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"How To"

This section provides consultants with information on important sites and the process WFLHD utilizes to award A/E contracts. During the solicitation, selection, and award of new contracts the point of contact is the Acquisitions staff. The name, number, and e-mail address of the individual(s) will be referenced in the synopsis.

Marketing your firms in advance of, during, or after our solicitation and award process does not give any form of advantage for selection of IDIQ or Task Order Awards. As a Federal office we conduct A/E acquisitions in accordance with the Federal Acquisitions Regulation 36.6, Transportation Acquisition Regulation 1236.6 and Transportation Acquisition Manual 1236.6, there are strict processes and guidelines which we must follow for solicitation, selection and award of A/E contracts. "Marketing" meetings are therefore not recommended or encouraged.
Important Links:
FedBizOpps: This link is to the mandated "Government Point of Entry" for soliciting contracts. The link connects you directly to the Western Federal Lands current solicitations. This is the site the synopsis and resulting solicitation will be posted. For all Federal listings on this site go to http://www.fedbizopps.gov.

Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR): This link is to the regulatory document that defines the baseline and guidance for Acquisitions. Subpart 36.6 provides the basis of planning, soliciting, selecting, awarding , and managing the A/E contracts.

Transportation Acquisition Regulation (TAR) and Transportation Acquisition Manual (TAM): This link is to the Department of Transportation supplements to the Federal Acquisition Regulation.

Solicitation Process:
Synopsis: The Acquisitions staff publishes the synopsis of the requirement on the FedBizOpps page. The synopsis provides the prospective consultants with enough information to provide a proposal such as a description of the types of services required, the type of IDIQ anticipated (Firm Fixed Price, Labor Hour, Cost Plus, or a combination), the number of contracts anticipated for award, the contract maximum and minimum, qualification requirements, and information required to be submitted for evaluation. Contractors submitting proposals in response to our A/E solicitations may access the Architect-Engineer Qualifications form (SF-330) at the General Service Administration (GSA) Website. After the date set for closing of the Request for Proposal, the process then moves to the Selection phase.

Selection of Firms: Contractor's proposals are evaluated as indicated in the synopsis but will focus only on qualifications. This could include oral presentations or just a matter of evaluating the data available. The evaluation board conducts the evaluation, provides the selection authority of the results of the evaluation and a selection list of the most highly qualified firms. These firms are now considered as part of the Award phase.

Award Phase: The synopsis states the number of contracts anticipated for award. From the selection list, the number of top firms equal to the number of anticipated contracts, are asked to provide proposals on the fees to be included in the contract. Generally a list of common labor classifications are provided to the Government and the firms overhead and profit rates are evaluated. Should the Government and firm not come to an agreement, the next highest rated firm on the list will be contacted. The Government may conduct an audit of the firm to verify the proposed fee rates.

General Operating Practices (Post award):
As A/E services become needed, the FHWA prepares a written scope of work. Selection of a firm awarded an IDIQ contract for providing the services needed is generally made on the basis of qualifications, past experiences, and performance. Other factors may include but not be limited to a firms proximity to the location of the work, current workload, and whether the contract minimum has been ordered.

Price proposals reflecting the proposed levels of effort and other costs as appropriate based on the scope of work are expected to be provided timely to FHWA. Negotiations are scheduled and held and upon successful completion of the negotiations, the task order is issued.

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Last update: September 20, 2005