2003 Meeting Minutes


GSA Headquarters

18th & F Streets, N.W, Room 5141

Washington DC 20405


Please send all comments or corrections to these minutes to Glenn Little at glittle@lmi.org.


Mr. Owen Ambur:  Lisa [Weber] said there are more people at the door, so I think they’ll be dribbling in. Our first speaker, Phillip Hallam-Baker, has to leave shortly after his presentation, so let’s go ahead and get started. We usually start with introductions, so let’s go around the room and introduce ourselves.  If you’ve not been here before, perhaps you can give us a quick word on your interest in XML.  I’m Owen Ambur of the Fish and Wildlife Service, and I’m co-chair, along with Marion [Royal], of this Working Group.




Mr. Ambur:  I’ve heard several clicks on the phone. Would whoever is joining us by teleconference care to introduce yourselves?


[Telephone participant introductions]


Mr. Ambur:  We’ll give the folks who come in later a chance to introduce themselves at the break, so let’s go ahead and get started.


Our first speaker is Phillip Hallam-Baker of VeriSign, here to talk to us about Web Services, so Phillip, the floor is all yours.



Dr. Phillip Hallam-Baker


Without Security, Web Services Are Dead On Arrival


Thank you. Well, a little about myself. I’m Phillip Hallam-Baker. I’ve been working on the Web Services specification for about three years.


The Web Services pieces we’re talking about here are designed to be part of the infrastructure—to be embedded in all products, not proprietary. DoD [Department of Defense] does Web Services, and they have their own niche needs, etc. We’re not just talking about a technology we want you to use; we’re going to hear from DataPower on this same subject, and we have a product as well, but we’re talking about the landscape of Web Services.


Slide 2  [Walking the Walk…VeriSign and Web Services]:  The way I got into this was from a user’s perspective. I’ve been in the business for seven years. It was all coding from day one—C++ or Java. Single hardware vendor; a monoculture. You think, “What’s that got to do with us and our legacy systems, etc.?” The thing is, we’re not talking about a startup, which then exists independent of other businesses. You acquire or be acquired, and one business merges into the next, so we have a heterogeneous infrastructure—so pretty soon, regardless of your start or initial makeup, everyone has the same sort of integration problems.


Slide 3  [Web Services is about:]  Web Services are all about efficient integration; linking to legacy systems without having to do a lot of programming or reconfiguration.  It’s not COBOL all over again. Take a legacy system; legacy means “it works, and people use it.”  If you have to take the legacy system and move to something else, your legacy system manager says, “Hold it right there! You’re not going to move our system until you can add value.”


The idea is to leave the data where they are and add interfaces and standards, so that any platform you work on, whether it’s Windows NT or VM 3060 or VMS, will have some sort of system that wraps around whatever you’re talking about. Then we can talk about Web Services. It’s all about automating the supply chain, but in a way that doesn’t require you to “drop everything” and start all over again with your IT infrastructure.


From the commercial side, this is driven by IT infrastructure. Since we’re in GSA, I imagine there’ll be pieces of government infrastructure. We’re talking government services, instead of them building IT infrastructure for themselves. That’s sort of our view. I must emphasize that there are other views; some others are also right. It’s a very big field. We need to give our view on the security field. 


Slide 4  [Example: Common Interface to Legacy Systems]:  Let’s say you’re running three different security services—a Merchant Gateway, a Wire Transfer Gateway, and a Billing Service. You want a common interface for customers, so they say, “Here’s a payment; charge it to the credit card, bill and send a letter to the customer, follow it up with collection,” or whatever. You want a single interface. In the old days, you’d write a single infrastructure. With Web Services, it’s all in a ready-built took kit, and the standards are specified, so you can build the interface from standard components, with a standard token for each of the blocks.


Slide 5  [Software Industry Strategy]:  So we want security to be part of this same story. The reason it’s critical for software is that for 30 years we’ve had one key strategy that’s worked, which is “Sell more copies than the competition,” so then you have more money for research, you can reduce the price, sell more copies, and have more money for research, etc. All the time, software was pushing this strategy, and the prices were going down. 20 years ago it was $20,000 for a word processing program. Now at any software store, for $200 you can buy one that doesn’t even fit on a CD. You’re buying a dictionary equivalent for $200, so if a software company wants to make a business out of software, how do they do it? Customers are looking at the total cost of ownership. The only way you can do it is to look at the total cost to the customer. At the enterprise legacy level, installing it into the customer’s system is a major part of the cost. We need a solution that sells software as a service, where we can amortize the development and maintenance costs.


Slide 6  [Objective]:  So we want Web Services to be like email, where anyone can send to anyone. In the old days, we needed a gateway; today it’s pretty simple, so even if there are X400 systems, around, users don’t need to know. They don’t need to know whether it’s Lotus Notes or Exchange. They don’t want it to be like power cords. I usually carry six of these [power cords]. They all do the same thing: convert AC into DC. I have one for my PDA [Personal Digital Assistant], one for Blue Tooth, for my laptop, etc. I don’t want that, because if every Web Service requires its own maintenance, we’re back in the days of doing niche solutions. We don’t get the cost savings that standards provide us.


Slide 7  [And Security?]:  So what’s the security angle? We don’t want it doing something like cords catching fire. It’s not about what systems do. It’s about, “I don’t want it to do something unexpected.”


Slide 8  [Why Security is Needed]: The reason why we need security is because IT managers are not allowed to take technology beyond the firewall unless they have a solid security story—where they can let one company in one location talk to one in another without configuring every relationship, and without configuring IT and “Legal.” Remember that before we could do EDI, we had to do an interchange agreement, with thousands of dollars of configuration costs and legal fees. We can’t have that.


Slide 9  [Web Services Security Groups]:  There are lots of security groups in existence. There are two sets: W3C [World Wide Web Consortium (http://www.w3.org/) ] and OASIS [Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (http://www.oasis-open.org/home/index.php)]. There’s no rational difference between the two. W3C didn’t have enough slots to develop as many specifications as were wanted, so they work with OASIS. [Dr. Hallam-Baker spent a moment describing the work of each of the two groups.] OASIS has six groups on Web Services security, with probably three in formation. The point here is that, yes, there are a lot of moving parts and interconnection. However, we’re all talking. We don’t want one monolithic scheme like OSI [Open Source Initiative (http://www.opensource.org/)], where we start a working group, and 10 years later we come out with a standard. People don’t like that. XML Encryption took about two years; the next was 18 months. SAML [Security Assertion Markup Language (http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=security)] took about a year. WSRP [Web Services for Remote Portlets (http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=wsrp)] came out about nine months ago, and they just did interoperability testing in San Francisco.


Mr. Ambur:  Do you plan to talk more about OASIS?


Dr. Hallam-Baker:  Yes. [Dr. Hallam-Baker mentioned XrML [eXtensible rights Markup Language, (http://www.xrml.org/)] and XACML eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=xacml)], which are cited in Slide 17: They both address authorization policy. There’s something of an independent battle there. There’s only one part, and the reason why they’re having the battle is, it doesn’t affect the interoperability story.


Slide 10  [The Problem]:  In the old world, we had tight coupling between client and server applications. In Web Services, we have a remote procedure call. Instead of these two machines being the same, they’re now different, so it goes over the Internet or a network inside the company, and it has some subtle pieces to introduce. In the old world, the application and subroutine were in the same operating system. In the new world, we have two operating system contexts, and this piece going over the network you can’t trust. Our experience is that a system that starts behind the firewall pretty soon moves beyond it, because it’s more interesting talking to others than to yourself.


Mr. Ambur:  Another point -- and I don’t know who put determined it but I suspect it is generally true -- is that 80% of the risk ocurs inside the firewall. A good current example of that is Enron.


Dr. Hallam-Baker:  I agree wholeheartedly. It’s like security guards on the gate: it’s a useful role, but if you’re serious about getting a gun in here, you can work out a way around it. It’s all about having to have security measures in place. There are security vulnerabilities behind the firewall, as well. It’s like the “Great Wall of China effect”. It encloses a pretty large volume. You have a third of the world’s population inside, and two thirds of the population outside. Where do you think the threat is?


What we’re doing in standards is, we’re logically going to an application context and a remote context. The main thing is that there’s consistency. If you have two different security contexts, an attacker can take advantage of the differences between them.


Slide 11  [What Parts of Web Services Security Should Be Infrastructure?]:  We ask the question, “What part should be infrastructure, and what part should the individual applications solve for themselves?” because we want a security architecture that’s concise—not like Encyclopaedia Britannica, where it’s something so complex and onerous that people don’t want to use it. We’re looking at replicating security facilities that are already there, that programmers take for granted, because once you take it for granted, you can never deprogram and thereby get them suspicious. In a traditional system, you prevent modification of process state, interception of function calls, and disclosure. What we’re working on is replicating that part of the Web Services world.


Slide 12  [Is SSL Enough?]:  You’ll be familiar with the SSL [Secure Socket Layer] protocol. In the standards world, it’s no different. The question is, “Is SSL enough?” For some, yes. When we started two years ago, we ran over SSL. We still do today, because it does request/response. It’s not a supply chain application, where data go from A to B to C to D, but if we want something else, it doesn’t work. If we only have SSL available, the security story severely limits what Web Services can do. We won’t be able to protect data in storage; only transit. As you pointed out earlier, it’s not just the wires that are the problem. If you have lots of protected information, attackers will try to get it. It’s like with credit card theft. The problem is not the wires; the problem is employers leaving it unencrypted, and your identity is now stolen.


Slide 13  [Routing]:  Another issue is what to do with SOAP. SOAP supports message routing. Enterprise A talks to enterprise B. There’s going to be some border between the enterprise network, the Internet, and the network of the target enterprise. So what we want to do is, route the message through the firewall. With traditional protocols, firewalls are limited in what they can do, like stop communication from going in the wrong direction, or prevent spoofing attacks from happening. All the data are usually encrypted. With Web Services, we want to have the option of exposing sufficient information to the trust gateways so they can make reasonable decisions about allowing data through or not. It’s all about empowering trust gateways. VeriSign has a product, and other companies do as well.


With SSL, we see the encryption bits, but we don’t know anything. Someone could be  surfing the Web, moving money, or disclosing confidential information.


Mr. Bob Benedict:  Are you talking about performance considerations? 


Dr. Hallam-Baker:  The talk I give is on standards. I don’t address specific products.


Mr. Benedict:  Whether performance is well supported by that kind of thing?


Dr. Hallam-Baker:  People are using this technology. Performance is not an issue. We have a technology that can speed up transactions. It’s not the XML piece that’s the problem, it’s the cryptography. If you buy an accelerator board, you can make it fast enough. It’s an interesting question though. People used to say they were serious about security. They’re really serious when they talk about performance.


Slide 14  [WS-Security]:  So with the introduction and framing over, let’s talk about applications. First is Web Services security. In OASIS, they’re providing security at the SOAP message level, providing confidentiality and enhancements to the individual message, not conversations. It requires a response. Just the individual message. It’s built on XML standards, and signature standards built by W3C. It’s currently in the final stage of standardization. You can use any security—Kerberos or whatever—to establish it.


Slide 15  [WS-SecureConversation]:  What’s in the proposal stack is to have a device talking to a service. Imagine if you have two requests: first, “Is my credit worthy (from Mr. Mallet)? The answer is no. But Alice is credit worthy. How does Mallet get himself credit worthy? He cuts and pastes. He takes the Mallet question and pastes it to fool the device to make it think the response is yes. It’s a response-substitution method. The response was there, but it came from a different question. It’s clearly bad, and the Web Service Secure Conversation is what we have to stop it.


Slide 16  [WS-Policy, WS-PolicyAttachments, WS-SecurityPolicy]:  We have a device talking to a service on some standard, and the service says, “Yes I speak that.” That’s not enough for the device. It needs to know which version, and which options are available. With XKMS [XML Key Mangement Specification (http://www.w3.org/TR/xkms/)], we have something like five options. That’s a simple stack. You have, “Do you support key recovery, roaming?” You need to know the options; which encryption algorithms are supported or required. Knowing we have a standard is not enough. We need to know the options within.


Slide 17  [Part III - Web Services Infrastructure Security Applications]:  The standard defined by WSDL [Web Services Description Language (http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/NOTE-wsdl-20010315)] and Web Services policy is an enhancement on the language that allows you to describe specific options. A security policy allows you to describe options relating to security. What we’re getting away from is bringing the partner in and linking to your infrastructures. You don’t want your IT guys and their IT guys to spend a week figuring out the protocols. You say, “This is my requirement, and you have to talk this for us to communicate.”


Slide 18  [XML Key Management Specification (XKMS)]:  So we’ve discussed infrastructure. It’s part of the stack. Lets look at the specifications built on that. These are Web Services that provide a security service. Web Services can provide any software service; these are specific security services. This was the first one that Web Services put into a standards body. When Web Services came along, they said, “We’re not thinking about security.” Actually, Microsoft came to us and said, “We’re doing Web Services, should security be built in?” We said, “No, put it in afterward.”


You put in a user name and password when you’re talking PKI [Public Key infrastructure]. Security is let in afterward. XLMS is a manager of the public key, because all you need to do something securely is know the public key. One allows Alice to register; another allows Bob to look it up. “Public and private” is the way to look at it. We’re trying to shield the client from the complexity of PKI. We had complaints that it was too complex for handheld devices.


Slide 19  [Traditional PKI]:  Alice wants to talk to Bob. She goes to an X.500 directory, pulls information from the directory, then does ASN1 and PKIX. We’re talking about 3/4 of a megabyte. Alice sends a certification to Bob, and Bob does a dance on his side. The idea with XLMS is, “Take the complexity of PKI out of the client.” Put a small Web Services client in there; it talks to the XKMS service, which does the complexity. You’ll notice Alice talking to Bob, but Bob is using traditional PKI infrastructure. It’s all backward compatible. You can use X.509. You can even talk to people who use something different. Because the complexity is out of the client, you can talk to any service.


Mr. Benedict:  How mature is this in the products? Is there really something there that doesn’t care whose PKI system I use?


Dr. Hallam-Baker:  Only from VeriSign’s point of view. We’ve been running an XKMS service since July, 2001. The last call at W3C has ended, and the specification will go to a vote as soon as I’m finished editing it. The standards group was attended by Microsoft, Baltimore, Entrust, and I believe RSA. It is an industry-wide effort.


Mr. Benedict:  So this rationalizes the problem of different implementations of X509?


Dr. Hallam-Baker:  It also rationalizes the Federal Bridge Certification Authority [CA]. It’s not a hierarchical PKI. When you try a hierarchy, you have a lot of complexity, so one of the reasons why there’s a lot of commercial interest is that it’s a way we can do the Federal Bridge CA. The thing is, when Windows XP has Federal Bridge CA version 1 coding, but only talks to the Federal Bridge CA with single nexus. Now when the U.S. does it with its allies and NATO, the Bridge inevitably gets more complex. We don’t want to have to re-deploy XP as a way of upgrading; we have to take it out of the desktop to make it manageable. We want to move the complexity where we can manage it, so we put Web Services in place.


Mr. Steve Schmalz:  One question I have with the standard is, if you offload too much of the client responsibility in validating the certificate, etc., you have a “chicken and egg” thing, where you have to worry about finding an XKMS service you can trust. Is that leveraging PKI, or…


Dr. Hallam-Baker:  I’ll come to that in a moment. There is one point on the locating side—getting a PKI path with an XKMS service that is trustworthy. You pull down the certificate chain and do a chain validation. It’s easier than chain discovery.


Slide 20  [XKMS PKI Interface]:  We’ve got an authorization decision. We’ve broken it down into two questions, then three. The first is authentication; “Is Alice the real Alice?” The second is, “What do we know about Alice?” The third is, “What do we do to get access to the file anyway?”


Slide 21  [Example: Federal Bridge Certificate Location & Validation]:  What we want to do is to distribute the problem across the cloud. At the moment, if it’s built into your services, if you have a data center with 50 machines—each with its own authentication and authorization system—you’re not going to upgrade, because you’d have to upgrade every machine to understand that authorization system. The second thing is, an attacker can take advantage of differences in authorization mechanisms. The third problem is a “single sign-off” problem. Enterprises talk about “single sign-on.” It’s really sign-off. “We’ve fired Mallet. He’s gone, and we want to yank his ability to talk to every machine before his feet are on the pavement outside.” One of our customers said they need thirty minutes. It’s not instantaneous, because of the length of the termination interview!


Slide 22  [Distributed Access Control]:  The first piece is authentication: the user talks to an authentication service. You can do any form of Web Service you want to. The application now only needs to know a single mechanism for recognizing the fact that “Yes, Alice is Alice, and you can trust that information”—so one mechanism is needed to support it. The second part is that authorization decision: “Should Alice be able to look at the General Ledger or not?” You send the question to the authorization server, and it makes the decision at a global level. There are other advantages. The problem here is, you have 20 machines that don’t talk to each other. Say Aldrich Ames gets five queries from Server A, five from Server B, and five from Server C. He can make many in a day. If the system doesn’t know it at a global level, you might not know the extent of the problem. Looking at Madonna’s tax records might be OK, but if it’s Madonna, Lionel Richie, and Stevie Wonder, you know you have a problem.


Slide 23  [Distributed Access Control (continued)]:  We have the authentication, then authorization, then user attributes come through. “Is Alice creditworthy?” The boxes in blue are SAML. The one in red can be either XACML or XRML. The difference between them: XACML focuses on HIPAA problems, and XRML focuses on digital rights management problems. The main reason to standardize is if you want to move around. There’s not a desperate need to standardize for within an enterprise, but there is a desperate need to standardize the blue boxes, because the big problem with single sign-on is not building the boxes, but rather connecting to your infrastructure. It used to be Shim, then a big stack of Shims that talked to PeopleSoft, etc. We have Web Services. They are integration, so standardize that. If you put out an RFP, just put in a little line to say it has to support SAML to support single sign-on. Pretty soon single sign-on will be possible and maintainable, because you’re not going to have to rip off your system every time you buy a new product.


Mr. Schmalz:  I hear XRML and SAML are competing, but as you know they might not really be. Is there a history I’m missing?


Dr. Hallam-Baker:  The history between XRML and XACML can be read in the standards meetings. The other issue is, some people say, “We don’t need SAML—we have Kerberos or some other infrastructure that meets the need.” Yes, there’s an issue there, but not one that’s a standards blocker. People play nice, except with XRML and XACML. The issue is the patents. Microsoft is currently being litigated.


Slide 24  [Part IV Futures]:  [Title Slide]


Slide 25  [WS-TrustAxiom]:  It can’t be turtles all the way down. Steve posed the question, “If the application is talking to an XKMS server, how does it know it can trust it?” One way is X.509 certification. People say, “That’s not very good,” so the other answer is, “Call another XKMS service.” The question is, how can you trust that service. It can only recurse so far. You have to have a base case—a static mechanism, so the application can talk to the XKMS server.


Slide 26  [WS-KeyAgreement]:  Finally, the other question on performance: the biggest problem with security is having to sign or encrypt every time, so we use Kerberos—but that doesn’t have agreement, it doesn’t go through firewalls, etc., so we need a public key to establish a framework of trust. Then we can use symmetric cryptography. That’s what it’s about—getting a bunch of experts to look at the protocol and check for bugs. By the time you see it, it’ll probably be solid. We want to prove the security before revealing it.


Mr. Marion Royal:  Do you only use symmetric key for encryption, not non-repudiation?


Dr. Hallam-Baker:  Good question. We use SSL to provide encryption and lightweight checking, and if it checks, only then do we check the signature. This came up in standards meetings—“Should we use symmetric or public key?” In most cases, symmetric is OK. There’s no point in non-repudiation unless you archive that message, however if you check the signature, you put an integrity check on top of it.


Mr. Ambur:  The first bullet on this slide caught my attention. [Editor’s note: The bullet says, “We Can’t Sign Every Message.”] We have Lisa Weber here from NARA. Several years ago I heard a presenter say he thought email would become the killer app for digital signatures.  My thought was, “No, email is most approriately and best used for quick, informal messages, which are by definition relatively low-quality records.”  Why waste time and computing resources on relatively low-quality records? What should be digitally signed are forms and other documents containing business-quality information, and they should all be managed in DoD-certified electronic records management systems through their full lifecycles.  We should not be using email systems as quasi document/records management systems.  Email systems are now being misused.  Overcoming such misuse is a matter of organizational maturity.


Dr. Hallam-Baker:  Well, apart from Spam.


Mr. Ambur:  Are you familiar with the NARA guidance with respect to PKI records?


Dr. Hallam-Baker:  When did it come out?


Ms. Lisa Weber:  A couple years ago.


Dr. Hallam-Baker:  I believe I’m familiar with it.


Mr. Ambur:  NARA is responsible for permanent records, so the keys required to access encrypted records may need to be maintained and managed in perpetuity.  By contrast, for security purposes, keys may be routinely revoked.  So there must be a reliable system for recovering them.


Dr. Hallam-Baker:  That’s the main reason why XKMS has key recognition built in—because you may not have that employee working there. You have personnel records, released 20-30 years after the fact. You can’t ask for the public key at that point, and you probably don’t want them around unencrypted in the meantime. The archival piece at the moment—a few pieces are in place, but we don’t have a good one yet. SAML is actually joining two different specifications. The trust assertion framework—the idea was a signed object would have a unique identifier. That would be the atom you’d put into a record management system. 


So that concludes it.


Mr. Matthew McKennirey:  Is there any way for the relying party to know the integrity has not been compromised?


Dr. Hallam-Baker:  You have to know if the Web Services authenticates. “Was it an unsigned message because it was a bad guy, or because it’s the policy of the service?” You have to know the policy. In terms of integrity checking, the Web Services stack should look at the authentication.


Mr. McKennirey: I can understand how Web Services can authenticate my request to it, but how do we know the Web Service itself is functioning as intended? What’s the integrity on the Web Service? How do we know it does the same thing as yesterday?


Dr. Hallam-Baker:  At the moment, we have to trust it. The only way is with secure hardware. One of the people on XKMS, for two years, has been designing Palladium. With Palladium, it can inquire what you are running. This is the fingerprint. There are ways we can do it in the future, but we can’t do it at the moment. If you want to do supply chain integration, it’s a critical question. For me, it’s not about the recording industry, which does only a few $ billion a year; the supply chain industry is hundreds of billions. That’s where I think it’s really necessary.


End presentation.



Mr. Ambur:  If there are no more questions, the next presenter is Steve Schmalz with RSA.


Steve Schmalz

RSA Security

Secure Minds


Slide 2  [Agenda]:  Phillip showed you the whole car. I’m going to open the hood up and get some dirt on our hands. I want to very quickly show you:

·         an XML SOAP message,

·         a SOAP message using an XML digital signature,

·         SAML and SOAP,

·         a SOAP message carrying a SAML assertion, and finally

·         a SOAP/SAML/XML digital signature.


Slide 3  [XML Signature: Structure]:  So here’s a quick look at an XML digital signature. I’m sure you all know that the beauty of XML digital signature is that it leverages the structure of an XML document; what it is not, is a classical digital signature in the form of an XML document. Instead, we have a manifest, which lists each protected resource along with a message digest of that resource. This manifest, along with other information such as which cryptographic algorithms to use, is what is actually covered by the digital signature.


Slide 4  [WS-Security Core: <Security> Element]:  Now we’ve heard mention of the Web Services Security Core standard, which has sort of firmed up recently. It describes how to use XML digital signatures and Encryption within SOAP messages. The standard defines the method by which Security headers (containing XML digital signatures, Security Tokens and XML Encryption tags) can be added to SOAP messages.


Slide 5  [Signing Input Document]:  Here’s an example of a SOAP document: you have the envelope, with no header. You have the body of the message—in this case, the price of a pool table and the account number of the person purchasing it.


Slide 6  [WS-Security Example Signature (1 of 2)]:  So here everything is the same, except you have a security header where the XML digital signature goes.


Slide 7  [WS-Security Example Signature (2 of 2)]:  Here is the digital signature. An important addition provided by the Web Services Security Core is the ability to reference a security token. Notice that the digital signature points to a Username token: in this case, it tells us that the Username is Bob. This helps determine which X.509 certificate will verify the digital signature or, if a symmetric key signature is being used, the location of the associated password or key.


Slide 8  [Web Services Security vs. SAML]:  So why mention SAML in this context? Let me remind you that this stands for Security Assertion Markup Language. Messages carrying these assertions are not by default secure. Suggestions are to send them by SSL or apply a digital signature, and/or encryption to the assertion within the message being sent.


Slide 9  [Attached SAML Assertion]:  So let’s look at a SAML assertion. It’s important to note that it can be inside the security header. It can be a security token.


Slide 10  [Referencing a SAML Assertion]:  You can reference a SAML assertion because you can reference a security token. All I’m showing you here is how a security token references back to an assertion.


Slide 11  [Signed SOAP/SAML]:  Now let’s put it all together. What’s going on is, within the security header you have a SAML assertion. In this case you have an authentication statement and here you have an attribute statement. Inside you have a subject confirmation: within it is something called “ConfirmationMethod.” Notice it says “holder-of-key.” (Let us assume that in this case the authentication process is public key based.) It means that the process sending the SOAP message is going to prove it has access to the private key associated with the public key certificate. If I’m reading the standards correctly, one way to do this is to sign part of the SOAP document.


Slide 12  [Signed SOAP/SAML (continued)]:  In this case, the digital signature produced covers the message body. You’ll also notice another digital signature inside the SAML assertion. That digital signature covers parts of the SAML assertions. What parts should it cover? You can guess it needs to cover this stuff—specifically this key value. So if we put it together, it’s very nice. It allows you to transport SAML assertions in a way that gives you a nice level of trust. If the assertion is my name and key, it has proof that the process has access to my private key with that claim, in turn, being protected by another digital signature.


There’s another way of doing this. Rather than saying ‘holder-of-key,’ there’s another phrase, “sender vouches,” where the sender promises access to the private key. Which is preferable? Let me tell you a quick story: it’s my job to follow sales people and explain the products we sell, so I get to hear a lot about technology. Usually they’re just explaining what they need to do. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve talked to a government customer who said the following. “I have to have my application public key enabled and I’ve decided to focus on the authentication process. All I need to do is ask for the X.509 certificate, right? If I validate the public key certificate that proofs the user’s identity, right?” Unfortunately, I have to disappoint them. Just because you send a public key certificate doesn’t mean anything. It doesn’t prove I’m Steve Schmalz. After all, it is a public key certificate; the assumption is that anyone can get their hands on it. I must use my private key in some way combined with my X.509 certificate to truly prove my identity. I’m glad to see this important concept expressed clearly in the standard.


So that’s a quick look under the covers. A plug for my company is that we have a great new site for people writing security code. You can look up the white papers. We’ll be happy to post any relevant material you have as well. Oh, and just in case some of you here do not know, 7-8 years ago, when VeriSign started, they came from RSA, so there’s lots of history there.


Mr. McKennirey:  How can you trust the thing providing the SAML assertion? How do you know the thing making the assertion is trustworthy? What level of assurance is there that whatever or whoever is running it is something I can rely on?


Mr. Schmalz:  Somehow you use a digital signature.


Mr. McKennirey:  When you’re making a request of a SAML authority, who is the authority and why should we trust it?


Mr. Schmalz:  Why trust a public key or X509?


Dr. Hallam-Baker:  There are three containers in a SAML assertion:

·         The first is a statement.

·         The second is a set of conditions, like “Check this URL,” or an online service, or another assertion.

·         The final section is advice. You can put anything in there. It doesn’t affect the semantics, but it affects the processing. You could attach a proof—say you have the authorization statement, based on policy and attribute assertion. You can attach those three statements. If you have a well-defined policy statement, you can put it into that slot.

·         You ask how one knows the axioms. You can’t know, but you can correlate over time. If someone introduces a false statement, you can pick it up over time.


Mr. McKennirey:  How can you run a SAML assertion authority over time? Internal? External?


Dr. Hallam-Baker:  Both. Internal for your own use—for example, “Is Alice credit worthy?” But “I’ll insure Alice’s credit” is a different one. If General Electric insures it, it’s fairly credible.


Mr. McKennirey:  Any time you rely on a third party, whether it’s SAML, a certificate authority, or XKMS, the issue is, “How do you rely on that authority?” It’s a policy issue. The technology is fine, but if the SAML assertion is coming from the “First National Bank of Boga Boga Land for DoD, I’ll have a different view.


Dr. Hallam-Baker:  It comes down to the policy applied, the level of risk, separation of duties, and that good stuff from the MILSEC [military security] world. That’s how you make a system secure. You design it so there’s no single point of failure.


Mr. Schmalz:  I think we are missing the key point about trusted third parties here; and that is that you have to start with a point, or anchor, of trust. No, I would not trust the First National Bank of Boga Boga, unless another bank I do trust told me to. This is security in the real world.


Mr. Royal:  Another is, “There are some hardware things you can do.”


Mr. Schmalz:  I look at access control as being the key to security. For encryption in the modern world of strong well-tested algorithms, it comes down to  “Who or what has access to the key? How well is it being protected?” When encryption is driven by a human being you can tie it to an authentication process, such as a password, that can protect the key when it is not being used – but what do you do when the encryption process needs to be automated? The answer is physical access control, which is what hardware gives you. There is even a government standard call FIPS 140 that covers this. (http://www.itl.nist.gov/fipspubs/).


Mr. Ambur:  Are there any other questions for Steve? Well, we’re good on time, so let’s take a break, and come back at 10:35.


End presentation



Mr. Ambur:  OK, let’s get started again.  There is a sign-in sheet if you’d like your presence recorded for the minutes. For those who came in late, if you’d like to introduce yourselves and tell us a bit about your interest in XML, we’d be happy to hear from you.




Mr. Roy Morgan:  I’m Roy Morgan from NIST [National Institute of Standards and Technology (http://www.nist.gov/)]. A note for all who are coming to the XML Project Team—we’re having a meeting with the E-Forms Team from [Department of] Commerce [http://www.commerce.gov/], so please join us in a joint meeting for E-forms for EGov after this meeting.


Mr. Ambur:   Next we’ll hear from a couple hardware vendors.  Previously, we’ve heard primarily from folks with software and data-related expertise. This is the first we’ll have heard from hardware vendors.  I’m very interested to hear what Eugene and Mamoon have to tell us about the justifications and potentials for XML processing in hardware components.



Eugene Kuznetsov, Data Power Technology

Mamoon Yunus, ForumSystems

Hardware Based XML Security Components


Mr. Yunus:  I’m Mamoon Yunus and this is Eugene Kuznetsov. We thought we’d give a very short presentation, and try to save a lot of time at the end for questions and answers.

Slide 2  [Topics]:  Our topics are:

·         XML webServices Security

·         Enterprise Deployments for XML Security

·         Hardware-Based XML Security

·         Interoperability

·         XML Security and FEA

We’ll try to frame this around how hardware fits within the Federal Enterprise Architecture [FEA] framework.


Slide 3  [Need for XML Security]:  Let me set the stage a little on why we need XML security. SSL was developed by Netscape in the early 90s to secure transport between  client browsers and a web server.  SSL has been mostly effective in securing such person-to-machine communications, however, with the advent of [DP1] XML, Internet-based machine-to-machine has been introduced.  This XML machine-to-machine communication is protocol-agnostic.  Now, you cannot ensure the protocols are secure, such as FTP. You have an environment where XML documents would traverse multiple HTTP connections, and multiple security domains. Getting protocol-independent granular privacy, through XML encryption [http://www.w3.org/Encryption/2001], and granular integrity, through XML Digital Signatures became very important. So companies like DataPower and Forum Systems take care of the complexity of XML security, as well as transport-level issues, so the problem is more comprehensive transport and content security. In the FEA [http://feapmo.gov/], there’s a framework, a Component Service Reference Model, and a Technical Reference Model. The security is captured with it. So the FEA recognizes that it’s an issue of transport and data-centric security.


Slide 4  [Technology and Specifications Landscape]:  Quickly, most of you are familiar with the landscape. This is kind of a map to show how it falls within the Technical Reference Model (TRM). You have a foundation, and XML, DTD/XML Schema, XPath/XSLT, and SOAP fall in with the different specifications. The way the specifications are laid out is, they start out with the high-level TRM, then service areas, then component frameworks. All these are service specifications that fall within the standard. The other XML security standards are digital signature [http://www.w3.org/Signature]and encryption, though now in the FEA they’re subsumed by Web Services security [http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/wss/]. SAML [http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/security/], we talked about earlier. SAML is in there. XKMS and XACML are not in there. UDDI is addressed very well.


Slide 5  [Sampling of XML Security Threats]  [Mr. Kuznetsov]:  Here we talk about the security threats:

1.      Snooping—XML is text, so anyone can see the material, whether on the intranet or over the Internet. The reality is, you never rely on security through obscuring, but old binary formats do make it harder to snoop on traffic. Here, you’re talking about plain text. The things that make it [SOAP/XML]easy make it easy to get the information.

2.      Then there’s tampering. An example is in a semi-trusted environment. When we talk about threats, we frequently talk about perimeter security. You have an issue where it’s not completely inside or outside. Maybe it’s a financial institution with multiple divisions. How do you enforce that? It’s like what happens with large automakers; they cooperate on some projects, but they’re fierce competitors. It’s like DataPower and ForumSystems sharing PowerPoint slides – we want to make a joint presentation, but we don’t want to share source code! We have a gray area within semi-trusted environments. It’s not a binary, “on/off”, solution. Gartner [http://www4.gartner.com/Init] talks about “dissolution of the perimeter.” That’s some of what we’re talking about.

3.      Unauthorized action via a valid interface—there is some valid function exposed, but a particular Web Services client shouldn’t be allowed to access it. Really the problem of authorization--“Who is allowed to do what?”

4.      Breach of memory space—for the last four-five years, there have been attacks against HTTP stacks. XML rides on top of that, but we’re talking about a range of stacks now: XML, SOAP, digital signature, encryption, WS-Security, SAML… There are a lot of things to get wrong. Unless you start out with the goal of making security, there are lots of bugs you can have, lots of variability, and lots of complexity, so it’s harder to secure.

5.      Unintentionally exposed interface—a lot of application servers make it easy to expose Web service automatically. Lots of time, you expose data or fields in a record that shouldn’t be exposed. You take an application, run through a wizard, it sets out WSDL, and suddenly you’re talking SOAP. We need to police the security rather than the software development.

6.      XML Denial-of-Service (XDoS)—it’s either an attack at the XML level, or asymmetry of XML processing. For example, you and I have an algorithm: it takes me a second to compute it. It takes you 10 seconds to decide not to validate it. It’s easy for me to overwhelm you. We heard about it in PKI. XML is very similar. It’s easy to generate large volumes of XML. It’s difficult to parse and validate. Its size is obscured, so if Web Services expects a 10K file, it might get a 10 MB file instead. That would take a long time. We’re talking about a tenfold  expansion. We’re talking about 200-300 MB to be consumed.


Mr. Schmalz:  SOAP messages have the ability (in headers) to mitigate against this. I’m betting your hardware divides it to take advantage of multiple processing ability.


Mr. Kuznetsov:  Sure, there are some possibilities. Lets say the payload is much larger than expected: unless you do some restrictions, you have a problem. I’ve been talking about DoS attacks on Web Services for three years; people looked at me like I was crazy. But one of the things we saw recently in the wild was a 2K XML file. You’d try to open the file, and you’d lock up your computer, because it was a recursive expansion attack. It’s a small file, but it’s expanding, and you process it until your computer runs out of memory and shuts down the processor. It’s a race. As new threats come out, people try to keep up with them.


Mr. Yunus:  The SOAP header stuff does help. You can still get issues in the body of the message, but it’s still a good start.


Slide 6  [XML Security Deployment Ecosystem]  [Mr. Kuznetsov]:  Everyone is going to support digital signature, or XML security, or SAML, so this is where hardware devices sit with respect to the others. In green is the plain data flow: There’s an application server—WebSphere, maybe Oracle. Some Web Services enable the application; it could be a legacy application with a Web Services toolkit. Now look at all the pieces of the control scenario, in blue: it could be XKMS to a VeriSign PKI server. It could be outsourced to the PKI service (VeriSign or a government entity). It could by a CA server. It could talk to an access control policy server (say, IBM (probably LDAP today)). Maybe it’s redirected. In the long run, we have XACML, XKMS; we have an access control policy server—then a service registry of some kind. If I have an application going outside my department, where should it find its service? It’s much like DNS; only we have entries for Web Services, rather than websites. Interestingly, we have VeriSign running one where we can find a service you need.


Look at the output. You drop an XS40 in. The functionality is very much the same. One reason we can do this is because of the standards. We might have a gateway device spit out information to a non-repudiation server. It all comes with a time stamp and private key of the gateway. Legally, there are lots of rules about what you can do. It’s becoming increasingly important. With computer crimes, you want an audit trail. It’s a great place to do it, because you don’t have to audit trail-enable applications, because you can look into the transaction, and you can know what’s going on. You might have a network system security manager; here it’s OpenView [http://www.openview.hp.com/]. It could be anything. It could be old, like SNMP, or something newer. Finally, you might have a Web Services integration server, as a client, with the green arrows. We talk about network infrastructure in the next slide. As you can see, everything connects to Web Services hardware security devices. There are policies, repositories, that control it all. You also have systems that collect this information. You have devices as proxy and enforcement point.


Slide 7  [Deployment Modes]  [Mr. Yunus]:  Here we have deployment modes. We have the XML hardware security device behind a load balancer. As traffic comes through—it may be high speed digital signature for all SOAP messages, it may be archiving, or inserting SAML assertions—all the classic security functions are pushed out to the perimeter. There’s a real necessity for offloading these expensive functions. Classic processors cannot keep up with XML processing and application processing, so we need to offload it from regular servers. One point from earlier is security problems within the company, so as information flows within firewalls, these can be the gatekeepers between systems—ensuring integrity and obfuscation provided by XML encryption—so these are both at the perimeter and deep within the corporation. So encryption, SAML, and digital signature…those kinds of things are done at the edge and within the corporation, so from a deployment standpoint, it’s very flexible.


Mr. Ambur:  It reminds me of an issue regarding the Privacy Act.  In many cases, like with your Social Security Number, the problem isn’t that other people know what it is.  The problem is what they can do with it without being easily detected.  So having an audit trail is key to stopping the misuse of Social Security Numbers and other sensitive information.


Slide 8  [XML Security Gateway Deployment]:  Again, to put it within the context of the FEA, this is a snapshot from the TRM specification 1.0. It shows the outside world, the internal environment, and the “demilitarized zone” [DMZ]. I think these devices sit within the enterprise to do the classic security. Within the security architecture provided by TRM, I think this works as well. We need to have signatures at a granular level, so only those with authorization to see it will see it on a need-to-know basis. So why is information not shared across the network? We control it so only those with the authority to know can see it. The other nice thing is that the TRM provides service interfaces that are XML-based, making communication with XML hardware devices straightforward. Deployment within the TRM framework is non-intrusive; the devices are easy to drop into the architecture.


Slide 9  [Digital Signatures]  [Mr. Kuznetsov]:  So we’ve covered digital signatures in detail, so let’s look at the next context. You may have a partner that sends a SOAP message. It’s good to use SSL; it’s OK, but not sufficient. It goes to a public DMZ, then it verifies the signature, either in gateway mode or service mode, where the service verifies it, then passes it through to the application server, which can use internal signature verification. One of the issues is, it’s a single place for key storage, signing policy, and verification in regard to a larger system. Imagine if you have 50 PKI-enabled servers, with their own toolkits. They all have to be updated, and deal with incoming traffic. It’s a huge management problem. If all you do is have application servers call out to a single point, you don’t have these issues. Hopefully it means it’s easier to deploy this technology than otherwise. One thing you can do is sign all outgoing messages. It’s a different approach to security than one that says, “Wait for standards to stabilize, and get agreement on all the issues.” The one thing good about Web Services security and XML security standards is, they’re componentized. You can use digital signature without

SAML or anything else. Look at all the specifications and names, and you can’t figure out anything, what they all mean, but actually it’s a good thing. It means all the standards are very well factored, rather than monolithic standards. It starts simple, but it does all these other things as well.


Slide 10  [Sign All Outgoing Messages]:  The whole point of Web Services is to stay loosely coupled, and heterogeneous. If you apply the same set of technology to digital signature and signing, you can do the same thing there. Then you can go back and verify you’ve sent a signature on your message. The recipient doesn’t have to be able to do it. You can go back and make sure it’s not tampered with after the fact. Over time, it encourages the recipients to build up their infrastructure. It’s an easy way to improve security. You don’t have to have agreement. You say, “You’ll get messages, and they’ll be signed. We recommend you verify them, but at least store them.” The only reason not to do this is performance. With a large volume of messages, you need some tool that can do it at a reasonable speed.


Slide 11  [XML Filtering]  [Mr. Yunus]:  Another use case is filtering of messages. As Eugene mentioned earlier, even small messages can wreak havoc, so how can you have perimeter checking that is legitimate, well formed, and valid? The easy way is to check against the XSD or WSDL [http://www.w3.org/TR/WSDL] Make sure there’s no buffer overrun, or that it’s overly taxing. So one of the things we see in the market is message schema validation of the request and of the response. Another is DSIG verification--to see that the signature is not tampered with internally or externally. Another that we see is deployments where a hardware security gateway is used as a translation between protocol level and SAML assertion; so as it comes in and hits the gateway, there’s SSL client-level authentication, and the SAML assertion is injected into the SOAP message. So it acts as a clean gateway for SSL and SAML, but you want to verify the authenticity of the individual and then insert your SAML assertion.


Mr. Ambur:  It sounds like it could be a partial solution for long-term record keeping, where an agency can certify, when received, that the signature is valid, and not necessarily maintain individual signature records indefinitely.


Mr. Yunus:  There are a number of single sign-on solutions at the back end, so it’s a well-developed area right now.


Slide 12  [The Need for Hardware Based XML Security]:  Now for the crux of the presentation: why hardware? What’s the advantage?  There are four issues:

·         Hardware XML security reduces complexity.

·         Hardware XML provides hardened security.

·         Hardware XML security delivers superior performance.

·         Hardware XML security encourages interoperability.


Slide 13  [Hardware XML Security Reduces Complexity]:  We start off with the central point of managing complexity. Instead of security policies across multiple servers, and the cost of developing and maintaining them, the way to reduce is to have a device taking care of the complexity of the policy, for archiving in a central way, and to relieve the servers of the management.


Slide 14  [Hardware Provides Hardened Security]:  On the hardened security part, when we look at classic firewalls and software solutions, we have to look at Operating System [OS] upgrades, patches, hardware upgrades, et. From an interoperability perspective, if we do an upgrade, we’re going to have a conflict with the OS. In a hardware solution, it’s all taken care of from a single point of accountability. Also, when hardening the OS, you have daemons people don’t shut off. You haven’t hardened your hardware. You may have installed a firewall, but left a rogue process running that comes with the OS install.


Mr. Ambur:  Have you looked at Security-Enhanced Linux?


Mr. Yunus:  No.


Mr. Ambur:  The National Security Agency (NSA) developed SELinux because they argue that all of the other operating systems are inherently and fatally flawed from a security standpoint – because if you gain root priviledges, you have access to and can change everything.  That is unacceptable from a records management perspective, particularly for highly sensitive records.  The reason NSA focused on Linux is that it is open, so they can scrutinize it and make sure that any security flaws are corrected – unlike other operating systems.  I encourage you to look into SE Linux.  NSA might be a good target for your products.


Mr. Kuznetsov:  If you have complete control over hardware, software, and firmware, you have a better opportunity than if you have a variety.


Mr. Schmalz:  Does it do FIPS 140 processing?


Mr. Yunus:  It’s in the process.


Mr. Kuznetsov:  If you’re doing key encryption, the worry is how easy it is to steal the private key from the device.


Mr. Yunus:  If you let the application developers do the security, they might use weaker algorithms. If it’s a hardware device, it’s FIPS 186-compliant anyway. It doesn’t have the weakness of some of the other issues.


Then finally the biggest issue we see is, separating security policy from the application. They’re two separate roles. You don’t want application developers writing security codes. Applications continue to evolve. It could introduce security issues. It’s better to separate it to where security people can have better control over it.


Slide 15  XML Cryptography & Security Performance:  Hopefully, you’ve seen that performance is one of many reasons why you might want one of these. Others have to do with security and reducing complexity. We all know that cryptography is very expensive. An example is SSL. I’ll just offer that there’s a lot of hardware acceleration today. It is enough of a problem in these days of E-Commerce that people are accounting for it. In security, we see multiple signed headers. You might have an asymmetric key, then symmetric encryption. You might sign them, then one of the things you can do is sign chunks of a document, saying, “This is the part I’ve read.” You could easily get 10 or more public-key operations per message. Remember that there are multiple messages per connection, so just in terms of the cryptography workload, there are many operations. The good news is that the technology has improved since the days of SSL, but this is just part of the equation. XML processing is also very expensive (verbose, heavy).


Slide 16  [XML Hardware Encourages Interoperability]:  Let’s talk about how XML hardware encourages interoperability. It can be a way to ensure that the standards efforts come to reality. They’re coupled to devices by an Ethernet jack; the starting point is a phone or IP router (not a toolkit that plugs into the application using not-very-secret APIs [Application Programming Interfaces], and then lives in the application.


With this, it’s about a separation of concerns and modularity. It’s just a way of applying it to an area that’s often viewed as the area of application programmers.


Let’s talk about vendors in the commercial space. The Network gear business model is based on out-of-the-box interoperability. You order them, let’s say they’re all from DataPower; then you haggle with prices, GSA schedules, etc. You buy your product, and for the next project, you call another vendor. It’s very different from a model of large software vendors providing a set of XML development tools, where they hope to continue working with you and have you buy from them again later. Interoperability is secondary to that. There are standards wars we’re seeing precisely because of this—things in standards that are inconvenient for one vendor versus another. The network vendors are unable to achieve lock-in. Their customers can’t get locked in by using a proprietary protocol. Instead, these vendors get more business by building a better product, that’s easier to manage, and that doesn’t require special extensions and APIs that force the customers to buy from you. They buy because you have better products. Network hardware drives you toward more interoperable solutions, because that is the business model. Buy online, ship to the data center, and you’re up in minutes. You don’t even think to ask whether it’s compatible TCP/IP from one vendor to another. That’s what we’re driving for with Web Services: interoperability, ease of management, and security—not building a platform and general issues of Web Services enablement or other concerns.


Slide 17  [Overview of Hardware XML Security Market]:  In general, a lot of vendors in the XML security space (RSA, VeriSign) have an implementation of XML signature, SAML, and so on. With a hardware specification, there are more and more appliance devices. It can make selection difficult. If you’ve gone to a recent conference, as far as you can see, it’s Web Services management. It’s all different, but everybody’s doing it. What’s the correlation between Web Services management and Web Services security? We say not much. Most are relatively small companies. The hardware model is gaining a lot of traction—maybe eight to ten companies. DataPower and Forum started out in hardware, and maybe five with software. In the past months, many have moved from software to a network appliance. People are struggling for easier management and deployability, where they can just plug in. There’s still lots of work to do. Now we have to evaluate it, not look at seven or eight vendors. It’s so hard to do, but it’s going to mature.


Mr. Yunus:  Look at firewall companies. They eventually became hardware companies, so wherever you have a security consideration, the network hardware solution is becoming the one of choice.


Mr. Kuznetsov:  Whenever it’s new like this, it’s hard. Now when we’re encountering network hardware management, people see what the need is. Standard support is the key to value again—out of the box interoperable.


Slide 18  [Interoperability Promoted Through Standards Bodies]  [Mr. Yunus]:  Interoperability is always a hard issue. The good news is, it is hardware—but standards bodies are working on ensuring that all vendors are interoperable. WS-I has toolkits to ensure that vendors don’t transmit in a specific way. SOAP Specifications Assertions and Test Collection is a specification. SOAP 1.2 is a large document with 80 interoperability tests, and a target to ensure that the SOAP message does the right thing, so the bottom line is that a lot of thought has been given to interoperability, only it’s firmer from a hardware standpoint because we tout that as the biggest cost of a hardware solution.


Baseline standards have been around a while. SOAP l.1 matured in 2000. SOAP 1.2 is different, but not that great. Then there was XML DSIG in early 2002, SAML 1.0 in November of 2002, and WS-Security in April of 2002. These are fairly mature, and some are in development. These building blocks are stable. There’s no reason to think that interoperability is an issue. Simply from an ecosystem standpoint, all the moving parts to support the subsystem are available. And the last point, between heterogeneous environments, there are standard protocols to talk to. Similar hardware devices—fairly standards-based—so from an interoperability standpoint, it’s not a big issue moving forward with an XML hardware device.


Mr. Bruce Cox:  How do you update the hardware to different versions of the standards?


Mr. Yunus:  It depends on where the changes occur. If they’re low in the core kernel or core hardware, it takes a longer cycle. It’s why we don’t push standards to ASIC [Application Specific Integrated Circuit]. There could also be a software patch that updates the device remotely.


Mr. Cox:  To what extent does it make the device vulnerable?


Mr. Yunus:  That’s why we do a full regression sweep to avoid it, so that’s why it’s a little longer than in the software world.


Mr. McKennirey:  What does the application get out of the device? What’s passed to the application?


Mr. Yunus:  What it’s supposed to get anyway. It is maybe a pure filter, or detached signature; say “Just sign” and let it go, so the application can inject something into the XML document or just leave it as is, and take a snapshot, or filter.


Mr. McKennirey:  It communicates some results of the processing to the application, either inside or out?


Mr. Yunus:  SOAP acts as a mechanism, says “It wasn’t properly set,” and says “Act on it.”


Mr. Kuznetsov:  That’s an important point. Your application might still do some security processes, then re-sign the whole structure, or it might have a trusted channel between the gateway and the application. There are a number of different models. I think the important thing is taking the enterprise-wide security policies (not really deep into the behavior of the application), and enforcing those on a dedicated wire-speed network device. Some are so tied in to the business logic of the application, I think you leave them there. I think it’s appropriate.


Mr. Ambur:  For example, if the system detects a Social Security Number, it could automatically log its use.


Mr. Yunus:  Yes.


Mr. Schmalz:  Your boxes are just the security of the piece? No additional consumption of the message, the content?


Mr. Kuznetsov:  SOAP versus content security?


Mr. Schmalz:  I’m thinking if you go to a Web Services security core, it defines XML digital signatures and encryption. That’s where your boxes are doing their effort? They’re not splitting up data within?


Mr. Yunus:  Within, if it’s doing some action. It might have to change the header, so in essence it’s consuming the message.


Mr. Schmalz:  But it’s not getting something like, from a vendor, and saying, “This list of messages…” 


Mr. Yunus:  You can...


Mr. Kuznetsov:  Some of that basic splitting and routing is the realm of other servers. You can also do it based on XML content. You get it for free, because you have to look at the XML anyway.


Mr. Steve Jacek:  What about transaction volume?


Mr. Kuznetsov:  That’s an unfair question, because documents and lengths of key vary, anywhere from many thousands, to one per second. If you’re sending a 20 MB document, it’s going to take a while, so it’s not like firewalls, in packets per second, where you know the packet size.


Mr. Daniel Garrie:  Are there any industry metrics standards?


Mr. Kuznetsov:  No.


Mr. Schmalz:  Is the industry thinking of doing it? Are there test suites where we can get metrics?


Mr. Kuznetsov:  Yes, but in a customer engagement, they want to know “How fast can I sign my message?” rather than a generic set of benchmarks. Over time, standards will be developed.


Mr. McKennirey:  If you have encrypted data, what is appropriate to encrypt or decrypt?


Mr. Kuznetsov:  You configure it. If you don’t have the key, you can’t decrypt. You can have any number of rules. Many things have to flow through. Then lots of others you want us to look at and manage, especially at the transaction level. The SSN is a good example. Some customers say: “We use SSL everywhere, because we have to encrypt the SSN”. Well, now you can just encrypt the SSN, and then pass the XML document around in the clear, and only the server that has the key can decrypt and access the number.


Slide 19  [XML Security Hardware and FEA]:  A key driver of FEA is no duplication of effort, and that infrastructure is maximized, so if we look at the primary gate of how the FEA framework is looked at, from the Performance Reference Model, “What’s the total cost of ownership?” and so on. With devices like these, we make sure that price/performance is clearly within the mark. The Data Reference Model is defined for cross-agency communication. In doing so, these gateways are more important. When I send these documents, that ensures that in these multi-hop agencies only the authorized folks view them. Under the Business Reference Model, it fits very well, because they can ensure that it’s a hardware device that accounts for security .


Slide 20  [XML Security Hardware & TRM]:  Within the Technical Reference Model [TRM], we have the different areas. As mentioned earlier, it captures all the essential service categories and different interfaces for WSDL and UDDI activity. Earlier we talked about the standard we used in our products; it’s well within the TRM model.


Slide 21  [XML Security Gateway Within the FEA TRM Framework]:  Within the service category, we feel that it fits within the model.


Mr. Kuznetsov:  This is a hardware device performing software functions, so it’s a bit uncomfortable at the start. It’s more sophisticated than a firewall, so there’s some tension, but clearly this is a network device, so it’s in that category.


Slide 22  [XML Security Gateway Within the FEA TRM Framework (continued)]:  All the data format and discovery services are accounted for by our products.


Slide 23  [XML Security Gateway Within the FEA TRM Framework (continued)]:  Then in the Component Framework service area, that’s where we’ve placed the thrust of our efforts on certificate level security as well as supporting security services.


Mr. Ambur:  That’s very interesting. I’d like to help facilitate some pilot projects along these lines. This Working Group reports to the Emerging Technologies Subcommittee of the CIO Council’s Architecture and Infrastructure Committee.  The ET Subcommittee is charged with developing a process whereby the IT lifecycle can be managed on a Governmentwide basis.  It’s a big challenge. In the first stage of the process, I am suggesting that anyone should be able to identify a proposed component.  They would do so by creating and posting on their own Web site an XML instance document that validates against the schema specified for that stage of the process.  Selected elements from each of those documents would be indexed on the ET S/C site, with links to the full documents on the proponents’ sites, and folks would be encouraged to use the index to identify proposed components of interest to them.  Then in the second stage of the process, .gov folks as well as academics, industry consortia, and others would express their interests in each proposed component, by “subscribing” to it.  The schema for the second stage of the process would enable folks to express various levels of interest in and/or commitment to each proposed components.  Then in the third stage the ET Subcommittee itself would begin to assume some degree of stewardship responsibility for some of the components, based upon information gathered in the first two stages. Somewhere along the line, it may be appropriate to establish pilots projects for some of the proposed components, which could be facilitated by elements of the schema for stages 2 or 3 of the process.  The Web Services Working Group, which is one of our sister groups under the ET Subcommittee, is considering pilots as well.  I encourage consideration of pilots of potential security and XML hardware acceleration components like these.  NASA gathers huge volumes of data; this would be key for them.  NARA is initiating an electronic archives project.. They’re going to be receiving vast volumes of electronic records, hopefully in XML format, with the need and opportunities to validate it to see whether it conforms with the schemas for the types of records in question.  And, of course, we have the Justice Department working with very sensitive data.  So there are myriad opportunities to productively apply technology like this.


Mr. Garrie:  Did you guys bring any additional information with you?


Mr. Kuznetsov:  No, but I can give you my card.


Mr. Garrie:  I’m very interested in the technology and further workings.


Mr. Ambur:  Any other questions or comments? [None.] Very good. Thank you, gentlemen.


End presentation.



Mr. Ambur:  That concludes our presentations. Do any task leaders have anything to report? Marion, any updates on namespace policy?


Mr. Royal:  Not right now. We’re anticipating the input of XRI folks, who want to submit a proposal to include in our presentation. Their position is that it should not name one namespace over another, but provide a recommendation on how to use each.


Mr. Garrie:  Is there room for comment?


Mr. Royal:  Yes. Send any comments to me.


Mr. Ambur:  I want to mention the XML Registry. GSA has requested funding for it in their FY 04 budget. It remains to be seen what Congress will do, but there’s $2.1 million in the budget. I’m trying to bring ebXML folks, particularly Joe Chiusano, together with folks at AIIM.  They have vendor members in the document and records management software business.
In many ways ebXML is reinventing document and records management functionality. I’m trying to bring them together to avoid needlessly reinventing such functionality on the one hand, while helping to provide for interoperability on the other.  Hopefully, ebXML can make a contribution toward overcoming the failure of AIIM’s Document Management Alliance, which tried to institute interoperability standards in the 1990s.


As Roy mentioned, the E-Forms people will be at this afternoon’s meeting.  What they are doing is very exciting.  Eventually, we could have a portal where a citizen could fill out any government form and have the data automatically routed wherever it needs to go, while being validated along the way.  Such an application could have a real use for hardware-based XML validation and acceleration technology.


Mr. Garrie:  When do you expect the document management work—Joes’s work on the ebXML document registry? I’m sure it affects every agency in their GPEA [Government Paperwork Elimination Act] requirements. Justice is very interested in that.


Mr. Ambur:  There are lot of difficult questions that need to be worked through. With respect to GPEA, a highly relevant standard is XForms.  In terms of document management, the document management alliance failed, so there’s no standard at this point, but there are some emerging standards like WebDAV [Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (http://www.webdav.org/)] pointing in that direction. I’m trying to line up someone to share knowledge with us concerning DASL [DAV Searching and Locating (http://www.webdav.org/dasl/)] -- which was planned to accompany but has not progressed as rapidly as the WebDAV protocol itself.


Mr. Garrie:  With ebXML and WebDAV, and what was and wasn’t picked up, I’m interested to see what other agencies are saying they need—whether signing digital images or not.


Mr. Ambur:  With respect to digital images, I assume you mean an archiving standard.  NARA and some other agencies are working to establish a streamlined version of PDF [Portable Document Format] (PDF/A) as an international standard for archiving.  In addition, there is a proposed XML-based standard for legally suffient forms.  It is called XFDL and I’m sure Steve Jacek could tell us about it.  No doubt, there are other relevant efforts underway as well.  As far as the ebXML registry specification is concerned, I’m trying to get them together with the AIIM folks to show where each component fits into the FEA without needless redundancy and inconsistency.


Mr. Garrie:  Since there’s money in the budget, does that mean they’ll have a pilot in 2004?


Mr. Ambur:  The XML registry pilot is already underway.  The money requested in GSA’s budget for FY 2004 is for the operational version of the registry.


Mr. Morgan:  The National Archives is involved in the use of the Registry as part of their process of developing it, and due to its importance in the future of accepting digital records. It’s relatively closed at the moment, because of the need to keep it in the development environment. Another area is law enforcement. There’s been an effort to apply and develop XML to enable law enforcement agencies and entities, including the people in cars, all the way to the court and prison system; all that community. They’ve come together to develop the initial requirements to implement their process with XML. I expect in the near future that they’ll use the Registry to learn more about registries. Our purpose is to let people learn what they need to know about registries and try things out; not supply a 24-hour registry of everything that is available.


The Registry is working. You can go to the website and see the link. I encourage those who have prototypes or proof-of-concepts to try it out and use it for that purpose. Ill be at the meeting this afternoon—the E-Forms meeting—so if anyone wants to go, please see me as we break. The point about the Registry is, it’s working. It’s in a certain state from the previous developer of the product. It’s changing. It should improve. That shouldn’t hold people from using it and finding out what a registry can do. I expect that our meetings will focus on a CONOPS of a registry and registry specifications for capacity and performance. We need to look across many registries to come to an understanding of how those things are defined by the people who need them, so please come if you have energy toward that line of work.


End meeting.




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 [DP1]I think that point here was about “web” vs. “web services” security rather the XSL & SGML-for-web in general. Suggested clarification.