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Title Sample Affordable Housing District Regulations September 2003
Zoning, Land Development, Construction and Subdivision Regulations X It is implied that Arkansas did not have adequate provision for alternative types of affordable housing.
  Check This guide provides communities with a road map for designing a residential zoning district to permit manufactured housing on individually owned lots.
Description This guide provides information for communities in Arkansas attempting to deal with the provisions of Act 624 of the Arkansas General Assembly, which requires Arkansas cities that enforce zoning regulations to permit manufactured housing in at least one residential zoning district on individually owned lots. The recommended sample regulations are as follows: Section One is the name of the zoning district (i.e. R2 Affordable Housing). Section Two describes the purpose of the district. This might say, “The district encourages affordable housing of varied types in specified locations within the city. The district permits site-built housing, manufactured housing, and modular housing constructed on individual lots...” Section Three is the uses permitted, and Section Four is the yard requirements. These will vary by city. Section Five is special provisions. This applies to districts in which multi-section manufactured houses are to be allowed and not single-section ones. These include provisions such as requiring units moved into the district from off site shall to be new and under warranty or inspected by the city’s code enforcement officer prior to being moved on site to ensure compliance with the city’s standards. The guide also notes that any city using these recommendations should modify them to keep in line with the land use plan. Also, any regulations to be considered by an individual city should be thoroughly reviewed and approved the city attorney.
Publication Date 2003
Organization Urban Planning Associates
Web Location

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Notice: The contents of this record reflect the views of the author and/or promulgating municipality, and should not be construed as representing the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development or U.S. HUD's Office of Policy Development and Research. No attempt has been made by U.S. HUD or its contractors to verify the accuracy, currency, or validity of the record contents presented herein.


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Content updated on 9/10/2004  
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