Ethics Guidance

U.S. Office of Government Ethics
1201 New York Avenue, NW.
Suite 500
Washington, DC 20005


OGE Form 450 FAQs

OGE Form 450 or 450-A?

(UPDATED 01/09/08)
How do I report I filed an annual OGE Form 450 covering the reporting period of Oct 1, 2005 through December 31, 2006.  I have reviewed my copy of that report.  Between January 1, 2007 and December 31, 2007, there have been no changes in the information that I reported on that form.   I have no new assets and income, no new liabilities, no new outside positions, no new agreements and arrangements, and no new gifts and travel reimbursements.  I have not sold any assets I previously listed in Part I, nor have I resigned from any outside positions I previously reported in Part III.  Do I have to fill out the OGE Form 450, or may I fill out the OGE Form 450-A?

        It depends.  If your agency requires you to file an OGE Form 450 every two or four years, you must file the complete 450 Form in 2008 even if there are no changes to your reportable information from the prior year.

        If you work at an agency that has a three-year filing cycle--i.e., a cycle that requires employees to file a full 450 Form every three years--you must file a complete 450 Form in 2009 even if you have no changes in reportable information.