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What is OPUS-RS?

The National Geodetic Survey operates the On-line Positioning User Service (OPUS) as a means to provide GPS users easier access to the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS).

OPUS-RS is a new (August, 2005) version of OPUS designed to obtain geodetic quality positioning results from user data sets as short as 15 minutes. To do this, OPUS-RS uses an entirely new internal processing program.

Most of the external interface is the same as the original OPUS. Most of the information and explanations offered for the original OPUS also apply to OPUS-RS. Some changes to the OPUS data sheet will be apparent. See Using OPUS-RS.

The reference station selection algorithm for OPUS-RS differs significantly from that for regular OPUS. OPUS-RS searches the reference stations in order of increasing distance from the user's station (the rover), selecting reference stations that have suitable data. The search stops when either six reference stations have been selected or the distance from the rover to the next candidate reference station to be tested exceeds 250 km. Because of the geographic interpolation algorithms used, OPUS-RS will only process a file for which the user's station is either inside the polygon enclosing the selected reference stations, or no more than 50 km outside that polygon. Also, if the search algorithm does not find at least three acceptable reference stations, OPUS-RS will not attempt a solution. This restriction can be overridden if the user manually selects reference station(s) using the OPUS Options page.

How OPUS-RS Works

OPUS-RS has six major processing phases:
  1. Initial Quality Control. The user's data set is examined. The teqc program is used to determine if the file is properly formatted. The beginning and ending times of the file are determined. The observation time span for the rsgps network solution is computed as follows:
  2. Orbits. Orbit files for the period of the observations are retrieved from the NGS archive. If suitable orbit files cannot be found on the NGS archive, the archives at the IGS Central Bureau at JPL are searched. If necessary, orbit files for two consecutive days are concatenated together.

  3. Retrieve reference station rinex files. The teqc program, together with a broadcast orbit, is used to determine the first approximation to the position of the user's receiver. The accuracy of this position is approximately 2-10 meters.

    This position is used to compute the distance from the rover to each station in the National CORS network. These stations are then sorted by distance. This comprises an ordered list of candidate reference stations. User selected stations are put at the top of this list. Excluded stations are skipped.

    For each station in the list of candidate reference stations, an attempt is made to retrieve a rinex file covering the network solution time span from the NGS CORS archive. If the rinex file is not found there, the archives at SOPAC (Scripps Institute of Oceanography) and CDDIS (NASA Goddard) are searched. If necessary, hourly files are spliced together and/or rinex files from two consecutive days are retrieved and spliced together. If the retrieval of a rinex file is successful, its contents are tested. The file is read to determine how many of the potentially usable observations are actually present. The potentially usable observations are those which are within the network solution time span, repeat at 30-second epochs, and involve satellites at least 10 degrees above the local horizon. To be counted as actually present, the observation record must have all four required data types (L1,L2, P1(or C1), and P2). If at least 90 percent of the potentially usable observations are actually present, the candidate station is added to the list of reference stations to be used. The search is terminated when any of the following are true:

    If a rinex file cannot be found for a user-selected station, or if the file is found but does not pass the test above, OPUS-RS aborts the run.

  4. Improve the position. A differential pseudo-range solution is performed using the rinex file from the closest reference station, the known coordinates of the reference station, and the rover rinex file. The position of the user's receiver obtained from this computation is typically accurate to 0.5-2.0 meters. This is the beginning set of coordinates for the rsgps program.

  5. Run RSGPS.
  6. Create OPUS-RS Solution Report.


The internal processing for OPUS-RS is based on the RSGPS (rapid static GPS) program, which completely replaces the pages program used in the original OPUS. RSGPS is based on the mpgps (Multi-Purpose GPS) program developed by the Satellite Positioning and Intertial Naviagation (SPIN) group at The Ohio State University (Kashani et al, 2005; Grejner-Brzezinska et al, 2005). RSGPS differs from pages in two major ways:

The LAMBDA algorithm has been found to be vastly superior to other ambiguity search algorithms in many applications. The algorithm produces estimates for all the ambiguities, not just some as is the case for some other ambiguity search algorithms. LAMBDA can also produce several different estimates of the complete integer ambiguity set, and these sets can be ranked according to their statistics. Typically, the LAMBDA algorithm is asked to return two candidate sets, the best candidate set and the second best candidate set.

RSGPS uses the W-ratio statistic (Wang, J., M. P. Stewart, and M. Tsakiri, 1998) to measure the validity of the best candidate set returned by LAMBDA. RSGPS has the capability to perform a solution at each epoch, using all the data observed up to and including that epoch. This allows one to watch the evolution of the W-ratio with time. The typical behavior is that the W-ratio grows with time, although it may drop slightly when a new satellite rises. The time required for the W-ratio to rise and stay above 3.0 is called the time-to-fix. The quality indicator reported by RSGPS is the average value of the W-ratio at the last three epochs.

The original journal article by Wang claimed that the W-ratio is distributed as Student's statistict, allowing one to establish the probability that the best integer ambiguity set is the correct one. This has since been disproved, and the statistical properties of the W-ratio are presently unknown. However, it continues to be used as a hueristic indicator of the success of finding the correct set of integer ambiguities. Experience gained at the National Geodetic Survey indicates that a quality indicator less than 1.0 should be taken as an indicator that the LAMBDA process was not able to find the correct set of integer ambiguities with confidence. However, there are occasional false positives (cases where an erroneous solution is obtained even though the W-ratio is large), and false negatives (cases where the W-ratio is less than 1.0 but the solution is correct).

RSGPS is run twice to produce an OPUS-RS solution.


Grejner-Brzezinska, Dorota A., Pawel Weilgosz, Israel Kashani, Gerald Mader, Dru Smith, Doug Robertson, 2005. "Performance Assessment of the New Rapid Static Module of the Online Positioning User Service -- OPUS-RS." Procedings of the ION GNSS 18th International Technical Meeting of Satellite Division. Institute of Navigation. pp. 2595-2605.

Kashani, Israel, Pawel Weilgosz, Dorota A. Grejner-Brzezinska, and Gerald L. Mader, 2005. "A New Network-Based Rapid-Static Module for the NGS Online Positioning User Service -- OPUS-RS." Procedings of the ION Annual Meeting. Institute of Navigation. pp. 928-936.

Wang, J., M. P. Stewart, and M. Tsakiri, 1998. "A Discrimination Test Procedure for Ambiguity Resolution On-the-fly." Journal of Geodesy, Vol 72, pp. 644-653. Springer-Verlag

National Geodetic Survey - OPUS Team
Modified 10 June 2007