Architect-Engineer Services, Indefinite Delivery Architect-Engineer Services Contract (Architectural) for the Design of Miscellaneous Projects in the Pacific Region

Solicitation Number: W9128A-08-R-0024
Agency: Department of the Army
Office: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Location: U.S. Army Engineer District, Honolulu
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Added: Sep 16, 2008 12:09 am
(1.) CONTRACT INFORMATION: Architect-Engineer (Architectural) services procured in accordance with PL 92-582 (Brooks A-E Act) and FAR Part 36, are required for various military and civil works projects within the State of Hawaii, but may include other Pacific Region locations in the Pacific Ocean Division (POD) area and occasionally locations covered by other Army Corps of Engineers Districts as requested. No award of task orders for work outside of the Honolulu Engineer District will be undertaken without authorization from the affected District within POD. Indefinite delivery contracts will be negotiated and awarded with a period not to exceed 5 years. The amount of work under each contract will not exceed $5,000,000.00 with 2 options of $3,500,000.00 each which may be exercised at any time during the contract period. The Government obligates itself to obtain no less than $100,000.00 in services. The intent is to award no more than 3 contracts for the same type of work. The first contract is anticipated to be awarded in February 2009; the subsequent contracts are planned to be awarded within one year of the closing date of this announcement. During the period when the contracts resulting from this solicitation run concurrently, the following will be considered in deciding which contractor/Indefinite Delivery contract will be selected to negotiate an order: current capacity to accomplish the order in the required time, unique specialized experience, equitable distribution of work among the contractors, and performance and quality of deliverables. This is a competitive procurement set aside for Small Businesses.

(2.) PROJECT INFORMATION: Work includes A-E services for the preparation of plans, specifications, design analysis, and cost estimates for repair, alteration, renovation, and/or new construction projects for installation support and military transformation. Work may also include charrettes, parametric designs, and facility condition studies.

The firm must have primary capability in architectural design. Firm and/or its consultants must have capability in disciplines that include structural, electrical, telecommunications, mechanical, civil, environmental, cost estimating, and specification writing. Metric system will be a requirement on selected projects. Specific computer-aided drafting (CAD) equipment, format of CAD products, and compliance with A/E/C standards will be required. Use of Building Information Modeling may be required for Army MILCON adapt-build projects.

(3.) SELECTION CRITERIA: The PRIMARY selection criteria listed in descending order of importance are: (first by major criterion and then by each sub-criterion)

(a) Specialized experience and technical qualifications.

(1) The evaluation will consider the offeror’s specialized experience in the timely performance and management of the engineering services described in paragraph 2;

(b) Professional qualifications of the firm’s staff/consultants to be assigned to the projects;

(1) The evaluation will consider the education, training, registration and overall relevant experience of the team’s key management and technical personnel;

(c) Past Performance of the firm for similar work.

(1) The evaluation will consider all past performance of the prime A-E contractor as documented in the Architect-Engineer Contract Administration System (ACASS) or Past Performance Information Retrieval (PPIRS) databases.

(2) The evaluation will consider past performance from sources other than ACASS;

(d) Capacity of the firm to accomplish work in the required time; and

(e) Knowledge of the locality of the projects.

(1) The evaluation will consider the offeror’s familiarity with the site conditions in Hawaii and the Pacific Region.

SECONDARY selection criteria, to be used as “tie-breakers” among technically equal firms, are listed in descending order of importance as follows: (a) Location of the firm; (b) Volume of recent DoD work; and (c) Participation of small business, small disadvantaged business (SDB), historically black colleges and universities, and minority institutions in the proposed contract team, measured as a percentage of the estimated effort.

(4.) SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Firms desiring consideration must submit a Standard Form 330 no later than 4:00 p.m., Hawaiian Standard Time, by October 16, 2008 or within thirty (30) calendar days from date of this announcement, whichever is later. Should the due date fall on a weekend or holiday, the submittal package will be due the first workday thereafter. No more than five (5) example projects shall be listed in Section F of the SF 330. An Indefinite Delivery Contract (IDC) listed in Section F will not qualify as a project; however, individual projects (no more than 5) awarded by IDC task orders will be considered. Additional example projects, if listed in Section H, will not be evaluated. Submittals will be sent to U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT, HONOLULU, BUILDING 230, ROOM 205, ATTN: CEPOH-EC-M, FORT SHAFTER, HAWAII 96858-5440. Small and disadvantaged firms are encouraged to participate as prime contractors or as members of joint ventures with other small businesses. All interested parties are reminded that the successful contractor will be expected to place subcontracts to the maximum possible extent with small and disadvantaged firms in accordance with the provisions of Public Law 95-507. All contractors are advised that registration in the DoD Central Contractor Registration (CCR) database is required prior to award of a contract. Failure to be registered in the DoD CCR prior to award may render your firm ineligible for award. Information about CCR can be found by calling 1-888-227-2423 or via the Internet at Request for Proposal No. W9128A-08-R-0024 shall be utilized to solicit a proposal from the firm selected. This is not a request for a proposal.

Building 230
Fort Shafter, Hawaii 96858-5540
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Honolulu
Building 230,

Fort Shafter, Hawaii 96858-5440
United States
Kris Nakashima
Phone: (808)438-8567
Fax: (808)438-8588