The Adhocracy on XML for Uncle Sam (taXus)
Agenda for April 3, 2000, Meeting
Room 6208 at the General Services Administration
Taxus baccata ~ A very useful tree ... Can be closely trimmed... If let go without trimming, can become a very large bush... remarkably tolerant of shade ... poisonous to stock including man ...
10:00 - 10:05
Background and Statement of Objective
10:05 - 10:15
Self-Introductions and Brief Statements of Interests in XML
10:15 - 10:45
Brainstorming, Brief Explanations of Conceptual Proposals, and Identification of Issues/Questions*

Conceptual Proposals Already Raised:

1) Render all Government forms in XML for nonproprietary collection, transmission, and writing of data to databases, as well as preservation of completed forms as E-records, as appropriate.

2) Specify a standard set of XML metatags by which all Government records should be classified, at the series (logical collections) level.  (Determine best means to support NARA's electronic records archives project.)

3) Develop a standard set of XML attributes/schemata for common Government data structures (a data dictionary/architecture), e.g., by identifying the attributes of the elements (fields) included in the forms required for the top 500 Government services.

Questions Warranting Simple Answers:

1) What are the respective roles, capabilities, and relationships of XML, XML Schemas, RDF, XForms and related initiatives?
2) How might the CIOs exert leadership to add the greatest value to the use of XML by Government agencies in service to citizens?
3) How can this ad hoc workgroup best support such leadership by the CIOs?
10:45 - 10:55
Prioritization of Proposals, Issues, and Questions
10:55 - 11:00
Volunteering/Assignments for Followup Tasks
*Participants are encouraged to bring concise (1- or 2-paragraph) statements to the meeting.
