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Title Chapter 41 Idaho Building Code Act
Zoning, Land Development, Construction and Subdivision Regulations X Some communities in Idaho banned the siting of manufactured housing in single-family zoned areas.
  Check The Idaho legislature no longer allows local governments to ban certain manufactured housing in single-family neighborhoods.
Description This document contains recent revisions to the Idaho Building Code Act. Section 67-6509A now contains language that requires each local governing board to permit the siting of manufactured homes in any single-family residential zone except for those defined as historic districts. At the same time, the statute allows local governments to establish standards to guarantee that the manufactured housing will be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. Some of those standards require that the home be sited on excavated and backfilled foundation, have a pitched roof, have at least 1000 square feet of living space, have siding and roofing that is of similar color, material and appearance to similar siding and roofing in the community and have a garage or carport if they are required for non-manufactured homes. The legislature also specifically says that any regulations adopted under this statute shall not be used to discourage needed housing “through unreasonable cost or delay.” Later amendments also clarified the difference between a manufactured home and a mobile home.
Publication Date 2002
Organization Legislature of the State of Idaho
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Content updated on 9/10/2004  
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