Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 9/8/93

Series: Information

Part 476: Utilizing Non-Government Publications to Disseminate Information

Chapter 1: Policy

Originating Office: Office of Communications


This chapter has been given a new release number.* No text changes were made.

476 DM 1

1.1 Policy. It is recognized that proper dissemination of the information contained in papers (especially those reporting the results of research and development performed by or for the Department) prepared by bureaus and offices of the Department, directly by their own personnel or by contractors, grantees, or graduate students receiving Departmental support, may include publication in non-Government publications including those that assess page charges. Payment of such page charges is permitted (32 Comp. Gen. 487, 488). They will be budgeted, incurred, and paid in the same manner as other liabilities for services received.

1.2 Implementation of the Metric System. Pursuant to the Metric Conversion Act of 1975, as amended by Public Law 100-418, Section 5164, the metric system was declared to be the preferred measurement system for U.S. trade and commerce. All Federal agencies are required to implement the metric system in procurement, grants, and other business-related activities by the end of F.Y. 1992, wherever practical.

Accordingly, all papers submitted to a non-Government publication shall be reviewed to identify any measurement sensitive material. Papers that include measurement sensitive material should be expressed in either exclusive metric units or dual dimensions (metric/inch-pound). Further guidance is contained in DM Part 758 (Metric Transition Program).

1.3 Coordination. The official approving the submission of a paper to a non-Government publication shall give timely advice of this action to the information officer of the bureau or office so that he/she may issue, through normal channels, an announcement of its publication if he/she determines that it contains information of interest to the general public.


9/8/93 #3475

Replaces 9/8/93 #2984

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