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AM Groundwave Field Strength Graphs
( 540 to 1700 kHz )
per 47 CFR Sections 73.183 and 73.184

Sections 73.183 and 73.184 refer to AM groundwave field strength Graphs 1 through 20. However, these graphs are not available in the FCC's rules. Therefore, we have provided three versions of these graphs, using PDF, scanned JPEG images, and PostScript files.

Best quality and smallest file sizes will be obtained from the PDF versions of these curves (added June 2004). The PDF graph files can be printed on larger paper (e.g., 11" x 17") with excellent quality. Most users will find this option to be the best choice. For the scanned JPEG versions, three sizes are provided here. The "small" size at 700 pixels wide will fit on a standard 8½ inch sheet of paper. The "medium" size at 1000 pixels wide will fit on two standard sheets of paper (print in landscape mode). The third is an unreduced size. Any of the scanned graphs may be viewed as JPEG images on most Internet browsers.

For each graph number (1 through 20), there are two graphs provided. The first graph contains two sets of curves. The bottom set of curves covers distances between 10 to 5000 km from the transmitter site, while the top set of curves covers distances between 0.1 and 50 km on an expanded scale. Electric field strengths in millivolts per meter are listed on the left margin. The numbers on the individual curves represent ground conductivities, with the best conductivity (5000) corresponding to seawater (salt water) and the lowest conductivity (0.1) corresponding to poorly conducting soil. Ground conductivities in the United States typically fall between 0.1 and 30 milliSiemens per meter (mS/m, formerly millimhos per meter, where 1 mho = 1 / ohm) (see the map). The "A" series of graphs (Graph Number dash A) contain an expansion of the top set of curves, covering distances between 0.1 and 50 km from the transmitter site.

Groundwave Curves in PDF format

All 20 groundwave curves, plus the expanded upper curves and blank log-log graphs, are contained in this zip file. Download it and unzip it to your preferred file location.

    Small - (8½ by 11 inches) 700 pixels wide
    Medium - 1000 pixels wide
    Full Size - 1275 by 1618 pixels



Groundwave Graphs for PostScript Printers. 883 KB. Zipped file contains all the groundwave graphs listed on the left in Postscript format. The PostScript graphs provide better printing quality than the scanned graphs, but they are available in only one size (8½ by 11 inches).

Groundwave Graphs -- JPEG Images. 23.3 MB. Zipped file contains all the groundwave graphs listed on the left in scanned JPEG format. Graph resize example code.

M3 Ground Conductivity Map

This page is located at http://www.fcc.gov/mb/audio/73184/index.html


Please send comments via standard mail to the Federal Communications Commission, Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau, 445 12th Street, S.W., Washington, D.C., 20554. Questions can also be answered by calling the FCC's National Call Center, toll free, at 1-888-Call FCC (1-888-225-5322).

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