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FHWA Library

The Federal Lands Highway (FLH) publications library catalogue. This catalogue is a centralized listing of the unique collection of printed resources owned by FLH. The physical documents are located throughout each FLH office. This is the result of a coordinated FLH commitment to enable all disciplines access to the abundant technical resources and information within FLH.

Initially there were no intentions of allowing public dispersion of this information and its purpose would have solely been for internal reference. Currently there is no process for loaning the materials; however, requests for copies are welcomed and will be addressed appropriately.

Please Note That:
  • Contains only technical holdings (publications, periodicals, articles, reports, studies, etc…) within the three FLH offices.
  • Libraries within the three FLH locations may not be centrally located.
  • Publications are not currently available for Inter-Library loan.
  • When appropriate copies will be provided in lieu of loaning originals.
  • This resource is a work in progress and will be updated on a continuous basis.
  • FLH technical holdings within the Washington D.C. HQ will be included at a date to be determined.
GOALS to Help FHWA & FLH Personnel:
  • To Facilitate the availability of knowledge between the transportation community and their disciplines to the abundant technical resources within FHWA & FLH.
  • To Focus on relevant data sets within broader subject categories.
  • To Provide an easily accessible tool for locating and acquiring technical data in a timely and efficient environment.
  • To Promote the sharing of knowledge and “best practices” through a continuous learning forum.
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Please send your questions or comments to webmaster@mail.wfl.fhwa.dot.gov
Last update: June 9, 2008