Current Bibliographies in Medicine 2007-1

Visible Human Project

Table of Contents

Series Note

Sample Citations





Author Index

January 1987 through March 2007

May 2007

912 Citations

Prepared by
Cynthia Burke, M.L.S.
Karen Patrias, M.L.S.

Public Health Service
National Institutes of Health

National Library of Medicine
Reference and Web Services Section
8600 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, Maryland 20894

Series Note

Each bibliography in the Current Bibliographies in Medicine (CBM) series covers a distinct subject area of biomedicine and fulfills a current awareness function. Online databases and the Internet are the primary sources for citations in these bibliographies. Relevance to the subject is the only criterion for inclusion of works in a CBM; the format, ownership, or location of the material are not considered.

Other publications in the Current Bibliographies in Medicine series are available through the Library's World Wide Web site at

Comments and suggestions on this series may be addressed to:
Reference and Web Services
National Library of Medicine
Bethesda, MD 20894

PubMed, LocatorPlus, and the NLM Gateway

The Library offers three interfaces to its databases; all are available on the World Wide Web. PubMed provides access primarily to the journal literature; LocatorPlus is an online catalog of the books, journal titles, and audiovisuals held by the Library; and the NLM Gateway serves as an entry point for a variety of databases and other Library products. Further information on PubMed, LocatorPlus, and the NLM Gateway may be found at

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Sample Citations

Citations are formatted according to the rules established for Index Medicus™*. Sample journal and monograph citations appear below.

An availability statement follows many journal article citations. This statement contains an Internet hyperlink to the citation in the NLM PubMed retrieval system. The PubMed record includes an abstract for most articles and may also provide a link to the publisher's Internet site.

Journal Article:

Shelton D, Stetten G, Aylward S, Ibanez L, Cois A, Stewart C. Teaching medical image analysis with the Insight Toolkit. Med Image Anal. 2005 Dec;9(6):605-11. Available from: PubMed; PMID 15948658

Order, with separating punctuation:

Author 1, Author 2, Author 3. Article Title. Abbreviated Journal Title. Date;Volume(Issue):Pages. Availability.


Rifkin BA, Ackerman MJ, Folkenberg J. Human anatomy: depicting the body from the Renaissance to today. New York: Abrams; 2006. 343 p.

Order, with separating punctuation:

Author 1, Author 2, Author 3. Title. Place of Publication: Publisher; Date. Total No. of Pages.

* For details of the formats used for references, see the following publication:

Citing medicine: the NLM style guide for authors, editors, and publishers, 2nd ed., 2007. Available from:

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The Visible Human Project was formulated in response to the National Library of Medicine (NLM) 1986 Long-Range Plan that challenged NLM staff to investigate the concept of an electronic image library. The Visible Human Data Sets are complete, anatomically detailed, three-dimensional data sets which allow the computer reconstruction of any part of the normal male and female bodies. The data sets consist of transverse CT, MRI, and cryosection images.

The Visible Human Data Sets may be used without charge, but a license with the NLM is required. In return for use of the data sets, the user must credit the NLM in any derived product and must send a copy of the product to the NLM. Many data set users display their products and research on their Web sites and have notified the Library of their availability. The NLM has created links to these user sites from its own Visible Human Project Web site at This provides an access point to applications, sources, products, tools, and mirror sites using images from the Visible Human Project. The Visible Human Project has become an open, community-based project. It is in this spirit that NLM created this Visible Human Project bibliography.

This bibliography includes and updates a previous edition made available in conjunction with the Third Visible Human Conference held in October 2000. It contains citations to the published literature that we have been able to identify through March 2007. Additionally, it includes citations from the Insight Toolkit (ITK), an open source, freely available, object-oriented software package for medical image processing, segmentation, and registration.

Conceived by the NLM and under its leadership, ITK was developed by a world-wide consortium of academic and industry partners to facilitate analysis of the Visible Human Project data sets. Methods in the toolkit are being applied to a wide variety of clinic data such as CT, MRI, ultrasound, PET, fluoroscopy, microscopy and other non-medical and industrial applications. These derivative applications are also included in this bibliography. This project was made possible by funding from NLM, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, National Institute of Mental Health, National Eye Institute, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, National Science Foundation, National Cancer Institute, and the Telemedicine and Advanced Technology Research Center. Omissions and corrections as well as notification of new Visible Human Project related publications would be appreciated.

We would like to thank the over 2,500 Visible Human Data Set license holders in 42 countries who have added to the success of this Project. We would also like to thank our world-wide consortium of academic and industry partners who have contributed to the ongoing development and success of the Insight Toolkit (ITK).

Michael J. Ackerman, Ph.D.
Visible Human Project
Project Officer

Terry S. Yoo, Ph.D.
Insight Toolkit (ITK)
Project Officer
April 20, 2007

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The Visible Human Project has its roots in a 1986 long-range planning effort of the National Library of Medicine (NLM). It foresaw a coming era where NLM bibliographic and factual database services would be complemented by libraries of digital images, distributed over high speed computer networks and by high capacity physical media. Not surprisingly, it saw an increasing role for electronically represented images in clinical medicine and biomedical research. It encouraged the NLM to consider building and disseminating medical image libraries much the same way it acquires, indexes, and provides access to the biomedical literature. Early in 1989 under the direction of the Board of Regents, an ad hoc planning panel was convened and made the following recommendation: "NLM should undertake a first project building a digital image library of volumetric data representing a complete, normal adult male and female. This Visible Human Project will include digitized photographic images for cryosectioning, digital images derived from computerized tomography and digital magnetic resonance images of cadavers."

The initial aim of the Visible Human Project was to acquire transverse CT, MRI, and cryosection images of a representative male and female cadaver at an average of one millimeter intervals. The Visible Human Male data set consists of MRI, CT, and anatomical images. Axial MRI images of the head and neck and longitudinal sections of the rest of the body were obtained at 4 mm intervals. The CT data consists of axial CT scans of the entire body taken at 1 mm intervals. The anatomical cross-sections are at 1 mm intervals to coincide with the CT axial images. There are 1871 cross-sections for each mode. The complete male data set, 15 gigabytes in size, was made available in November 1994. In August 2000 higher resolution axial anatomical images from the male data set were made available.

The Visible Human Female data set, released in November 1995, has the same characteristics as The Visible Human Male with one exception. Its axial anatomical images were obtained at 0.33 mm intervals instead of 1.0 mm intervals. This resulted in 5,189 anatomical images and a data set of about 40 gigabytes. For more information on the Visible Human Project, see the Web site at

This bibliography includes and updates a previous edition made available in conjunction with the Third Visible Human Conference held in October 2000. It contains citations to the published literature that we have been able to identify through March 2007. Additionally, it includes citations from the Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK), an open source, freely available, object-oriented software package for medical image processing, segmentation, and registration. Funded by the National Library of Medicine, ITK was developed by a world-wide consortium of academic and industry partners to facilitate analysis of the Visible Human data sets. Methods in the toolkit are applicable to a wide variety of clinic data such as CT, MRI, ultrasound, PET, fluoroscopy, microscopy and other non-medical and industrial applications. These derivative applications are also included in this bibliography. ITK was released for world-wide distribution in October 2002. Omissions and corrections as well as notification of new Visible Human Project related publications would be appreciated.

This bibliography contains citations to journal articles, books and book chapters, conference papers and meeting abstracts, and audiovisuals located from a search of a variety of online databases as well as the Internet. The arrangement of the bibliography is alphabetical by first author. An Author Index provides access to the publications of all authors by citation numbers.

The compilers wish to thank the staff of the Visible Human Project office for their very valuable assistance.

This publication is not copyrighted and may be freely reproduced. However any reproductions of this bibliography, in whole or in part, should include all credits. If you wish to cite this bibliography, the correct format is:

Burke, Cynthia; Patrias, Karen, compilers. Visible Human Project [bibliography on the Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); 2007 May [cited YYYY MMM DD]. (Current bibliographies in medicine; 2007-1). 912 citations from January 1987 through March 2007. Available from:

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1. Abolmaesumi P, Hashtrudi-Zaad K, Thompson D, Tahmasebi A. A haptic-based system for medical image examination. In: EMBC 2004. 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society; 2004 Sep 1-5; San Francisco. Piscataway (NJ): IEEE; 2004. p. 1853-6. DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2004.1403551.

2. Ackerman MJ. Accessing the Visible Human Project. D Lib Mag [Internet] 1995 Oct [modified 2000 Feb 14; cited 2000 Aug 2]:[3 p.]. Available from:

3. Ackerman MJ. Afterword: Anatomy in the digital age. In: Rifkin BA. Human anatomy: five centuries of art and science. New York: Abrams; 2006. p. 319-30.

4. Ackerman MJ. Build for future technology when building for the future: a lesson from the visible human project [editorial]. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 1996 Jul-Aug;3(4):300-1. Available from:

5. Ackerman MJ. Dissemination of medical information. In: IMAC 89. 1st International Conference on Image Management and Communication in Patient Care. Piscataway (NJ): IEEE; 1989. p. 86-9.

6. Ackerman MJ. Multimedia medical education projects at the National Library of Medicine. In: Broering NC, editor. High-performance medical libraries: advances in information management for the virtual era. Westport (CT): Meckler; 1993.

7. Ackerman MJ. The Visible Human Project. Am J Phys Anthropol. 1993;Suppl 16:46. Presented at the 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists.

8. Ackerman MJ. The Visible Human Project. J Biocommun. 1991;18(2):14. Available from:

9. Ackerman MJ. Visible Human Project. Paper presented at: 160th Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; 1994 Feb 18-23; San Francisco, CA.

10. Ackerman MJ. The Visible Human Project. Proc IEEE. 1998 Mar;86(3):504-11.

11. Ackerman MJ. The Visible Human Project: a resource for anatomical visualization. Medinfo. 1998;9(Pt 2):1030-2. Available from:

12. Ackerman MJ. The Visible Human Project: a resource for anatomical visualization. In: Eck V, Krekule I, editors. Information technology applications in biomedicine. ITAB '97: Proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Region 8 International Conference; 1997 Sep 7-9; Prague. New York: IEEE; 1997. p. 29-31.

13. Ackerman MJ. The Visible Human Project: a resource for education. Acad Med. 1999 Jun;74(6):667-70. Available from:

14. Ackerman MJ. The visible human project moves from data to knowledge. Lekar Tech. 2002;33(1):4-8 .

15. Ackerman MJ. The Visible Human Project of the National Library of Medicine. In: Degoulet P, Piemme TE, Rienhoff O, editors. MEDINFO 92. Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Medical Informatics; 1992 Sep 6-10; Geneva, Switzerland. Amsterdam: North-Holland; 1992. p. 366-70.

16. Ackerman MJ. Visible Human Project of the National Library of Medicine: Remote access and distribution of a multi-gigabyte data set. In: Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies; 1993; Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD. Washington: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (US); 1993. p. 87-8. (NASA publication; N93-30453/3).

17. Ackerman MJ, Banvard RA. Imaging outcomes from The National Library of Medicine's Visible Human Project((R)). Comput Med Imaging Graph. 2000 May-Jun;24(3):125-6. Comment on: Comput Med Imaging Graph. 2000 May-Jun;24(3):127-32; Comput Med Imaging Graph. 2000 May-Jun;24(3):133-51; Comput Med Imaging Graph. 2000 May-Jun;24(3):153-64; Comput Med Imaging Graph. 2000 May-Jun;24(3):165-71. Available from:

18. Ackerman MJ, Masys DR. Three-dimensional imaging and the National Library of Medicine. In: NCGA '89. Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference and Exposition Dedicated to Computer Graphics; 1989 Apr 17-20; Philadelphia. Fairfax (VA): National Computer Graphics Association; 1989.

19. Ackerman MJ, Spitzer VM, Scherzinger AL, Whitlock DG. The Visible Human data set: an image resource for anatomical visualization. Medinfo. 1995;8(Pt 2):1195-8. Available from:

20. Ackerman MJ, Yoo T, Jenkins D. From data to knowledge--the Visible Human Project continues. Medinfo. 2001;10(Pt 2):887-90. Also. Available from:

21. Ackerman MJ, Yoo TS. The Visible Human data sets (VHD) and Insight Toolkit (ITk): experiments in open source software [poster]. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2003:773. Available from:

22. Ackerman MJ, Yoo TS, Jenkins D. The Visible Human Project: from data to knowledge. In: Lemke HU, et al., editors. CARS 2000. Proceedings of the 14th International Congress and Exhibition on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery; 2000 Jun 28-Jul 1; San Francisco. New York: Elsevier Science; 2000. p. 11-6.

23. Acosta E, Temkin B, Griswold JA, Deeb SA, Haluck RS. Haptic texture generation - a heuristic method for virtual body structures. In: CMBS'01. Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems; 2001 Jul 26-27; Bethesda, MD. Piscataway (NJ): IEEE; 2001. p. 395-9. DOI: 10.1109/CBMS.2001.941752.

24. Acosta E, Temkin B, Krummel TM, Heinrichs WL. G2H--graphics-to-haptic virtual environment development tool for PC's. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2000;70:1-3. Available from:

25. Adam JA. Medical electronics. IEEE Spectrum. 1995 Jan;32(1):80-3.

26. Ade A, Meixner W, Athey B. The Visible Human Female World Wide Web browser. In: Banvard RA, Pinciroli F, Cerveri P, editors. 2nd Visible Human Project Conference Proceedings; 1998 Oct 1-2; Bethesda, MD [CD-ROM]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), Office of High Performance Computing and Communications; 1998. 1 CD-ROM: color. Available from:

27. Ajioka M. [Outline of VOXEL-MAN: an interactive 3-D atlas for teaching and studying anatomy, radiology and surgery]. Online Kensaku. 1995;16(3):116-9. Japanese.

28. Al-Bataineh OM, Collins CM, Park EJ, Lee H, Smith NB. MR thermometry characterization of a hyperthermia ultrasound array designed using the k-space computational method. Biomed Eng Online. 2006 Oct 25;5:56. DOI: 10.1186/1475-925X-5-56. Available from:

29. Aldridge JS, Reckwerdt PJ, Mackie TR. A proposal for a standard electronic anthropomorphic phantom for radiotherapy. Med Phys. 1999 Sep;26(9):1901-3. Available from:

30. Aldur MM. Creating computer aided 3D model of spleen and kidney based on Visible Human Project. Saudi Med J. 2005 Jan;26(1):51-6. Available from:

31. Alexander D, Pierpaoli C, Basser PJ, Gee JC. An algorithm for preservation of orientation during non-rigid warps of diffusion tensor magnetic resonance (DT-MR) images [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the 9th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine; 2001 Apr 21-27; Scottish Exhibition & Conference Centre, Glasgow, Scotland [Internet]. Berkeley (CA): International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine; 2001 [cited 2007 Apr 5]. p. 791. Available from:

32. Alexander D, Pierpaoli C, Basser PJ, Gee JC. Spatial transformations of diffusion tensor magnetic resonance images. IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2001 Nov;20(11):1131-9.

33. Alghamdi AA, Ma A, Marouli M, Albarakati Y, Kacperek A, Spyrou NM. A high-resolution anthropomorphic voxel-based tomographic phantom for proton therapy of the eye. Phys Med Biol. 2007 Jan 21;52(2):N51-9. Available from:

34. Allin S, Galeotti J, Stetten G, Dailey SH. Enhanced snake based segmentation of vocal folds. In: From macro to nano [Internet]. 2004 2nd IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging ; 2004 Apr 15-18; Arlington, VA. Piscataway (NJ): IEEE; 2004 [cited 2007 Mar 2]. p. 812-5. DOI: 10.1109/ISBI.2004.1398662. Available from:

35. Amirrezvani A. Body Voyage (Time Warner Electronic Publishing). Comput Life. 1997 Jun;4(6):110.

36. Anderson PD. Human anatomy and physiology coloring workbook and study guide: with images from the National Library of Medicine's Visible Human Project. 2nd ed. Boston: Jones and Bartlett; 1997. 287 p.

37. Anderson RH, Cook AC. Visible human projects special issue. Clin Anat. 2006 Nov;19(8):776. Available from:

38. Andorfer GP. Inside out: The Visible Human exhibit at Baltimore's Maryland Science Center. In: Banvard RA, Pinciroli F, Cerveri P, editors. 2nd Visible Human Project Conference Proceedings; 1998 Oct 1-2; Bethesda, MD [CD-ROM]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), Office of High Performance Computing and Communications; 1998. 1 CD-ROM: color. Available from:

39. Angelini ED, Imielinska C, Jin Y, Laine A. Improving statistics for hybrid segmentation of high-resolution multichannel images. Proc SPIE. 2002 ;4684:401-11. DOI: 10.1117/12.467182.

40. Ann Heng P. Research and applications of virtual medicine. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2005;4:4160-3. Available from:

41. Arsigny V, Pennec X, Ayache N. Polyrigid and polyaffine transformations: a novel geometrical tool to deal with non-rigid deformations - application to the registration of histological slices. Med Image Anal. 2005 Dec;9(6):507-23. DOI: 10.1016/ Available from:

42. Athey BD, Warner AJ, Laby JC, Meixner WM, Chung J, Williams JP, Ketty PV. Using the Visible Human as an image database locator. In: Banvard RA, editor. The Visible Human Project Conference Proceedings; 1996 Oct 7-8; Bethesda, MD [CD-ROM]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), Office of High Performance Computing and Communications; 1996. 1 CD-ROM: color, 4 3/4 in. Available from:

43. Augustine K, Holmes D 3rd, Robb R. ITK and ANALYZE: a synergistic integration. Proc SPIE. 2004 ;5367:6-15. DOI: 10.1117/12.533484.

44. Avants B, Siqueira M, Gee JC. Computing match functions for curves in R2 and R3 by refining polyline approximations. Lect Notes Comput Sci. 2001;2208:1178-9.

45. Avants BB, Gee JC. Soft parametric curve matching in scale-space. Proc SPIE. 2002 May;4684:1139-50. DOI: 10.1117/12.467071.

46. Aylward SR, Jomier J, Weeks S, Bullitt E. Registration and analysis of vascular images. Int J Comp Vis. 2003 Nov-Dec;55(2-3):123-38.

47. Aylward SR, Weeks S, Bullitt E. Analysis of the parameter space of a metric for registering 3D vascular images. Lect Notes Comput Sci. 2001;2208:932-9.

48. Aziz MA, McKenzie JC, Wilson JS, Cowie RJ, Ayeni SA, Dunn BK. The human cadaver in the age of biomedical informatics. Anat Rec. 2002 Feb 15;269(1):20-32. DOI: 10.1002/AR.10046. Available from:

49. Bacro T, Gilbertson B, Coultas J. Web-delivery of anatomy video clips using a CD-ROM. Anat Rec. 2000 Apr 15;261(2):78-82. Available from:

50. Baerson KM. NLM's Visible Human Project to aid medical care, training. Fed Comput Week. 1991 Oct 21;5(32):3.

51. Bagnall KM. Humanscope: male [CD-ROM]. Edmonton (Alberta, Canada): Axion Spatial Imaging; c1998. 1 CD-ROM: color, 4 3/4 in. Accompanied by: 1 guide.

52. Bahr A, Dorn H, Bolz T. Dosimetric assessment of an exposure system for simulating GSM and WCDMA mobile phone usage. Bioelectromagnetics. 2006 May;27(4):320-7. Available from:

53. Bajaj C, Bernardini F, Lin KN, Sacks E, Schikore D. Physical simulation of the Visible Human joints. In: Banvard RA, editor. The Visible Human Project Conference Proceedings; 1996 Oct 7-8; Bethesda, MD [CD-ROM]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), Office of High Performance Computing and Communications; 1996. 1 CD-ROM: color, 4 3/4 in. Available from:

54. Bajaj C, Ihm I, Koo G, Park S. Parallel ray casting of Visible Human on distributed memory architectures. In: Groller E, Loffelmann H, Ribarsky W, editors. Data visualization '99. Proceedings of the joint EUROGRAPHICS and IEEE TCVG Symposium on Visualization; 1999 May; Vienna. [Berlin?]: Springer Verlag; 1999. p. 269-76.

55. Bajaj C, Ihm I, Park S, Song D. Compression-based ray casting of very large volume data in distributed environments. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference/Exhibition on High Performance Computing in the Asia-Pacific Region; 2000 May 14-17; Beijing. Los Alamitos (CA): IEEE Computer Society; 2000. p. 720-5.

56. Bajaj CL, Bernardini F, Pascucci V, Schikore DR. Interrogative visualization of the Visible Human Datasets. In: Banvard RA, editor. The Visible Human Project Conference Proceedings; 1996 Oct 7-8; Bethesda, MD [CD-ROM]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), Office of High Performance Computing and Communications; 1996. 1 CD-ROM: color, 4 3/4 in. Available from:

57. Bajka M, Manestar M, Hug J, Szekely G, Haller U, Groscurth P. Detailed anatomy of the abdomen and pelvis of the visible human female. Clin Anat. 2004 Apr;17(3):252-60. Erratum in: Clin Anat. 2004 Jul;17(5):450. DOI: 10.1002/ca.10215. Available from:

58. Baldwin FD. Surfing the web and parkinson's law. Pa Med. 1996 May;99(5):16-7. Available from:

59. Banvard R, editor. Proceedings of the Visible Human Project Conference; 1996 Oct 7-8; Bethesda, MD [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); 1996 [cited 2007 Mar 2]. Available from:

60. Banvard RA, editor. The Visible Human Project Conference Proceedings; 1996 Oct 7-8; Bethesda, MD [CD-ROM]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), Office of High Performance Computing and Communications; 1996. 1 CD-ROM: color, 4 3/4 in. Available from:

61. Banvard RA, Pinciroli F, Cerveri P, editors. 2nd Visible Human Project Conference Proceedings; 1998 Oct 1-2; Bethesda, MD [CD-ROM]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), Office of High Performance Computing and Communications; 1998. 1 CD-ROM: color. Available from:

62. Barker TM, Young J. Design of a Web interface for anatomical images. Australas Phys Eng Sci Med. 1997 Mar;20(1):33-8. Available from:

63. Barker VL. CathSim. Stud Health Technol Inform. 1999;62:36-7. Available from:

64. Barr A, Hawkins D. An anatomical database providing three-dimensional geometric representation of lower limb structures. J Appl Biomech. 2000 Aug;16(3):301-8.

65. Baudoin YP, Hoch M, Protin XM, Otton BJ, Ginon B, Voiglio EJ. The superior epigastric artery does not pass through Larrey's space (trigonum sternocostale). Surg Radiol Anat. 2003 Jul-Aug;25(3-4):259-62. DOI: 10.1007/s00276-003-0134-x. Available from:

66. Bean C, Molholt P, Imielinska C, Laino-Pepper L. Symbolic and spatial knowledge model. In: Banvard RA, editor. The Visible Human Project Conference Proceedings; 1996 Oct 7-8; Bethesda, MD [CD-ROM]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), Office of High Performance Computing and Communications; 1996. 1 CD-ROM: color, 4 3/4 in. Available from:

67. Bell D. An introduction to cybercultures. New York: Routledge; 2001. 246 p.

68. Bell D, Kennedy BM. The cybercultures reader. London: Routledge; 2000. 768 p.

69. Ben Salem D, Duvillard C. Fossa navicularis: Anatomic variation at the skull base. Clin Anat. 2006 May;19(4):365. DOI: 10.1002/ca.10191. Available from:

70. Benshetler JE. Blunt dissection in surgical simulation [master's thesis]. Arlington (TX): University of Texas at Arlington; 2003. 72 p.

71. Bernstein P. Virtual reality simulation of gynecologic laparoscopy. J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc. 1996 Aug;3(4 Suppl):S4. Available from:

72. Bessaud JC, Hersch RD. The visible human slice sequence animation web server. Proc SPIE [Internet]. 2001 [cited 2007 Mar 2];4311:341-8. Available from:

73. Beyersdorff D, Schiemann T, Taupitz M, Kooijman H, Hamm B, Nicolas V. Sectional depiction of the pelvic floor by CT, MR imaging and sheet plastination: computer-aided correlation and 3D model. Eur Radiol. 2001;11(4):659-64. DOI: 10.1007/s003300000561. Available from:

74. Beylot P, Gingins P, Kalra P, Thalmann NM, Maurel W, Thalmann D, Fasel J. 3D interactive topological modeling using visible human dataset. Comput Graph Forum. 1996 Sep;15(3):33-44.

75. Bifulco P, Sansone M, Cesarelli M, Allen R, Bracale M. Estimation of out-of-plane vertebra rotations on radiographic projections using CT data: a simulation study. Med Eng Phys. 2002 May;24(4):295-300. DOI: 10.1016/S1350-4533(02)00021-8. Available from:

76. Binhack S, Werner CD, Sachse FB, Doessel O. [Preprocessing of the Visible Human dataset]. Curare. 1991;14(1-2):528-9. German.

77. Binhack S, Werner CD, Sachse FB, Dossel O. [Preprocessing of the Visible Female data]. Biomed Tech (Berl). 1998;43 Suppl:528-9. Available from: German.

78. Bitsakos C, Kerner J, Fisher I, Amis AA. The effect of muscle loading on the simulation of bone remodelling in the proximal femur. J Biomech. 2005 Jan;38(1):133-9. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2004.03.005. Available from:

79. Blezek DJ, Robb RA. Centerline algorithm for virtual endoscopy based on chamfer distance transform and Dijkstra's single source shortest path algorithm. Proc SPIE. 1999;3660:225-33.

80. Blezek DJ, Robb RA. Evaluating virtual endoscopy for clinical use. J Digit Imaging. 1997 Aug;10(3 Suppl 1):51-5. Available from:

81. Blezek DJ, Robb RA. Haptic rendering of isosurfaces directly from medical images. Stud Health Technol Inform. 1999;62:67-73. Available from:

82. Blezek DJ, Robb RA, Camp JJ, Nauss LA, Martin DP. Simulation of spinal nerve blocks for training anesthesiology residents. Proc SPIE. 1998;3262:45-51.

83. Blezek DJ, Robb RA, Prather CM. Virtual endoscopy vs real endoscopy: a comparative evaluation. Proc SPIE. 1997;3031:542-52.

84. Boctor EM, Viswanathan A, Pieper S, Choti MA, Taylor RH, Kikinis R, Fichtinger G. CISUS: An integrated 3D ultrasound system for IGT using a modular tracking API. Proc SPIE. 2004 ;5367:247-56. DOI: 10.1117/12.537776.

85. Body Voyage. Macworld. 1997 Aug;14(8):82. 3D view of the human body by Time Warner Electronic Publishing.

86. Boehning JC. NLM offers slice of life on the Internet. Visible Human Project, a computerized anatomy system. Libr J. 1996 Mar 15;121:16.

87. Boettger T, Kunert T, Meinzer HP, Wolf I. Interactive constraints for SD-simplex meshes. Proc SPIE. 2005;5747:1692-702. DOI: 10.1117/12.595218.

88. Bonacina S, Masseroli M, Menegoni F, Quattrone G, Pinciroli F. A colorimetric characterization of the raw digital data of the Visible Human Dataset images [poster]. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2003:793. Available from:

89. Bonacina S, Menegoni F, Pinciroli F, Masseroli M. A 3D interactive multimodal viewer as data mining tool for the Visible Human Dataset color image histograms. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2004;98:28-30. Available from:

90. Bookstein FL, Athey BD, Green WD, Wetzel AW. Navigating solid medical images by pencils of sectioning planes. Proc SPIE. 2000;4121:117-27. DOI: 10.1117/12.402432.

91. Bottcher P, Maierl J. Macroscopic cryosectioning: a simple new method for producing digital, three-dimensional databases in veterinary anatomy. Anat Histol Embryol. 1999 May;28(2):97-102. Available from:

92. Bottcher P, Maierl J, Schiemann T, Glaser C, Weller R, Hohne KH, Reiser M, Liebich HG. The visible animal project: a three-dimensional, digital database for high quality three-dimensional reconstructions. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 1999 Nov-Dec;40(6):611-6. Available from:

93. Bouvier M. Cross-sectional anatomy tutor: an interactive course for anatomy education and evaluation [CD-ROM]. Version 1.0. Durham (NC): Duke University Medical Center, Division of Audiovisual Education; c1996. 1 CD-ROM: color, 4 3/4 in. Accompanied by: 1 handout. System Requirements: IBM compatible 486/66 computer; 16 Mb RAM; Windows 3.x; 640 x 480 SVGA graphics card with 1 Mb RAM set to high color mode (16K, 32K, or 64K colors); 2x CD-ROM drive.

94. Bozkurt A. Assessment of organ doses from exposure to neutrons using the Monte Carlo technique and an image-based anatomical model [dissertation]. Troy (NY): Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; 2000. 142 p.

95. Bozkurt A, Chao TC, Xu XG. Fluence-to-dose conversion coefficients based on the VIP-Man anatomical model and MCNPX code for monoenergetic neutrons above 20 MeV. Health Phys. 2001 Aug;81(2):184-202. Available from:

96. Bozkurt A, Chao TC, Xu XG. Fluence-to-dose conversion coefficients from monoenergetic neutrons below 20 MeV based on the VIP-man anatomical model. Phys Med Biol. 2000 Oct;45(10):3059-79. Available from:

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550. Park JS, Chung MS, Hwang SB, Shin BS, Park HS. Visible Korean Human: Its techniques and applications. Clin Anat. 2006 Apr;19(3):216-24. Available from:

551. Park S, Koo G, Ihm I. Wavelet-based 3D compression schemes for the Visible Human Data Set and their applications. In: Banvard RA, Pinciroli F, Cerveri P, editors. 2nd Visible Human Project Conference Proceedings; 1998 Oct 1-2; Bethesda, MD [CD-ROM]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), Office of High Performance Computing and Communications; 1998. 1 CD-ROM: color. Available from:

552. Parker-Jones C. Visible Human UK mirror: Establishing a mirror. In: Arvanitis TN, Keevil SF, Woodall J, editors. MEDNET 98. 3rd Annual World Congress on the Internet in Medicine; 1998 Nov; London. Birmingham (UK): University of Birmingham; 1998. (Educational technology research papers series; 1).

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557. Patrias K. Visible Human Project [bibliography on the Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); 2000 [cited 2007 Mar 2]. (Current bibliographies in medicine; 2000-5). Available from: 425 citations from January 1987 through August 2000.

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Author Index

Abolmaesumi P: 1, 145

Acakpo-Satchivi L: 776

Ackerman M: 763

Ackerman MJ: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 604, 715, 719, 764, 765, 877, 878, 879, 880, 881, 883

Acosta E: 23, 24, 751, 752

Adam JA: 25

Ade A: 26, 198

Adlassnig KP: 738

Agneskirchner J: 109

Agnus V: 229, 230

Aharon S: 287, 616

Ai Z: 147

Airola C: 846

Aja-Fernandez S: 700

Ajioka M.: 27

Akashi H: 534

Akojee S: 654

Al-Ali S: 873

Al-Bataineh OM: 28

Al-Shyoukh MA: 269

Albarakati Y: 33

Alberola-Lopez C: 700

Alciatore D: 489

Aldridge JS: 29

Aldur MM: 30

Alexander D: 31, 32

Alford MG: 673

Alghamdi AA: 33

Allen R: 75, 905

Allin S: 34

Altan MC: 159

Amirrezvani A: 35

Amis AA: 78

Amrami KK: 713

Anagnostopoulou S: 548

Andersen CE: 107, 108

Anderson C: 167, 490

Anderson IA: 233, 696, 792

Anderson JH: 114, 115

Anderson M: 620

Anderson PD: 36

Anderson RH: 37, 227

Andorfer GP: 38

Angelini ED: 39

Ann Heng P: 40

Appell HJ: 527

Arabnia H: 364

Arabnia HR: 364, 393, 405

Armengol-Carrasco M: 459

Armspach JP: 535

Arnaldi B: 392

Arsigny V: 41

Arthur RM: 334

Arvanitis TN: 552

Aston SJ: 705, 706

Athanasiou A: 548

Athey B: 26, 304

Athey BD: 42, 90

Athley BD: 834

Atkins G: 198

Augustine K: 43

Augustine KE: 287

Avants B: 44

Avants BB: 45

Avila L: 481

Avila LS: 664

Ayache N: 41

Ayeni SA: 48

Aylward S: 338, 693, 880

Aylward SR: 46, 47, 283

Aziz A: 824

Aziz MA: 48

Bach JM: 217

Bacro T: 49

Baerson KM: 50

Baeyens E: 268

Bagnall KM: 51

Bagur M: 595, 596

Bagur MM: 217

Bahr A: 52

Bai J: 171, 559, 839, 889, 903

Baier D: 220

Baimouratov R: 824

Bainbridge WS: 618

Bajaj C: 53, 54, 55

Bajaj CL: 56

Bajka M: 57, 710, 743

Baker L: 488

Baldini TH: 217

Baldwin FD: 58

Ball MJ: 415

Banissi E: 204, 419

Banvard R: 59, 575

Banvard RA: 17, 26, 38, 42, 53, 56, 60, 61, 66, 112, 125, 127, 150, 153, 165, 167, 183, 187, 191, 196, 209, 218, 259, 265, 278, 279, 284, 285, 294, 296, 307, 324, 341, 344, 345, 369, 383, 385, 404, 406, 411, 421, 422, 458, 461, 468, 480, 489, 490, 491, 499, 507, 509, 512, 515, 533, 538, 542, 551, 574, 580, 590, 609, 611, 624, 625, 639, 640, 641, 660, 674, 684, 685, 689, 690, 691, 724, 734, 735, 743, 756, 763, 765, 767, 796, 800, 828, 840, 849, 871, 910

Baraliakos X: 527

Barbat S: 631

Barker TM: 62

Barker VL: 63

Barr A: 64

Barr RE: 430, 431

Barre S: 481

Bartling S: 620

Bartz D: 328, 439

Bashir Y: 632, 633

Basser PJ: 31, 32

Bassingthwaighte J: 304

Baudoin YP: 65

Baur C: 228

Baurle R: 466

Bean C: 66, 344

Becker H: 620

Bederson BB: 540

Bedi S: 269

Bell D: 67, 68

Bellman KL: 312

Ben Salem D: 69

Bender HJ: 661

Bengtsson E: 760

Benos I: 548

Benshetler JE: 70

Benson AN: 112, 113

Berger CF: 834

Berghom W: 558

Berman LE: 758

Bernardini F: 53, 56

Bernstein P: 71

Bertel F: 665

Bessaud JC: 72

Beyersdorff D: 73

Beylot P: 74, 264, 265, 485

Bidaut L: 800

Biel M: 558

Bifulco P: 75

Binhack S: 76, 77

Bitsakos C: 78

Black PM: 521, 522

Bland PH: 503

Blemker SS: 754

Blezek D: 116

Blezek DJ: 79, 80, 81, 82, 83

Blount JP: 776

Blum E: 362

Boctor EM: 84

Boehning JC: 86

Boerner K: 222

Boes JL: 503

Boettger T: 87

Bolz T: 52

Bonacina S: 88, 89

Bonmartin A: 357

Bookstein FL: 90

Boom H: 374

Bordalo-Rodrigues M: 286

Bosnjak R: 393

Bosshard AA: 397

Bostwick DG: 376

Bottcher P: 91, 92

Bottger T: 859, 860

Boulic R: 485

Bouvier M: 93, 112, 113

Bovisi L: 800

Bowen L: 441

Boxwala A: 243

Bozkurt A: 94, 95, 96, 97, 135, 136, 869, 870

Bracale M: 75, 738

Bradley SW: 99

Brahme A: 584, 585, 586

Brauer G: 98

Braumann UD: 220

Breen PJ: 555

Brinkley JF: 99, 100, 626

Bro-Nielsen M: 101

Broaddus WC: 733, 734, 735

Broering NC: 6

Brooks JD: 102, 103, 104, 105

Brooks W: 239

Browdin PE: 106, 170

Bruland OS: 181, 182

Buford WL: 107

Buford WL Jr: 108

Buhl J: 164

Buist ML: 440

Bulajich B: 739

Bulling A: 109

Bullitt E: 46, 47, 337

Bumgardner JD: 430

Burdea GC: 110

Burgess J: 304

Burmester E: 111, 576

Burns JB: 655

Bushyhead AL: 112, 113

Cabestrero F: 227

Cabral MC: 266

Cabrera JA: 227

Caceres E: 256

Cai Y: 114, 115

Calvert M: 755

Calvo B: 801

Cameron BM: 116, 287, 616

Camp JJ: 82, 116, 287, 376, 377

Cannon WD: 117

Caon C: 385

Caon M: 118

Carleton T: 476

Carls FR: 398, 628

Carman J: 792

Carmichael SW: 119, 683, 709

Carranza-Herrezuelo N: 700

Cartwright L: 120, 771

Casaseca-de-la-Higuera P: 700

Casper JL: 855

Castrop F: 109

Catarinucci L: 121

Cates JE: 122

Cecchi A: 123

Cellini N: 785

Cerrolaza M: 801

Cerveri P: 26, 38, 61, 124, 125, 126, 127, 150, 165, 167, 191, 278, 279, 296, 345, 383, 406, 411, 421, 490, 507, 509, 538, 551, 572, 580, 609, 625, 641, 674, 689, 691, 734, 743, 796, 800, 828, 840, 849, 871, 910

Cesarelli M: 75

Chai L: 631

Chalana V: 128, 129, 880

Champion H: 304

Chan FK: 467

Chan KL: 130

Chan KM: 297

Chandra P: 131

Chaney EL: 243, 568

Chang HK: 359

Chang YJ: 132, 133

Chao EY: 134, 442

Chao TC: 95, 96, 135, 136, 137, 138, 856, 868, 869, 870

Chao WM: 102, 103, 104, 105, 139

Chapman BE: 151

Chase RA: 294, 295

Chen D: 149

Chen DT: 441

Chen H: 140, 141, 142

Chen HM: 143

Chen J: 441

Chen JH: 436, 893, 894

Chen PC: 222

Chen S: 456

Chen T: 144, 346, 502

Chen TK: 145

Chen W: 436, 893, 894

Chen X: 434

Chen XH: 436, 893, 894

Chen YF: 143, 146

Chen YH: 885

Cheng CY: 297, 299

Cheng JC: 894

Cheng LK: 873

Cheng R: 625

Cheng Z: 587, 899

Chhadia A: 147, 697

Chiang IC: 152

Chiarini A: 801

Chiba N: 202

Chin JL: 148

Chiou RC: 149, 150

Cho SY: 366

Choti MA: 84

Christensen HI: 254

Christina Lee WC: 151

Chu V: 286

Chua GD: 776

Chuang MT: 152

Chui C: 114, 115, 153

Chui YP: 297, 298, 299

Chun J: 154

Chung HW: 366

Chung J: 42

Chung MS: 155, 390, 549, 550, 780

Chunguang J: 156

Chute CG: 415

Cimino C: 276

Cimino JJ: 467

Clapworthy GJ: 204

Clark JW: 108

Clarke RD: 792

Claussen CD: 858

Clavert P: 157

Cleary K: 158, 304

Clinkenbeard RE: 159

Coddington P: 133

Coddington PD: 291

Cois A: 693

Colagrosso MD: 405

Cole M: 198

Collins CM: 28, 160

Compadre CM: 555

Constantinou P: 294

Conway RK: 163

Cook AC: 37

Cooper J: 164

Cordier F: 165

Corral G: 158

Cosic I: 403

Coty ME: 166

Coultas J: 49

Cowie RJ: 48

Cox JL: 368

Craene MD: 210

Crafoord J: 584

Crandall J: 781, 782

Crawford-Hines S: 167

Crawford RH: 159

Crocker MJ: 168

Cruz-Neira C: 728

Csordas TJ: 169, 170

Cui G: 434

Cui GY: 436, 893, 894

Cui Y: 171

Cullip T: 243

Cunningham P: 229

Currie LM: 779

Curtis N: 172

Cuttat JF: 228

Cutting CB: 705, 706

D'Ambra MN: 798

da Rosa AL: 185

Dagget T: 177

Daggett T: 178

Daggfeldt K: 179, 180

Dai JX: 885

Dailey SH: 34

Dale AM: 237

Dale E: 181, 182

Daly J: 623

Dameron O: 633

Dance CR: 183

Danks M: 307, 309

Darvish K: 781, 782

Davies M: 184

Davis B: 283

Davis L: 623

Davoli F: 269

Dayong L: 874

de Almeida Souza I: 185

De Ryk J: 186

Dean D: 187

Dech F: 147, 697, 698, 699

Deeb SA: 23

Degoulet P: 15

Deitz D: 188

Delmas V: 780

DeMarinis D: 269

Deng B: 781, 782

Deng J: 434

Deng JH: 436, 588

deSilva CJ: 184

Deutsch J: 579

Deutsch JC: 189, 646

Dev P: 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 294, 295, 304, 632, 633

Devarajan V: 282

Devocht JW: 195, 196

Dhar P: 912

Dickhaus H: 197

Dickson S: 198

Difilippo EP: 844

Dinapoli N: 785

Ding SY: 436

Doblare M: 801

Doessel O: 76

Doi A: 202, 746, 747

Doi K: 426

Doll S: 203

Dong F: 204

Dongsung K: 358

Donohoe GW: 239

Dorn H: 52

Dossel O: 77, 637, 641, 642, 643, 678, 679, 848, 849, 850

Douglas JV: 415

Downes M: 341

Downes MS: 340, 342, 343

Downey DB: 148, 212

Dowton SB: 491

Doyle A: 205

Doyle M: 206

Drndarski B: 739

Drury HA: 207, 208, 209, 790, 791

du Bois d'Aische A: 210

Duan H: 211, 359

Dumont G: 197, 456, 602, 632, 784, 873, 903

Duncan J: 304

Dunn BK: 48

Dunn GF: 284, 285

Dunne SD: 212

Durlach NI: 213

Duvillard C: 69

Earnhart J: 243

Easterly CE: 214, 843, 844

Ebert D: 215, 553, 761

Ebert DS: 216

Eck V: 12

Eckhoff DG: 117, 217

Edgerton VR: 306

Edmond CV: 846

Edwards PJ: 218

Edwards PK: 713

Eggener SE: 105

Ehrhardt J: 219

Einenkel J: 220

Eisenmann U: 197

El-Jawahri R: 631

Elangovan V: 221, 852

Elfervig M: 568

Ellis H: 154

Ellison L: 486

Emura S: 142

Enderle JD: 272, 274

Erbacher RF: 222

Eskola H: 293, 335, 403

Evans NE: 655

Evesque F: 223

Ewers R: 224

Falk B: 766

Falk RB: 767, 768

Fan HQ: 281

Fan JH: 225, 885

Fang CH: 911

Fankhauser G: 398

Farman AG: 321, 331, 426, 572, 615

Farre J: 227

Fasel J: 74, 265

Fasel JH: 228

Fasquel JB: 229, 230

Fedkiw R: 754

Fedra P: 231

Feeley J: 232

Feng J: 456

Fernandez JW: 233, 234, 235

Fichtinger G: 84

Figueiredo O: 236, 301, 501, 750, 800

Finni T: 306

Firat Z: 283

Fischer G: 564

Fischl B: 237

Fisher I: 78

Fletcher A: 238, 425

Floca R: 197

Fogg QA: 464

Fogler RJ: 239

Folkenberg J: 604

Foskey M: 283

Fox EA: 541

Fox G: 240

Fraile JC: 268

Frake B: 383, 384

Frattini B: 822, 823

Frech R: 637

Freudenberg J: 241, 656

Frey KA: 503

Freysinger W: 497

Friedman C: 140

Friedman R: 242

Frimberger D: 486

Fritsch DS: 243

Fritscher KD: 244

Fugita O: 486

Fuller SS: 140

Furmanski W: 240

Gagnon CA: 245

Gagvani N: 246

Gailloud P: 228

Galeotti J: 34

Galli RL: 741

Galloway RL Jr: 247

Gao J: 143, 400

Gao S: 438, 457

Gao Y: 885

Gardner RM: 786

Garges KJ: 108

Garner BA: 248, 249, 250, 430, 431

Garrett WE Jr: 117

Gasos J: 251

Gatti AJ: 252

Gee J: 338

Gee JC: 31, 32, 44, 45, 128, 253, 254, 536, 537, 561, 562, 563, 886

Geets X: 210

Gehrmann S: 255, 315, 576

Gelber PE: 256

Gennart B: 257, 301, 501, 750, 800

Genser-Strobl B: 712

Ger R: 258

Gerig G: 886

Gering DT: 521, 522

Gerlach S: 223, 259, 260, 261, 649, 650

Gersak B: 772, 773, 774

Gershon D: 262

Geveci B: 666

Gigis I: 527

Gilbertson B: 49

Gill M: 534

Gimenez JT: 263

Gingins P: 74, 228, 264, 265, 485

Ginon B: 65

Glaser C: 92

Glaser J: 594

Goel VK: 196

Goes VP: 266

Goldstein M: 836

Golland P: 267

Gonzalez L: 268

Gopakamaran B: 269

Gordon DL: 350

Gordon MS: 350

Gori R: 651

Graham RS: 270, 734

Gratzl M: 109

Green WD: 90

Greenshields I: 380

Greenshields IR: 177, 178, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 872

Greer H: 647

Gregoire V: 210

Greil G: 858

Grevera GJ: 779

Griffiths DJ: 270

Griffiths HJ: 472

Grill R: 769

Grimson E: 101

Grimson WE: 267

Grinspan ZM: 276

Griswold JA: 23

Groden C: 98

Groehn MT: 222

Groller E: 54, 665

Groning F: 98

Groscurth P: 57, 743

Gross MH: 397, 398, 628

Grossetie JC: 578

Grosskopf S: 513

Grossman D: 632, 633

Gruionu L: 486

Grunwald T: 277

Guddati M: 524

Guglielmi L: 278, 279, 572

Gugliemli L: 573

Gui Y: 841

Gunke A: 497

Gunther T: 661

Guo Q: 269

Guo TC: 280

Guo WW: 280

Guo Y: 434

Guo YL: 281, 436, 893, 894

Gupta AA: 464

Gupta V: 282

Guyon JP: 283

Ha Y: 623

Hack GD: 284, 285

Hacker S: 111

Haffejee AA: 654

Hagen H: 553, 761

Hahn J: 476

Hall M: 477

Halle M: 267, 570

Haller J: 349

Haller JW: 793

Haller U: 57

Hallner B: 464

Haluck RS: 23

Hamarneh G: 286

Hamm B: 73

Hamza-Lup F: 623

Hamza MH: 738

Han DM: 437

Han JH: 389

Handels H: 219

Haneke K: 283

Hansen C: 553

Hanser F: 564

Hanson DP: 287, 617

Har DH: 549

Hart IR: 350

Hartz J: 288

Harzmann R: 289

Hashimoto J: 442

Hashtrudi-Zaad K: 1

Hastenteufel M: 858, 859, 860

Hatfield P: 751

Haugh R: 290

Hawick KA: 291

Hawkes DJ: 218

Hawkins D: 64

Haynor D: 128, 129

Hazlett HC: 886

He H: 898

He HG: 900

He T: 328

Heath JA: 597, 598

Hegron G: 485

Heiland M: 292

Heinonen T: 293, 335, 370

Heinrich C: 535

Heinrichs WL: 24, 192, 294, 295, 730

Heinz Hohne K: 587

Heinz K: 575

Heitz F: 535

Hellebust TP: 181, 182

Henderson E: 296, 674, 737, 910

Heng PA: 281, 297, 298, 299, 435, 589, 867, 891, 892, 893, 894, 895

Heraty K: 300

Herbener T: 187

Hersch RD: 72, 223, 236, 257, 259, 260, 261, 301, 501, 649, 650, 750, 800

Hersch WR: 302

Hersh W: 140

Heshka S: 694

Heskamp D: 846

Hesser J: 661

Heungsik K: 358

Hewitt A: 303

Heymsfield SB: 694

Higgins G: 304

Higgins GA: 305, 496, 499

Hilbelink DR: 166

Hildebrand A: 513

Hill DL: 218

Hillen B: 594

Hinshaw KP: 100, 626

Hintermueller C: 564

Ho A: 233

Ho S: 886

Ho SS: 867

Hoch M: 65

Hockel M: 220

Hodgson JA: 306

Hoehne KH: 483, 657, 669

Hoffman EA: 186, 196

Hoffman H: 307, 308, 309, 310

Hoffman HM: 311, 312, 313

Hoffman W: 664

Hoffmeyer P: 485

Hogge M: 799

Hohne KH: 92, 111, 241, 255, 292, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 478, 565, 566, 567, 575, 576, 577, 656, 658, 659, 660, 662, 670, 671, 672, 733, 744, 761, 762, 896, 902, 903

Holden AV: 678

Holden C: 320

Hollaender I: 321

Holland R: 239

Holmes A: 322

Holmes D 3rd: 43

Holmes DR 3rd: 323

Hombach V: 164

Hong B: 438, 457

Hong F: 742

Hong HW: 885

Hong L: 324, 325, 326, 327, 328

Hong SH: 366

Hoogendijk CF: 329

Hooper G: 333

Hoper C: 678

Hopkins MA: 591

Hopmeier M: 304

Horn LC: 220

Horowitz CJ: 766

Hosakere S: 341

Hoyte L: 330

Hua XC: 476

Huang J: 400

Huang LW: 911

Huang QM: 179

Huang WH: 225, 885

Hubener KH: 662

Hubner M: 331

Huda W: 856

Hudson DL: 197, 456, 583, 602, 632, 784, 873, 903

Hug J: 57, 743

Hug JM: 710

Hughes TJ: 332

Huilong D: 156, 456

Huisman HJ: 787

Humphrey ER: 776

Humphreys BL: 451, 452, 453

Humphries S: 217

Hunter P: 401

Hunter PJ: 233, 234, 235, 602, 696, 792

Hunter RE: 117

Huntley JS: 333

Hutchens K: 133

Hutteroth TH: 111

Hwang IK: 391

Hwang SB: 549, 550

Hwang SI: 366

Hwang WS: 155, 390

Hyodynmaa S: 584

Hyttinen J: 334, 335, 336, 370, 371, 372, 373, 583, 784

Hyttinen JA: 374, 375

Ibanez L: 131, 158, 337, 338, 481, 529, 667, 693

Ihm I: 54, 55, 551

Ilovici I: 339

Imelinska C: 340

Imielinska C: 39, 66, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 361, 381, 406, 509, 623, 702, 779, 795, 796, 797, 826, 827, 828

Inamura K: 321, 331, 426, 572, 615, 661

Inanc F: 348

Indelicato DJ: 412

Insung I: 745

Irwin A: 307, 309

Irwin AE: 313

Ishimaru T: 349

Issenberg SB: 350

Ito Y: 351

Jacko JA: 727

Jacob SW: 352, 353

Jacobs SW: 354

Jagadeesh JM: 269

Jagannathan L: 884

Jager GJ: 787

Jakobovits R: 626

Jamoye V: 799

Jan J: 231

Jastrow H: 355, 356

Jegou Ch: 357

Jenkins D: 20, 22, 304

Jenkins DP: 594

Jeong DK: 366

Jeongho L: 358

Jia C: 211, 359

Jian W: 360

Jiao PF: 225, 885

Jin Y: 39, 346, 779

JinY: 361

Jiroutek MR: 568

Johann DJ: 362

Johnson C: 304, 516

Johnson DL: 159

Johnson JH: 733, 735

Johnson S: 826

Johnson TB: 599

Jolesz FA: 521, 522, 620

Jomier J: 46

Jones FS: 363, 364

Jones GM: 122

Jones SB: 653

Joshi S: 791

Juanes JA: 365

Junior CS: 185

Jurcic-Zlobec B: 393

Jurek P: 699

Kacher DF: 521, 522, 620

Kacperek A: 33

Kahn JL: 157

Kalitzin S: 753

Kalra P: 74, 228, 264, 265, 485

Kang HS: 366, 389, 424

Kangarloo H: 648

Karl TR: 367

Karron DB: 368

Karssemeijer N: 787

Karwoski RA: 287

Kaspersen JH: 481

Katchar V: 739

Kato Y: 538

Katz WT: 369

Kaufman A: 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 439, 746, 747

Kaufman AE.: 149, 150

Kaufman R: 476

Kaukinen S: 373

Kauppinen P: 293, 334, 335, 336, 370, 371, 372, 373, 583, 784

Kauppinen PK: 374, 375

Kavoussi L: 486

Kay PA: 376, 377, 378

Keevil SF: 552

Kelley LK: 491

Kelly DR: 776

Kelly EA: 491

Kelly H: 304

Kember S: 379

Kempf JF: 157

Kennedy BM: 68

Kerasha MA: 380

Kerner J: 78

Kerner KF: 381

Kerr J: 102, 103, 104, 382, 590, 684

Kerr JP: 284, 285, 383, 384, 385, 394

Keshvari J: 804

Ketty PV: 42

Keyun T: 874

Khan A: 341

Khaneja N: 386

Kiernan V: 387

Kikinis R: 84, 267, 478, 497, 521, 522, 569, 570, 620, 733, 798

Kilcoyne RF: 388

Kim B: 389, 503

Kim BH: 366

Kim D: 389, 424

Kim J: 283

Kim JH: 424

Kim JW: 389

Kim JY: 155, 390

Kim KJ: 391

Kim YH: 366

King BF: 377, 378

King SA: 392

Kiricuta I: 585

Kiricuta IC: 586

Kirov M: 591

Kison PV: 503

Kita Y: 517, 518

Klavans J: 509, 827, 828

Klemencic J: 393

Kluenkaew O: 909

Knapp D: 383, 384, 385, 394, 684

Kniss JM: 395

Kobayashi N: 396

Koch RM: 397, 398

Koebke J: 527

Koh W: 399

Kohl JA: 400

Kohl P: 401

Kohn D: 402

Konkka I: 403

Koo G: 54, 551

Koobi T: 336, 373

Kooijman H: 73

Koral K: 503

Korn F: 539

Kornhaber ML: 830

Kostka P: 474

Kouchoukos P: 699

Kouchoukos PL: 698

Kovacic S: 537, 621

Kozumplik J: 231

Krabbel G: 404

Kral F: 497

Kramer E L: 584

Krekule I: 12

Kriebel TL: 691

Krier J: 157

Krokos M: 204

Krol M: 275

Kroll A: 98

Krummel T: 277

Krummel TM: 24, 730

Kruse KL: 524

Kucinski T: 429

Kuettner A: 858

Kuhnapfel UG: 331

Kunert T: 87, 859, 860

Kuntz C: 490

Kupczik K: 98

Kuska JP: 220

Kustov V: 506, 507

Laarne P: 335, 371

Laby JC: 42

Lackey JB: 405

Lagandara ML: 365

Lai AM: 306

Laine A: 39, 361

Laino-Pepper L: 66, 344, 345, 406, 509

Lalush DS: 681, 682

Lamberg L: 407, 408

Lamberti C: 651

Lamy J: 230, 409

Landauer C: 312

Lande RE: 410

Lane A: 411

Lange T: 412

Lapeer RJ: 183, 413

Lapp RM: 414

Lappalainen R: 804

Larsen RL: 415

Larson AG: 287

Lau C: 754

Lau PY: 416

Laugier C: 417

Laville M: 823

Law C: 418

Law CC: 419

Lawrence S: 579

Lawrence SP: 646

Lazaroff M: 420

Le H: 421, 422

Leardini A: 801

LeBlanc VR: 779

Lederer SE: 423

Lee C: 595, 596

Lee D: 389

Lee DJ: 275

Lee H: 28

Lee J: 424

Lee JW: 424

Lee TM: 909

Lee TY: 425

Lee WY: 834

Lee YN: 467

Lee YS: 549

Lei J: 694

Leiman DA: 425

Leineweber T: 111

Leiss EL: 441

Leitao RB: 266

Leitch R: 304

Lemke HU: 22, 315, 321, 331, 388, 426, 572, 615, 661

Leonard WR: 427

Leung KS: 297

Leuwer R: 428, 429, 565, 576

Levine D: 430

Levine DA: 431

Lew D: 196, 349

Lewis M: 294

Li G: 898

Li HX: 432

Li JY: 225, 885

Li K: 281, 434, 436, 588, 749, 893, 894

Li L: 433

Li M: 742

Li PJ: 225

Li PL: 885

Li Q: 434

Li QY: 281, 435, 436, 588, 749, 893, 894

Li SR: 141

Li XA: 885

Li XP: 437

Li Y: 438, 457

Liang Z: 149, 150, 325, 326, 327

Liang ZP: 197, 456, 583, 602, 632, 784, 873, 903

Liao RX: 893, 894

Lichan H: 439

Liebich HG: 92

Liebig T: 429

Lin AS: 440

Lin CY: 441

Lin HT: 442

Lin KN: 53

Lin WC: 152

Lin WT: 443, 444

Lin ZF: 435

Lind BK: 585, 586

Lindberg DA: 445, 446, 447, 448, 449, 450, 451, 452, 453, 454

Linhart W: 255

Liotta LA: 362

Lithgow B: 403

Liu AV: 455

Liu C: 885

Liu GC: 152

Liu GJ: 893, 894

Liu H: 903

Liu HJ: 897

Liu J: 456

Liu JJ: 893, 894

Liu K: 438, 457

Liu L: 186

Liu YX: 433

Liu Z: 434

Liu ZJ: 281, 435, 436, 588, 749, 891, 892, 893, 894, 895

Livnat Y: 553

Loffelmann H: 54

Loftin RB: 441

Loke E: 467

Loncaric S: 738

Long L: 493

Long LR: 458, 757, 758

Long R: 362, 505, 591

Lopes RD: 266

Lopes TT: 185

Lopez-Cano M: 459

Lorensen B: 198, 460, 461, 663

Lorensen W: 304

Lorensen WE: 462, 668, 880

Lorenzo-Valdes M: 414

Lothe AV: 463

Louis RG Jr: 464

Loukas M: 464

Lowndes M: 465

Lozanoff S: 203, 712

Lu K: 900

Lu M: 893, 894

Lu W: 211, 359

Lu YT: 885

Luebbers R: 466

Lun KC: 467

Lynch PJ: 468

Ma A: 33

Macfarlane LL: 272, 274

Machado LS: 266

Mackie TR: 29

Macq B: 210

Magnenat-Thalmann N: 228, 392, 485

Maguire GQ Jr: 584

Mahalik TJ: 599

Mahinthakumar G: 524

Mahoney DP: 469, 470, 471

Maier H: 429

Maierl J: 91, 92

Main J: 764, 766

Main JS: 767, 768

Maintz T: 753

Maki DD: 472

Malafa M: 473

Malaterre M: 665, 666

Malkewitz R: 513

Malmivuo J: 293, 334, 335, 336, 370, 371, 372, 373, 583, 784

Malmivuo JA: 374, 375

Malota Z: 474

Malvankar A: 475, 752

Mamisch CT: 522

Mandarich D: 739

Manestar M: 57, 743

Manner R: 661

Mantello G: 785

Manyak MJ: 476

Maranillo E: 794

Marchionini G: 541

Mardirossian G: 477

Marouli M: 33

Marquez J: 478, 479, 480

Martin C: 799

Martin DP: 82

Martin-Fernandez MA: 700

Martin G: 623

Martin K: 481

Martin KM: 419, 667, 668

Martinez G: 801

Marucci L: 785

Marx B: 164

Masseroli M: 88, 89, 124

Mast TD: 482

Masutani Y: 483

Masys DR: 18, 484

Mather R: 294

Matsuda S: 396

Mattiucci GC: 785

Maurel W: 74, 485

Mavor AS: 213

Max M: 325

Mazilu D: 486

Mazzariol M: 301, 487

Mbua E: 98

McAllister M: 486

McCallum SJ: 488

McClanahan T: 215

McCormick BH: 399

McCracken T: 167, 313, 489, 490

McEnery KW: 491

McGuigan MD: 362

McIntire LV: 108

McKenzie JC: 48

McLennan G: 186

McLoughlin RF: 148

McNamee D: 492

Meadows S: 493

Meglan DA: 305, 496, 499

Mehrle AH: 497

Mei J: 742

Meinzer HP: 87, 858, 859, 860

Meixner W: 26

Meixner WM: 42

Mejino JL: 626

Mendoza C: 417

Menegoni F: 88, 89, 498

Mercenier J: 799

Merrell RC: 652

Merril GL: 305, 496, 499

Merril JR: 305, 496

Mertz H: 675

Messerli V: 301, 500, 501, 750, 800

Metaxas D: 144, 304, 346, 502, 880

Metaxas DN: 882

Metzner R: 197

Meyer CR: 503

Meyer-Waarden C: 512

Meyer-Waarden K: 639, 640, 641, 642, 643

Michaels G: 206

Mikulis D: 422

Mille P: 157

Miller J: 846

Miller MI: 791

Miller RA: 484

Mims CA: 504

Miranda R: 489

Mischke C: 635

Mithraratne P: 235

Mitra S: 275, 493, 505, 506, 507, 759

Miura Y: 202

Mizerski J: 474

Mkandawire C: 508

Mocnik J: 773, 774

Modayur BR: 626

Modre-Osprian R: 564

Molholt P: 66, 344, 347, 509, 702, 779, 795, 796, 797, 826, 827, 828

Mondry A: 912

Mones-Hattal B: 328

Monllau JC: 256

Monroe JS: 322

Montebello J: 477

Montgomery K: 192

Monzon JE: 158, 896

Moorhead R: 516

Moorhead RJ: 400, 649

Morgan KS: 847

Mori K: 770

Morin A: 823

Morioka C: 648

Morris CJ: 216

Morris JF: 465

Morse B: 883

Mosby-Year Book: 510

Moschos G: 511

Mosges R: 101

Moyssakis I: 548

Muehlthaler H: 564

Mueller M: 639, 640

Muffly KE: 166

Muffoletto AJ: 108

Muller KE: 568

Muller M: 512

Muller R: 404

Muller W: 513

Mullick R: 153, 514, 515

Mun Y: 364

Munro NB: 844

Munzner T: 516

Muraki S: 328, 439, 517, 518, 746, 747

Muri A: 519

Murillo J: 794

Murray M: 307, 308, 309, 312, 313

Musen MA: 632, 633

Muster M: 228

Muyshondt R: 505

Myers RP: 377, 378

Myers TW: 520

Nabavi A: 521, 522

Nachbar MS: 591

Nagy F: 532, 533

Naidoo ML: 654

Naisbitt J: 523

Naisbitt N: 523

Nakahashi K: 351

Nakai T: 517, 518

Nakamura M: 538

Nakamura Y: 442

Namati E: 186

Narasimhan C: 524

Nathan NS: 798

National Library of Medicine (US), Board of Regents: 525, 526

Natsis K: 527

Nauss LA: 82

Navab N: 158

Nawrat Z: 474

Neidhardt JP: 823

Netter FH: 528

Neuman M: 374

Ng H: 702

Ng L: 128, 338, 529

Ng-Thow-Hing V: 754

Nguyen BH: 496

Nguyen C: 530

Nguyen HT: 153, 514, 515

Nguyen KG: 531

Nicolas V: 73

Nieder G: 532

Nieder GL: 533

Niederer P: 710

Nielson GM: 668

Nikolaidis N: 511

Nishinaga N: 534

Nixon MS: 905

Noble D: 401

Noblet V: 535

Nobuhara K: 442

Noe A: 206, 536, 537

Nogawa H: 534, 538

Noirard P: 578

Nolden M: 859, 860

Norfleet J: 623

Nori S: 785

North C: 539, 540, 541, 542

Nosske D: 560

Noster S: 315

Nowinski K: 474

Nowinski WL: 824, 884

Noz ME: 584

Nugen F: 332

Nuthmann J: 658

O’Bara R: 665

Oakes WJ: 776, 777, 778

Obaidat MS: 269

Oberlander EK: 270

Odutoye TA: 168

Ogden KM: 856

Oleksy WG: 543

Oliker A: 705, 706

Olsen DC: 544

Olsen DR: 181, 182

Olson RM: 652

Olson TR: 276

Onal E: 751

Ong A: 486

Oppenheimer P: 846

Ortega F: 546

Otton BJ: 65

Ou T: 156

Ouyang J: 885

Ovtscharoff W: 109

Oyen WJ: 787

Ozawa S: 416

Palacios-Camarero C: 700

Palazzari P: 121

Pallen M: 547

Pandy MG: 249, 250

Pang XL: 893, 894

Papadopoulos DP: 548

Parent RE: 392

Parish YI: 398

Park EJ: 28

Park HS: 390, 549, 550

Park JS: 155, 390, 549, 550, 780

Park KS: 424

Park S: 54, 55, 551

Park SM: 159

Parker-Jones C: 552

Parker S: 553

Parkin I: 794

Parry B: 554

Partab P: 556

Parthasarathy R: 159

Parthasarathy RN: 582

Pascucci V: 56

Pasley JN: 555

Patak A: 578

Pather N: 556

Patience T: 846

Patrias K: 557

Patriciu A: 158, 486

Pawlina W: 709

Pearlstein J: 232

Pebay PP: 665

Peitgen HO: 558

Pelster HL: 597, 598, 599

Pemmaraju S: 505

Peng L: 559

Peng LU: 874

Penley C: 120, 771

Pennec X: 41

Peran JR: 268

Pergolizzi RS: 522

Petersik A: 292, 566, 576

Petitjean N: 799

Petoussi-Henss N: 560, 887

Petricoin EF: 362

Pettey DJ: 561, 562, 563

Pfeifer B: 564

Pfister H: 516

Pflesser B: 255, 292, 315, 316, 317, 318, 428, 565, 566, 567, 575, 576, 577, 656, 671

Philips D: 523

Phillips BL: 568

Phillips PJ: 254

Pichon E: 569

Piemme TE: 15

Pieper S: 84, 570

Pierpaoli C: 31, 32

Piker C: 186

Pinciroli F: 26, 38, 61, 88, 89, 124, 125, 126, 127, 150, 165, 167, 191, 278, 279, 296, 345, 383, 406, 411, 421, 490, 498, 507, 509, 538, 551, 571, 572, 573, 574, 580, 609, 625, 641, 674, 689, 691, 734, 743, 786, 796, 800, 828, 840, 849, 871, 910

Pipan G: 773

Pipkin R: 759

Pitas I: 511

Pitto RP: 696

Piuri V: 280

Piven J: 886

Plaisant C: 540, 541, 542

Plotz W: 219

Poliwoda C: 661

Pommert A: 98, 255, 315, 316, 317, 318, 566, 575, 576, 577, 656, 669, 671

Poppl SJ: 219

Portoni L: 578

Pothen A: 294

Pouchard L: 198

Powis ME: 579

Pozzi EA: 574

Prager RW: 183, 413

Prakash EC: 580, 865, 908, 909

Prakhash EC: 866

Prasad P: 631

Prather CM: 83

Prats A: 365

Prayaga R: 307, 309

Pretorius E: 329

Priesmeyer K: 319, 656, 671

Prince L: 596

Principe JC: 158

Protin XM: 65

Provaznik I: 231

Provazník I: 231

Príncipe JC: 896

Puckett AD: 430

Pulat O: 582

Pullan AJ: 440, 792, 873

Punyanitya M: 694

Puurtinen M: 583, 784

Qatarneh SM: 584, 585, 586

Qin B: 902

Qin Y: 587

Qiu M: 434

Qiu MG: 281, 436, 588, 749, 893, 894

Qu Y: 589

Quackenbush D: 590

Qualter J: 591

Quattrone G: 88

Quigley C: 592

Quinlan N: 300

Radu J: 712

Raghavan R: 153, 515

Raghavan S: 243

Rajagopal G: 912

Raju R: 305, 496

Rakebrandt F: 798

Ramsaroop L: 654

Ranefall P: 760

Rangarajan A: 890

Raphel JK: 515

Raskin SP: 835

Rath AM: 593

Ratib O: 627

Ratiu P: 284, 285, 330, 382, 385, 590, 594, 620

Reategui I: 534

Reckwerdt PJ: 29

Reiber JHC: 426

Reina F: 256

Reinhardt JM: 186

Reinhart C: 661

Reinig K: 579, 595

Reinig KD: 217, 596, 597, 598, 599

Reiser M: 92

Research Systems, Inc.: 600, 601

Reynolds HM: 602

Rheingans P: 215, 216, 516, 883

Ribarsky W: 54

Richolt JA: 267

Richter E: 566, 577

Riegger-Krugh C: 603

Riemer M: 255, 315, 316, 317, 318, 566, 575, 577, 587, 656, 662, 669, 671, 744, 896, 903

Rienhoff O: 15, 798

Riesco JM: 365

Rifkin BA: 3, 604

Rizzolo LJ: 605, 845

Robb R: 43, 323

Robb RA: 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 116, 287, 376, 377, 378, 443, 444, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 617, 748

Robbs JV: 654

Robe PA: 799

Roberts JC: 222

Robinson C: 374

Roco MC: 618

Rodgers RP: 763

Rodgers RR: 765

Rodler FF: 619

Rodriguez A: 256

Rodriguez-Baeza A: 459

Rodriguez-Navarro J: 459

Rodt T: 620

Rogelj P: 621

Rojdestvenski I: 622

Rolland J: 381, 623

Romero J: 227

Romeuf D: 823

Rosen JM: 412

Rosetto ME: 785

Ross MD: 555, 624, 625

Rosse C: 99, 100, 626

Rosset A: 627

Roth SH: 628

Rothman M: 284

Rough AC: 629

Rowe PM: 630

Ru GS: 909

Ruan J: 631

Rubin DL: 632, 633

Rubinstein D: 217, 595, 596

Rubio JJ: 268

Rubio JM: 227

Rudin JL: 634

Rueckert D: 414

Rueger JM: 255

Ruiz-Alzola J: 700

Rush CG: 597, 598

Rushmeier H: 553, 761

Rushmeier HE: 665

Rutten W: 374

Rutzel S: 635

Ryman JC: 842

Rystrom L: 128

Ryu JW: 366

Sachse F: 512

Sachse FB: 76, 77, 636, 637, 638, 639, 640, 641, 642, 643, 678, 679, 848, 849, 850

Sacks E: 53

Saco D: 644

Safford RE: 350

Saha PK: 779

Sahoo N: 836

Saito S: 396

Salter EG: 776, 777, 778

Sanchez-Quintana D: 227

Sandelowski M: 645

Sandhu I: 579

Sandhu IS: 646

Sanghun P: 745

Sannella M: 129

Sanner MD: 647

Sansone M: 75

Santangelo K: 476

Sanudo J: 794

Sarnoski J: 648

Saroul L: 649, 650

Sarti A: 651

Satava RM: 652, 653

Satyapal KS: 556, 654

Saupe D: 531

Savino M: 280

Scalzetti EM: 856

Scanlon WG: 655

Scherzinger AL: 19, 388, 715, 718, 719

Schiemann T: 73, 92, 98, 241, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 483, 575, 577, 656, 657, 658, 659, 660, 662, 671, 672, 744, 761, 762

Schier FH: 417

Schikore D: 53

Schikore DR: 56

Schill M: 661

Schinkman M: 661

Schmelzle R: 292

Schmidt H: 509, 779

Schmidt R: 662

Schmitt F: 478, 479, 480

Schobinger M: 859, 860

Scholtz J: 415

Schroeder W: 663, 880

Schroeder WJ: 419, 664, 665, 666, 667, 668

Schubert R: 244, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 429, 465, 566, 575, 577, 656, 669, 670, 671, 672

Schulder M: 738

Schultz RR: 673

Schulze D: 292

Schumacher U: 255, 315, 318, 566, 575, 577

Schweitzer M: 286

Seamans J: 296, 674, 910

Sears A: 727

Sechopoulos P: 675

Sechrest RC: 676

Sedighi M: 677

Seemann G: 638, 678, 679

Segars WP: 680, 681, 682

Seger M: 564

Seifert MD: 683

Sellberg M: 382, 384, 385, 394, 684

Senger S: 192, 193, 194, 685, 686, 687, 688

Senger SO: 689

Sereno MI: 237

Seymour J: 690, 691, 725

Shafik A: 692

Shah M: 867

Shan JL: 893, 894

Shelton D: 693

Shen HW: 400, 837

Shen W: 694

Shenton ME: 267

Sherman J: 695

Sherman R: 277

Shi CY: 856

Shih AM: 351

Shim VB: 696

Shimokawa T: 396

Shin BS: 550

Shin YG: 366

Shirley P: 553

Shneiderman B: 540, 541, 542

Shoja MM: 776

Shoumura S: 142

Shum PC: 351

Sieburg HB: 847

Siegel ER: 454

Sifakis E: 754

Sikorovsky E: 322

Silva CT: 665

Silva JS: 415

Silver D: 246

Silverstein JC: 147, 697, 698, 699

Simmons JW: 108

Simmross-Wattenberg F: 700

Sims D: 701

Sinav A: 702

Sinay A: 797

Singh B: 556

Sinha S: 306

Siqueira M: 44

Skov NM: 834

Slavin KV: 703

Sloan PP: 553

Smith BR: 704

Smith DM: 705, 706

Smith MB: 160

Smith NB: 28

Smith NP: 440, 602, 873

Smith O: 707

Smith RG: 886

Smith SB: 708, 709

Snedeker JG: 710

Soliz E: 344, 509, 702, 796, 797, 826, 827

Son IY: 711

Song D: 55

Song L: 749

Song ZJ: 433

Soni BK: 351

Sora MC: 712

Spadola L: 627

Spencer SN: 622

Spinner RJ: 709, 713

Spitzer V: 304, 579, 595, 596, 714, 715

Spitzer VM: 19, 217, 388, 597, 598, 599, 646, 716, 717, 718, 719, 720, 721, 722, 723, 724, 725

Spurgeon TL: 489

Spyrou NM: 33

Srinivasan R: 884

Srivastava S: 192, 194, 295

Stacy MC: 287

Stallings DC: 842, 844

Stanney KM: 726, 727

Stavroulakis P: 251

Stefanich L: 728

Steiner P: 671

Steinke H: 729

Stephens B: 730

Stephens BH: 731

Stern M: 732

Stetten G: 34, 693

Stevens P: 477

Steward D: 490

Stewart C: 693

Stewart JE: 270, 733, 734, 735

Stewart WB: 605

Stix G: 736

Stoellberger C: 321

Stoianovici D: 158, 486

Stoicheff P: 519

Stokking R: 753

Streicher RM: 696

Strickler DJ: 214, 843

Strupp-Adams A: 296, 737

Su FC: 442

Subasic M: 738

Subotich D: 739

Subramanian KR: 883

Suc E: 393

Suk Chung M: 740

Summers RL: 741

Sumpter JA: 555

Sun H: 742

Sun Y: 912

Sundaraj K: 417

Sundsten JW: 99

Susin A: 459

Swamy SN: 496

Sweeney HJ: 117

Szekely G: 57, 743

Tabbert E: 744

Taddei F: 801

Tae HR: 745

Tahmasebi A: 1

Taira R: 648

Takanashi I: 746, 747

Takaoki E: 538

Takebayashi T: 396

Talos IF: 521

Tamburo R: 748

Tan EL: 467

Tan KH: 159

Tan L: 434

Tan LW: 141, 281, 435, 436, 588, 749, 893, 894

Tan O: 211, 359

Tan TW: 467

Tang H: 381, 694

Tang L: 225, 885

Tang Z: 434, 901

Tang ZS: 281, 436, 588, 749

Tannenbaum A: 569

Tao C: 901

Taosong H: 439

Tarraga J: 301, 750

Tarricone L: 121

Tatsumi H: 534, 538

Tauber MJ: 539

Taupitz M: 73

Tawhai MH: 235

Taylor A: 519

Taylor RH: 84

Temkin B: 23, 24, 475, 730, 751, 752, 783

Temkin J: 419

Tendulkar S: 665

ter Haar Romeny BM: 753

Teran J: 754

Terashita T: 396

Terry J: 755

Testi D: 801

Thalmann D: 74, 392, 485

Thalmann NM: 74, 165, 264, 265

Theologou T: 154

Thom E: 662

Thoma G: 505, 507

Thoma GR: 493, 756, 757, 758, 759

Thompson D: 1, 665

Thompson JM: 401

Thorstensson A: 179, 180

Thrupp SF: 235

Thuman R: 344

Thumann R: 345, 509, 623

Thurfjell L: 760

Tian J: 898, 899, 900

Tian X: 901

Tiede U: 111, 241, 255, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 565, 566, 567, 575, 576, 577, 586, 587, 656, 658, 659, 660, 671, 672, 744, 761, 762, 896, 902, 903

Tilg B: 564

Toedte RJ: 844

Toh MY: 285, 763, 764, 765, 766, 767, 768

Tolliver JS: 214, 843

Tomov S: 362

Tonar Z: 769

Tong A: 751

Tootell RB: 237

Toriwaki J: 770

Tracton G: 243, 568

Trappl R: 123

Trautenmuller P: 185

Treichler PA: 120, 771

Trieb T: 564

Triola MM: 591

Trobec R: 772, 773, 774

Troccaz J: 101

Trunk P: 772, 773, 774

Tsang PY: 775

Tsikaras P: 527

Tsirline V: 699

Tsuda K: 518

Tsui BM: 681

Tsuil BM: 682

Tsymbal A: 229

Tubbs RS: 776, 777, 778

Tublin ME: 151

Turello S: 628

Turjanmaa V: 403

Turk G: 400, 649

Turner R: 160

Twombly A: 625

Twose C: 425

Udupa J: 346

Udupa JK: 779

Uhl JF: 780

Umans C: 267

Untaroiu C: 781, 782

Urban M: 428

Vaidehi N: 304

Vaidyanath S: 752, 783

Vaisanen J: 784

Valencic V: 393

Valentini V: 785

Valenza P: 574, 786

van Berkel C: 578

van Dalen JA: 787

van den Eijkel WG: 788

Van Der Weijden R: 753

Van Dijck J: 789

Van Essen DC: 207, 208, 209, 790, 791

van Essen NL: 792

Van Waes PF: 753

Van Walsum T: 753

van Wijk JJ: 400, 649

Vannier M: 881

Vannier MW: 321, 331, 349, 426, 572, 615, 661, 793

Vazquez MT: 794

Venuti JM: 509, 795, 796, 797, 828

Verhey JF: 798

Verly JG: 799

Vetsch S: 301, 800

Vetter M: 858, 859, 860

Viceconti M: 801

Viergever MA: 753

Vigneron LM: 799

Viik J: 583

Villamil R: 345, 509

Virtanen H: 804

Viswambharan A: 325, 326, 327

Viswanathan A: 84

Vogel W: 787

Voiglio EJ: 65, 822, 823

Volkau I: 824

Vollrath L: 355, 356

von Buren DF: 398

Von Sternberg-Gospos N: 292

Voon FC: 416

Vosburgh K: 304

Votteas VE: 548

Vu D: 309, 310

Wacholder N: 509, 797, 826, 827, 828

Wadman M: 829

Wahl RL: 503

Wake WK: 830

Waldby C: 831, 832

Waldron K: 192

Waldrop MM: 833

Walker DS: 834

Walsh RJ: 476, 835

Walt S: 233

Wan XH: 885

Wang B: 836

Wang BL: 911

Wang C: 837

Wang G: 838

Wang H: 587, 839

Wang J: 893, 894

Wang JT: 781, 782

Wang KH: 871

Wang LJ: 885

Wang MD: 838

Wang QZ: 885

Wang W: 840

Wang X: 298, 840, 841

Wang Y: 114, 115, 153, 434, 587

Wang YP: 515

Wang YS: 281, 436, 588, 749

Wang Z: 694

Waniewski J: 474

Wannamaker B: 421, 422

Ward R: 198, 524

Ward RC: 214, 842, 843, 844

Warfield SK: 210

Warner AJ: 42

Warner JH: 845

Wax M: 326, 327

Weckermann D: 289

Wee WG: 840

Weeks S: 46, 47

Weerasinghe G: 177

Weghorst S: 846

Weghorst SJ: 847

Wegner I: 858, 859, 860

Wei YC: 325

Weickert J: 753

Weiner MJ: 591

Weinzweig J: 706

Weixue L: 156

Welch AE: 488

Weller R: 92

Wellons JC 3rd: 776

Wells WM: 521

Wells WM 3rd: 522

Welz R: 301, 800

Werner C: 639, 640, 848

Werner CD: 76, 77, 637, 638, 641, 642, 643, 849, 850

Westin CF: 700

Wetzel AW: 90

Wheeler DL: 851

Whitaker R: 880

Whitaker RT: 122, 221, 852, 853

Whiteley GR: 362

Whitlock D: 715, 719

Whitlock DG: 19, 388, 720, 721, 722, 723, 724, 725

Whitted JT: 328

Wijkstra H: 374

Wilhelms-Tricarico R: 854, 864

Williams JP: 42

Williams TS: 855

Wilson JS: 48

Wilson M: 507

Windolf J: 255

Windsor JA: 873

Wink O: 753

Winslow M: 711, 856, 857

Winslow R: 304

Winslow RL: 401

Wirtz CR: 197

Wolf I: 87, 858, 859, 860

Wolfel HP: 635

Wong BA: 100

Wong TT: 297, 298, 299, 589

Wood B: 861

Woodall J: 552

Workman EL: 287

Worley BA: 842

Worthington R: 862

Wu CM: 854, 863, 864

Wu KC: 885

Wu L: 885

Wu T: 885

Wu W: 297

Wu Z: 865, 866

Wurzinger LJ: 109

Xia Y: 437

Xiao H: 893, 894

Xie J: 867

Xie Y: 297, 298

Xie YM: 299, 435, 893, 894

Xinwei X: 853

Xu XG: 95, 96, 97, 135, 136, 137, 138, 711, 836, 856, 857, 868, 869, 870

Xu Y: 186, 297

Xudong L: 156

Xue J: 899, 900

Yagel R: 668

Yambert MW: 844

Yan Z: 587, 896, 903

Yan ZG: 897

Yang KH: 871

Yang P: 841

Yang S: 506, 507

Yang X: 434

Yang XP: 436, 893, 894

Yang Z: 872

Yao J: 204

Yassi R: 873

Yazici B: 711, 857

Ye X: 114, 115

Yema P: 256

Yinghua LU: 874

Yinhua C: 874

Yoo T: 20

Yoo TS: 21, 22, 215, 216, 238, 425, 516, 875, 876, 877, 878, 879, 880, 881, 882, 883

You J: 436, 893, 894

Young J: 62

Young P: 490

Yu CP: 884

Yuan L: 225, 885, 907

Yuan W: 340, 341, 342, 343

Yushkevich PA: 886

Zamora G: 507

Zankl M: 560, 887

Zasadny KR: 503

Zatura F: 769

Zeitler DL: 196

Zeng X: 559

Zengerling MT: 888

Zerah M: 157

Zhang H: 678, 889

Zhang J: 890

Zhang L: 885

Zhang MC: 225, 885

Zhang S: 434

Zhang SX: 141, 281, 299, 435, 436, 588, 749, 891, 892, 893, 894, 895

Zhang WG: 436, 893, 894

Zhang Y: 839

Zhang YT: 359

Zhao H: 899

Zhao J: 896, 897, 903

Zhao M: 898, 899

Zhao MC: 900

Zhao WD: 225

Zhao Y: 742, 901

Zhen G: 874

Zheng L: 896, 902, 903

Zheng LB: 904

Zheng W: 824

Zheng Y: 905

Zhong SZ: 225, 885, 906, 907, 911

Zhongke W: 908, 909

Zhou GH: 437

Zhou R: 910

Zhou WY: 911

Zhou Y: 559

Zhou ZM: 911

Zhu H: 912

Zhu S: 694

Zhu X: 899, 900

Zhuang T: 587, 896, 902, 903

Zhuang TG: 897, 904

Zhuge Y: 779

Ziegler R: 513

Zonneveld F: 753

Zuffo MK: 185, 266

Zuiderveld KJ: 753

Last reviewed: 11 August 2008
Last updated: 11 August 2008
First published: 05 June 2007
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