Minutes of the April 27 XMLWG meeting

The WG met at the USITC from 1:30 to 3:00PM.

    Martin S
    Owen A
    Eliot C (and Sheila)
    Dick G (via phone)
    (We failed to hook up with ? by phone--SNAFU.)

    Report to the EIEIT.--The group agreed to use Martin's issue outline as a basis for the report to
    the EIEIT, and to proceed by modifying/expanding the sections via posting to this site.

    Early deliverables.--Owen said he was most interested in making sure that specific actions to
    enhance use of XML actually happened. He was concerned that merely setting up a follow-on WG
    might lead to stqagnation unless they had at least some clear deadlines and deliverables. He
    knows several groups ready to go with constructive actions/events, like the FIRM wanting to do a
    symposium on records management and XML. Martin thought it was critical to provide a focus for
    ongoing activities in the form of a permanent (ie, lasting at least a year or 2) WG that could make
    sure the various specific activities/events added up to an effective program. The group agreed
    these elements could be combined by recommending formation of a WG, with indications of
    promising areas for action, PLUS a selection of specific, short-term deliverables that would not
    allow stagnation or paralysis by analysis. Martin noted that this format would fit the CIO Council
    mode of operation well, in that the early-qaction items could contribute to the FY2001 Strategic
    Plan as deliverables from EIEIT.

    On registries/repositories: The group clarified that we would not recommend setting up a Fdreal
    registry/repository, but would post whatever recommended schemata/elements we develop to one
    (or several) of the existing registries. It was suggested that GSA (George B) might be asked to
    work in this area based on his work in the related architecture program. Martin hopes our report
    can include good clear illustrations of how the recommended XML schemata/elements the
    Government develops will be translated into added value in running systems. Eliot offered to try to
    write this up. He also noted that other groups had developed a strategy of getting their standards
    recommendations built into application-developer tools (i.e., CASE products) so that using them
    would be the "default" choice for the developer.

    Another idea was to use the OMB / I-TIPS investment review process to push XML
    recommendations into the acquisitions process. This would work like it does with NIST security
    recommendations: deviations from the recommendations in project security plans would have to
    be justified.

    On "verticals".--Martin clarified that his idea was to leverage existing vertical-application efforts to
    get quick and highly visible benefits from application of XML technology. He recognized that the
    XML WG's role would be relatively minor: to alert the existing cross-agency vertical-app project
    teams to the issues and benefits of XML and to try to help them get recommended standards
    incorporated into their specifications. Martin wanted to consider BOTH government-to-public
    applications like grants and records; AND "internal" government apps like OPM's personnel-file
    project, I-TIPS data rollups, etc. Eliot noted that it was probalby wise to avoid "third-rail" projects
    like Federal budget and GPRA data standardization. Eliot offered to post some contact for
    verticals on this site.

    Re: Data flows.--Owen noted that FWS has developed a "master data table" describing all major
    data elements used in FWS mission operations, and wondered if we should include that activity
    as a recommended area of work for the permanent XML WG. Eliot thoiught that this was already
    a Federal requirement. Martin said he believed that Clinger-Cohen only referred to tracking "data
    flows" and that this might not be interpreted as requiring the kind of thing FWS is doing. He also
    said he thought the draft A-130 revision was more detailed in describing this requirement.

    Re: 500 Forms.--Dick announced that Carol (?) Freeman of NPR would be working on the
    500-forms project, following a high-level meeting between NPR and OMB recommitting them to
    the effort. Martin offered to call ehr and discuss possible intersection of interests.

    Re: Leadership/organization.--Martin suggested that the group shuld include some ideas on future
    WG leadership in its report. He said he thought GSA/GWP should be proposed as a Chair or
    co-Chair in view of their central role in EC. Hw asked if anyone else was interested/able to commit
    time. Eliot said he could and was confident he could get his management's support. Martin asked
    about the group mentioned in the LMI report as a candidate for future XML work, but no one knew
    of their plans or status.

    Next meeting is Thursday, April 4, 1:30-3:00PM at the USITC, room 404A.

    Created on Friday, April 28, 2000 1:20 PM EST by Martin Smith