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DA 97-2568         [ 12 FCC Rcd 20351 ]         Release date: December 8, 1997

Mass Media Bureau Lists Commercial FM Broadcast Stations Potentially Eligible to Increase Effective Radiated Power on Form 302-FM

In Certain Minor Changes Without a Construction Permit, Report and Order, MM Docket 96-58, 12 FCC Rcd 12371, 61 FR 51052 (1997), the Commission made changes to its rules to permit the licensing of certain minor changes in broadcast facilities without the prior requirement of a granted construction permit. Footnote 1. These rules became effective on December 1, 1997. Paragraph 9 of the Report and Order indicated that a Public Notice would be released listing FM commercial authorizations which, according to the Commission FM engineering database, (a) meet or exceed the minimum separation requirements of 47 CFR 73.207 with respect to all other FM broadcast stations, vacant allotments, and pending applications, including Canadian and Mexican assignments and vacant allotments, and (b) are operating with effective radiated powers (ERP) less than permitted for the station class. Footnote 2. These stations may be eligible to increase their ERP on FCC Form 302-FM, without the filing and grant of a construction permit application on Form 301.

Before increasing power, the station should verify that is in compliance with all of the requirements contained in the revised rule 47 CFR 73.1690(c) (see Paragraphs 7 through 10 and Appendix E of the Report and Order in Docket 96-58). Stations which increase ERP but are not in compliance with all of the requirements set forth in Section 73.1690 will be required to reduce the ERP to the authorized values on short notice.

Changes in the ERP may be accomplished by replacing the transmission line, replacing the antenna where the radiation center is no more than 2 meters above or 4 meters below the authorized values, changing the transmitter output power, or installing or removing components in the transmission line. The changed operation must comply with the revised radiofrequency exposure limits which went into effect on October 15, 1997. Footnote 3.

Once the increased ERP has been accomplished, the licensee or permittee must immediately submit a letter to the Audio Services Division, MMB (1800B3), FCC, Washington, DC 20554 [fax (202)-418-1410] indicating that program test operations have commenced (see 47 CFR 73.1620). Within 10 days of commencing operations, the licensee or permittee must file FCC Form 302-FM to cover the changes. As stated in the Report and Order, the license application must contain a completed Appendix C from that Order (a copy is attached to this Public Notice for convenience) and any exhibits required therein.

License applications which modify an existing license are exempt from filing fees. Each copy of the license application (original + 2 duplicates) must have a cover letter noting the exemption. The modification-of-license application must be submitted to the Office of the Secretary (1800B3), Room 222, 1919 M Street NW, Washington DC 20554. If the license application also pertains to a granted construction permit, the license application fee must be submitted along with the application to the address specified in the Mass Media Fee Filing Guide (Mellon Bank).

Stations which are listed as contour protection stations on the attached list (YES in the 73.215 column) which are now fully spaced under 47 CFR 73.207 may request to delete the contour protection designation in addition to increasing power. Applications requesting deletion of the contour protection designation will be processed on a first come / first served basis with respect to earlier filed applications for construction permit or license.

Questions about this Public Notice or the Report and Order in MM Docket 96-58 may be directed to Dale Bickel,, (202)-418-2720.

--- FCC ---

Footnote 1: The Report and Order may be obtained from the FCC's Internet site at (text file version) or (Word Perfect 5.1 version).

Footnote 2: The attached list was generated from data contained in the Commission's FM Engineering database. This database is an unofficial secondary source of information (47 CFR 0.434) and in a few instances may not agree with the primary source (e.g., the station authorization, application, petition for rulemaking, etc.) The Commission may issue errata as necessary to correct the list.

Footnote 3: See Guidelines for Evaluating the Environmental Effects of Radiofrequency Radiation, Second Memorandum Opinion and Order and NPRM, ET Docket 92-62, FCC 97-303, 62 FR 48034 (September 12, 1997) and OST Bulletin No. 65, revised August 1997. These documents are available through the Internet at (text version) or fcc97303.wp (Word Perfect 5.1 version), and, respectively. The determination of compliance with the radiofrequency exposure limit must account for all colocated and nearby radiating sources, including sources from services other than FM.

Supplement to FCC Form 302-FM (Appendix C of the Report and Order in MM Docket 96-58, FCC 97-290, 12 FCC Rcd 12371 at 12420) (OMB Approval Number 3060-0506)
This supplement is intended for use with the revised procedures adopted in the Report and Order in MM Docket 96-58. You may use this supplement to determine whether the new procedures are applicable to your particular situation. This supplement and any related exhibits must be attached to the Form 302-FM license application. This FM license application is filed to: cover construction permit (permit number) ____________________________ (the permit number starts with BPH-, BMPH-, BPED-, BMPED- ) modify license (license number) _____________________________________ (the license number starts with BLH- , BMLH-, BLED- , BMLED) Purpose of Application (Check applicable boxes and provide the requested information and exhibits): 1. Increase in a Commercial FM station's Effective Radiated Power (ERP). An FM commercial station (also including those noncommercial educational stations authorized to operate on Channels 221 through 300 (except Class D stations)), may increase ERP via a license application where EITHER (a), (b), or (c) BELOW ARE TRUE. [Noncommercial educational permittees or licensees operating on Channels 200 through 220, or Class D stations operating on any channel, may only increase the authorized maximum ERP after grant of a construction permit application on FCC Form 340 (but see Section 8 below).] An analysis to demonstrate compliance with the Commission's radiofrequency radiation requirements must be included with the Form 302-FM application for license to cover the increased power. (a)(i). The commercial Class A station was authorized pursuant to MM Docket 88-375 to increase ERP in a modification of license application in one of the following Public Notices (see 47 CFR Section 73.1690(c)(5)). The ERP increase must not violate the multiple ownership provisions of 47 CFR Section 73.3555. The Form 302-FM application must include an analysis demonstrating compliance with the Commission's radiofrequency radiation requirements. ____ November 3, 1989 (Reference No. 451), Page No. _________***See Note ____ November 17, 1989 (Reference No. 640), Page No. _________ ____ December 8, 1989 (Reference No. 886), Page No. _________ ____ March 2, 1990 (Reference No. 2009), Page No. _________ ____ February 11, 1991 (Reference No. 11615), Page No. ________ *** Note: Certain stations included on the November 3, 1989 Public Notice were deleted from the lists of eligible stations on the November 17, 1989 Public Notice. Applicants referring to the November 3, 1989 Public Notice should also check the November 17, 1989 Public Notice. ______ ii) the installed height of the antenna radiation center is not increased by more than two meters nor decreased by more than four meters from the authorized height for the antenna radiation center. ______ iii) The applicant must demonstrate compliance with the AM protection requirements of 47 CFR Section 73.1692 if the increase in ERP also involves replacement of an antenna on an AM antenna tower. (b). The commercial FM station is fully spaced pursuant to 47 C.F.R. Section 73.207 of the Commission's rules. See 47 CFR Section 73.1690(c)(7). The ERP increase may only be implemented where ALL OF THE FOLLOWING ARE TRUE: ______ i) A showing must be provided to demonstrate that the FM station complies with the minimum separation requirements of 47 CFR  73.207. The FM station may not be "grandfathered" under 47 CFR Section 73.213 or authorized under the contour protection rule 47 CFR Section 73.215. ______ ii) If located in or near a radio quiet zone, radio coordination zone, or a Commission monitoring station, written approval has been secured from that radio quiet zone, radio coordination zone, or the Commission's Compliance and Information Bureau in the case of a monitoring station, PRIOR to implementation of the ERP increase. See 47 CFR Sections 73.1030 and 0.121(c). A copy of the written approval must be attached to the Form 302-FM application. ______ iii) The station does not require international coordination since ____ the transmitter site is not within 320 km of the Canadian or Mexican border; or ____ if the transmitter site is in a border zone, the station's International Class _____ is equal to or greater than the station's Domestic Class _____ ______ iv) The power increase does not require the consideration of a multiple ownership showing pursuant to 47 CFR Section 73.3555. ______ v) The vertically polarized ERP will not exceed the horizontally polarized ERP. ______ vi) the installed height of the antenna radiation center is not increased by more than two meters nor decreased by more than four meters from the authorized height for the antenna radiation center . ______ vii) The applicant must demonstrate compliance with the AM protection requirements of 47 CFR Section 73.1692 if the increase in ERP also involves replacement of an antenna on an AM antenna tower. ______ viii) An analysis to demonstrate compliance with the Commission's radiofrequency radiation requirements must be included with the Form 302-FM application for license to cover the increased power. (c). The license application is filed to increase the ERP of an auxiliary facility. Complete Section 7 below. 2. Decrease in a commercial FM station's ERP. An FM station may decrease ERP via a license application where ALL OF THE FOLLOWING ARE TRUE. See 47 CFR Section 73.1690(c)(8). ______ i) An exhibit must be provided to demonstrate that the station will continue to maintain the 70 dBu contour over the community of license, as required by 47 CFR Section 73.315(a). The location of the contour must be predicted using the standard contour prediction method in 47 CFR Section 73.313(b), (c), and (d). Supplemental contour prediction methods may not be used to predict the location of the 70 dBu contour in a license application. ______ ii) An exhibit must be provided to demonstrate that the station will maintain the 70 dBu contour over the main studio location, or that the main studio is located within the community of license, as required by 47 CFR Section 73.1125. The location of the contour must be predicted using the standard contour prediction method in 47 CFR Section 73.313(b), (c), and (d). Supplemental contour prediction methods may not be used to predict the location of the 70 dBu contour in a license application. ______ iii) The station class, as defined by 47 CFR Section 73.211, may not change from the station class authorized for the station. ______ iv) The station's vertically polarized ERP will not exceed the horizontally polarized ERP. ______ v) The licensee or permittee must certify that the power decrease is not requested or required to establish compliance with the multiple ownership rule, 47 CFR Section 73.3555. ______ vi) The installed height of the antenna radiation center is not increased by more than two meters nor decreased by more than four meters from the authorized height for the antenna radiation center. ______ vii) The reduction in power would not cause an authorized auxiliary facility of the station to violate 47 CFR Section 73.1675. If a violation would occur: ______ an application must be submitted simultaneously with the license to cover the power reduction to bring the auxiliary facility into compliance with 47 CFR Section 73.1675; or ______ the auxiliary license is attached for cancellation. 3. Decrease in a noncommercial educational FM station's ERP. A decrease in a noncommercial educational station's ERP may be applied for in a license application, provided that ALL OF THE FOLLOWING ARE TRUE. See 47 CFR Section 73.1690(c)(8). _____ i) An exhibit must be provided to demonstrate that the station continues to provide a 60 dBu contour over at least a portion of the community of license. The location of the contour must be predicted using the standard contour prediction method in 47 CFR Section 73.313(b), (c), and (d). Supplemental contour prediction methods may not be used to predict the location of the 60 dBu contour in a license application. _____ ii) An exhibit must be provided to demonstrate that the station will continue to provide a 70 dBu contour over the main studio location, as required by 47 CFR Section 73.1125, or that the main studio is located within the community of license (see 47 CFR Section 73.1125(a)(3)). The location of the contour must be predicted using the standard contour prediction method in 47 CFR Section 73.313(b), (c), and (d). Supplemental contour prediction methods may not be used to predict the location of the 70 dBu contour in a license application. _____ iii) The license application may not propose to eliminate the authorized horizontally polarized ERP, if a horizontally polarized ERP is currently authorized. _____ iv) The vertically polarized ERP may not exceed the horizontally polarized ERP, unless the noncommercial educational station is located within the separations specified in Table A of 47 CFR Section 73.525 with respect to a Channel 6 television station. _____ v) The installed height of the antenna radiation center is not increased by more than two meters nor decreased by more than four meters from the authorized height for the antenna radiation center. _____ vi) The station is not presently authorized with separate horizontal and vertical antennas mounted at different heights. Use of separate horizontal and vertical antennas requires a construction permit before implementation or changes. _____ vii) The reduction in power would not cause an authorized auxiliary facility to violate 47 CFR Section 73.1675. If a violation would occur: ______ an application is submitted simultaneously with this license application to reduce ERP to bring the auxiliary facility into compliance with 47 CFR Section 73.1675; or _____ the auxiliary license is attached for cancellation. 4. Replacing an FM Directional Antenna With Another Directional Antenna. A directional antenna may be replaced with another directional antenna, and the Commission subsequently notified of the change via a license application, provided exhibits are attached to the license application to demonstrate compliance with ALL OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS. See 47 CFR Section 73.1690(c)(2). _____ i) the installed height of the antenna radiation center is not increased by more than two meters nor decreased by more than four meters from the authorized height for the antenna radiation center. _____ ii) A measured directional pattern and tabulation on the manufacturer's letterhead showing both the horizontal and vertical radiation components and demonstrating that neither of the measured components exceeds the authorized composite pattern along any azimuth. _____ iii) If the directional antenna is used for a station authorized under Section 73.215 (commercial FM contour protection), or Section 73.509 (noncommercial educational FM), the license application must demonstrate that the RMS (root mean square) of the measured composite directional pattern is 85% or more of the RMS of the authorized composite pattern. If the measured pattern does not meet this requirement, an attachment may be provided to specify reduced relative field values along multiple azimuths for the authorized composite pattern (as authorized for the previous license) so as to bring the measured and authorized directional patterns into compliance with the 85% RMS requirement. See 47 CFR Section 73.316(c)(9). _____ iv) A description from the manufacturer as to the procedures used to measure the directional antenna pattern. The antenna measurements must be performed with the antenna mounted on a tower or tower section, or through use of a scale model, equivalent to that on which the antenna will be permanently mounted, and the tower or tower section must include transmission lines, ladders, conduits, other antennas, and any other installations which may affect the measured directional pattern. _____ v) A certification from a licensed surveyor that the antenna has been oriented to the proper azimuth must be provided. _____ vi) A certification from a qualified engineer who oversaw installation of the directional antenna that the directional antenna was installed pursuant to the manufacturer's instructions must be provided. _____ vii) The applicant must demonstrate compliance with the AM protection requirements of 47 CFR Section 73.1692 if the installation would occur on an AM antenna structure. 5. Deletion of Contour Protection Status Under 47 CFR  73.215 for a Commercial FM Station. See 47 CFR  73.1690(c)(6). A permittee or licensee may apply to delete the contour protection station designation pursuant to 47 CFR Section 73.215 where a showing is provided to demonstrate that the FM station is fully spaced in accordance with the minimum separation requirements of 47 CFR Section 73.207. As specified in the Report and Order in MM Docket 96-58, this license application will be considered on a first come / first served basis with respect to any conflicting minor change or license application, and that a prior filed conflicting application, if granted, may necessitate the dismissal of the license application and the resumption of operations with the contour-protected facilities specified on the current station authorization. Deletion of the contour protection designation will only occur upon grant of the license application. 6. Change Licensing Status from Commercial FM to Noncommercial Educational FM, or vice versa. See 47 CFR Section 73.1690(c)(9). A permittee or licensee proposing to change from commercial to noncommercial educational status must attach completed Sections II and IV of FCC Form 340 to the license application. Conversely, a permittee or licensee on Channels 221 to 300 proposing to change from noncommercial educational to commercial may do so in a license application without additional exhibits, provided that the channel is not specially reserved for noncommercial educational use in the Table of Allotments (47 CFR Section 73.202(b)). In either case, the change will become effective upon grant of the license application. 7. Formerly Licensed FM Main Facilities as Auxiliary Facilities, or Change in ERP of an Authorized FM Auxiliary Facility. See 47 CFR Section 73.1675. The following information must be provided to obtain authorization to use a formerly licensed main facility as an auxiliary facility, or to change the ERP of an authorized FM auxiliary facility: _____ i) The License Number of the formerly authorized main facility is _____________ (the License No. starts with BLH- , BLED-, BMLH-, BMLED- ) _____ ii) An exhibit must be provided to demonstrate that the location of the auxiliary facility's 1 mV/m (60 dBu) contour lies within the licensed main facility's 1 mV/m (60 dBu) contour. The analysis should use a sufficient number of radials to accurately locate both the main and auxiliary contours. The location of the 1 mV/m (60 dBu) contour must be predicted using the standard contour prediction method in 47 CFR Section 73.313(b), (c), and (d). _____ iii) The installed height of the antenna radiation center is not increased by more than two meters nor decreased by more than four meters from the authorized height for the antenna radiation center. _____ iv) If the application proposes to increase the ERP of the auxiliary facility, the application must provide an analysis to demonstrate compliance with the Commission's radiofrequency radiation requirements. _____ v) If the auxiliary facility requires the installation of a new antenna on an AM antenna tower, the license application must demonstrate compliance with 47 CFR Section 73.1692. 8. Change in the Vertically Polarized ERP for FM Commercial Stations and Certain Noncommercial Educational FM Stations. See 47 CFR Section 73.1690(c)(4). Those FM stations for which ALL OF THE FOLLOWING APPLY may increase or decrease the vertically polarized ERP in a modification of license application: _____ i) If the station is a noncommercial educational FM station and the distance from the FM station to any Channel 6 television station exceeds the minimum distance separation specified in Table A of 47 CFR Section 73.525, an increase or decrease in the vertically polarized ERP may be made, not to exceed the authorized horizontally polarized ERP. [If the station is authorized for vertically polarized only operation, a construction permit is required before making the change.] _____ ii) If the noncommercial educational station is within the minimum separations specified in Table A with respect to a Channel 6 television station, the station may file a license application procedure to reduce (but not increase) the vertical ERP from the authorized value, and may also decrease (but not increase) the horizontal ERP, provided that any presently authorized horizontal ERP is not eliminated entirely. An exhibit must be provided to demonstrate that the 60 dBu contour will continue to cover at least a portion of the community of license. The location of the contour must be predicted using the standard contour prediction method in 47 CFR Section 73.313(b), (c), and (d). Supplemental contour prediction methods may not be used to predict the location of the 70 dBu contour in a license application. _____ iii) If the application proposes to increase the vertically polarized ERP of the presently authorized facility, the application must provide an analysis to demonstrate compliance with the Commission's radiofrequency radiation requirements. _____ iv) the installed height of the antenna radiation center is not increased by more than two meters nor decreased by more than four meters from the authorized height for the antenna radiation center. _____ v) If the new antenna is mounted on an AM antenna tower, the license application must demonstrate compliance with 47 CFR Section 73.1692. Certifications for Supplement to FCC Form 302-FM In addition to the certifications in Section I, FCC Form 302-FM, I certify that the statements and exhibits in this supplement to the application are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and are made in good faith. I understand that, pursuant to 47 CFR Section 73.1620, the Commission may require a reduction in the station's operating power or other changes, or the cessation of program test operations, or the filing of a construction permit application (with appropriate filing fee) for failure to comply with the terms of the construction permit or previous license, Commission rule, or to eliminate interference. Printed Name of PreparerSignature _______________________________________ ________________________________________ Printed Name of Applicant Signature (see instructions to Item 6, Section I, Form 302-FM) _______________________________________ ________________________________________ Title Date _______________________________________ ________________________________________ *** END TO FCC FORM 302-FM SUPPLEMENT ***

       8-DEC-97  06:40:26               List of Fully Spaced FM Facilities Able to Increase Power                 Page: 00001
   Chan  Int. Freq  Call        City      St Status     File        Latitude    Longitude   Border 73.215 Old ERP  HAAT New ERP
    221C2      92.1 KQEZ   HOUSTON        AK CP MOD  BMPH960122ID  61-20-10.0  149-30-47.0          No     10.000  247.  19.000
    221C3      92.1 KSBSFM PAGO PAGO      AS LIC      BLH920828KH -14-17-41.0  170-39-44.0          No     15.000  -28.  25.000
    221A       92.1 KSGC   TUSAYAN        AZ LIC      BLH910718KE  35-58-14.0  112-07-53.0          No      1.600  102.   5.800
    221A       92.1 WNFK   PERRY          FL LIC      BLH961024KB  30-06-27.0   83-34- 0.0          No      1.600   60.   6.000
    221A       92.1 WDDQ   ADEL           GA LIC      BLH791009AG  31-08-15.0   83-23-41.0          No      3.000   91.   6.000
    221A       92.1 KCHEFM CHEROKEE       IA LIC     BMLH870710KA  42-47-21.0   95-33- 6.0          No      3.000   64.   6.000
    221A  B    92.1 KATKFM CARLSBAD       NM LIC      BLH840727CS  32-27- 2.0  104-12-47.0   Mex    No      3.000   58.   6.000
    221A  B1   92.1 WNRR   BELLEVUE       OH LIC      BLH831026AB  41-16-30.0   82-50- 0.0   Can    No      3.000   49.   6.000
    221A  B1   92.1 WNRR   BELLEVUE       OH CP       BPH960216IE  41-16-26.0   82-50-25.0   Can    No      3.700   33.   6.000
    221A       92.1 KWVRFM ENTERPRISE     OR LIC      BLH870427KB  45-19- 1.0  117-13-14.0          No      3.000 -191.   6.000
    221A       92.1 KSYD   REEDSPORT      OR LIC      BLH900316KA  43-43-21.0  124-05-40.0          No      2.800  102.   5.800
    221A       92.1 WEGM   HORMIGUEROS    PR LIC      BLH930104KC  18-19- 6.0   67-10-42.0          No      2.000  337.   2.950
    221A  B1   92.1 KCRK   COLVILLE       WA LIC      BLH820302AD  48-31-15.0  117-54-28.0   Can    No      3.000 -241.   6.000
    222C1      92.3 KREDFM EUREKA         CA LIC      BLH910531KB  40-43-37.0  123-58-25.0          No     25.000  469.  31.000
    222C3      92.3 KVRHFM SALIDA         CO LIC      BLH940517KA  38-30-26.0  106-01-22.0          No     13.500 -200.  25.000
    222C       92.3 KIZN   BOISE          ID LIC      BLH6178      43-45-19.0  116-05-52.0          No     44.000  762.  56.000
    222C  C    92.3 KQRK   RONAN          MT LIC      BLH811103AN  47-46-25.0  114-16- 4.0   Can    No     60.000  707.  68.000
    222C2 B    92.3 KITE   KERRVILLE      TX LIC      BLH940603KD  30-07- 4.0   99-11-40.0   Mex    No     44.000  123.  50.000
    223C1      92.5 KCRTFM TRINIDAD       CO CP MOD  BMPH930621IL  36-59-33.0  104-28-24.0          No     15.000  311.  91.000
    223A       92.5 KVPIFM VILLE PLATTE   LA LIC     BMLH920420KF  30-41-39.0   92-18-46.0          No      3.900   67.   6.000
    223C2 B    92.5 WIRN   BUHL           MN LIC     BLED961224KB  47-29-46.0   92-47- 5.0   Can    No     26.000  170.  38.000
    223C1      92.5 KAAR   BUTTE          MT LIC      BLH950106KC  46-00-29.0  112-26-30.0          No      4.500  550.  19.000
    223C       92.5 KLADFM KLAMATH FALLS  OR LIC      BLH891205KA  42-05-50.0  121-37-59.0          No     63.000  653.  82.000
    223C       92.5 KZPS   DALLAS         TX LIC      BLH801126AA  32-35-22.0   96-58-10.0          No     98.000  485. 100.000
    223C       92.5 KSSD   CEDAR CITY     UT LIC      BLH7203      37-38-41.0  113-22-28.0          No     41.000  515. 100.000
    224A       92.7 WULAFM EUFAULA        AL LIC      BLH5174      31-52-38.0   85-09-30.0          No      3.000   24.   6.000
    224A       92.7 WULAFM EUFAULA        AL CP       BPH900509JF  31-54-30.0   85-09-51.0          No      3.000  100.   6.000
    224C2      92.7 WULAFM EUFAULA        AL CP       BPH960726ID  31-54-30.0   85-09-51.0          No     26.000   91.  50.000

       8-DEC-97  06:40:26               List of Fully Spaced FM Facilities Able to Increase Power                 Page: 00002
   Chan  Int. Freq  Call        City      St Status     File        Latitude    Longitude   Border 73.215 Old ERP  HAAT New ERP
    224C2 B    92.7 KJJJ   LAKE HAVASU CITAZ LIC      BLH940601KA  34-33- 6.0  114-11-37.0   Mex    No      0.720  814.   1.050
    224A       92.7 KAOE   HILO           HI CP MOD  BMPH970211ID  19-41-48.0  155-03- 5.0          No      2.200  -48.   6.000
    224C3      92.7 KLGAFM ALGONA         IA LIC      BLH951019KB  43-04- 5.0   94-12- 8.0          No      3.500  137.  13.500
    224A       92.7 KSRAFM SALMON         ID LIC      BLH840305AA  45-11- 2.0  113-52-12.0          No      1.500 -268.   6.000
    224A       92.7 WLSR   GALESBURG      IL LIC     BMLH940708KY  40-57-43.0   90-18-30.0          No      3.800  113.   4.700
    224A  B1   92.7 KVCKFM WOLF POINT     MT LIC      BLH810901AH  48-11- 9.0  105-40- 8.0   Can    No      0.860  155.   2.550
    224A       92.7 KBRBFM AINSWORTH      NE LIC     BMLH901231KD  42-33-16.0   99-49-52.0          No      4.500  101.   5.900
    224A       92.7 KAIU   GRANTS         NM LIC      BLH961213KC  35-07- 9.0  107-54- 8.0          No      1.700   70.   6.000
    224A  B    92.7 KPSAFM LA LUZ         NM LIC      BLH870210KC  32-58-13.0  105-59-21.0   Mex    No      3.000  -66.   6.000
    224A       92.7 KQAYFM TUCUMCARI      NM LIC      BLH3923      35-10-15.0  103-42-25.0          No      3.000   20.   6.000
    224A       92.7 KHWK   TONOPAH        NV LIC      BLH820813AG  38-04-22.0  117-13-16.0          No      0.290  296.   0.680
    224C3      92.7 KWNAFM WINNEMUCCA     NV LIC      BLH940624KB  41-00-40.0  117-45-59.0          No      0.140  645.   0.470
    224A  B1   92.7 WXUR   HERKIMER       NY LIC      BLH790418AA  43-03-50.0   75-01-44.0   Can    No      3.000   91.   6.000
    224A       92.7 KIQZ   RAWLINS        WY LIC      BLH811119AI  41-46-16.0  107-14-15.0          No      3.000   91.   6.000
    225C2      92.9 KFAT   ANCHORAGE      AK CP MOD  BMPH951018IE  61-20-10.0  149-30-47.0          No     10.000  249.  18.500
    225C3      92.9 KIDAFM IDA GROVE      IA LIC      BLH900821KB  42-15-16.0   95-23-29.0          No     16.000   90.  25.000
    225A       92.9 WKLO   VEEDERSBURG    IN CP MOD  BMPH970606IA  40-09-22.0   87-13-35.0          No      1.000   33.   6.000
    225C3      92.9 KTKC   SPRINGHILL     LA CP       BPH960725IC  33-00-28.0   93-28-43.0          No      6.100   53.  25.000
    225C1 C    92.9 WSCDFM DULUTH         MN LIC     BLED871109KA  46-47-20.0   92-07- 4.0   Can    No     70.000  185. 100.000
    225C2 B    92.9 KSCQ   SILVER CITY    NM LIC      BLH950327KE  32-50-40.0  108-14-18.0   Mex    No      3.900  312.  11.500
    225C1 C1   92.9 KASTFM ASTORIA        OR LIC      BLH810526AL  46-10-54.0  123-48-19.0   Can    No     99.000  165. 100.000
    225C1 C1   92.9 KASTFM ASTORIA        OR CP       BPH960524IA  46-10-54.0  123-48-19.0   Can    No     51.000  178. 100.000
    226C       93.1 KXGO   ARCATA         CA LIC      BLH930930KG  40-43-36.0  123-58-19.0          No     50.000  500. 100.000
    226A       93.1 NEW    CHARLOTTE AMALIVI CP      BPED950802MC  18-21-26.0   64-56-50.0          No      0.300  439.   1.650
    227C2      93.3 KXAZ   PAGE           AZ LIC      BLH970228KD  37-00-42.0  111-40-48.0          No     12.500  281.  14.500
    227C  C    93.3 KGGL   MISSOULA       MT LIC      BLH950426KA  47-01-57.0  113-59-31.0   Can    No     43.000  777.  54.000
    227C1 C1   93.3 KSJZ   JAMESTOWN      ND LIC      BLH881201KA  46-49- 3.0   98-42-34.0   Can    No     57.000   78. 100.000
    228A       93.5 KBKG   CORNING        AR LIC      BLH831115AA  36-24- 0.0   90-35- 5.0          No      3.000   42.   6.000

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   Chan  Int. Freq  Call        City      St Status     File        Latitude    Longitude   Border 73.215 Old ERP  HAAT New ERP
    228A       93.5 KNAC   EARLIMART      CA CP       BPH880826MB  35-57-30.0  119-15- 0.0          No      3.000  100.   6.000
    228A       93.5 KALQFM ALAMOSA        CO LIC      BLH4443      37-28-20.0  105-51-13.0          No      2.800   40.   6.000
    228A       93.5 KWME   WELLINGTON     KS LIC      BLH790709AG  37-14-28.0   97-24- 4.0          No      3.000   50.   6.000
    228A       93.5 WAINFM COLUMBIA       KY LIC     BMLH900117KC  37-06-36.0   85-16-42.0          No      4.600   55.   6.000
    228A  B1   93.5 KLAN   GLASGOW        MT LIC      BLH831026AG  48-05-42.0  106-37- 8.0   Can    No      3.000   91.   6.000
    228A  B    93.5 KAHO   JUNCTION       TX CP MOD  BMPH970221IC  30-28-45.0   99-45-12.0   Mex    No      2.400   97.   6.000
    229A  B1   93.7 WNBYFM NEWBERRY       MI LIC      BLH911101KF  46-18-48.0   85-30-38.0   Can    No      3.500   80.   6.000
    229C  C    93.7 KDRKFM SPOKANE        WA LIC      BLH7372      47-34-13.0  117-05- 0.0   Can    No     56.000  725.  64.000
    230C2      93.9 KUAMFM AGANA          GU LIC      BLH920316KB  13-25-53.0 -144-42-36.0          No      5.200  289.  13.500
    230A       93.9 WSIB   SELMER         TN LIC      BLH900628KA  35-11-27.0   88-35-21.0          No      3.000  100.   6.000
    230C1 C1   93.9 WDORFM STURGEON BAY   WI LIC      BLH801224AK  44-54-23.0   87-22-15.0   Can    No     77.000  198. 100.000
    230C1      93.9 KTAK   RIVERTON       WY LIC      BLH811221AS  42-43-10.0  108-08-45.0          No     50.000  290. 100.000
    231C1 C    94.1 KXKQ   SAFFORD        AZ CP       BPH960909IB  32-39- 1.0  109-50-53.0   Mex    No      1.000 1307.   3.100
    231C       94.1 KBXL   CALDWELL       ID LIC      BLH821122AA  43-45-14.0  116-06- 8.0          No     40.000  783.  53.000
    231C2      94.1 KDNS   DOWNS          KS LIC      BLH940428KS  39-30-29.0   98-18-57.0          No     28.000   89.  50.000
    231C       94.1 KOPR   BUTTE          MT LIC      BLH880902KA  46-00-23.0  112-26-28.0          No     60.000  566. 100.000
    231C3      94.1 KTBRFM MYRTLE POINT   OR CP MOD  BMPH960212IC  42-57-32.0  124-16-23.0          No      1.000  444.   1.150
    231A  B1   94.1 NEW    TILLAMOOK      OR CP       BPH960710MB  45-27-27.0  123-55- 0.0   Can    No      0.950  227.   1.150
    231C1      94.1 WIAL   EAU CLAIRE     WI LIC      BLH810519AE  44-49-48.0   91-26-48.0          No     84.000  107. 100.000
    232A  B    94.3 KBUX   QUARTZSITE     AZ LIC      BLH880919KC  33-40-58.0  114-13-59.0   Mex    No      0.205  -49.   6.000
    232C3      94.3 KCREFM CRESCENT CITY  CA CP       BPH950731IA  41-45-34.0  124-09-49.0          No      8.600  -93.  25.000
    232A       94.3 KDLX   MAKAWAO        HI LIC      BLH810105AK  20-50-48.0  156-19-35.0          No      3.000  -17.   6.000
    232A  B    94.3 KDEM   DEMING         NM LIC      BLH7744      32-15- 5.0  107-45-28.0   Mex    No      3.000   59.   6.000
    232C2 B    94.3 KRVL   KERRVILLE      TX LIC      BLH920513KB  30-15- 8.0   99-08- 1.0   Mex    No     33.000  122.  50.000
    232A  B1   94.3 KKEE   LONG BEACH     WA LIC      BLH880401KC  46-18-51.0  124-03- 7.0   Can    No      3.000   71.   6.000
    233A       94.5 KCFS   SIOUX FALLS    SD LIC    BMLED930216KB  43-31-57.0   96-44-20.0          No      0.150   58.   6.000
    233C1      94.5 KVFM   LOGAN          UT LIC      BLH850624LM  41-53-50.0  111-57-39.0          No     15.500  350.  69.000
    233C       94.5 KVFM   LOGAN          UT CP       BPH950808ID  41-53-50.0  111-57-39.0          No     70.000  350. 100.000

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   Chan  Int. Freq  Call        City      St Status     File        Latitude    Longitude   Border 73.215 Old ERP  HAAT New ERP
    233B1      94.5 WBESFM DUNBAR         WV LIC      BLH930914KC  38-25-11.0   81-43-24.0          No      8.500  160.   9.600
    233C       94.5 KMGW   CASPER         WY LIC      BLH790130AD  42-44- 3.0  106-20- 0.0          No     65.000  582. 100.000
    234A       94.7 KAJP   FIREBAUGH      CA CP      BPED881017MD  36-47-30.0  120-30- 0.0          No      3.000  100.   6.000
    234C1      94.7 KALG   CHADRON        NE CP       BPH930414MD  42-38- 2.0  103-05-58.0          No     50.000  151. 100.000
    235C1      94.9 KBREFM CEDAR CITY     UT LIC      BLH890717KF  37-45-51.0  113-06-15.0          No     55.000  -37. 100.000
    235C1      94.9 KZWY   SHERIDAN       WY LIC      BLH7328      44-47-54.0  106-55-51.0          No     58.000   13. 100.000
    236C3      95.1 KSVA   CORRALES       NM LIC     BLED950530KB  35-04- 6.0  106-46-46.0          No     13.000  115.  19.000
    237A       95.3 WSRM   COOSA          GA CP       BPH900226MD  34-11-41.0   85-20-55.0          No      3.000  100.   6.000
    237C3 B1   95.3 KLERFM OROFINO        ID LIC      BLH960726KB  46-28- 9.0  116-16-40.0   Can    No      2.300  206.   5.900
    237A       95.3 KECHFM SUN VALLEY     ID LIC     BMLH900220KA  43-39-42.0  114-24- 7.0          No      0.100  661.   0.120
    237C1      95.3 KECHFM SUN VALLEY     ID CP       BPH960719IB  43-39-42.0  114-24- 7.0          No      5.900  656.  12.500
    237A       95.3 WRXX   CENTRALIA      IL LIC      BLH6603      38-34-44.0   89-06-46.0          No      3.000   66.   6.000
    237A       95.3 KKANFM PHILLIPSBURG   KS LIC      BLH840612CK  39-47-32.0   99-19-55.0          No      3.000   45.   6.000
    237A  B1   95.3 WALZ   MACHIAS        ME LIC      BLH781113AG  44-44- 8.0   67-30-11.0   Can    No      3.000   67.   6.000
    237C1      95.3 KRJC   ELKO           NV LIC      BLH950221KA  40-54-35.0  115-49- 5.0          No     25.000  236. 100.000
    237C1      95.3 KLCR   LAKEVIEW       OR CP       BPH960619MF  41-50- 3.0  120-21- 3.0          No     51.000  155. 100.000
    237A  B    95.3 KNELFM BRADY          TX LIC      BLH790806AP  31-07-27.0   99-21-34.0   Mex    No      3.000   91.   6.000
    237A       95.3 WFTRFM FRONT ROYAL    VA LIC     BMLH900507KE  38-58-29.0   78-12- 9.0          No      4.000   91.   6.000
    237C2 B    95.3 KXLEFM ELLENSBURG     WA LIC      BLH930622KA  46-53-16.0  120-26-31.0   Can    No      1.900  410.   6.100
    237C2 B    95.3 KXLEFM ELLENSBURG     WA CP       BPH970724IE  47-09- 7.0  120-47-23.0   Can    No     40.000   65.  50.000
    238C2      95.5 KSTO   AGANA          GU LIC      BLH881108KB  13-29-17.0 -144-49-53.0          No     25.000  163.  42.000
    238A       95.5 KHAM   ST. ANSGAR     IA CP       BPH961113MC  43-23-11.0   92-55- 8.0          No      1.000    8.   6.000
    238C       95.5 KMBR   BUTTE          MT LIC      BLH800128AE  46-00-29.0  112-26-30.0          No     50.000  555. 100.000
    238C1      95.5 KSDZ   GORDON         NE LIC      BLH951013KC  42-47-56.0  102-15-40.0          No     60.000   95. 100.000
    238C       95.5 KNEV   RENO           NV LIC      BLH921029KA  39-15-34.0  119-42-16.0          No     60.000  695.  71.000
    239C1      95.7 KEZJFM TWIN FALLS     ID LIC      BLH7336      42-43-45.0  114-24-55.0          No     50.000  189. 100.000
    239C1 C1   95.7 KCGM   SCOBEY         MT LIC      BLH5142      48-48- 3.0  105-21- 0.0   Can    No     52.000  201. 100.000
    239C1      95.7 KBOYFM MEDFORD        OR LIC      BLH900810KB  42-27-11.0  123-03-21.0          No     60.000  299. 100.000

       8-DEC-97  06:40:26               List of Fully Spaced FM Facilities Able to Increase Power                 Page: 00005
   Chan  Int. Freq  Call        City      St Status     File        Latitude    Longitude   Border 73.215 Old ERP  HAAT New ERP
    240A       95.9 KNLF   QUINCY         CA CP MOD  BMPH950821IA  39-56-15.0  120-56-44.0          No      1.000 -339.   6.000
    240C2      95.9 KPVS   HILO           HI LIC      BLH950530KA  19-43- 0.0  155-08-13.0          No     27.000 -110.  50.000
    240A       95.9 KCHAFM CHARLES CITY   IA LIC      BLH830628AJ  43-03- 5.0   92-40- 0.0          No      3.000   91.   6.000
    240C3      95.9 KILRFM ESTHERVILLE    IA CP       BPH950509IC  43-25-45.0   94-49-23.0          No     10.000   99.  25.000
    240A       95.9 KCAY   RUSSELL        KS LIC      BLH850220KO  38-54-22.0   98-51-39.0          No      1.350  148.   2.800
    240C2 B    95.9 KKMT   COLUMBIA FALLS MT CP MOD  BMPH970514IF  48-10-34.0  114-20-53.0   Can    No     30.000  125.  50.000
    240A  B1   95.9 KLCM   LEWISTOWN      MT LIC      BLH6651      47-04-13.0  109-24-26.0   Can    No      3.000  -70.   6.000
    240A       95.9 KRSR   SANTA ROSA     NM CP       BPH961112MG  34-56-47.0  104-39-10.0          No      1.500   36.   6.000
    240A       95.9 KYBE   FREDERICK      OK LIC      BLH820712AJ  34-23-30.0   99-01-51.0          No      3.000   67.   6.000
    240A       95.9 WVBI   BLOCK ISLAND   RI LIC      BLH940617KE  41-10-21.0   71-33-52.0          No      3.000   53.   6.000
    240A       95.9 KXITFM DALHART        TX LIC     BMLH911212KB  36-05-45.0  102-30-38.0          No      3.000   52.   6.000
    240A       95.9 KEYEFM PERRYTON       TX LIC      BLH790118AA  36-21-54.0  100-46-46.0          No      3.000   91.   6.000
    240A       95.9 WGRQ   COLONIAL BEACH VA LIC      BLH900314KE  38-13-45.0   77-07-10.0          No      2.000  160.   2.400
    240A       95.9 WTBZFM GRAFTON        WV LIC      BLH880405KQ  39-21-16.0   80-01-27.0          No      3.000   91.   6.000
    241A       96.1 KNOMFM NOME           AK LIC     BLED930526KA  64-29-56.0  165-23-56.0          No      0.088  -42.   6.000
    241C  C    96.1 WQHRFM PRESQUE ISLE   ME LIC      BLH791113AJ  46-32-55.0   67-48-35.0   Can    No     95.000  399. 100.000
    241C1      96.1 KINI   CROOKSTON      NE LIC      BLH7646      43-07-50.0  100-54- 2.0          No     57.000  152. 100.000
    241A       96.1 KICXFM MCCOOK         NE LIC      BLH901130KC  40-10-19.0  100-41- 5.0          No      3.100  115.   4.500
    241C  C    96.1 KNFR   OPPORTUNITY    WA LIC      BLH7638      47-34-11.0  117-05- 0.0   Can    No     56.000  725.  64.000
    242C       96.3 KFMI   EUREKA         CA LIC      BLH5918      40-43-36.0  123-58-18.0          No     30.000  482. 100.000
    242C       96.3 KRTRFM KAILUA         HI CP       BPH940330IZ  21-19-49.0  157-45-24.0          No     75.000  645.  85.000
    242A  B    96.3 KRCW   ROYAL CITY     WA CP      BPED941031IG  46-48-25.0  119-33-12.0   Can    No      0.130  505.   0.220
    242A       96.3 WOTR   LOST CREEK     WV LIC      BLH911218KD  39-08-43.0   80-19-40.0          No      3.000   92.   6.000
    243C3      96.5 KKISFM SOLDOTNA       AK LIC      BLH940329KA  60-31-26.0  151-03-23.0          No     10.000   79.  25.000
    243C       96.5 KFLSFM TULELAKE       CA LIC      BLH951103KF  42-05-50.0  121-37-59.0          No     20.000  657.  81.000
    243C1 C1   96.5 KOZEFM LEWISTON       ID LIC      BLH901128KC  46-27-48.0  117-00- 1.0   Can    No     25.000  226. 100.000
    243C1 C1   96.5 KDZN   GLENDIVE       MT LIC      BLH830330AA  47-05-15.0  104-48- 4.0   Can    No     90.000  149. 100.000
    243C1      96.5 WFLB   LAURINBURG     NC LIC      BLH861020KI  34-29-34.0   79-12-50.0          No     80.000  230. 100.000

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   Chan  Int. Freq  Call        City      St Status     File        Latitude    Longitude   Border 73.215 Old ERP  HAAT New ERP
    243C       96.5 KQSW   ROCK SPRINGS   WY LIC      BLH7250      41-25-54.0  109-07- 1.0          No     96.000  494. 100.000
    244A       96.7 KDYNFM OZARK          AR LIC      BLH801021AC  35-29-10.0   93-53-29.0          No      1.600  122.   4.100
    244C1      96.7 KKEX   PRESTON        ID CP       BPH940203ID  41-52-18.0  111-48-31.0          No     55.000   66. 100.000
    244C3      96.7 KWCLFM OAK GROVE      LA LIC      BLH951018KD  32-51-32.0   91-21-22.0          No      6.900  100.  25.000
    244C2 B    96.7 WMLQ   ROGERS CITY    MI LIC      BLH900510KD  45-21- 1.0   83-47- 0.0   Can    No     26.000  117.  50.000
    244A       96.7 WFFFFM COLUMBIA       MS LIC      BLH820405AP  31-15-44.0   89-50-41.0          No      3.000   91.   6.000
    244C2      96.7 KSCY   BELGRADE       MT LIC      BLH960826KF  45-40-24.0  110-52- 2.0          Yes     8.600  228.  22.000
    244A       96.7 WKJX   ELIZABETH CITY NC LIC      BLH840829CS  36-18-26.0   76-16- 3.0          No      3.000   86.   6.000
    244C2      96.7 KZMXFM HOT SPRINGS    SD CP MOD  BMPH960823ID  43-26-34.0  103-27-27.0          No     38.000  138.  50.000
    244A  B    96.7 KXOXFM SWEETWATER     TX LIC      BLH810313AL  32-29-16.0  100-23-31.0   Mex    No      2.900   47.   6.000
    245A       96.9 KBCRFM STEAMBOAT SPRINCO LIC     BMLH940701KA  40-27-43.0  106-51- 2.0          No      0.870  155.   2.550
    245C2      96.9 KBCRFM STEAMBOAT SPRINCO CP       BPH960625IH  40-27-43.0  106-50-57.0          No     10.000  203.  27.500
    245C       96.9 KKGL   NAMPA          ID LIC      BLH7318      43-45-19.0  116-05-52.0          No     44.000  768.  55.000
    245C       96.9 KROG   GRANTS PASS    OR LIC      BLH860403KB  42-22-56.0  123-16-29.0          No     25.000  679.  75.000
    245A  B1   96.9 WMKB   RIDGEBURY      PA LIC      BLH890728KC  41-55-43.0   76-46-58.0   Can    No      1.550  131.   3.600
    245C1      96.9 KMTN   JACKSON        WY LIC      BLH850617KC  43-27-42.0  110-45-10.0          No     50.000  323.  84.000
    246C2      97.1 KAMDFM CAMDEN         AR LIC      BLH4437      33-35-13.0   92-49-42.0          No     39.000   56.  50.000
    246C2      97.1 KNWB   HILO           HI LIC      BLH850814KV  19-45-33.0  155-08-33.0          No     40.000  -38.  50.000
    246C2      97.1 KNWB   HILO           HI CP       BPH961113IE  19-47- 2.0  155-05-25.0          No     38.000 -251.  50.000
    246B  B    97.1 WWBX   BANGOR         ME LIC     BMLH850105KX  44-42-13.0   69-04-47.0   Can    No      5.000  375.   7.500
    246C2      97.1 KKBR   BILLINGS       MT LIC      BLH941101KA  45-45-59.0  108-27-19.0          No     28.000  122.  50.000
    246C  C    97.1 KALS   KALISPELL      MT LIC      BLH811016AF  48-00-48.0  114-21-55.0   Can    No     26.500  758.  57.000
    246A  B    97.1 KBALFM SAN SABA       TX LIC      BLH961220KA  31-11-26.0   98-42-55.0   Mex    No      3.000    6.   6.000
    246C       97.1 KXRX   WALLA WALLA    WA LIC      BLH7497      45-59- 4.0  118-10- 8.0          No     50.000  408. 100.000
    247C1      97.3 KWEYFM WEATHERFORD    OK LIC      BLH7488      35-33- 2.0   98-43-59.0          No     69.000  122. 100.000
    247C1      97.3 KSHRFM COQUILLE       OR LIC      BLH830804AD  43-14-51.0  124-06-46.0          No     25.000  261. 100.000
    247C1      97.3 KMXC   SIOUX FALLS    SD LIC      BLH780815AE  43-35-48.0   96-38-20.0          No     60.000   67. 100.000
    247A       97.3 KMLD   CASPER         WY CP       BPH950103MB  42-44-37.0  106-18-26.0          No      0.090  551.   0.180

       8-DEC-97  06:40:26               List of Fully Spaced FM Facilities Able to Increase Power                 Page: 00007
   Chan  Int. Freq  Call        City      St Status     File        Latitude    Longitude   Border 73.215 Old ERP  HAAT New ERP
    248A       97.5 WUFFFM EASTMAN        GA LIC     BMLH930527KD  32-13-35.0   83-13-10.0          No      2.000  113.   4.700
    248C1      97.5 KPOIFM HONOLULU       HI LIC      BLH820713AC  21-17-37.0  157-50-32.0          No     80.000   14. 100.000
    248B1      97.5 WBBAFM PITTSFIELD     IL LIC      BLH890821KE  39-34-53.0   90-47-52.0          No     10.000   93.  25.000
    248C1      97.5 KNLR   BEND           OR LIC      BLH850114LW  44-04-38.0  121-19-49.0          No     97.000  163. 100.000
    248C1      97.5 KDLY   LANDER         WY LIC      BLH800226AA  42-49-20.0  108-45-48.0          No     62.000 -128. 100.000
    249A       97.7 KHBT   HUMBOLDT       IA LIC     BMLH950202KB  42-43-57.0   94-12-23.0          No      5.800   84.   6.000
    249A       97.7 WSTQ   STREATOR       IL LIC      BLH880520KA  41-10-49.0   88-52- 6.0          No      3.000  100.   6.000
    249A  B1   97.7 WMRXFM BEAVERTON      MI LIC      BLH880816LB  43-53-16.0   84-31-45.0   Can    No      2.000  122.   4.100
    249C1      97.7 KLGRFM REDWOOD FALLS  MN CP       BPH970320IE  44-32-35.0   95-07-57.0          No     60.000   88. 100.000
    249C1      97.7 KMTY   HOLDREGE       NE CP       BPH951027ID  40-26-26.0   99-23-58.0          No     55.000   80. 100.000
    249A  B1   97.7 WILEFM BYESVILLE      OH LIC      BLH941027KB  40-02-24.0   81-38-50.0   Can    No      1.800  126.   3.800
    249C2      97.7 KACIFM THE DALLES     OR LIC      BLH900424KI  45-38-56.0  121-16-20.0          No      4.200  272.  15.500
    249C1      97.7 KNBZ   REDFIELD       SD CP       BPH961114ME  44-54-30.0   98-19-40.0          No     62.000   58. 100.000
    249A       97.7 KEASFM EASTLAND       TX LIC      BLH870130KB  32-23-47.0   98-46-26.0          No      3.000   62.   6.000
    250C1      97.9 KAXB   TUBA CITY      AZ CP       BPH961010MB  36-21-16.0  111-12-27.0          No     30.000  327.  81.000
    250C       97.9 KQFC   BOISE          ID LIC      BLH7484      43-45-12.0  116-06- 8.0          No     47.000  762.  56.000
    250C1 C1   97.9 WEVEFM EVELETH        MN LIC      BLH850913KI  47-35-53.0   92-13-26.0   Can    No     71.000  161. 100.000
    250C2      97.9 WBAQ   GREENVILLE     MS LIC      BLH910307KC  33-23-50.0   91-00-33.0          No     24.500  151.  49.000
    251C1      98.1 KLEF   ANCHORAGE      AK LIC      BLH880829LA  61-11-17.0  149-52-57.0          No     25.000    9. 100.000
    251C2      98.1 KWLF   FAIRBANKS      AK LIC      BLH930430KC  64-52-38.0  147-48-46.0          No     28.000   -2.  50.000
    251A       98.1 WJATFM SWAINSBORO     GA LIC     BMLH890228KD  32-35- 8.0   82-21-42.0          No      3.000   87.   6.000
    251A  B1   98.1 WEUL   KINGSFORD      MI LIC      BLH900214KA  45-49-58.0   88-04-57.0   Can    No      0.240  147.   2.850
    251A  B1   98.1 KCYS   SEASIDE        OR CP       BPH951108ME  45-57-13.0  123-56-17.0   Can    Yes     0.600   53.   6.000
    252A       98.3 WAWV   SYLACAUGA      AL LIC      BLH951016KC  33-12-23.0   86-13-54.0          No      5.000   69.   6.000
    252C2 B    98.3 KKLD   PRESCOTT VALLEYAZ LIC      BLH960125KD  34-41-11.0  112-06-58.0   Mex    No      0.880  776.   1.200
    252A       98.3 KXBXFM LAKEPORT       CA LIC      BLH850219KW  39-02-54.0  122-45-59.0          No      3.000   91.   6.000
    252A       98.3 WKKN   CORDELE        GA LIC      BLH4334      31-57-26.0   83-46- 8.0          No      3.000   91.   6.000
    252C2 B    98.3 WHCH   MUNISING       MI LIC      BLH920313KB  46-24-53.0   86-40-27.0   Can    No     32.000  109.  50.000

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   Chan  Int. Freq  Call        City      St Status     File        Latitude    Longitude   Border 73.215 Old ERP  HAAT New ERP
    252A       98.3 WSSIFM CARTHAGE       MS LIC      BLH790619AC  32-43-13.0   89-32-48.0          No      3.000   91.   6.000
    252A       98.3 KBBNFM BROKEN BOW     NE LIC     BMLH901018KC  41-23-49.0   99-37- 2.0          No      3.400  100.   6.000
    252A  B    98.3 KPTX   PECOS          TX LIC      BLH810722AB  31-26- 9.0  103-30-14.0   Mex    No      3.000   35.   6.000
    252A       98.3 KRDFFM SPEARMAN       TX LIC      BLH7429      36-12-31.0  101-09-31.0          No      3.000   66.   6.000
    252C2      98.3 KEYW   PASCO          WA CP       BPH960308IA  46-06-15.0  119-07-51.0          No      3.000  370.   7.800
    252C1 C1   98.3 WCQM   PARK FALLS     WI LIC      BLH950125KC  45-55- 4.0   90-26-58.0   Can    No     57.000   71. 100.000
    253B1      98.5 KSAY   FORT BRAGG     CA LIC      BLH960507KB  39-28- 3.0  123-45-34.0          No      3.500  138.  13.500
    253A       98.5 WDRR   SAN CARLOS PARKFL LIC      BLH951004KA  26-30-18.0   81-51-14.0          Yes     2.200  113.   4.700
    253C1      98.5 KKLV   HONOLULU       HI LIC      BLH930510KF  21-18-49.0  157-51-43.0          No     51.000   18. 100.000
    253A       98.5 WAHI   AUGUSTA        IL LIC     BLED950511KA  40-16- 3.0   90-57-10.0          No      1.000   47.   6.000
    253A       98.5 NEW    WARSAW         MO CP       BPH890725MF  38-20-30.0   93-21-55.0          No      3.000   87.   6.000
    253C1      98.5 KIDX   BILLINGS       MT LIC      BLH841024CP  45-45-51.0  108-27-18.0          No     85.000  113. 100.000
    254C3      98.7 KLBQ   EL DORADO      AR LIC      BLH940318KH  33-12-30.0   92-41-16.0          No     14.000   91.  25.000
    254C       98.7 KRTZ   CORTEZ         CO LIC      BLH831129AA  37-13-10.0  108-48-26.0          No     27.000  884.  39.000
    254C1      98.7 KSIDFM SIDNEY         NE LIC      BLH830218AF  41-11- 3.0  103-11-37.0          No     62.000  113. 100.000
    254C  C    98.7 KSNM   TRUTH OR CONSEQNM LIC      BLH841105CY  32-58-15.0  107-13-26.0   Mex    No     37.000  806.  49.000
    255C       98.9 KCMT   CHESTER        CA LIC      BLH890427KB  40-14- 0.0  121-01-11.0          No     25.000  737.  61.000
    255C       98.9 KCMT   CHESTER        CA CP       BPH960709ID  40-14- 0.0  121-01-11.0          No     25.000  751.  58.000
    255A       98.9 WQMT   CHATSWORTH     GA LIC     BMLH881230KB  34-45-29.0   84-43-59.0          No      3.000   91.   6.000
    255C1 C1   98.9 WKLZ   PETOSKEY       MI LIC      BLH910919KC  45-28-40.0   84-57- 4.0   Can    No     52.000  244. 100.000
    255C       98.9 KAXA   PIOCHE         NV CP       BPH960112ME  37-53-44.0  114-34-41.0          No      5.000 1029.  29.000
    255C  C    98.9 KWJZ   SEATTLE        WA LIC      BLH970317KB  47-30-14.0  121-58-29.0   Can    No     58.000  714.  66.000
    256C  C    99.1 KFMM   THATCHER       AZ LIC      BLH811120AK  32-53-22.0  109-19-23.0   Mex    No     50.000  695.  71.000
    256C3      99.1 KMTS   GLENWOOD SPRINGCO LIC      BLH940823KR  39-31-58.0  107-20-30.0          No      6.200  -90.  25.000
    256C3      99.1 KMTS   GLENWOOD SPRINGCO CP       BPH940715IK  39-31-58.0  107-20-30.0          No     10.000  -90.  25.000
    256C1 C1   99.1 WIKBFM IRON RIVER     MI LIC      BLH960429KE  46-06- 3.0   88-32-23.0   Can    No     60.000  150. 100.000
    256C1 C1   99.1 KCAD   DICKINSON      ND LIC      BLH961113KC  46-56- 9.0  102-43-55.0   Can    No     51.000  181. 100.000
    256C1      99.1 KCLVFM CLOVIS         NM LIC      BLH820923AI  34-23-18.0  103-11- 7.0          No     74.000   70. 100.000

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   Chan  Int. Freq  Call        City      St Status     File        Latitude    Longitude   Border 73.215 Old ERP  HAAT New ERP
    256A       99.1 KGVM   GARDNERVILLE-MINV CP MOD  BMPH921223IG  38-57-35.0  119-50-36.0          No      3.000 -249.   6.000
    256A       99.1 KZNC   HURON          SD LIC     BMLH950804KZ  44-20-46.0   98-12-34.0          No      3.000   56.   6.000
    257C2      99.3 WMFCFM MONROEVILLE    AL LIC      BLH940613KJ  31-30-51.0   87-17-55.0          No     30.000   94.  50.000
    257C2 B    99.3 KVEZ   PARKER         AZ LIC      BLH970127KE  34-07-22.0  114-12-40.0   Mex    No     10.000  287.  14.000
    257C1      99.3 KRGD   BURLINGTON     CO CP       BPH961008MD  39-21-30.0  102-05-50.0          No     59.000  104. 100.000
    257A       99.3 KPXC   INDIAN SPRINGS NV CP MOD  BMPH951006IA  36-33-48.0  115-40-25.0          No      0.100 -128.   6.000
    257A  B1   99.3 WTNSFM COSHOCTON      OH LIC      BLH4024      40-16-30.0   81-49-37.0   Can    No      1.200  134.   3.400
    257A       99.3 KQFM   HERMISTON      OR LIC      BLH870721KA  45-51-57.0  119-18-45.0          No      3.000   91.   6.000
    257A       99.3 WERIFM BLOCK ISLAND   RI LIC     BMLH910227KB  41-10-30.0   71-34-10.0          No      4.600   54.   6.000
    257A  B1   99.3 KBSNFM MOSES LAKE     WA LIC      BLH801112AJ  47-05-54.0  119-17-47.0   Can    No      3.000   61.   6.000
    257A       99.3 KKTYFM DOUGLAS        WY LIC      BLH840320AC  42-43-42.0  105-31-46.0          No      0.810  162.   2.350
    258A       99.5 KHMB   HAMBURG        AR LIC      BLH951025KC  33-19-40.0   91-46-53.0          No      3.000  100.   6.000
    258C2 C1   99.5 WYSS   SAULT STE. MARIMI LIC      BLH6856      46-23-48.0   84-23-52.0   Can    No     26.500   84.  50.000
    258C1      99.5 KPXP   GARAPAN-SAIPAN MP LIC      BLH930217KB  15-11- 6.0 -145-44-30.0          No      6.500  455.  34.000
    258C1 C1   99.5 KBLLFM HELENA         MT LIC      BLH841107KK  46-46-12.0  112-01-22.0   Can    No     30.000  241. 100.000
    258A  B    99.5 KWFL   ROSWELL        NM LIC     BLED950718KA  33-21-47.0  104-38-11.0   Mex    No      3.000   91.   6.000
    258C1      99.5 KAGOFM KLAMATH FALLS  OR LIC      BLH930525KB  42-12-56.0  121-47-56.0          No     60.000  108. 100.000
    258C3      99.5 KRBZ   REEDSPORT      OR CP       BPH970305IC  43-40-40.0  124-06-36.0          No     11.000  122.  17.000
    258B       99.5 WVIQ   CHRISTIANSTED  VI LIC      BLH940601KC  17-44- 7.0   64-40-46.0          No     32.000  225.  50.000
    258A  B1   99.5 KXAA   ROCK ISLAND    WA LIC      BLH970616KD  47-22-52.0  120-17-15.0   Can    No      5.300  -25.   6.000
    258A  B1   99.5 KXAA   ROCK ISLAND    WA LIC     BMLH920626KA  47-22-52.0  120-17-15.0   Can    No      5.000  -51.   6.000
    259C1      99.7 KMBQ   WASILLA        AK LIC      BLH850813KX  61-38- 3.0  149-26-25.0          No     51.000  -48. 100.000
    259C       99.7 WMCFM  MEMPHIS        TN LIC     BMLH870507KC  35-10- 9.0   89-53-12.0          No    300.000  277. 100.000
    260A  B1   99.9 KFMJ   KETCHIKAN      AK CP       BPH950829MB  55-21-40.0  131-47-43.0   Can    No      0.040  681.   0.115
    260C       99.9 KEKB   FRUITA         CO LIC      BLH840604CP  39-03-56.0  108-44-52.0          No     79.000  422. 100.000
    260C       99.9 KEKB   FRUITA         CO CP       BPH951120IO  39-03-56.0  108-44-52.0          No     79.000  470. 100.000
    260A       99.9 WSNTFM SANDERSVILLE   GA LIC     BMLH930802KC  32-58-23.0   82-48-34.0          No      3.000   56.   6.000
    260C1      99.9 KAYI   PRINCEVILLE    HI CP       BPH950117MG  22-13-30.0  159-24-13.0          No     51.000  -96. 100.000

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   Chan  Int. Freq  Call        City      St Status     File        Latitude    Longitude   Border 73.215 Old ERP  HAAT New ERP
    260C       99.9 KZDX   BURLEY         ID LIC      BLH841214LN  42-20- 7.0  113-36-17.0          No     25.000  750.  58.000
    260C1      99.9 KSKZ   LEOTI          KS LIC      BLH930623KB  38-16-39.0  101-17-50.0          No     99.000  121. 100.000
    260C       99.9 KGOR   OMAHA          NE LIC     BMLH871005KE  41-18-25.0   96-01-37.0          No    115.000  375. 100.000
    260C1      99.9 KWRL   LA GRANDE      OR LIC      BLH970805KE  45-12-59.0  118-00- 0.0          No     60.000  155. 100.000
    260A       99.9 KRRR   CHEYENNE       WY CP       BPH930923ME  41-08-17.0  104-47-29.0          No      0.740   -7.   6.000
    261C3     100.1 KYKD   BETHEL         AK LIC      BLH960610KC  60-48-20.0  161-47-14.0          No      7.700   22.  25.000
    261A      100.1 KMXT   KODIAK         AK LIC      BLH7073      57-47-41.0  152-23-28.0          No      3.000    1.   6.000
    261C3     100.1 KZRO   DUNSMUIR       CA CP MOD BMPED950118IC  41-17-20.0  122-14-25.0          No     12.500   65.  25.000
    261A      100.1 WFXMFM FORSYTH        GA LIC      BLH6007      32-58-27.0   83-52- 2.0          No      3.000   91.   6.000
    261A      100.1 WLOVFM WASHINGTON     GA LIC      BLH7093      33-43-50.0   82-43-10.0          No      2.400   98.   6.000
    261A      100.1 KFIS   SODA SPRINGS   ID LIC      BLH811229AK  42-38-30.0  111-36-40.0          No      3.000  -84.   6.000
    261C3     100.1 KOLV   OLIVIA         MN LIC      BLH950724KF  44-45-49.0   94-55-49.0          No     10.000   83.  25.000
    261A  B1  100.1 KMMR   MALTA          MT LIC     BMLH950110KD  48-15-17.0  107-49-18.0   Can    No      2.250  115.   4.500
    261A  B1  100.1 KATQFM PLENTYWOOD     MT LIC      BLH7361      48-47- 6.0  104-32- 0.0   Can    No      3.000   10.   6.000
    261A  B1  100.1 WXZQ   PIKETON        OH CP       BPH950417MO  39-05-53.0   82-57-20.0   Can    No      3.000  100.   6.000
    262A      100.3 KICYFM NOME           AK LIC      BLH7530      64-30- 4.0  165-24-39.0          No      0.084   12.   6.000
    262C1     100.3 KJNPFM NORTH POLE     AK LIC    BMLED970213KA  64-52-44.0  148-03-10.0          No     25.000  479.  29.000
    262B  B   100.3 KJMBFM BLYTHE         CA LIC      BLH861209KB  33-37-16.0  114-35-28.0   Mex    No     36.000   17.  50.000
    262A      100.3 KSPY   QUINCY         CA CP MOD  BMPH970205IB  39-56-14.0  120-56-51.0          No      0.900 -343.   6.000
    262C2     100.3 KOKU   AGANA          GU LIC      BLH850520KH  13-26-28.0 -144-42-40.0          No      5.000  259.  17.000
    262C1     100.3 KHWI   HILO           HI LIC      BLH881230KA  19-50-19.0  155-06-43.0          No     74.000 -157. 100.000
    262A      100.3 KWMQ   SOUTHWEST CITY MO LIC      BLH891023KB  36-30-28.0   94-36-35.0          No      3.000  100.   6.000
    262A      100.3 KPXH   GARAPAN-SAIPAN MP CP MOD  BMPH960227IF  15-12-28.0 -145-42-52.0          No      5.800    1.   6.000
    262A  B1  100.3 WDHI   DELHI          NY LIC      BLH920319KB  42-22-40.0   74-50-23.0   Can    No      0.770  196.   1.600
    262C      100.3 KRBV   DALLAS         TX LIC      BLH5136      32-35- 7.0   96-58- 6.0          No     89.000  390. 100.000
    262C2     100.3 KOMX   PAMPA          TX LIC      BLH810519AB  35-34-39.0  100-57- 8.0          No     32.000   88.  50.000
    263C3     100.5 WOYS   APALACHICOLA   FL CP       BPH940617IZ  29-43-57.0   84-53-24.0          No     10.000  110.  20.500
    263C2     100.5 KDECFM DECORAH        IA LIC      BLH910809KC  43-19-28.0   91-47- 5.0          No     30.000  150.  50.000

       8-DEC-97  06:40:26               List of Fully Spaced FM Facilities Able to Increase Power                 Page: 00011
   Chan  Int. Freq  Call        City      St Status     File        Latitude    Longitude   Border 73.215 Old ERP  HAAT New ERP
    263C1     100.5 KRIC   REXBURG        ID LIC     BLED840510DA  43-43-16.0  111-56-30.0          No     75.000  120. 100.000
    263C1     100.5 KRIC   REXBURG        ID CP      BPED960822ME  43-45-44.0  111-57-30.0          No     95.000  211. 100.000
    263C1 C1  100.5 WSCN   CLOQUET        MN LIC     BLED900717KA  46-47-21.0   92-06-51.0   Can    No     97.000  267. 100.000
    264A      100.7 WLRR   MILLEDGEVILLE  GA LIC     BMLH950804KF  33-06-50.0   83-13- 8.0          No      3.000  100.   6.000
    264C1     100.7 WDMS   GREENVILLE     MS LIC      BLH860418KB  33-25-20.0   91-01-41.0          No     52.000  137. 100.000
    264A      100.7 KQEO   GRANTS         NM LIC      BLH961213KB  35-07- 9.0  107-54- 8.0          No      1.700   59.   6.000
    264C3     100.7 KLVFFM LAS VEGAS      NM LIC      BLH890626KA  35-35-48.0  105-12-21.0          No     10.000  -23.  25.000
    265A  B1  100.9 KCDV   CORDOVA        AK CP       BPH941031MD  60-32-20.0  145-45-35.0   Can    No      1.200 -127.   6.000
    265A      100.9 KAKN   NAKNEK         AK LIC      BLH870519KB  58-44-33.0  156-58-39.0          No      3.000   91.   6.000
    265A  B1  100.9 KFSK   PETERSBURG     AK LIC     BLED840615CR  56-48-55.0  132-57-12.0   Can    No      2.000 -147.   6.000
    265A      100.9 KDELFM ARKADELPHIA    AR LIC      BLH7391      34-06-39.0   93-03- 1.0          No      3.000   29.   6.000
    265A      100.9 WYGC   GAINESVILLE    FL LIC      BLH820512AK  29-38- 2.0   82-18-50.0          No      3.000   91.   6.000
    265A      100.9 WPGAFM PERRY          GA LIC      BLH840511DN  32-33-20.0   83-44-14.0          No      2.250  108.   5.100
    265A      100.9 WHPO   HOOPESTON      IL LIC      BLH790517AB  40-28-36.0   87-41-36.0          No      3.000   91.   6.000
    265A      100.9 WKBB   WEST POINT     MS LIC      BLH6161      33-36-30.0   88-39-15.0          No      3.000   53.   6.000
    265A  B   100.9 KYRK   EUNICE         NM LIC      BLH950405KB  32-28-10.0  103-09-36.0   Mex    No      3.000   90.   6.000
    265A  B   100.9 KEPG   VICTORIA       TX LIC      BLH890224KF  28-47-20.0   97-03- 0.0   Mex    No      2.900   93.   6.000
    265A      100.9 KPRQ   PRICE          UT LIC      BLH851216KB  39-32-42.0  110-48-56.0          No      3.000   34.   6.000
    266C2 B   101.1 KAKQFM FAIRBANKS      AK LIC      BLH820525AI  64-54-53.0  147-38-54.0   Can    No     25.000  113.  50.000
    266A      101.1 KRXX   KODIAK         AK LIC      BLH931228KB  57-47- 3.0  152-23-57.0          No      3.100    7.   6.000
    266C3 C   101.1 KRRK   LAKE HAVASU CITAZ CP       BPH920812JC  34-39-28.0  114-20-42.0   Mex    No      6.000  161.   9.500
    266C1     101.1 KMCLFM MCCALL         ID LIC      BLH901101KC  44-45-54.0  116-11-54.0          No      3.900  571.  17.500
    266A      101.1 KEOJ   CANEY          KS LIC      BLH920924KA  36-58-19.0   95-53-47.0          No      3.000  100.   6.000
    266A      101.1 NEW    GARAPAN-SAIPAN MP CP       BPH950804ME  15-12-26.0 -145-42-57.0          No      3.200  -65.   6.000
    266A      101.1 KPIN   PINEDALE       WY CP       BPH950725MB  42-51-59.0  109-52- 8.0          No      0.210  -55.   6.000
    267C2     101.3 KGOT   ANCHORAGE      AK LIC      BLH6832      61-09-58.0  149-49-34.0          No     26.000  -20.  50.000
    267C1 C1  101.3 WSUE   SAULT STE. MARIMI LIC      BLH7453      46-26-16.0   84-22-42.0   Can    No     90.000   67. 100.000
    267C3 B1  101.3 KGDN   PASCO          WA LIC      BLH940927KC  46-13-16.0  119-11-20.0   Can    No     10.500  -27.  25.000

       8-DEC-97  06:40:26               List of Fully Spaced FM Facilities Able to Increase Power                 Page: 00012
   Chan  Int. Freq  Call        City      St Status     File        Latitude    Longitude   Border 73.215 Old ERP  HAAT New ERP
    268B  B   101.5 KIXF   BAKER          CA CP MOD  BMPH940120IB  35-26-10.0  115-55-25.0   Mex    No      4.300  403.   6.400
    268C      101.5 KTUN   EAGLE          CO LIC      BLH840427DO  39-44-18.0  106-47-58.0          No     37.000  674.  76.000
    269A  B1  101.7 KSTK   WRANGELL       AK LIC     BLED811231AG  56-27-14.0  132-22-54.0   Can    No      3.000  -56.   6.000
    269A      101.7 KCTTFM YELLVILLE      AR LIC      BLH950505KB  36-15-39.0   92-41-41.0          No      2.450  101.   5.900
    269A  B   101.7 KSBL   CARPINTERIA    CA LIC      BLH810713AG  34-27-55.0  119-40-37.0   Mex    No      0.310  247.   0.980
    269A      101.7 KBRUFM FORT MORGAN    CO LIC      BLH3983      40-15-31.0  103-51- 7.0          No      3.000   41.   6.000
    269A  B1  101.7 WHZZ   LANSING        MI LIC      BLH930430KB  42-43-16.0   84-33- 1.0   Can    No      3.300   88.   6.000
    269A  B1  101.7 KTNY   LIBBY          MT LIC     BMLH930813KC  48-22-14.0  115-32-19.0   Can    No      3.000 -310.   6.000
    269A      101.7 KZKL   RIO RANCHO     NM LIC      BLH860421KB  35-11-35.0  106-28-15.0          No      3.000   30.   6.000
    269A      101.7 WKOM   COLUMBIA       TN LIC      BLH5788      35-37- 4.0   87-02-34.0          No      3.000   91.   6.000
    269A      101.7 KYCNFM WHEATLAND      WY LIC      BLH850723KC  42-02-44.0  104-56-47.0          No      3.000   38.   6.000
    270C1 C1  101.9 KBTO   BOTTINEAU      ND LIC      BLH801124AR  48-51-10.0  100-20- 1.0   Can    No     52.000  149. 100.000
    270B      101.9 WVOWFM LOGAN          WV LIC      BLH4605      37-51-28.0   81-58-16.0          No     15.000  253.  18.000
    271C3     102.1 KKRO   ANCHORAGE      AK LIC      BLH930329KB  61-09-58.0  149-49-34.0          No     24.500  -48.  25.000
    271C3     102.1 KKRO   ANCHORAGE      AK CP       BPH960111IQ  61-07-12.0  149-53-43.0          No     23.000   25.  25.000
    271C1 C   102.1 KWRQ   CLIFTON        AZ LIC      BLH920220KA  32-53-22.0  109-19-24.0   Mex    No      2.800  677.  11.500
    271C2     102.1 KBMC   BOZEMAN        MT LIC     BLED940223KA  45-38-18.0  111-16- 5.0          No     20.500  222.  23.000
    271A      102.1 WLCT   LAFAYETTE      TN LIC      BLH950522KD  36-32- 6.0   86-00-27.0          Yes     2.500   99.   6.000
    271C2 B   102.1 KSOXFM RAYMONDVILLE   TX LIC      BLH920629KA  26-38- 9.0   97-50-10.0   Mex    No     18.000  231.  21.500
    271B      102.1 WSTAFM CHARLOTTE AMALIVI LIC      BLH890831KE  18-21-33.0   64-58-18.0          No     33.000  509.  39.000
    272A  B1  102.3 KHNS   HAINES         AK LIC     BLED801006AM  59-13- 6.0  135-25-29.0   Can    No      3.000 -372.   6.000
    272A      102.3 KQEW   FORDYCE        AR LIC     BMLH940815KB  33-48-17.0   92-26- 7.0          No      3.000   88.   6.000
    272C1     102.3 KWHO   WEED           CA LIC      BLH931103KB  41-21-12.0  122-15-35.0          No      5.500  438.  38.000
    272A      102.3 WCBKFM MARTINSVILLE   IN LIC      BLH850322KT  39-26-18.0   86-27-58.0          No      3.000   94.   6.000
    272A      102.3 WFPC   PETERSBURG     IN LIC      BLH841023DM  38-30-33.0   87-17-28.0          No      3.000   98.   6.000
    272A      102.3 WLRS   LOUISVILLE     KY LIC     BMLH970130KG  38-14-37.0   85-45-34.0          No      4.300   87.   6.000
    272C3     102.3 KBCE   BOYCE          LA LIC      BLH950531KE  31-22-21.0   92-38- 9.0          Yes    21.000   88.  25.000
    272A      102.3 KBXR   COLUMBIA       MO CP       BPH880531MZ  38-57-21.0   92-16-24.0          No      2.200  114.   4.600

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   Chan  Int. Freq  Call        City      St Status     File        Latitude    Longitude   Border 73.215 Old ERP  HAAT New ERP
    272A      102.3 KDEXFM DEXTER         MO LIC      BLH930105KD  36-47-20.0   89-54-28.0          No      5.900   85.   6.000
    272A      102.3 KRHDFM DUNCAN         OK LIC      BLH890417KA  34-30-43.0   97-58- 5.0          No      3.000  100.   6.000
    272A      102.3 KWDQFM WOODWARD       OK LIC      BLH870114KD  36-24- 2.0   99-25-44.0          No      2.350  108.   5.100
    272C2 B   102.3 KPEZ   AUSTIN         TX LIC      BLH900424KE  30-13-24.0   97-49-39.0   Mex    No     20.000  209.  26.000
    272A  AA  102.3 KUVA   UVALDE         TX LIC      BLH970219KA  29-11-16.0   99-46-36.0   Mex    No      4.000   66.   6.000
    273C      102.5 KIAKFM FAIRBANKS      AK LIC      BLH960619KA  64-52-45.0  148-03-14.0          No     55.000  494. 100.000
    273A      102.5 KARNFM CABOT          AR LIC      BLH930510KR  34-55-22.0   92-00-32.0          No      3.000  100.   6.000
    273C1 C1  102.5 KMSO   MISSOULA       MT LIC      BLH931220KB  46-48-30.0  113-58-38.0   Can    No     14.000  533.  21.000
    273C      102.5 KIOT   LOS LUNAS      NM CP       BPH930924IB  35-12-55.0  106-27- 2.0          No     17.000 1268.  20.000
    273C  C   102.5 KZOKFM SEATTLE        WA CP       BPH950523ID  47-30-14.0  121-58-29.0   Can    No     58.000  714.  66.000
    273A      102.5 KKRR   CASPER         WY CP       BPH950105ME  42-51- 1.0  106-19-29.0          No      0.740 -101.   6.000
    274C  C   102.7 KFLGFM BULLHEAD CITY  AZ LIC      BLH910808KA  35-14-56.0  114-44-37.0   Mex    No     53.000  734.  62.000
    274A      102.7 WIMV   MADISON        FL LIC      BLH900529KC  30-33-29.0   83-20- 6.0          No      3.000  100.   6.000
    274C      102.7 KHUL   WAIPAHU        HI LIC      BLH881205KA  21-23-49.0  158-05-58.0          No     61.000  577. 100.000
    274C      102.7 KCNA   CAVE JUNCTION  OR CP       BPH950817IH  42-15-29.0  123-39-32.0          No     51.000  605.  98.000
    274C1     102.7 KYTE   NEWPORT        OR LIC      BLH921028KA  44-45-22.0  124-02-57.0          No     66.000  269. 100.000
    275A      102.9 WKXX   ATTALLA        AL LIC      BLH910909KD  33-58-28.0   86-12-24.0          No      1.100  214.   1.350
    275A      102.9 KWTY   CARTAGO        CA LIC      BLH900820KD  36-19-16.0  118-01-22.0          No      2.000 -545.   6.000
    276C2     103.1 KMXS   ANCHORAGE      AK LIC      BLH940908KC  61-08-13.0  149-50- 6.0          No     27.000  -55.  50.000
    276A  B1  103.1 KSBZ   SITKA          AK LIC      BLH901116KF  57-03-27.0  135-20- 2.0   Can    No      3.100 -198.   6.000
    276C1 C1  103.1 KVCM   HELENA         MT LIC     BLED930913KB  46-46-11.0  112-01-25.0   Can    No     30.000  207. 100.000
    276A  B1  103.1 WWFH   FREELAND       PA LIC      BLH881019KC  41-01- 6.0   75-54-28.0   Can    No      0.730  207.   1.450
    276C2     103.1 KJAMFM MADISON        SD LIC      BLH9601113K  43-59- 8.0   97-07-42.0          No     33.000   93.  50.000
    276A  B   103.1 KCSE   BALLINGER      TX LIC      BLH7476      31-43-31.0   99-57-42.0   Mex    No      3.000   91.   6.000
    276C2 B   103.1 KQBE   ELLENSBURG     WA LIC      BLH910510KB  46-53-16.0  120-26-31.0   Can    No      2.000  388.   7.000
    276A  B1  103.1 WXKX   PARKERSBURG    WV LIC      BLH3267      39-21- 0.0   81-33-57.0   Can    No      0.730  168.   2.200
    277A      103.3 KZKE   SELIGMAN       AZ LIC      BLH950301KO  35-19-26.0  112-45-55.0          No      1.750  129.   3.700
    277C1     103.3 KAUI   KEKAHA         HI CP       BPH931203JB  21-56-10.0  159-27-12.0          No     85.000  247. 100.000

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   Chan  Int. Freq  Call        City      St Status     File        Latitude    Longitude   Border 73.215 Old ERP  HAAT New ERP
    277C1     103.3 KTFC   SIOUX CITY     IA LIC      BLH3069      42-29- 5.0   96-18-10.0          No     93.000   85. 100.000
    277A      103.3 WAIV   SPRING VALLEY  IL LIC      BLH931223KC  41-19-59.0   89-12-35.0          No      2.500   36.   6.000
    277C1 C1  103.3 KUMDFM DULUTH         MN LIC     BLED860310KR  46-47-31.0   92-07-21.0   Can    No     95.000  250. 100.000
    278C2     103.5 KNEIFM WAUKON         IA LIC      BLH961115KB  43-18-28.0   91-27-18.0          No      9.300  175.  36.000
    279C      103.7 KSKIFM SUN VALLEY     ID LIC      BLH911009KC  43-38-36.0  114-23-49.0          No     53.000  582. 100.000
    279C      103.7 KQLT   CASPER         WY LIC      BLH831017AL  42-44-37.0  106-18-26.0          No     59.000  582. 100.000
    280A      103.9 KUWL   COLLEGE        AK LIC      BLH960517KB  64-52-38.0  147-48-46.0          No      2.900  -25.   6.000
    280A  B1  103.9 KJFP   YAKUTAT        AK LIC      BLH810914AL  59-33-20.0  139-44-32.0   Can    No      0.018   24.   6.000
    280A      103.9 KISE   SEASIDE        CA CP       BPH960424IF  36-35-11.0  121-55-21.0          No      1.400  184.   1.800
    280A      103.9 KOMB   FORT SCOTT     KS LIC      BLH910415KB  37-48-27.0   94-42-33.0          No      2.000  122.   4.100
    280A      103.9 KZMI   GARAPAN-SAIPAN MP LIC      BLH901019KA  15-12-26.0 -145-42-57.0          No      3.200  -65.   6.000
    280C3     103.9 KNLVFM ORD            NE CP       BPH930412IF  41-34-16.0   98-55-29.0          No      4.700  115.  19.000
    280A      103.9 KRFSFM SUPERIOR       NE LIC      BLH920807KC  40-06-20.0   98-06-20.0          No      2.000   67.   6.000
    280A  B   103.9 KGRTFM LAS CRUCES     NM LIC      BLH7573      32-18-33.0  106-49-24.0   Mex    No      3.000   46.   6.000
    280C1     103.9 KYKNFM NEPHI          UT LIC      BLH940131KF  39-43-58.0  111-56-34.0          No     60.000  198. 100.000
    281C1     104.1 KBRJ   ANCHORAGE      AK LIC      BLH851230KC  61-07-12.0  149-53-43.0          No     55.000   19. 100.000
    281C1     104.1 KNABFM BURLINGTON     CO LIC      BLH900222KD  39-17-41.0  102-15-37.0          No     51.000  110. 100.000
    281C3     104.1 KFMUFM OAK CREEK      CO LIC      BLH940111KC  40-14-10.0  106-52-30.0          Yes     1.400  327.   2.300
    281C3 B   104.1 KSDM   INTERNATIONAL FMN LIC      BLH940422KE  48-35-29.0   93-22-54.0   Can    No      8.500   52.  25.000
    281C3 C   104.1 KHKRFM EAST HELENA    MT LIC      BLH951201KD  46-46-11.0  112-01-25.0   Can    No      5.000  199.   6.300
    281C1 C1  104.1 KXDD   YAKIMA         WA LIC      BLH1929      46-30-48.0  120-24- 5.0   Can    No     61.000  238. 100.000
    282A  B1  104.3 KTOO   JUNEAU         AK LIC     BLED781013AE  58-18- 4.0  134-25-21.0   Can    No      1.400 -318.   6.000
    282C      104.3 KXME   KANEOHE        HI CP MOD  BMPH940314II  21-19-49.0  157-45-24.0          No     75.000  645.  85.000
    282A      104.3 WECB   SEYMOUR        WI CP MOD  BMPH931230IC  44-31-26.0   88-19-56.0          No      2.800  103.   5.600
    283A      104.5 KVLIFM LAKE ISABELLA  CA LIC      BLH921106KB  35-37-21.0  118-26-16.0          No      0.200  384.   0.390
    283C      104.5 KDOT   RENO           NV LIC     BMLH950831KA  39-18-48.0  119-52-59.0          No     25.000  893.  39.000
    284A  B1  104.7 KCAW   SITKA          AK LIC     BLED830927AC  57-03-13.0  135-21- 7.0   Can    No      4.900 -186.   6.000
    284C2     104.7 KONI   LANAI CITY     HI LIC      BLH931014KC  20-44-32.0  156-18-48.0          No     29.000  150.  50.000

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   Chan  Int. Freq  Call        City      St Status     File        Latitude    Longitude   Border 73.215 Old ERP  HAAT New ERP
    284A      104.7 WBSY   ROSE HILL      NC LIC      BLH930128KB  34-51-48.0   78-02-16.0          Yes     2.800   78.   6.000
    284C2 B   104.7 KDUXFM ABERDEEN       WA LIC      BLH7777      46-56- 0.0  123-43-49.0   Can    No     31.000  110.  50.000
    284A      104.7 WVRCFM SPENCER        WV CP       BPH881202MA  38-47-40.0   81-17-36.0          No      3.000  100.   6.000
    285A      104.9 KCLT   WEST HELENA    AR LIC      BLH850103LB  34-30-56.0   90-40-13.0          No      3.000   91.   6.000
    285A      104.9 KAOH   LOMPOC         CA CP       BPH900518MO  34-35- 1.0  120-31-53.0          No      0.330  305.   0.640
    285C3     104.9 KRYD   TELLURIDE      CO CP MOD  BMPH961220IC  37-55-59.0  107-49-59.0          No     11.000  -66.  25.000
    285A  B1  104.9 WERKFM MUNCIE         IN LIC      BLH860122KD  40-09-19.0   85-25-48.0   Can    No      3.000  100.   6.000
    285A  B1  104.9 WQBX   ALMA           MI LIC      BLH4333      43-22- 8.0   84-36-19.0   Can    No      3.000   91.   6.000
    285A  B1  104.9 WSRD   JOHNSTOWN      NY LIC      BLH4058      43-03-14.0   74-25-27.0   Can    No      3.000   91.   6.000
    285A      104.9 KYCXFM MEXIA          TX LIC      BLH830907AN  31-42-25.0   96-31-23.0          No      2.100  107.   5.200
    285C3     104.9 KJMX   TULIA          TX LIC      BLH910513KC  34-31-34.0  101-46-56.0          No      7.200   57.  25.000
    285A      104.9 KWNS   WINNSBORO      TX LIC      BLH830913AF  32-56-32.0   95-18-53.0          No      3.000   86.   6.000
    286A  B1  105.1 KTKU   JUNEAU         AK LIC      BLH840719CR  58-19-47.0  134-28-17.0   Can    No      3.800 -323.   6.000
    286C2     105.1 KFLX   KACHINA VILLAGEAZ LIC      BLH940112KA  35-14-26.0  111-35-48.0          No      1.000  600.   2.200
    286C1     105.1 KAKT   PHOENIX        OR LIC      BLH901001KD  42-25-41.0  123-00- 4.0          No     52.000  166. 100.000
    286C1     105.1 KAWK   CUSTER         SD CP MOD  BMPH960731IC  43-44-41.0  103-28-52.0          No      7.000  400.  49.000
    287C1     105.3 KNIKFM ANCHORAGE      AK LIC      BLH900507KF  61-11-33.0  149-54- 1.0          No     51.000   78. 100.000
    287C2     105.3 WWZQFM ABERDEEN       MS LIC      BLH970630KB  33-48-32.0   88-32-33.0          No     30.000   90.  50.000
    287B      105.3 WVGN   CHARLOTTE AMALIVI LIC      BLH961216KB  18-21-33.0   64-58-18.0          No     15.000  483.  46.000
    288A      105.5 KPMX   STERLING       CO LIC      BLH861223KB  40-31-57.0  103-07-22.0          No      3.000   91.   6.000
    288A      105.5 KMGM   MONTEVIDEO     MN LIC      BLH821019AP  44-51-24.0   95-37-46.0          No      3.000   90.   6.000
    288A      105.5 KRBIFM ST. PETER      MN LIC     BMLH951030KB  44-19-41.0   93-58-17.0          No      5.300   40.   6.000
    288A      105.5 WABOFM WAYNESBORO     MS LIC      BLH5860      31-40-48.0   88-40-34.0          No      3.000   44.   6.000
    288A      105.5 KGFY   STILLWATER     OK LIC      BLH891019KB  36-10-31.0   97-00-51.0          No      2.400  110.   4.900
    288A      105.5 WYTMFM FAYETTEVILLE   TN LIC      BLH4751      35-07-37.0   86-34-47.0          No      3.000   90.   6.000
    288A  B   105.5 KACTFM ANDREWS        TX LIC      BLH800806AD  32-20-50.0  102-33-23.0   Mex    No      3.000   64.   6.000
    289C3     105.7 KURA   OURAY          CO LIC      BLH950501KC  38-10-54.0  107-46-25.0          No      7.000   -7.  25.000
    289C1     105.7 KQAK   BEND           OR LIC      BLH950418KA  44-04-40.0  121-19-48.0          No     40.000  180. 100.000

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   Chan  Int. Freq  Call        City      St Status     File        Latitude    Longitude   Border 73.215 Old ERP  HAAT New ERP
    290A      105.9 NEW    SEWARD         AK CP       BPH950417MB  60-05-27.0  149-20-20.0          No      3.000 -400.   6.000
    290A      105.9 WEDD   ENGLEWOOD      FL CP       BPH870908MX  27-01- 7.0   82-17-10.0          No      3.000  100.   6.000
    291B1     106.1 KWEZ   SANTA MARGARITACA LIC      BLH940601KZ  35-21-38.0  120-39-21.0          No      0.950  446.   1.150
    291C      106.1 KLEO   KAHALUU        HI LIC      BLH950908KA  19-43-15.0  155-55-16.0          No      7.300  887.  39.000
    291C2     106.1 WMXU   STARKVILLE     MS LIC      BLH890131KA  33-17-38.0   88-39-27.0          No     40.000  153.  48.000
    291C  C   106.1 KBKS   TACOMA         WA LIC      BLH900320KC  47-30-14.0  121-58-29.0   Can    No     58.000  714.  66.000
    291C3     106.1 KOTB   EVANSTON       WY CP       BPH960828ID  41-21-11.0  110-54-28.0          No      0.380  464.   1.050
    292C3 B1  106.3 KSUP   JUNEAU         AK LIC      BLH910822KE  58-18- 5.0  134-26-26.0   Can    No     10.000 -307.  25.000
    292C3     106.3 KZKZFM GREENWOOD      AR CP       BPH960111IT  35-13-44.0   94-15-46.0          No     15.000  121.  17.000
    292A      106.3 WCIF   MELBOURNE      FL LIC     BMLH911218KA  28-04-40.0   80-35-55.0          No      4.200   64.   6.000
    292A      106.3 WVXI   CRAWFORDSVILLE IN LIC      BLH840525CK  40-02-19.0   86-54-22.0          No      3.000   23.   6.000
    292A      106.3 WANYFM ALBANY         KY LIC      BLH7376      36-41-54.0   85-09- 0.0          No      2.700   47.   6.000
    292A  B1  106.3 KRJB   ADA            MN LIC      BLH850909KP  47-18-41.0   96-31-13.0   Can    No      3.000   84.   6.000
    292A  B1  106.3 WMCRFM ONEIDA         NY LIC      BLH5612      43-02-48.0   75-39-58.0   Can    No      0.390  219.   1.250
    292C3 B1  106.3 WSLK   SARANAC LAKE   NY LIC      BLH940726KB  44-20-28.0   74-07-43.0   Can    No      5.100  120.  17.500
    292A  B   106.3 KPSOFM FALFURRIAS     TX LIC      BLH831121AO  27-14-11.0   98-10-22.0   Mex    No      0.180   59.   6.000
    292C3     106.3 KPANFM HEREFORD       TX LIC      BLH921123KB  34-47-33.0  102-25-45.0          No      7.000   67.  25.000
    293C3     106.5 WZNJ   DEMOPOLIS      AL LIC      BLH941013KB  32-30- 8.0   87-49- 7.0          No     11.500   93.  25.000
    293C1     106.5 KALTFM ALTURAS        CA CP       BPH960619MG  41-50- 3.0  120-21- 3.0          No     51.000  155. 100.000
    293A  B   106.5 KIXA   LUCERNE VALLEY CA CP       BPH880714MS  34-23- 8.0  117-03-25.0   Mex    No      0.150  331.   0.530
    293C1     106.5 KCQQ   DAVENPORT      IA LIC      BLH6481      41-32-14.0   90-34-30.0          No     60.000   64. 100.000
    293C1     106.5 WEND   SALISBURY      NC CP       BPH950214IE  35-35-32.0   80-37-44.0          No     65.000  319.  86.000
    293C1 C   106.5 KEND   ROSWELL        NM LIC      BLH900611KF  33-23- 5.0  104-43-22.0   Mex    No     52.000   41. 100.000
    294A  B1  106.7 KGTW   KETCHIKAN      AK LIC      BLH871123KB  55-20-22.0  131-38-12.0   Can    No      4.000  -94.   6.000
    294B      106.7 KRQR   ORLAND         CA LIC      BLH950608KA  39-53-17.0  122-37-38.0          No     26.000   63.  50.000
    294C2     106.7 KFXXFM HUGOTON        KS LIC      BLH960603KA  37-19- 3.0  101-20-16.0          No     35.000   79.  50.000
    294A      106.7 KQNKFM NORTON         KS LIC      BLH940429KB  39-47-47.0   99-53-35.0          No      3.000   95.   6.000
    295A      106.9 WZEZ   MADISONVILLE   KY LIC      BLH920914KA  37-22-51.0   87-28- 4.0          No      2.000  161.   2.350

       8-DEC-97  06:40:26               List of Fully Spaced FM Facilities Able to Increase Power                 Page: 00017
   Chan  Int. Freq  Call        City      St Status     File        Latitude    Longitude   Border 73.215 Old ERP  HAAT New ERP
    295C1 C1  106.9 WUPM   IRONWOOD       MI LIC      BLH880929KA  46-28-18.0   90-00-43.0   Can    No     53.000  151. 100.000
    295A      106.9 KMSMFM BUTTE          MT LIC     BLED950202KC  46-00-44.0  112-33-26.0          No      0.740  -62.   6.000
    295A      106.9 KKLK   DAINGERFIELD   TX LIC      BLH911007KF  33-02-20.0   94-44-54.0          No      1.100  156.   2.550
    296C3     107.1 KCCA   COLORADO CITY  AZ LIC      BLH921229KB  36-59-41.0  112-57-48.0          No      6.100 -100.  25.000
    296A      107.1 WIIS   KEY WEST       FL LIC      BLH830103AB  24-33-18.0   81-48- 7.0          No      2.500   62.   6.000
    296A      107.1 WPGU   URBANA         IL LIC      BLH800317AL  40-06-34.0   88-14- 6.0          No      3.000   72.   6.000
    296A      107.1 WSYWFM DANVILLE       IN LIC      BLH881116KC  39-48- 6.0   86-34-24.0          No      0.880  184.   1.800
    296A  B1  107.1 WHTR   HUDSON FALLS   NY LIC     BMLH790709AE  43-17-22.0   73-44-35.0   Can    No      0.280  257.   0.910
    296A      107.1 KLBC   DURANT         OK LIC      BLH880819KF  34-00- 7.0   96-25-19.0          No      2.000  108.   5.100
    296C3 B1  107.1 KAZZ   DEER PARK      WA LIC      BLH920622KC  48-01-45.0  117-35-57.0   Can    No      9.000   77.  25.000
    296A      107.1 KFIZFM FOND DU LAC    WI LIC      BLH3824      43-50-22.0   88-22- 6.0          No      3.000   91.   6.000
    296A  B1  107.1 WOCOFM OCONTO         WI LIC      BLH4131      44-53-31.0   87-57-18.0   Can    No      3.000   64.   6.000
    296A      107.1 WPVLFM PLATTEVILLE    WI LIC     BMLH900820KI  42-44-45.0   90-28-27.0          No      3.800   72.   6.000
    297A  B   107.3 KIXWFM LENWOOD        CA CP       BPH931207IB  34-51-20.0  117-02-57.0   Mex    No      2.500  144.   3.000
    297C1     107.3 KACW   NORTH BEND     OR LIC      BLH901026KB  43-12-18.0  124-18- 7.0          No     51.000  211. 100.000
    297A      107.3 WWEE   SPENCER        TN LIC      BLH930816KC  35-39-55.0   85-31-19.0          No      2.000  155.   2.550
    298C3     107.5 KARZ   MARSHALL       MN LIC      BLH940322KA  44-24-37.0   95-51-43.0          No      9.000   70.  25.000
    298A      107.5 WKSL   GERMANTOWN     TN CP       BPH870908MV  35-07-46.0   89-45-30.0          No      3.000  100.   6.000
    299C3     107.7 KKOA   VOLCANO        HI CP MOD  BMPH960304IF  19-30-17.0  155-10-40.0          No     18.000   72.  25.000
    299C2 B   107.7 KUSZ   PROCTOR        MN LIC      BLH970218KG  46-47-13.0   92-07-17.0   Can    No      7.700  278.  15.000
    299C1     107.7 KUMAFM PENDLETON      OR LIC      BLH960111KS  45-35- 8.0  118-34-57.0          No     52.000  335.  77.000
    299C2     107.7 KPLTFM PARIS          TX LIC      BLH890127KB  33-38- 7.0   95-33-14.0          No     35.000   92.  50.000
    300A      107.9 KMJCFM MOUNT SHASTA   CA LIC     BMLH940225KC  41-19- 9.0  122-18-35.0          No      3.500 -395.   6.000
    300C  C   107.9 WVPS   BURLINGTON     VT LIC     BLED810225AF  44-31-32.0   72-48-54.0   Can    No     36.000  805.  49.000
    300C  C   107.9 KMBIFM SPOKANE        WA LIC      BLH4022      47-34-15.0  117-05- 0.0   Can    No     56.000  725.  64.000

                                 Number of Fully Spaced Stations =      473

End of List