US Climate Change Science Program

Updated 11 October, 2003

The U.S. Climate Change Science Program:
Vision for the Program and
Highlights of the Scientific Strategic Plan
Report released 24 July 2003



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CCSP Goals

The CCSP has adopted five overarching scientific goals. By developing information responsive to these goals, the program will ensure that it addresses the most important climate-related issues. For each of the goals, the CCSP will prepare information resources that support climate-related discussions and decisions. These will include scientific synthesis and assessment analyses that support evaluation of important policy issues. A table for each goal identifies the initial topics to be addressed by these products.

CCSP Goal 1: Improve knowledge of the Earth's past and present climate and environment, including its natural variability, and improve understanding of the causes of observed variability and change.

Climate conditions change significantly over the span of seasons, years, decades, and even longer time scales. CCSP research will improve useful understanding of natural climate cycles on timescales from seasons to centuries. Research will include improving forecasts of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) -- a large-scale climate cycle (of approximately 2-year duration) with implications for resource management -- as well as other natural climate cycles. The program also will expand observations, monitoring, and data/information system capabilities and increase confidence in our understanding of how and why climate is changing. Fostering the transition of research observations to long-term operational measurements and activities will be important.

Specific research foci addressing this goal are:

  • Better understand the natural long-term cycles in climate (e.g., Pacific Decadal Variability, North Atlantic Oscillation)
  • Improve and harness the capability to forecast El Nino-La Nina events and other seasonal to interannual cycles of variability
  • Sharpen understanding of climate extremes through improved observations, analyses, and modeling, and determine whether any changes in their frequency or intensity lie outside the range of natural variability
  • Increase confidence in the understanding of how and why climate has changed
  • Expand observations and data/information system capabilities.
  • Topics for Priority CCSP Synthesis Products Significance


    Temperature trends in the lower atmosphere -- steps for understanding and reconciling differences. Inconsistencies in the temperature profiles of different data sets reduce confidence in understanding of how and why climate has changed. within 2 years
    Past climate variability and change in the Arctic and at high latitudes. High latitudes are especially sensitive and may provide early indications of climate change; new paleoclimate data will provide long-term context for recent observed temperature increases. within 2 years
    Reanalyses of historical climate data for key atmospheric features. Implications for attribution of causes of observed change. Understanding the magnitude of past climate variations is key to increasing confidence in the understanding of how and why climate has changed and why it may change in the future. 2-4 years

    CCSP Goal 2: Improve quantification of the forces bringing about changes in the Earth's climate and related systems.

    Combustion of fossil fuels, changes in land cover and land use, and industrial activities produce greenhouse gases, aerosols, and aerosol precursors that alter the composition of the atmosphere and important physical and biological properties of the Earth's surface. These changes have several important climate effects, some of which can be quantified only poorly at present.

    Research conducted through the CCSP will reduce uncertainty about the sources and sinks of greenhouse gases and aerosols. It also will reduce the uncertainty regarding climate interactions with ozone in the upper and lower layers of the atmosphere, movement of chemicals and particles in the atmosphere, and regional-scale air quality. Research will improve quantification of the interactions among the carbon cycle, other biological and ecological processes, and land cover and land use to better project atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases and support improved decisionmaking. The program also will improve capabilities for developing and analyzing emissions scenarios, in cooperation with the Climate Change Technology Program.

    Five research foci support this goal:

  • Reduce uncertainty about the sources and sinks of greenhouse gases, emissions of aerosols and their precursors, and their climate effects
  • Monitor recovery of the ozone layer and improve understanding of the interactions among climate change, ozone depletion, and other atmospheric processes
  • Increase knowledge of the interactions among pollutant emissions, long-range atmospheric transport, climate change, and air quality management
  • Develop information on the carbon cycle, land cover and use, and biological/ecological processes by helping to quantify net emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, and other greenhouse gases, thereby improving the evaluation of carbon sequestration strategies and alternative response options
  • Improve capabilities to develop and apply emissions and related scenarios for conducting "If..., then..." analyses in cooperation with the CCTP.
  • Topics for Priority CCSP Synthesis Products Significance


    Updating scenarios of greenhouse gas emissions and concentrations, in collaboration with the CCTP.

    Review of integrated scenario development and application.

    Sound, comprehensive emissions scenarios are essential for comparative analysis of how climate may change in the future, as well as for analyses of mitigation and adaptation options. within 2 years
    North American carbon budget and implications for the global carbon cycle. The buildup of CO2 and methane in the atmosphere and the fraction of carbon being taken up by North America's ecosystems and coastal oceans are key factors in estimating future climate change. within 2 years
    Aerosol properties and their impacts on climate. There is a high level of uncertainty about how climate may be affected by different types of aerosols, both warming and cooling, and thus how climate change might be affected by their control. 2-4 years
    Trends in emissions of ozone-depleting substances, ozone layer recovery, and implications for ultraviolet radiation exposure and climate change. This information is key to ensuring that international agreements to phase out production of ozone-depleting substances are having the expected outcome (recovery of the protective ozone layer). 2-4 years


    Link to CCSP Research Element:
    Global Water Cycle

    The Aqua Satellite

    The Aqua Satellite. Launched into space in May 2002, NASA's Earth Observing System (EOS) satellite Aqua generates data on the water cycle and other aspects of the environment. Source: NASA.

    CCSP Goal 3: Reduce uncertainty in projections of how the Earth's climate and related systems may change in the future.

    While much is known about the mechanisms that affect the response of the climate system to changes in natural and human influences, significant uncertainty exists as to how much climate will change overall and how it will change in specific regions.

    A primary CCSP objective is the development of the information and scientific capacity needed to sharpen qualitative and quantitative understanding through interconnected observations, data assimilation, and modeling activities. Comprehensive climate system models integrate scientific understanding of the many components of the climate system and, thus, are the principal tools available for making quantitative projections.

    CCSP-supported research will address not only basic climate system properties and interactions, but also a number of "feedbacks," or secondary changes that can either reinforce or dampen the initial effects of greenhouse gas and aerosol emissions or changes in land use and land cover. The program also will address the potential for changes in the frequency and intensity of extreme events, and will seek to reduce uncertainty regarding potential rapid or discontinuous changes in climate. The CCSP will build on existing U.S. strengths in climate research and modeling and will help develop "high-end" models that couple the climate with other important physical and biological components of the Earth system.

    Research from the program will be integrated to focus on each of these areas:

  • Improve characterization of the circulation of the atmosphere and oceans and their interactions through fluxes of energy and materials
  • Improve understanding of key "feedbacks" including changes in the amount and distribution of water vapor, extent of ice and the Earth's reflectivity, cloud properties, and biological and ecological systems
  • Increase understanding of the conditions that could give rise to events such as rapid changes in ocean circulation owing to changes in temperature and salinity gradients
  • Accelerate incorporation of improved knowledge of climate processes and feedbacks into climate models to reduce uncertainty about climate sensitivity (i.e., response to radiative forcing), projected climate changes, and other related conditions
  • Improve national capacity to develop and apply climate models.
  • Topics for Priority CCSP Synthesis Products Significance


    Climate models and their uses and limitations, including sensitivity, feedbacks, and uncertainty analysis. Clarifying the uses and limitations of climate models at different spatial and temporal scales will contribute to appropriate application of these results. within 2 years
    Climate projections for research and assessment based on emissions scenarios developed through the CCTP. Production of these projections will help develop modeling capacity and will provide important inputs to comparative analysis of response options. 2-4 years years
    Climate extremes including documentation of current extremes. Prospects for improving projections. Extreme events have important implications for natural resources, property, infrastructure, and public safety. 2-4 years
    Risks of abrupt changes in global climate. Abrupt changes have occurred in the past and thus it is important to evaluate what we know about the potential for abrupt change in the future. 2-4 years

    CCSP Goal 4: Understand the sensitivity and adaptability of different natural and managed ecosystems and human systems to climate and related global changes.

    Seasonal to interannual variability in climate has been connected to impacts on almost every aspect of human life. Long time scale natural climate cycles and human-induced changes in climate may have additional effects. Improving the ability to assess potential implications of variations and future changes in climate and environmental conditions could enable governments, businesses, and communities to reduce potential negative impacts and to take advantage of opportunities by adapting infrastructure, activities, and plans.

    CCSP research will examine the potential for multiple interacting effects (e.g., the carbon dioxide "fertilization effect," deposition of nitrogen and other nutrients, landscape changes that affect water resources and habitats, changes in frequency of fires or pests) in order to improve knowledge of sensitivity and adaptability to climate variability and change. CCSP research also will improve methods to advance our understanding of the potential effects of different atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases and to develop methods for comparing the potential impacts across different sectors.

    Research focus areas are:

  • Improve knowledge of the sensitivity of ecosystems and economic sectors to global climate variability and change
  • Identify and provide scientific inputs for evaluating adaptation options, in cooperation with mission-oriented agencies and other resource managers
  • Improve understanding of how changes in ecosystems (including managed ecosystems such as croplands) and human infrastructure interact over long periods of time.
  • Topics for Priority CCSP Synthesis Products Significance


    Coastal elevation and sensitivity to sea level rise. Evaluation of how well equipped society is to cope with potential sea level rise can help reduce vulnerability. within 2 years
    State-of-knowledge of thresholds of change that could lead to discontinuities (sudden changes) in some ecosystems and climate-sensitive resources. This approach seeks to determine how much climate change natural environments and resources can withstand before being adversely affected. 2-4 years
    Relationship between observed ecosystem changes and climate change. Earlier blossoming times, longer growing seasons, and other changes are being observed, and this report will explore what is known about why these events are happening. 2-4 years
    Preliminary review of adaptation options for climate-sensitive ecosystems and resources. Understanding of adaptation options can support improved resource management -- whether change results from natural or human causes -- and thus helps realize opportunities or reduce negative impacts. 2-4 years
    Scenario-based analysis of the climatological, environmental, resource, technological, and economic implications of different atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases. Knowing how well we can differentiate the impacts of different greenhouse gas concentrations is important in determining the range of appropriate response policies. 2-4 years
    State-of-the-science of socioeconomic and environmental impacts of climate variability. This product will help improve application of evolving ENSO forecasts by synthesizing information on impacts, both positive and negative, of variability. 2-4 years
    Within the transportation sector, a summary of climate change and variability sensitivities, potential impacts, and response options. Safety and efficiency of transportation infrastructure -- much of which has a long lifetime -- may be increased through planning that takes account of sensitivities to climate variability and change. 2-4 years

    CCSP Goal 5: Explore the uses and identify the limits of evolving knowledge to manage risks and opportunities related to climate variability and change.

    Over the last decade, the scientific and technical community has developed a variety of products to support management of risks and opportunities related to climate variability and change. These products have evoked much commentary, both positive and negative. The CCSP will encourage evaluation and learning from these experiences in order to structure decision support processes and products that use scientific knowledge to the best effect, while respecting and disclosing the limits of this knowledge.

    The CCSP will develop resources (e.g., observations, databases, data and model products, scenarios, visualization products, scientific syntheses, and assessments) to support policies, planning, and adaptive management. In coordination with the CCTP, the CCSP also will develop and apply frameworks and methods to integrate the complex array of research on human activities, technology, emissions, land-use and land-cover change, nutrient cycles, climatic feedbacks and responses, and potential impacts on ecosystems, resources, and the economy.

    Research to explore the uses and identify the limits of evolving knowledge will focus on the following areas:

  • Support informed public discussion of issues of particular importance to U.S. decisions by conducting research and providing scientific synthesis and assessment reports
  • Support adaptive management and planning for resources and physical infrastructure affected by climate variability and change; build new partnerships with public and private sector entities that can benefit both research and decisions
  • Support policymaking by conducting comparative analyses and evaluations of the socioeconomic and environmental consequences of response options.
  • Topics for Priority CCSP Synthesis Products Significance


    Uses and limitations of observations, data, forecasts, and other projections in decision support for selected sectors and regions. There is a great need for regional climate information; further evaluation of the reliability of current information is crucial in developing new applications. within 2 years
    Best-practice approaches to characterize, communicate, and incorporate scientific uncertainty in decisionmaking. Improvements in how scientific uncertainty is evaluated and communicated can help reduce misunderstanding and misuse of this information. within 2 years
    Decision support experiments and evaluations using seasonal to interannual forecasts and observational data. Climate variability is an important factor in resource planning and management; improved application of forecasts and data can benefit society. within 2 years


    Link to CCSP Research Element:
    Land Use/Land Cover Change

    Deforestation near Rio Branco, Brazil.

    Deforestation near Rio Branco, Brazil. Systematic cutting of the forest vegetation starts along roads and then fans out to create the "fishbone" pattern evident in this image. A plume of smoke also is visible. The photo, taken on 28 July 2000 by the satellite-based Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer's (MISR) vertical-viewing (nadir) camera, covers an area of 336 x 333 kilometers (207 x 209 miles). Source: NASA.

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