US Climate Change Science Program

Updated 11 October, 2003

The U.S. Climate Change Science Program:
Vision for the Program and
Highlights of the Scientific Strategic Plan
Report released 24 July 2003



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See also:
Full Strategic Plan (364 pages)


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CCSP Organization and Management

The CCSP integrates research on global change and climate change sponsored by its participating agencies and departments. By leveraging the complementary strengths of these agencies and departments, the CCSP facilitates research and applications that would otherwise fall beyond the capabilities of any individual participating agency. The President created the CCSP in February 2002 as part of a new cabinet-level management structure to oversee public investments in climate change science and technology. The new structure also includes the CCTP, which is responsible for accelerating climate change-related technology research and development.

The CCSP approach to management integrates the planning and implementation of the individual climate and global change research programs of the participating federal departments and agencies to reduce overlaps, identify and fill programmatic gaps, and add integrative value to products and deliverables produced under the CCSP's auspices.

Five mechanisms are used to achieve this management approach:

  • Executive direction by the cabinet-based management structure, including priority setting, management review, and accountability
  • Program implementation by CCSP participating agencies
  • Coordinated planning and program implementation through interagency working groups
  • External interactions for guidance, evaluation, and feedback
  • Coordination and management support from an interagency office accountable to the CCSP interagency governing committee.
  • Interactions among those responsible for these five management elements are critical for improving the scientific planning, the effectiveness of interagency management, and the focus of climate and global change research to support governmental and non-governmental needs.

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