USPTO Museum > Exhibits


Office of Public Affairs Welcome Visiting the Museum Exhibits Tour Information What is Intellectual Property?

Museum Store open to the public in our Alexandria, Virginia location
The museum store is open Monday thru Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday from noon – 5:00 p.m.; and is closed Sundays and federal holidays. For more information phone 571-272-0095.

Art of Invention Invention of Art

Electronic Portrait Gallery Brings History to Life at the USPTO Museum

The Portrait Gallery exhibit features digital electronic portraits of United States Presidents Thomas Jefferson and James Madison; famous inventor Thomas Edison; National Inventors Hall of Fame inductees Helen Free, who developed home testing for diabetes, and Steve Wozniak, in the inventor and co-founder of Apple Computer; and the Director of the USPTO Jon Dudas. The gallery portraits, through the magic of computer-generated special effects and exclusive control software, spontaneously come to life, interactively engaging in humorous banter that highlights the history and growth of America’s intellectual property protection system.



Art of Invention - Invention of Art

Art of Invention Invention of Art

Is it art? Or is it invention?... Marvel at the beauty found in elegantly designed inventions, and enjoy the unintended art that results from other inventions. Whether it's a patented design, a look into the solar system, or a glimpse into a microscopic world, innovation is the key to the artwork on display in this latest exhibit at the United States Patent and Trademark Office Museum.



The museum is located in the atrium of the Madison building, 600 Dulany Street, Alexandria, Va. Hours are Monday – Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; Saturday from noon – 5:00 p.m.; closed Sundays and federal holidays.

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