Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 6/9/99

Series: Information

Part 471: Audiovisual Media and Publications

Chapter 4: Production, Storage, and Dissemination of Departmental Publications

Originating Office: Office of Communications

471 DM 4

4.l Scope and Definition. The provisions of this Chapter apply to all Departmental publications, except as specifically noted (also see Printing and Publications Part 3l4 of the Departmental Manual). The term "publication" as used in this part refers to printed or electronic informational material intended for distribution in such forms as books, periodicals, brochures, scientific, technical and statistical pamphlets, reports, posters, circulars, or any other printed document published by or on behalf of the Department or any of its component organizations, regardless of the source of funding or source of the written material. Exceptions include environmental impact statements, charts, visuals, management plans, and administrative material produced solely for internal use such as Departmental Manual releases, personnel manuals, construction specifications, design standards, etc. These provisions also do not apply to materials produced by the Office of Inspector General.

4.2 Categories of Publications. For the purposes of this Chapter, Departmental publications are categorized as follows:

A. General Interest Publications. Publications intended for distribution to the general public, containing material of broad, general interest and usually involving Departmental policy matters. Included in this category are educational and extension publications.

B. Technical/Scientific/Statistical Publications. Publications purely technical or scientific in nature, confined chiefly to a particular occupation or discipline; e.g., engineering and/or basic applied sciences. They are intended as an informational vehicle by which a technologist conveys the results of research to his/her employers and/or to other scientists working in the same or a related field. In most cases, no Departmental policy considerations are involved in technical/scientific publications. Statistical publications are prepared for distribution to the public and limited to statistical material, with no policy considerations involved.

C. Site Specific Publications. Publications that interpret a particular geographic area or facility. Site specific publications are frequently designed specifically for visitors to parks, refuges, dams, historical sites, etc.

D. Periodicals. Publications regularly published, may require initial and subsequent periodic approvals by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Internal agency newsletters and annual reports are considered periodicals. Annual reports may require OMB approval, internal agency newsletters require Department approval.

4.3 Policy Review. The Director, Office of Communications (OCO) is responsible for policy review and approval of proposed content, cost, style, format and distribution of the categories of publications listed (see 4.2 above). To the greatest extent possible this policy review is delegated to the bureau public affairs office.

4.4 Policies.

A. All proposed publications must be approved by the initiating bureau's office of public affairs prior to printing. No bureau or office will contract with any individual or organization for the initial writing, photography, layout, design, or other preparation of any publication/brochure without approval and/or the required clearance as established in the bureau's publication approval plan.

B. Standards and guidelines for publication approval and authorization must be established by the bureau office of public affairs and approved by the program Assistant Secretary and OCO.

C. Procurement offices will not award a purchase order for any publication project without written approval from the bureau public affairs office.

D. A publication will be produced only when required by law, Executive order or Departmental regulation, or when its production is adequately justified in terms of usefulness to the Department of the Interior and the public(s) for whose use it is intended.

E. The cost of designing, producing, disseminating and storing publications will be kept to a minimum consistent with the objective(s) to be achieved and the public(s) to be satisfied.

F. To the maximum feasible extent, Departmental publications will be offered for sale to the public through the facilities of the Government Printing Office (GPO). Free internal and/or external distribution will be kept to a minimum so as not to impact adversely upon GPO sales of the publication.

G. Upon request by OCO, each bureau will provide a publications expenditures report identifying the total cost of all publications.

4.5 Responsibilities.

A. OCO has overall responsibility and authority for Departmental public expressions and provides guidance as appropriate, for message content, and the intended use of publications.

B. Heads of offices and bureau public affairs are responsible for assuring that their appropriate field personnel are in possession of and familiar with Parts 470, 47l, and 3l4 of the Departmental Manual. Office heads and bureau public affairs will issue additional instructions to their respective field activities as they deem necessary or appropriate.

4.6 Stock Statement. Offices and bureaus are encouraged to use a stock statement in their publications (preferably inside the front or back cover and in conjunction with the Departmental seal) when such use is appropriate to the type and style of the publication. OCO will update, from time to time, and transmit to each office and bureau a suitable stock statement for general use.

4.7 Seals and Logos.

A. The official Departmental and bureau seals (logo) are not in the public domain and cannot be used for other than official Interior Department business without specific authorization of OCO (see 310 DM 4.1).

B. Changes in design to a bureau seal and the use of emblems, insignia and bureau/program identification devices to symbolize a bureau or office mission must be approved by the program Assistant Secretary and coordinated with OCO and the Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget (see 310 DM 4.2).

C. Procurement offices will not award a purchase order or disburse funds for any bureau identification device without the approval of the program Assistant Secretary and guidelines as set forth in 310 DM 4.2.

6/9/99 #3268

Replaces 9/30/85 #2652

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