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How to Start Work with Volpe

All Customers | DOT Customers | Non-DOT Customers | Non-Federal Customers
Questions & Answers

For All Customers

(Volpe is authorized by Congress to conduct business through its Working Capital Fund Statute, 49 U.S.C. §328.)

The Volpe Center...

is a market-driven federal resource for innovation in transportation and related activities. Part of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), the Volpe Center develops integrated, multi-modal approaches to critical transportation issues. We may work for government (federal, state, local, and foreign) and private organizations.

may perform work that

  • involves research, development, testing, evaluation, analysis, or related activities;
  • furthers the transportation enterprise and its future development;
  • uses Volpe staff to add managerial or technical value; and
  • has manageable risks.

is non-profit,100% fee-for-service funded

  • no direct appropriation from Congress;
  • funding authority and funds transfer must precede work;
  • federal funds at Volpe remain available without fiscal year limitation;
  • charges reflect only actual costs; i.e., no profit; and
  • work is performed on a best effort (not fixed price) basis.

project manager is your primary contact.

If your agency's legal, budget, accounting, or procurement officials need details on Volpe operations, their counterparts at Volpe are available.

For DOT Customers

DOT agencies are authorized to employ Volpe through DOT Order 2300.7, Financing Activities at TSC. This order describes the current DOT process to finance projects at the Volpe Center and can be viewed via the following link

How to Initiate Projects

  • develop, with Volpe participation, a basic Project Plan Agreement (PPA). PPAs describe the general scope, level of effort, and deliverables of the project. The initial task of a PPA may be for Volpe to develop a more detailed project implementation plan.
  • identify the PPA title and funding in your agency's next General Working Agreement (GWA) with Volpe. The GWA transfers obligation authority to Volpe's Working Capital Fund for work on the specific PPAs.

[Sometimes, new projects that are tied to an appropriation already funding a project at Volpe may be started immediately.]

Approval Time

  • Volpe's project managers can inform you of your agency's GWA and PPA approval processes and time lines.
  • turn-around time at Volpe for GWAs is usually a few days.

Funds Obligation

Funds on GWAs are considered obligated by your agency immediately upon GWA approval, regardless of when Volpe receives cash advances or expends the funds.

For non-DOT Customers

The Volpe Center's Working Capital Fund Statute 49 U.S.C. 328, constitutes specific statutory authority for interagency transactions between the Volpe Center and other Federal agencies, independent of the Economy Act. Alternatively, an agency may rely on other agency-specific statutory authority available to it.

How to Initiate Projects

  • develop a Reimbursable/Interagency Agreement (RA). The RA describes the project's general scope, level of effort, deliverables, funding, and period of performance.

Funds Obligation

Funds on RAs are considered obligated by your agency immediately upon RA approval, regardless of when Volpe receives cash advances or expends the funds.

For non-Federal Customers

(Volpe is authorized to perform work for non-federal customers through its Working Capital Fund. Non-federal customers include state and local governments, other public authorities, private organizations, and foreign countries.)

How to Initiate Projects

  • develop an Agreement, for approval by your organization and Volpe, that describes the project's general scope, level of effort, deliverables, funding, and period of performance.
  • advance cash to Volpe to enable work to begin.

Questions & Answers

When may the Center start work?
When (1) the appropriate agreement has been signed by both parties, and (2) funds have been received by Volpe.

Are funds tied to specific projects?
Yes...a project's funds may only be used for that project to ensure compliance with appropriation law and the intent of Congress.

Can a multi-year project be funded partially or entirely at the outset of the project?
A customer may fund a multi-year project in segments, or in total at project initiation.

Are Volpe costs competitive?
The cost of Volpe's federal staff is below private sector rates for similar talent; and when needed, Volpe is skilled at selecting and employing cost effective contractor support. Yes...Volpe focuses on providing the best value for its customers.

How does Volpe charge customers for work performed?
All customers are charged in the same manner for: (1) direct costs incurred for work performed on their project; and (2) an equitable share of Volpe's indirect costs. There is no profit or fee.

How does Volpe manage projects?
Volpe Center project managers are accountable for all aspects of their projects, including financial control, deliverables, and when applicable, wise use of contractor resources. Project reviews and work plan budgets ensure that project spending is consistent with authorized plans.

What size projects does the Center perform?
There are no arbitrary minimum or maximum size constraints. Projects as small as $5K to over $100M for multi-year projects have been accomplished.

Can large projects be financially controlled at the task level?
Yes...our financial system readily accomodates task budget controls.

What progress reports wilI I receive?
Technical progress reporting is negotiated as part of your agreement with Volpe. Periodic financial reports are sent to the point-of-contact identified in your agreement. Additional detailed status reports may be provided by the Volpe project manager as needed.

What happens to unexpended funds on completed projects?
Unexpended funds are returned to the customer.

May customers terminate projects and have funds returned to them?
Yes...Volpe will return all unexpended funds (after all project and close-out costs have been covered).

Is a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) necessary for non-DOT customers to work with Volpe?
No...however, having an MOU in place may facilitate initiating projects within your agency.

Can Volpe protect proprietary data?
Yes...several federal statutes enable and require Volpe to protect proprietary information.

Does Volpe have to comply with federal rules and regulations?
Yes...we are a federal organization adept at meeting the high standards of U.S. Government process integrity with speed and efficiency.

For additional information, call your project manager, or Volpe's Chief, Communications and Technology Outreach Division, at 617/494-2224, or visit Volpe via the Internet, at