Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 1/24/97

Series: Intergovernmental Relations

Part 511: Coordination with State and Local Governments

Chapter 4: Simplification, Consolidation, or Substitution of Federally Required State Plans

Originating Office: Office of Acquisition and Property Management

511 DM 4

4.1 Purpose. This Chapter establishes requirements for bureau and office review and acceptance of Federally required State plans under 43 CFR ยง 9.12(b).

4.2 Applicability. Programs identified in Appendix 1 as requiring State plans will be subject to the requirements of this Chapter.

4.3 Procedures. Bureaus and offices shall establish procedures for review and acceptance of State plans that a State has simplified, consolidated, or substituted in order to determine if the plan's contents meet all applicable Federal requirements. The procedures shall provide for:

A. consultation with State officials, after bureau reviews, to make necessary changes;

B. use of any existing delegations of approval authority for State plans; and

C. review of existing statutes which authorize the State plan to determine all Federal requirements.

4.4 Coordination of Efforts. The Office of Acquisition and Property Management shall, as necessary, contact bureau and office IRCs to coordinate efforts associated with a State's attempts to simplify, consolidate, or substitute State plans.



State Plans Eligible for Modification

Under Executive Order 12372

15.252..............Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Program.

15.605..............Sport Fish Restoration.

15.611..............Wildlife Restoration.

15.904..............Historic Preservation Fund Grants-in-Aid.

15.916..............Outdoor Recreation-Acquisition, Development and Planning

1/24/97 #3133

Replaces 4/3/84 #2565

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