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Andrew J. Mannes, M.D.

Neurobiology and Pain Therapeutics, DIR
Anesthesiologist, Pain and Palliative Care Service


Phone: (301) 594-9767
Fax: (301) 594-9807

Research Interests

Dr. Mannes has a long-standing interest in the treatment of severe pain often seen at the end-of-life. Exploring new technologies and translating their application to clinical use bridges his background in basic science and his clinical responsibilities with the Pain and Palliative Care Service. Current interests include developing pain therapies utilizing gene therapy and targeting pain pathways with selective agonists, toxins or fusion proteins, and improving the diagnosis of disease states with the use of proteomics and genomics techniques.


B.S. (Engineering) University of Pennsylvania 1977-81
M.E. (Engineering) Dartmouth College 1981-83
M.D. George Washington University 1986-90

Recent publications

Ferrante FM, King, LF, Roche EA, Kim PS, Aranda M, Delaney LR, Mardini IA, Mannes AJ. Radiofrequency sacroiliac joint denervation for sacroiliac syndrome. Reg Anesth Pain Med 26:137-142, 2001.

Polomano RC, Mannes AJ, Clark US and Bennett GJ. A painful peripheral neuropathy in the rat produced by the chemotherapeutic drug, Paclitaxel. Pain 94(3) 293-304, 2001.

Caudle RM, Mannes AJ, Benoliel R, Eliav E, Iadarola MJ. Intrathecally administered cholera toxin blocks allodynia and hyperalgesia in persistent pain models. J Pain 2001;2:118-27.

Caudle RM, Mannes AJ: Friend or foe? Pain 287(3)235-239,2000.

Finegold AA, Mannes AJ, Iadarola MJ. A paracrine paradigm for in vivo gene therapy in the central nervous system: Treatment of chronic pain. Human Gene Ther 1999;10:1251-7.

Benoliel R, Eliav E, Mannes RJ, Caudle RM, Leeman S and Iadarola MJ: Actions of intrathecal diphtheria toxin-substance P fusion protein on models of persistent pain. Pain 79:243-253, 1999.

Caudle RM, Mannes AJ, Tobias A, Finegold AA, Iadarola MJ. Spinal Kappa1 and Kappa2 opioid binding sites in rats, guinea pigs, monkeys and humans. Neuroreport 1998; 9:2523-25.

Mannes AJ, Caudle RM, O'Connell BC, Iadarola MJ. Adenoviral transfer of LacZ to spinal cord neurons: intraparenchymal versus intrathecal administration. Brain Res 1998;793:1-6.

This page last updated: February 26, 2008