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Presidential Advisory Commission Meeting Agenda

New York, New York
December 16-17, 2002

Full Commission Meeting
Marriott Marquis
New York, NY

New York City Meeting Minutes

Monday, December 16, 2002

 8:00 AM

Welcome and Co-Chair Remarks
Frank Hanna, Co-Chair
Enedelia Schofield, Co-Chair

 8:15 AM

Panel I: "Accountability, Standards Used in High Performing Schools"
The National Center for Educational Accountability (NCEA) has conducted research in hundreds of school systems around the country to identify those characteristics that separate sustained high-performing systems from others. This panel will discuss the practices that differentiate those school systems that have reached high levels of performance with large ELL student populations. A framework for understanding the district, school, and classroom practices of these school systems will be described. Using this framework, specific evidences of these practices collected during the research process will be shared. Finally, the panel will discuss how to translate this research into cutting-edge resources and policy models available to state leaders for implementation.

Brad Duggan, President, NCEA, Moderator
Jean Rutherford, Ed.D., Director of Education Initiatives, NCEA
Margarita Pinkos, Ed.D., Director of ESOL, Palm Beach County
Carolyn Bacon, Executive Director, O'Donnell Foundation
Sandra Dean, Director of Special Programs, Durham District School Board, Canada

 9:15 AM

Commission Question and Answer

 9:45 AM


10:00 AM

Panel II: "Access and Accountability in Higher Education"
What will it take to significantly increase the number Hispanics who obtain a college degree? What would be the economic impact to the nation if successful strategies are not implemented? The panel will address the factors affecting the goal of increasing college attainment for Hispanic students. Panelists will discuss the national economic impact of not closing the achievement gap as well as the potential economic benefits of having a well-educated Hispanic workforce.

Wilbert Bryant, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Higher Education Programs
   Office of Postsecondary Education, U.S. Department of Education
Dr. Teresa Sullivan, Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
   The University of Texas at Austin
Arthur Hauptman, Public Policy Consultant
Anne Coles, Senior Vice President, College Access Services
   The Education Resources Institute

11:15 AM

Commission Question and Answer

12:00 PM


 2:00 PM

Panel III: "Capacity Building and Easing Transitions to Four-Year Universities"
With the projected growth of the Hispanic community and the subsequent increase in the number of academically qualified college-bound Latino students, governments and institutions of higher education must be prepared to meet this challenge. What effective strategies or best practices exist not only to facilitate the transition from secondary to postsecondary education, but also to encourage persistence and completion of college? Community colleges serve a unique role in the education of Hispanic students by opening doors in high need areas with large Hispanic populations, particularly through the use of articulation agreements, which facilitate the transition from 2-year to 4-year institutions, and by partnering with four-year universities to offer baccalaureate degrees.

Roberto Suro, Director, Pew Hispanic Center
Antonio Perez, President, Borough of Manhattan Community College
John L. Winn, Deputy Secretary, Accountability, Research and Measurement
   Florida Board of Education
Dr. Ricardo R. Fernandez, President, Lehman College
    Board Member, Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities

 3:15 PM

Commission Question and Answer

 3:45 PM


 4:00 PM

Public Comment

 5:00 PM

Meeting Adjourns

Tuesday, December 17, 2002

 8:30 AM

Welcome and Opening Statements
Frank Hanna, Co-Chair
Enedelia Schofield, Co-Chair

Approval of Minutes
Frank Hanna, Co-Chair
Enedelia Schofield, Co-Chair

 9:00 AM

Final Report Development
Frank Hanna, Co-Chair
Enedelia Schofield, Co-Chair

a) Define the Call to Action
   Frank Hanna, Co-Chair
   Enedelia Schofield, Co-Chair

b) Overview Final Report Structure and Timeline
   Leslie Sanchez, WHI Executive Director

Review Necessary Conditions for Success of the Action Plan

a) Ensure Hispanic Students Are Academically Qualified
   Enedelia Schofield, Co-Chair
   Francisco Paret, Community Partnerships Chair
   Micaela Alvarez, Family Working Group Member
   Chris Barbic, Educator Working Group Chair
   Charles Garcia, Public Awareness and Motivation Working Group Chair

b) Improve Access and Accountability in Higher Education
   Chris Barbic, Educator Working Group Chair

10:30 AM


10:45 AM

c) Increase Federal Accountability
   Octavio Visiedo, Government Resources and Accountability Working Group Chair or Designee

d) Sustain Success Through Knowledge and Preparation
   Enedelia Schofield, Co-Chair or Designee

11:45 AM

Outline Final Report
Leslie Sanchez, WHI Executive Director

12:15 PM

Other Business
Frank Hanna, Co-Chair
Enedelia Schofield, Co-Chair

Meeting Adjourns

White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans
The White House White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans