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US National Assessment
of the Potential Consequences
of Climate Variability and Change
Charge for the National Assessment Coordination Office


DRAFT: February 6, 1998

Charge for the National Assessment Coordination Office (NACO): NACO is to serve as the bridge among the different agencies, USGCRP working groups, assessment teams, and other participants and processes that comprise the National Assessment. The Office is to be a flexible resource, able to encourage, suggest, and provide counsel, support, and human and scientific resources to support the process. Staff will be expected to monitor and facilitate the assessment process, to problem solve, to provide linkages, and to facilitate communication across sectors and regions.

The Office is to assist in assuring the adherence to the assessment principles of openness, scientific integrity, and efficient use of taxpayer resources in the conduct of the assessment. The highest priorities of the Office will be to (a) support the regional workshop and assessment activities; (b) provide staff support for the Synthesis Team, multi-regional assessment activities, the sectoral assessment teams, and the National Assessments Working Group (NAWG); (c) facilitate communication and technical/scientific linkages across all assessments; and (d) work with the Education and Outreach Working Group to facilitate outreach and education.

The Office is responsible for helping to make the National Assessment run smoothly and on time. NACO's responsibilities will include:

  • Facilitate coordination and communication among the various entities and teams that are participating in the assessment process, including maintaining a regular information flow so that all participants stay informed of progress and developments.

  • Monitor and facilitate the regional workshops and assessments, along with the agencies and NAWG, including attending and participating in the regional workshops; responding to requests for scientific and technical support for the assessment activities; facilitating interagency coordination; assisting multi-regional activities; provide liaison to the Canadian regional assessment activities; etc.

  • Assist the Synthesis Team and the NAWG in the conduct and coordination of the regional and sectoral assessments and the synthesis report, as needed;

  • Facilitate public information, outreach, education, and national media activities, including arranging for public talks and meetings, Web site maintenance, national press releases, development of educational resources, all in concert with the Education and Outreach Working Group;

  • Facilitate the planning and conduct of the review process;

  • Maintain records and assemble resource materials, including maintaining the records for the assessment and assembling resource materials on assessments;

  • Facilitate publication and distribution of the assessment reports, including interaction with possible publishers, developing common formats and outlines to promote an integrated presentation of the assessment reports, and arranging for appropriate distribution of the reports.


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