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Preliminary Notification Reports

Preliminary Notification (PN) Reports for 2003

January · February · March · April · May · June · July · August · September · October · November

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December 2003
PNO-III-03-045 12/24/2003 Southwest General Health Center/Ireland: Medical Event Involving an Intravascular Brachytherapy Procedure
PNO-II-03-022A 12/23/2003 Honeywell International, Inc.: Augmented Inspection Team Established for Honeywell Event
PNO-I-03-034 12/17/2003 Lexington Clinic: Medical Misadministration During Iodine Uptake Study

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November 2003
PNO-III-03-044 11/26/2003 Advocate Lutheran General Hospital: Medical Event Involving an Intravascular Brachytherapy Procedure
PNO-I-03-033 11/24/2003 Albert Einstein Healthcare Network: Potential Medical Event at Albert Einstein Healthcare Network
PNO-IV-03-050 11/20/2003 Crow Butte Resources, Inc.: Medical Treatment of a Contaminated Individual at a Medical Facility
PNO-IV-03-048 11/17/2003 No Frills Supermarket: Lost Tritium Exit Signs
PNO-III-03-043 11/13/2003 Lakeland Medical Center: Medical Event Involving Samarium-153
PNO-IV-03-047 11/10/2003 Chemsyn Science Labs: Reported Potential Radiation Overexposures Due to C-14 Intake
PNO-I-03-032 11/04/2003 The Cooper Health System: Medical Event Involving a High Dose Rate Remote Afterloader

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October 2003
PNO-I-03-031 10/30/2003 Triad Engineering, Inc.: Troxler Moisture Density Gauge Damaged on Construction Site
PNO-I-03-030 10/28/2003 Central Industrial Services, Inc.: CPN Moisture Density Gauge Damaged on Construction Site
PNO-IV-03-046 10/23/2003 Raven Inspection & Testing, Inc.: Stolen Industrial Radiography Camera
PNO-IV-03-045 10/23/2003 University of Texas at Austin: Lost Americium-241 Source
PNO-I-03-029 10/23/2003 Florida Medical Center: Missing Brachytherapy Device
PNO-IV-03-043 10/16/2003 Sacred Heart Medical Center: Potential Brachytherapy Misadministration
PNO-III-03-042 10/10/2003 Wisconsin Public Service Corporation: Potential Exposure to Members of the Public

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September 2003
PNO-II-03-020 09/26/2003 I. Gonzalez Martinez Oncologic Hospital: Two Reported Apparent Brachytheraphy Medical Events
PNO-IV-03-042 09/22/2003 Arizona Oncology Services: Medical Misadministration
PNO-III-03-040 09/22/2003 Palisades Nuclear Generating Station: Fire Adjacent to Palisades Nuclear Generating Station
PNO-III-03-041 09/22/2003 Point Beach: Fire in the Vicinity of the Point Beach Nuclear Plant
PNO-II-03-019 09/19/2003 Carolina Power and Light Company: Region II Response to Hurricane Isabel
PNO-II-03-019A 09/19/2003 Carolina Power and Light Company: Update on Region II Response to Hurricane Isabel
PNO-IV-03-041 09/17/2003 Utah Valley Regional Medical Center: Medical Misadministration
PNO-I-03-027 09/16/2003 Exelon Nulcear - Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Units 2 & 3: Dual Unit Reactor Scram Due to Electrical Grid Disturbance
PNO-IV-03-040A 09/15/2003 Northridge Hospital: Update - High Dose Rate Afterloader Equipment Failure
PNO-II-03-018 09/15/2003 ABB, Inc.: Missing Sealed Source
PNO-III-03-038 09/12/2003 U.S. Inspection Services: Radiation Overexposure of a Radiographer
PNO-III-03-037 09/12/2003 Honeywell International, Inc.: Release of Non-Licensed Gaseous Material
PNO-IV-03-040 09/09/2003 Northridge Hospital: High Dose Rate Afterloader Equipment Failure
PNO-II-03-017 09/02/2003 Southern Nuclear Company: Shutdown to Investigate & Repair Reactor Vessel Head Leak


09/02/2003 Tennessee Valley Authority: Update on Alert at Sequoyah Unit 1 - AIT Downgraded to a Special Inspection

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August 2003
PNO-II-03-16A 08/29/2003 Tennessee Valley Authority: Update on Alert at Sequoyah Nuclear Plant
PNO-II-03-16 08/28/2003 Tennessee Valley Authority: Alert Declared at Sequoyah Nuclear Plant
PNO-III-03-036 08/26/2003 Community Hospital of Anderson: Event Involving an Unintended Dose to an Embryo/Fetus
PNO-IV-03-038 08/20/2003 Source Production and Equipment Company: Source Production and Equipment Company, Potential Occupational Extremity Dose in Excess of Limit
PNO-III-03-035 08/20/2003 Rush North Shore Medical Center: Medical Event (Wrong Treatment Time)
PNO-I-03-025 08/19/2003 Broadway Elementary School: Broken Tritium Exit Sign in Camden, New Jersey School Building
PNO-II-03-015 08/15/2003 Department of the Navy: Lost Strontium-90 Sealed Source
PNO-IV-03-022A 08/11/2003 South Texas Project Electric Generating Station: Reactor Vessel Bottom Head Penetration Leakage - Update
PNO-II-03-014 08/08/2003 Southern Nuclear Company: Vogtle Unit 2 Shutdown to Investigate and Repair Mechanical Seal Leak on Reactor Vessel Head

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July 2003
PNO-IV-03-037 07/30/2003 H & G Inspection: Occupational Dose in Excess of Limit
PNO-IV-03-036 07/29/2003 Arizona Public Service Co.: Automatic Reactor Trip of Unit 3 Due to Grid Perturbation
PNO-III-03-033 07/29/2003 Westinghouse Electric Company: Scrap Zirconium Tubes Shipped to Recycling Facility in Canada Were Found to
Contain Uranium Fuel Pellets
PNO-I-03-024 07/25/2003 Public Service Electric Gas Nuclear LLC (PSEG): Elevated Tritium Levels in Groundwater - New Information
PNO-III-03-020A 07/24/2003 Guthrie Healthcare System and Guthrie Clinic: Update on Potential Medical Event at Guthrie Healthcare System and Guthrie Clinic
PNO-III-03-032 07/16/2003 The Ohio State University: Medical Event Involving High-Dose Rate Brachytherapy Afterloader Unit (Underdose)
PNO-IV-03-035A 07/16/2003 STP Nuclear Operating Company: Update on Effects of Hurricane Claudette at South Texas Project
PNO-I-03-022 07/16/2003 Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company: Appointment of New President for Connecticut Yankee
PNO-IV-03-035 07/15/2003 South Texas Project Electric Generating Station, Units 1 and 2: Effects of Hurricane Claudette at South Texas Project
PNO-III-03-031 07/14/2003 Washington University in St. Louis: Reported Medical Event Involving Samarium-153 (Underdose)
PNO-IV-03-034 07/11/2003 Monsanto Chemical Plant: Failure of Fixed Gauging Device Resulting in Radiation Exposures to Members of the Public (Licensee Workers)
PNO-III-03-030 07/11/2003 University of Wisconsin-Madison: Reported Medical Event Involving Yttrium-90 Microspheres (Underdose)
PNO-IV-03-032 07/07/2003 H & G Inspection: Occupational Dose in Excess of Limit
PNO-I-03-021 07/02/2003 Three Mile Island Unit 2/AmerGen, LLC: Unusual Event Due to a Fire Inside the Protected Area Greater than 15 Minutes - Substantial Media Interest

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June 2003
PNO-III-03-029 06/26/2003 Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant: End of Strike
PNO-III-03-028 06/24/2003 Good Shepherd Hospital: Medical Event (Underdose)
PNO-III-03-026A 06/20/2003 Exelon Generation Company/Quad Cities Unit 2: Cracks Discovered in the Unit 2 Steam Dryer - Update
PNO-I-03-017A 06/20/2003 Union Memorial Hospital: Update on Drive Mechanism Malfunction of an Intravascular Brachytherapy Device During Patient Treatment
PNO-I-03-020 06/18/2003 Guthrie Healthcare System and Guthrie Clinic: Potential Medical Event at Guthrie Healthcare System and Guthrie Clinic
PNO-III-03-027 06/17/2003 United States Enrichment Corporation: Fire in Fluorine Facility
PNO-IV-03-030 06/13/2003 Sister of Charity of the Incarnate Word (St. Joseph’s Hospital): Medical Event
PNO-III-03-026 06/13/2003 Exelon Nuclear/Quad Cities: Cracks Discovered in the Unit 2 Steam Dryer
PNO-I-03-019 06/13/2003 Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company Haddam Neck Plant: Termination of Site Decommissioning Contractor
PNO-II-03-010 06/12/2003 Consolidated Coal Co. Buchanan Mine Preparation Plant: Missing Fixed Gauge
PNO-I-03-018 06/05/2003 St. Barnabas Medical Center: Potential Medical Event at St. Barnabas Medical Center

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May 2003
PNO-IV-03-029 05/30/2003 Phoenix Baptist Hospital & Medical Center: Medical Misadministration
PNO-I-03-017 05/29/2003 Union Memorial Hospital: Drive Mechanism Malfunction of an Intravascular Brachytherapy Device During Patient Treatment
PNO-II-03-009 05/23/2003 Twitchell Corporation: Missing NDC Thickness Gauge
PNO-IV-03-028 05/23/2003 Oklahoma University Medical Center: Medical Misadministration
PNO-IV-03-026 05/23/2003 TXU Energy: Shutdown of Greater than 72 Hours
PNO-III-03-025 05/23/2003 University Hospitals of Cleveland: Medical Misadministration
PNO-I-03-016 05/22/2003 Oyster Creek: Barbaining Unit Strike at Oyster Creek
PNO-III-03-024 05/15/2003 Reported Medical Event Involving Yttrium-90 Microspheres (Underdose) - University of Wisconsin-Madison
PNO-I-03-015 05/08/2003 Washington Hospital Center Medical Event During the Use of a Novoste 3.5 French Intravascular Brachytherapy Device
PNO-IV-03-025 05/07/2003 Energy Northwest: Media Coverage of Energy Northwest Security Officer Informational Picket and Forced Shutdown Because of Main Condenser Inleakage
PNO-IV-03-024 05/02/2003 Sioux Valley Hospital: Potential Exposure in Excess of Regulatory Limits
PNO-IV-03-023A 05/01/2003 Entergy Operations, Inc.: Shutdown of Greater than 72 Hours (Update)

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April 2003
PNO-I-03-014 04/29/2003 Entergy Nuclear Operations Inc.: Unusual Event Declared to Fire in the Main Turbine
PNO-I-03-013 04/29/2003 Entergy Nuclear Operations Inc.: Reactor Trip from 100% Power Due to a Turbine Trip - Media and Public Interest
PNO-I-03-012 04/29/2003 Hospital of St. Raphael: Potential Medical Event at Hospital of St. Raphael
PNO-IV-03-023 04/25/2003 Entergy Operations, Inc.: Shutdown of Greater than 72 Hours
PNO-III-03-021 04/24/2003 American Electric Power/D.C. Cook 1 and 2: Dual Unit Shutdown Resulting from Fish Intrusion
PNO-I-03-011 04/24/2003 Hartford Hospital: Potential Medical Event at Hartford Hospital
PNO-I-03-010 04/23/2003 Griffin Pipe Products Company: Cesium-137 Source Found at Pipe Manufacturing Facility
PNO-IV-03-022 04/18/2003 STP Nuclear Operating Company: Reactor Vessel Bottom Head Penetration Leakage
PNO-III-03-020A 04/17/2003 Quad Cities Unit 2: Alert Declared Due to Relief Valve Failing to Close (Update)
PNO-III-03-018 04/11/2003 Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant: Traffic Accident Involving Uranium Hexafluoride Cylinders
PNO-IV-03-021 04/08/2003 Pacific Gas and Electric: Diablo Canyon Unit 2 Plant Shutdown to Exceed 72 hours
PNO-II-03-005 04/08/2003 R&L Carriers, Inc.: Transportation Incident Involving Radioactive Material
PNO-III-03-017 04/04/2003 Deaconess Hospital: Medical Event Involving Iodine-131
PNO-III-03-016 04/03/2003 University of Michigan: Medical Event Involving Sodium Iodide Iodine-131
PNO-I-03-009 04/03/2003 New York State Department of Health: Medical Event Involving Novoste Beta-Cath Intravascular Brachytherapy System
PNO-I-03-008 04/03/2003 The Medical Center, Beaver, PA, Inc.: Medical Event Involving a High Dose Rate Brachytherapy Afterloader
PNO-IV-03-020 04/02/2003 CTL/Thompson Texas, LLC: Stolen Portable Gauge

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March 2003
PNO-III-03-014B 03/31/2003 Palisades Nuclear Power Plant: Palisades Loss of Shutdown Cooling Caused by Loss of Offsite Power (Second Update)
PNO-III-03-014A 03/27/2003 Palisades Nuclear Power Plant: Palisades Loss of Shutdown Cooling Caused by Loss of Offsite Power (Update)
PNO-III-03-015 03/27/2003 JANX: Fatal Accident Involving Transportation of Two Industrial Radiography Exposure Devices
PN0-I-03-007 03/26/2003 Doylestown Hospital: Potential Medical Event at Doylestown Hospital
PNO-III-03-014 03/25/2003 Palisades Nuclear Power Plant: Loss of Shutdown Cooling Caused by Loss of Offsite Power
PNO-IV-03-019 03/25/2003 Law Engineering & Environmental Services: Stolen Portable Gauge
PNO-IV-03-018 03/21/2003 Southwest Research Institute: Radioactive Shipment in Excess of External Contamination Limits
PNO-IV-03-17A 03/20/2003 Cardinal Health: Lost Iodine-131 Source - Update
PNO-III-03-013 03/20/2003 Palisades Nuclear Power Plant: Alert Declared Due to a Fire with the Potential to Affect Safety Systems
PNO-III-03-012 03/17/2003 Cook County Hospital: Lost Strontium-90 Eye Applicator Source
PNO-IV-03-017 03/14/2003 Cardinal Health: Lost Iodine-131 Source
PNO-IV-03-016 03/14/2003 Professional Services Industries: Professional Services Industries: Stolen Portable Gauge
PNO-I-03-005 03/12/2003 Cabot Corporation: Spill of Material Containing Very Small Amounts of Uranium and Thorium
PNO-I-03-004 03/11/2003 Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Unit 2: Unusual Events Declared Due to Reactor Trip with Leakage from Charging System (En Nos. 39644 and 39645)
PNO-III-03-011 03/11/2003 Oakwood Hospital and Medical Center: Medical Event Due to I-125 Seeds Implanted in Wrong Treatment Site
PNO-II-03-002 03/06/2003 TMP Worldwide Notification of Unusual Event: Traffic Accident Involving Vehicle Carrying Radiography Source
PNO-IV-03-015 03/05/2003 Columbia Generating Station: Technical Specification Required Shutdown to Exceed 72-Hours

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February 2003
PNO-I-03-003 02/26/2003 Beaver Valley Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1: Unusual Event Due to a Safety Injection Signal and Closure of the Main Steam Isolation Valves (#39616)
PN-III-03-009 02/25/2003 Scott Process Systems, Inc.: Radiography Equipment Damage
PNO-III-02-038A 02/21/2003 Anderson Engineering, Inc.: Recovery of Stolen Moisture/Density Gauge (Update)
PNO-IV-03-014 02/21/2003 Framatome ANP, Inc.: Report of Small Fire in Feed Hopper of Solid Waste Uranium Recovery Incinerator
PNO-IV-03-013 02/21/2003 Alta Bates Medical Center: Brachytherapy Medical Event
PNO-IV-03-012 02/21/2003 University of California Medical Center: Therapeutic Radiopharmaceutical Medical Event
PNO-IV-03-011 02/20/2003 Longview Inspection: Occupational Dose in Excess of Limit
PNO-IV-03-010 02/20/2003 Engineering Consulting Services, LTD: Stolen Portable Gauge
PNO-III-03-008 02/19/2003 University of Iowa: Brachytherapy Medical Event
PNO-III-03-007 02/19/2003 Southeast Missouri State University: Occupational Overexposure
PNO-IV-03-008 02/09/2003 Occupational Dose in Excess of Limit: 009 Brachytherapy Seeds Unaccounted


02/07/2003 Scottsdale Memorial Health Services Co., Inc.: Brachytheraphy Seeds Unaccounted For
PNO-III-03-006 02/04/2003 Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant: Paducah Union Strike
PNO-III-03-055 02/03/2003 JanX: Industrial Radiography Overexposure

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January 2003
PNO-IV-03-007 01/31/2003 Arizona Public Service Co.: Ultralight Aircraft Flying over Plant Site
PNO-III-03-003 01/29/2003 William Beaumont Hospital: Medical Event (Overdose)
PNO-IV-03-006 01/28/2003 STP Nuclear Operating Company: Maintenance Outage Greater than 72 Hours
PNO-IV-03-005 01/27/2003 Giles Engineering Associates: Stolen Portable Gauge
PNO-IV-03-004 01/21/2003 Consolidated Engineering: Stolen Portable Gauge
PNO-IV-03-003 01/17/2003 Geotech Engineering: Stolen Portable Gauge
PNO-I-03-002 01/16/2003 Pennsylvania Hospital: Damaged Iodine-125 Seed During Prostate Implant Procedure
PNO-I-03-001 01/15/2003 Allegheny General Hospital: Allegheny General Hospital
PNO-IV-03-002 01/15/2003 St. Francis Hospital: Lost Brachytherapy Seeds
PNO-II-02-038A 01/09/2003 Huntington Testing & Technology Inc.: Radiographer Exposure Update
PNO-III-03-001 01/08/2003 MidMichigan Medical Center: Brachytherapy Medical Event
PNO-IV-03-001 01/07/2003 Construction Inspection and Testing: Stolen Portable Gauge

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