NIH Fellows Handbook

NIH Library

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This open-stack research library, a division of the Office of Research Services, provides comprehensive research and information management support to NIH clinical, scientific and management programs through access to electronic information resources, an extensive collection of books and journals, staff assistance, an instruction program and consultation on information handling and retrieval.  Most Library services are available through the Library's home page.  The Library is also open to the public on a self-service basis.


  • Building 10, Room 1L25 (near the Masur Auditorium)


  • Monday-Thursday
    7:45 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

  • Friday
    7:45 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

  • Saturday
    10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

  • Sundays and most Holidays
    1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Full Service
  • Monday-Friday
    8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Contact Points

Library Privileges

NIH ID cards are required to borrow books, use staff photocopiers, request computer searches, and receive other Library services for NIH-related work. Only permanent staff and Summer Students are pre-authorized for Library services. All other users need their Administrative Officers to authorize Library services through the NIH Enterprise Directory (NED). An Administrative Officer can authorize a user for NIH Library services by checking the box marked "Authorize" under the "Services" tab in the NED system. The NIH Library system will be updated within 48 hours of authorization and Library services will be granted at that time.


Tours of the library are conducted upon request. Call 301-496-1080 to make arrangements.

E-mail List

Announcements of new electronic resources, special events and training sessions are just a few of the items available through the Library Listserv.  To receive these announcements via e-mail, you can register for the Listserv at or sign up for the RSS feed.

Electronic Resources

The Online Catalog provides information about the Library's collection.

Databases available for end-user searching through the NIH Library's Home Page include PubMed, Web of Science (citation indexes), Biological Abstracts, Scopus, Embase, Ovid’s PsycINFO and CINAHL, and MathSciNet.  The Home Page also provides access to over 6,000 online journals as well as full-text resources such as Harrison's Online, MICROMEDEX, the Cochrane Library, and MD Consult.  Services such as Web of Science Citation Alerts, Ovid E-mail Alerts, Science Direct Alerts, Scopus Alerts, and PubMed’s My NCBI are made available to keep users up-to-date on the newest literature in major scientific and biomedical subject areas.

In addition, NIH Library librarians have access to additional databases and can produce a search tailored to specific subject needs for NIH-related work.  A search request may be submitted through the Library's Literature Search request form.


Training on various library resources, including PubMed, Web of Science and bibliographic management software packages, is available free of charge to all NIH staff currently registered for Library services.  To see a list of available training sessions, please go to Staff can also request training in the form of individual tutorials or presentations at your location.  You may request a tutorial online at

Document Delivery

NIH Library cardholders may request copies of journal articles and books by:

  • Requesting books or journals electronically through the online catalog.
  • Using Loansome Doc, the document-ordering feature of PubMed.  You must register with the Library before you use Loansome Doc by completing this on-line form.
  • Requesting documents from Web of Science, Scopus, or other database searches using the Order Form available through the NIH Library "Full Text Plus!" button.
Documents can be delivered by NIH Campus mail or as PDF files attached to an e-mail message. You must specify your preferred delivery method.

The Document Delivery staff will obtain from other libraries publications that are not available in the NIH Library.  Lending libraries generally supply copies of journal articles and lend books and technical report publications.

Private Locked Study Carrels

Study carrels are located on the lower level of the Library. The purpose of these carrels is to provide privacy for the NIH staff and security of study materials for on-going research assignments involving use of library materials. Of the 26 carrels available, five (5) are assigned for one day and 21 may be assigned for up to four weeks. For additional information, contact the Reference and Information Services at 301-496-1080.

Microfilm and Microfiche

Reader and printers are provided for NIH staff use on the lower level of the Library.

Self-Service Photocopy Services

The self-service copy area is located on the lower level of the library.  Service hours are the same as the Library hours.  Copying machines are available for NIH staff with Library privileges to make photocopies of library materials.


The Translation Unit provides oral and written translations of materials required to carry out NIH programs for all NIH staff with a current NIH Library card.  These materials range from research publications to letters and diplomas. For each item to be translated, complete form NIH-75, Request for Translating Service.  The completed form with the document to be translated is submitted to the Translation Unit, Building 10, Room 1L21A.

Custom Services

The NIH Librarians are available to undertake additional projects relating to information gathering, organizing, management and delivery.  Some of these additional services are fee-based.  For more information contact Reference and Information Services.  

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Page last revised June 29, 2007 (sva)