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A Team corner Long Term Resource Monitoring Program
 LTRMP Report Listing

Long Term Resource Monitoring Program Publications

Publications for the following years:

2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1991 | 1989


Remo, J., Pinter, N., Ickes, B., and Heine, R., 2008, New databases reveal 200 years of change on the Mississippi River System: Eos Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, v. 89, no. 14, p. 134-135. (Citation)

Rohweder, J., Rogala, J. T., Johnson, B. L., Anderson, D., Clark, S., Chamberlin, F., and Runyon, K., 2008, Application of wind fetch and wave models for habitat rehabilitation and enhancement projects: U.S. Geological Survey Open–File Report 2008–1200, 43 p.


Cosgriff, R. J., Nelson, J. C., and Yin, Y., 2007, Floodplain forest response to large-scale flood disturbance, Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science, v. 100, p. 47-70. (Citation)

Gray, B. R., and Burlew, M., 2007, Estimating rend precision and power to detect trends across grouped count data: Ecology, v. 88, p. 2364-2372. (Abstract)

Hrabik, R. A., Herzog, D. P., Ostendorf, D. E., and Petersen, M. D., 2007, Larvae provide first evidence of successful reproduction by pallid sturgeon, Scaphirhynchus albus, in the Mississippi River: Journal of Applied Ichthyology, v. 23, no. 4, p. 436-443. (Citation)

Irons, K. S., Sass, G. G., McClelland, M. A., and Stafford, J. D., 2007, Reduced condition factor of two native fish species coincident with invasion of non-native Asian carps in the Illinois River, U.S.A. Is this evidence for competition and reduced fitness?: Journal of Fish Biology, v. 71, p. 258-273. (Citation)

Kirsch, E. M., Gray, B. R., Fox, T. J., and Thogmartin, W., 2007, Breeding bird territory placement in riparian wet meadows in relation to invasive reed canary grass, Phalaris arundinacea: Wetlands, v. 27, no. 3, p. 644-655. (Citation)

Knutson, M. G., Gray, B. R., and Meier, M. S., 2007, Comparing the effects of local, landscape, and temporal factors on forest bird nest survival using logistic-exposure models, in Jones, S. L., and Geupel, G. R., eds., Beyond Mayfield: measurements of nest survival data: Studies in Avian Biology, v. 34, p. 105-116. (Abstract)

Kreiling, R. M., Yin, Y., and Gerber, D. T., 2007, Abiotic influences on the biomass of Vallisneria americana Michx. in the Upper Mississippi River: River Research and Applications, v. 23, no. 3, p. 343-349. (Abstract)

Langrehr, H. A., Gray, B. R., and Janvrin, J. A., 2007, Evaluation of aquatic macrophyte community response to island construction in the Upper Mississippi River: Lakes and Reservoirs v. 23, no. 3, p. 313-320. (Citation)

Thogmartin, W. E., Gray, B. R., Gallagher, M., Young, N., Rohweder, J. J., and Knutson, M. G., 2007, Power to detect trend in short-term time series of bird abundance: Condor, v. 109, no. 4, p. 943-948. (Abstract)


Barko, V. A., Herzog, D. P., and O'Connell, M. T., 2006, Response of fishes to floodplain connectivity during and following a 500-year flood event in the unimpounded upper Mississippi River: Wetlands, v. 26, no. 1, p. 244-257. (Abstract)

Chick, J. H., Pegg, M. A., and Koel, T. M., 2006, Spatial patterns of fish communities in the Upper Mississippi River System: Assessing fragmentation by low-head dams: River Research and Applications, v. 22, p. 413-427. (Citation)

Ickes, B. S., 2006, Gear efficiencies in the fish component of the Long Term Resource Monitoring Program: predicted versus observed catch: U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 2006-1073.

Leake, L., and Johnson, B., 2006, Taking the pulse of a river system: First 20 years: U.S. Geological Survey, Fact Sheet 2006-3098.

Pinter, N., Ickes, B. S., Wlosinski, J. H., and van der Ploeg, R. R., 2006, Trends in flood stages: Contrasting results from the Mississippi and Rhine River systems: Journal of Hydrology, v. 331, p. 554-566. (Abstract)

Rogala, J. T., and Gray, B. R., 2006, Chlorophyll a and inorganic suspended solids in backwaters of the upper Mississippi River system: Backwater lake effects and their associations with selected environmental predictors: U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 2006-1043.


Gray, B. R., 2005, Selecting a distributional assumption for modelling relative abundances of benthic macroinvertebrates: Ecological Modelling, v. 185, p. 1–12. (Citation)

Gray, B. R., Haro, R. J., Rogala, J. T., and Sauer, J. S., 2005, Modeling fingernail clam (Family: Sphaeriidae) abundance-habitat associations at two spatial scales using hierarchical count models: Journal of Freshwater Biology, v. 50, p. 715–729. (Citation)

Herzog, D. P., Barko, V. A., Scheibe, J. S., Hrabik, R. A., and Ostendorf, D. E., 2005, Efficacy of a benthic trawl for sampling small-bodied fishes in large river systems: North American Journal of Fisheries Management, v. 25, no. 2, p. 594-603. (Citation)

Stewart, J. G., Barko, V. A., Herzog, D. P., Henry, D. B., Ridings, J. W., Kelley, A. F., and Wallace, J. E., 2005, Recent records of the crystal darter (Crystallaria asprella) in the middle Mississippi River: American Midland Naturalist, v. 153, no. 2, p. 199-201. (Citation)


Barko, V. A., Briggler, J. T., and Ostendorf, D. E., 2004, Passive fishing techniques: a cause of turtle mortality in the Mississippi River: Journal of Wildlife Management, v. 68, no. 4, p. 1145-1150. (Citation)

Barko, V. A., Herzog, D. P., Hrabik, R. A., and Scheiber, J., 2004, Relationship among fish assemblages and main channel border physical habitats in the unimpounded Upper Mississippi River: Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, v. 133, no. 2, p. 370–383. (Citation)

Barko, V. A., and Hrabik, R. A., 2004, Abundance of Ohio shrimp (Macrobrachium ohione) and glass shrimp (Palaemonetes kadiakensis) in the unimpounded Upper Mississippi River: American Midland Naturalist, v. 151, no. 2, p. 265–273. (Citation)

Barko, V. A., Palmer, M. W., Herzog, D. P., and Ickes, B., 2004, Influential environmental gradients and spatiotemporal patterns of fish assemblages in the unimpounded Upper Mississippi River: American Midland Naturalist, v. 151, no. 4, p. 369–385. (Citation)

Koel, T. M., 2004, Spatial variation in fish species richness of the upper Mississippi River system: Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, v. 133, no. 4, p. 984-1003. (Citation)

Richardson, W. B., Strauss, E. A., Monroe, E. M., Bartsch, L. A., Cavanaugh, J. C., Vingum, L., and Soballe, D., 2004, Denitrification in the Upper Mississippi River: rates, controls, and contribution to nitrate flux: Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, v. 61, p. 1102–1112. (Citation)

Strauss, E. A., Richardson, W. B., Bartsch, L. A., Cavanaugh, J. C., Brusewitz, D. A., Imker, H., Heinz, J. A., and Soballe, D. M., 2004, Nitrification in the Upper Mississippi River: patterns, controls, and contribution to the nitrate budget: Journal of the North American Benthological Society, v. 14, p. 1–14. (Citation)


Barko, V. A., and Herzog, D. P., 2003, Relationships among side channels, fish assemblages, and environmental gradients in the unimpounded Upper Mississippi River: Journal of Freshwater Ecology, v. 18, no. 3, p. 377–382. (Citation)

Blackburn, T. A., and Kirby, D. J., 2003, Submersed aquatic vegetation trends in impounded and backwater habitat types in Pool 13, Upper Mississippi River System: 1994–2000: Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science, v. 110, no. 3–4, p. 51–55. (Citation)

Bowler, M. C., 2003, Recent observations of the distribution and status of freckled madtom and first record of spotted gar In Iowa: Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science, v. 110, no. 3-4, p. 40–43. (Citation)


Crites, J. W., Barko, V. A., and Hrabik, R. A., 2002, An evaluation of an experimental and a deepwater benthic fish trap in a large river system: Transactions of the Missouri Academy of Science, v. 36, p. 45–49. (Citation)

Irons, K. S., O'Hara, T. M. , McClelland, M. A., and Pegg, M. A., 2002, White perch occurrence, spread, and hybridization in the middle Illinois River, Upper Mississippi River System: Transactions of the Illinois Academy of Science, v. 95, p. 207–214. (Citation)

Pinter, N., Thomas, R., and Wlosinki, J. H., 2002, Reply to comment on "Assessing flood hazard on dynamic rivers": Eos Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, v. 83, n. 36, p. 397. (Citation)

Pinter, N., Wlosinski, J. H., and Heine, R., 2002, The case for utilization of stage data in flood-frequency analysis: Preliminary results from the Middle Mississippi and Lower Missouri River: Hydrologic Science and Technology Journal, vol. 18, nos. 1-4, p. 173-185. (Citation)

Tucker, J. K. 2002, Age, body size, and reproductive patterns in the red eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) in west central Illinois: Herpetological Natural History, v. 8, no. 2, p. 181–186. (Citation)


Bowler, M. C., 2001, Recent observations and the distribution and status of bluntnose darters and crystal darters in Iowa: Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science, v. 108, no. 1, p. 15–18. (Citation)

Chick, J. H., and Pegg, M. A., 2001, Invasive carp in the Mississippi River Basin: Science, v. 292, p. 2250–2251. (Citation)

Koel, T. M., 2001, Classification of Upper Mississippi River pools based on contiguous aquatic/geomorphic habitats: Journal of Freshwater Ecology, v. 16, p. 159–170. (Citation)

Pinter, N., Thomas, R., and Wlosinski, J. H., 2001, Flood-hazard assessment on dynamic rivers: Eos Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, v. 82, no. 31, p. 333-339. (Citation)

Tucker, J. K., Ratcliff, E., Gittinger, E., and Towey, B. J., 2001, Pseudemys concinna (Eastern River Cooter). USA: Missouri: Herpetological Review, v. 32, no. 2, p. 117. (Citation)


Pinter, N., Thomas, R., and Wlosinski, J. H., 2000, Regional impacts of levee construction and channelization, middle Mississippi River, USA, in Marsalek, J., ed., Flood issues in contemporary water management: Netherlands, Kluwer Academic Publishers, p. 351-361. (Citation)


Gutreuter, S., Bartels, A. D., Irons, K. S., and Sandheinrich, M., 1999, Evaluation of the flood-pulse concept based on statistical models of growth of selected fishes of the Upper Mississippi River System: Canadian Journal Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, v. 56. p. 2282–2291. (Citation)

Theiling, C. H., and Tucker, J. K., 1999, Nektonic invertebrate dynamics and prolonged summer flooding on the lower Illinois River: Journal of Freshwater Ecology, v. 14, no. 4, p. 499– 510. (Citation)

Theiling, C. H., Tucker, J. K., and Cronin, F. A., 1999, Flooding and fish diversity in a reclaimed river wetland: Journal of Freshwater Ecology, v. 14, no. 4, p. 469–475. (Citation)

Tucker, J. K., Cronin, F. A., and Kerans, J. B., 1999, Unusual coloration in a red-eared slider, Trachemys scripta elegans: Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society, v. 30, no. 7, p. 148-149. (Citation)


McFarland, D. G., and Rogers, S. J., 1998, The aquatic macrophyte seed bank in Lake Onalaska, Wisconsin: Journal of Aquatic Plant Management, v. 36, p. 33–39. (Citation)

Nelson, J. C., and Sparks, R. E., 1998, Forest compositional change at the confluence of the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers: Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science, v. 91, nos. 1 and 2, p. 33–46. (Citation)

Packard, G. C., Tucker, J. K., and Lohmiller, L. D., 1998, Distribution of Strecker's chorus frogs (Pseudacris streckeri) in relation to their tolerance for freezing: Journal of Herpetology, v. 32, no. 3, p. 437–440. (Citation)

Soballe, D. M., 1998, Successful water quality monitoring: the right combination of intent, measurements, interpretation, and a cooperating ecosystem: Lake and Reservoir Management, v. 14, no. 1, p. 10–20. (Citation)

Sparks, R. E., Nelson, J. C., and Yin, Y., 1998, Naturalization of the flood regime in regulated rivers: The case of the Upper Mississippi River: BioScience, v. 48, no. 9, p. 706–720. (Citation)

Yin, Y., 1998, Flooding and forest succession in a modified stretch along the Upper Mississippi River: Regulated Rivers: Research and Management, v. 14, p. 217–225. (Citation)


Conaway, L. K., and Hrabik, R. A., 1997, The Ohio shrimp, Macrobrachium ohione, in the Upper Mississippi River: Transactions of the Missouri Academy of Science, v. 31, p. 44–46. (Citation)

Lubinski, K. S., 1997, Chapter 11, Floodplain river hydrologic attributes and ecosystem management objectives, in Freeman, G. E., and Frazier, A. G., eds., Proceedings of the Scientific Assessment and Strategy Team Workshop on hydrology, ecology, and hydraulics, vol. 5 of Kelmelis, J. A., ed.: Science for floodplain management into the 21st century, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, p. 41–45. (Citation)

Nelson, J. C., 1997, Presettlement vegetation patterns along the 5th principal meridian, Missouri territory, 1815: American Midland Naturalist, v. 137, p. 79–94. (Abstract)

Nelson, J. C., and Sparks, R. E., 1997, Forest compositional change at the confluence of the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers: Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science, v. 91, p. 33–46. (Citation)

Raibley, P. T., O'Hara, T. M., Irons, K. S., Blodgett, K. D., and Sparks, R. E., 1997, Largemouth bass size distributions under varying annual hydrological regimes in the Illinois River: Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, v. 126, p. 850–856. (Citation)

Wlosinski, J. H., 1997, Chapter 17, Relations between discharge and water levels on the open-river portion of the Upper Mississippi River, in Freeman, G. E., and Frazier, A. G., eds., Proceedings of the Scientific Assessment and Strategy Team Workshop on hydrology, ecology, and hydraulics, vol. 5 of J. A. Kelmelis, ed.: Science for floodplain management into the 21st century, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, p. 61–64. (Citation)

Yin, Y., Nelson, J. C., and Lubinski, K. S., 1997, Bottomland hardwood forests along the Upper Mississippi River: Natural Areas Journal, v. 17, no. 2, p. 164-173. (Abstract)


Dukerschein, J. T., Gent, R., and Sauer, J., 1996, Recovery of macroinvertebrates by screening in the field: A comparison between coarse (1.18 mm)- and fine (0.60 mm)-mesh sieves: Journal of Freshwater Ecology, v. 11, no. 1, p. 61–65. (Abstract)

Hrabik, R. A. 1996, A new distributional record of Notropis topeka (Teleostei: Cypriniformes) from the Mississippi River drainage in Missouri: Transactions of the Missouri Academy of Science, v. 30, p. 1–5. (Citation)

Johnson, K. G., Yin, Y., and You, C., 1996, Human/carnivore interactions: conservation and management implications from China, in Gittleman, J. L., ed., Carnivor Behavior, Ecology, and Evolution: Ithaca, Cornell University Press, p. 337-370. (Citation)

Lubinski, K., 1996, Management in transition on the Upper Mississippi River, in vol. 1, Proceedings of the Rivertech96, First International Conference on new/emerging concepts for rivers: International Water Resources Association, Urbana, Illinois, p. 143–145. (Citation)

Tucker, J. K., and Cronin, F. A., 1996, The western sand darter (Ammocrypta clara) in Pool 26 of the Mississippi River in Missouri and Illinois: Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science, v. 89, no. 3-4, p. 221–224. (Citation)

Tucker, J. K., Cronin, F. A., Hrabik, R. A., Petersen, M. D., and Herzog, D. P., 1996, The bighead carp (Hypopthalmichthys nobilis) in the Mississippi River: Journal of Freshwater Ecology, v. 11, no. 2, p. 241–243. (Abstract)

Tucker, J. K., Theiling, C. H., and Camerer, J. B., 1996, Utilization of backwater habitats by unionid mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae) on the lower Illinois River and in Pool 26 of the Upper Mississippi River: Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science, v. 89, nos. 1–2, p. 113–122. (Citation)

Wlosinski, J. H., and Rogala, J. T., 1996, Integrating hydraulic, statistical, and spatial models for predicting the effects of water level management alternatives, in vol. 1, Proceedings of the Rivertech96, First International Conference on new/emerging concepts for rivers: International Water Resources Association, Urbana, Illinois, p. 235–237. (Citation)

Yin, Y., Lubinski, K. S., and Korschgen, C. E., 1996, Flooding disturbances and floodplain forest succession in the Upper Mississippi River, in vol. 1, Proceedings of the Rivertech96, First International Conference on new/emerging concepts for rivers: International Water Resources Association, Urbana, Illinois, p. 33–36. (Citation)

Yin, Y., and Nelson, J. C., 1996, Chapter 3, Modifications of the Upper Mississippi River and the effects on floodplain forests, in Galat, D. L., and Frazier, A. G., eds., Overview of river-floodplain ecology in the Upper Mississippi River Basin, in vol. 3 of Kelmelis, J. A., ed.: Science for floodplain management into the 21st century: Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office. (Citation)


Burkhardt, R., and Gutreuter, S., 1995, Improving electrofishing catch consistency by standardizing power: North American Journal of Fisheries Management, v. 15, p. 375-381. (Citation)

Fischer, J. R., and Claflin, T. O., 1995, Declines in aquatic vegetation in Navigation Pool No. 8, Upper Mississippi River between 1975 and 1991: Regulated Rivers: Research & Management, v. 11, p. 157–165. (Abstract)

Gent, R. D., Pitlo, J., Jr., and Boland, T., 1995, Largemouth bass response to habitat and water quality rehabilitation in a backwater of the Upper Mississippi River: North American Journal of Fisheries Management, v. 15, p. 784–793. (Citation)

Lubinski, K. S., 1995, Preface, Bridging the gap between theory and practice on the Upper Mississippi River: Regulated Rivers Research & Management, v. 11, p. 137–138. (Citation)

Maurer, W. R., Claflin, T. O., Rada, R. G., and Rogala, J. T., 1995, Volume loss and mass balance for selected physicochemical constituents in Lake Pepin, Upper Mississippi River, USA: Regulated Rivers Research & Management, v. 11, p. 175–184. (Abstract)

Raibley, P. T., Blodgett, K. D., and Sparks, R .E., 1995, Evidence of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) reproduction in the Illinois and Upper Mississippi rivers: Journal of Freshwater Ecology, v. 10, no. 1, p. 65–74. (Abstract)

Rogers, S. J., McFarland, D. G., and Barko, J. W., 1995, Evaluation of the growth of Vallisneria americana Michx. in relation to sediment nutrient availability: Lake and Reservoir Management, v. 11, no. 1, p. 57–66. (Citation)

Rogers, S., James, W. F., and Barko, J. W., 1995, Sources of mineral nutrition for submersed macrophyte growth in riverine systems: Results of initial investigations, in Proceedings, 29th Annual Meeting, Aquatic Plant Control Research Program, Vicksburg, Mississippi, November 14–17, 1994: Miscellaneous Paper A-95-3, August 1995, p. 194–200. (Citation)

Theiling, C. H., 1995, Habitat rehabilitation on the upper Mississippi River: Regulated Rivers Research & Management, v. 11, p. 227–238. (Abstract)

Wlosinski, J. H., and Hill, L., 1995, Analysis of water level management on the Upper Mississippi River (1980–1990): Regulated Rivers Research & Management, v. 11, no. 2, p. 239–248. (Abstract)

Wlosinski, J. H., and Rogala, J. T., 1995, Pool 25: Effects of water level and levee management alternatives on present habitats, in Proceedings of the 51st annual meeting of the Upper Mississippi River Conservation Committee, Rock Island, Illinois. (Citation)


Gutreuter, S., and Krzoska, D. J., 1994, Quantifying precision of in situ length and weight measurements of fish: North American Journal of Fisheries Management, v. 14, p. 318–322. (Citation)

Rogers, S. J., 1994, Preliminary evaluation of submersed macrophyte changes in the Upper Mississippi River: Lake and Reservoir Management, v. 10, no. 1, p. 35–38. (Citation)


Chambers, P. A., Barko, J. W., and Smith, C. S., 1993, Workshop summaries: Evaluation of invasions and declines of submersed aquatic macrophytes: Journal of Aquatic Plant Management, v. 31, p. 218–220. (Abstract)

James, W. F., and Barko, J. W., 1993, Analysis of summer phosphorus fluxes within the pelagic zone of Eau Galle Reservoir, Wisconsin: Lake and Reservoir Management, v. 8, p. 61–71. (Citation)

James, W. F., and Barko, J. W., 1993, Sediment resuspension, redeposition, and focusing in a small dimictic reservoir: Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, v. 5, p. 1023–1028. (Abstract)

Lubinski, K. S., and Gutreuter, S., 1993, Ecological information and habitat rehabilitation on the upper Mississippi River, in Hesse, L. W., Stalnaker, C. B., Benson, N. G., and Zuboy, J. R., eds., Proceedings of the symposium on restoration planning for rivers of the Mississippi River ecosystem: Washington D.C., U.S. Department of the Interior, p. 87-100. (Citation)

Pitman, V. M., and Gutreuter, S., 1993, Initial poststocking survival of hatchery-reared fishes: North American Journal of Fisheries Management, v. 13, p. 151–159. (Citation)

Sparks, R. E. ,1993, Large river-floodplain ecosystems: value and need for ecological management: Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, v. 74, no. 2, p. 442. (Citation)


Lubinski, K. S., Carmody, G., Wilcox, D., and Drazkowski, B., 1991, Development of water level regulation strategy for fish and wildlife, Upper Mississippi River System: Regulated Rivers: Research & Management, v. 6, p. 117–124. (Citation)


Collins, C. D., and Wlosinski, J. H., 1989, A macrophyte submodel for aquatic ecosystems. Elsvier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam: Aquatic Botany, v. 33, p. 191–296. (Citation)


Publications for the following years:

2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 |1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1991 | 1989

Content manager: Jennifer Sauer

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Page Last Modified: August 7, 2008