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For more information on autism and autism research at the NICHD, contact the NICHD Information Resource Center at:

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Health Publications
Autism and Genes Autism and Genes
This fact sheet for parents and families describes data (as of 2005) related to autism spectrum disorders and genes and NICHD-supported research on the topic. More Info

Publish Date: 05/03/2005
Pages: 12

Price: Free


Autism and the MMR Vaccine--Autism Research at the NICHD Autism and the MMR Vaccine--Autism Research at the NICHD
This fact sheet for parents and families describes data (as of 2001) related to autism spectrum disorders and vaccines and NICHD-supported research on the topic. More Info

Publish Date: 07/18/2001
Pages: 8
Not available for order at this time
Price: Free

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Autism Overview:  What We Know Autism Overview: What We Know
This fact sheet for parents and families describes data (as of 2004) related to autism spectrum disorders and NICHD-supported research on the topic. More Info

Publish Date: 05/03/2005
Pages: 16
Not available for order at this time
Price: Free

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El Autismo y la Vacuna Triple Virica (MMR)-Investigaciones sobre el Autismo en el NICHD El Autismo y la Vacuna Triple Virica (MMR)-Investigaciones sobre el Autismo en el NICHD
Esta hoja informativa para padres y familias describe los datos (a partir del 2001) relacionados con los trastornos del espectro autista y las investigaciones que realiza el NICHD sobre este tema. More Info

Publish Date: 06/25/2002
Pages: 8
Not available for order at this time
Price: Free

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El Autismo y los Genes El Autismo y los Genes
Esta hoja informativa para padres y familias describe los datos (a partir del 2005) relacionados con los trastornos del espectro autista y las investigaciones del NICHD sobre este tema. More Info

Publish Date: 06/27/2005
Pages: 16

Price: Free

PDF Icon PDF (141 K)

El Síndrome de Rett El Síndrome de Rett
Esta hoja informativa de 12 páginas describe el síndrome de Rett, una condición caracterizada como un trastorno del espectro autista (ASD, por sus siglas en inglés), que afecta en su mayor parte a mujeres. More Info

Publish Date: 08/21/2006
Pages: 12

Price: Free

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Rett Syndrome Rett Syndrome
This 8-page fact sheet describes Rett syndrome, a condition recognized as an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) that affects mostly females. More Info

Publish Date: 06/15/2005
Pages: 12

Price: Free

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Una Breva Introduccion al Autismo:  Lo Que Sabemos Una Breva Introduccion al Autismo: Lo Que Sabemos
Esta hoja informativa para padres y familias describe los datos (a partir del 2005) relacionados con los trastornos del espectro autista y las investigaciones del NICHD sobre este tema. More Info

Publish Date: 06/27/2005
Pages: 20

Price: Free

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For Health Care Providers/Educators
Autism Questions and Answers for Health Care Professionals- Autism Research at the NICHD Autism Questions and Answers for Health Care Professionals- Autism Research at the NICHD
This fact sheet for health care professionals used current data (as of 2001) to answer some of the more common questions related to autism spectrum disorders and NICHD-supported research. More Info

Publish Date: 07/18/2001
Pages: 12
Not available for order at this time
Price: Free

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Preguntas y Respuestas sobre el Autismo para Profesionales de la Salud-Investigaciones sobre el Autismo en el NICHD Preguntas y Respuestas sobre el Autismo para Profesionales de la Salud-Investigaciones sobre el Autismo en el NICHD
Esta hoja informativa para profesionales de los cuidados de la salud utiliza datos actualizados (a partir del 2001) para contestar algunas de las preguntas más comunes relacionadas con los trastornos del espectro autista y las investigaciones apoyadas por el NICHD. More Info

Publish Date: 06/25/2002
Pages: 12
Not available for order at this time
Price: Free

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Scientific Publications
Division of Epidemiology, Statistics, and Prevention Research (DESPR), NICHD, Report to the NACHHD Council, September 2005 Division of Epidemiology, Statistics, and Prevention Research (DESPR), NICHD, Report to the NACHHD Council, September 2005
This scientific report describes the research and research training conducted by the NICHD Division of Epidemiology, Statistics, and Prevention Research (DESPR) as of 2005. More Info

Publish Date: 09/19/2005
Pages: 88

Price: Free

PDF Icon PDF (381 K)

Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities (MRDD) Branch, NICHD, Report to the NACHHD Council, June 2005 Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities (MRDD) Branch, NICHD, Report to the NACHHD Council, June 2005
This scientific report outlines the research initiatives and results of research supported by the NICHD Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Branch as of 2005. More Info

Publish Date: 06/27/2005
Pages: 96

Price: Free

PDF Icon PDF (2182 K)

Mental Retardation and Disabilities (MRDD) Branch, NICHD: Report to the NACHHD Council, 2001 Mental Retardation and Disabilities (MRDD) Branch, NICHD: Report to the NACHHD Council, 2001
This scientific report outlines the research initiatives and results of research supported by the NICHD Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Branch as of 2001. Please note that this information is no longer current and is for reference only. For this reason, the report is available online only. More Info

Publish Date: 01/01/2001
Pages: 44
Not available for order at this time
Price: Free

PDF Icon PDF (198 K)

No Image Small State of the Science on Autism: Report to the National Institutes of Health
This scientific report outlines existing data (as of 1996) related to autism, including its diagnosis, its symptoms, its treatments, and the research needed to learn more about the disorder. More Info

Publish Date: 01/01/1996
Pages: 0
Not available for order at this time
Price: Free

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