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Electronic Submittals
Submit Documents
Adjudicatory Hearings
Criminal History Program
General Form
Submittal Instructions
How to Submit Documents
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Guidance for Electronic Submissions to the NRC
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How to Submit Documents Electronically

After installing your digital certificate and the forms' viewer software you are ready to submit documents/files through the electronic submittal process.

On this page you will learn how to:

Select the Form/Hearing

Your certificate will provide access to one or more submission opportunities:

If you have been admitted as a party to an adjudicatory proceeding then you may choose the Adjudicatory Submissions selection. This choice will take you to the Adjudicatory Submissions page for High Level Waste/Reactor, Materials and Other hearings. On this page you will be able to select the specific hearing to which you wish to submit your document(s).

If your certificate authorizes submission to the Criminal History program then select that link and you will be taken to that form.

For all other submissions select the 'General' form. All certificate holders are authorized to use this form.

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Complete the Form

You must complete certain 'required' fields before the form and attached files can be transmitted to the NRC. On all forms these required fields are noted by a red asterisk (*). Help information regarding completion of each required field is available by activating the 'HELP' icon on the form toolbar and then placing your mouse over the field in question.

Note: For Adjudicatory Hearing form submissions, the electronic submittal system provides electronic service to other hearing participants notifying them that a document related to that hearing has been submitted. The notice includes a hyperlink that permits hearing participants to view and download a copy of the submission to his/her local workstation. There is no similar notice function for either the Criminal History or General Form submissions.

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Attach Files to the Submission Form

  1. After completing the required fields on the selected appropriate e-submittal form, select the Attach button near the bottom of the form. The Attachments window will appear.

  2. If the Documents folder on the left side of the window is not highlighted then select it.

  3. Click on Attach button at the right top of the window and the Attach: Choose File or Files window will appear. This window will display your computer's drive/folder structure.

  4. Navigate to the first file you wish to enclose, select the file name, and select Open. The Attach/Attach: Choose File or Files window will reappear with the name of the selected file in the right side.

  5. Repeat step 4 for each additional document to be enclosed with the form. You may continue enclosing files until the entire package nears 40-45MB. Remember that the submission limit 50MB.

  6. Select Done once all needed files are attached. You will be returned to the submission form. At this point your submission is ready to be digitally signed and transmitted.

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Sign the Submittal

The form contains fields that require you to digitally sign and authorize your submittal prior to transmission. The digital signature provides for the authentication, certification, and security of documents submitted electronically.

After completing all required fields and attaching one (or more) files to the submission form, select the Signed by (Click to Sign) button. The Digital Signature Viewer dialog box will appear.

The Digital Signature Viewer will display the caption 'No Signature'. This indicates that the form has not been signed. Select the Sign button. The system will validate your certificate and the prompt at the top of the window will change to 'Signature is Valid'. Select OK. The Signed by (Click to Sign) button will now display the name and e-mail address of the signer.

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Complete Service of an Adjudicatory Submission

Service of a submission is a function that applies only to adjudicatory transmittals. If you are submitting using the General form, proceed to the Transmit the Submittal section of these instructions.

  1. If after signing a submission, you also are "serving" the submission on other hearing participants, repeat the "Sign the Submittal" steps above in connection with the Served by (Click to Sign) button on the Adjudicatory Submission form. (On the General submission form, this function and the transmission function are both executed by using the Click to Authorize Transmission button.)

  2. If, after signing the submission, you wish to have someone else 'serve' the submission, you can by:

    1. Selecting the "Mail" icon on the top of the form. The application will generate an e-mail using your name as the sender and attach the form and your file(s) to it.

    2. Enter the e-mail address of your service designee. (Note: The designee must have an NRC certificate to be able to execute the "service" function once they have received the form.)

    3. After opening the form file attached to the e-mail (the signed submission form with the attached document will appear), the service designee can select the Served by (Click to Sign) button. Using the "Sign the Submittal" instructions above, the system will validate the service designee’s certificate and the prompt at the top of the window will change to 'Signature is Valid.' Select OK. The Signed by (Click to Sign) button will now display the name and e-mail address of the service designee. Note: The 'service designee' cannot make any changes to the form, the service list, or the attachments.

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Transmit the Submittal

Once the submission has the digital signature(s) of the individual(s) who are signing (and, in the case of an adjudicatory item, serving the submission), it can be transmitted by selecting the Submit Document button on the Adjudicatory Submissions forms or the Submit Signed Documents to NRC button on the General Submissions form. This initiates the transmit cycle to the NRC.

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How to Remove Documents After Submission

If, after submission, you determine that a document was submitted in error it cannot be retracted through the electronic submittals system. You must contact NRC personnel directly in order to request that your submission be deleted.

To request removal of an Adjudicatory Hearing submission, contact:

Note: Submissions made using the Adjudicatory Hearing form are served immediately via e-mail notification to the hearing participants designated on the service list. These participants will have access to your submission until it is withdrawn by a system administrator with the approval of the Office of the Secretary. Alternatively, you may announce rescission of the submission by a separate electronic submission.

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007