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Families and Fragile X Syndrome

Families and Fragile X Syndrome front coverYou may download Families and Fragile X Syndrome in one 3.33 MB PDF file, which may take a long time to download, depending upon your connection to the Internet.

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Table of Contents

Part I: Introduction - (98 MB)

Part II: Information about Fragile X syndrome - (1.41 MB)

What is Fragile X syndrome?
What causes Fragile X syndrome?
        What keeps the FMR1 gene from producing FMRP in Fragile X syndrome?
Human cells 101
How many people are affected by Fragile X syndrome?
How is Fragile X syndrome inherited?
What are the signs and symptoms of Fragile X syndrome?
        Intelligence and learning
        Social and emotional
        Speech and language

Part III: Cure and treatments for Fragile X syndrome - (1.37 MB)

Is there a cure for Fragile X syndrome?
Are there treatments for Fragile X syndrome?
        Educational options
        Therapeutic options
        Medication options
What are the options for adults who have Fragile X syndrome?
What should I do if I find out someone in my family has Fragile X syndrome?
        Tests commonly used to diagnose Fragile X
What is being done to develop treatments or a cure for Fragile X syndrome?

Part IV: Additional information about Fragile X syndrome and References - (1.05 MB)

Where can I go for more information about Fragile X syndrome?
        The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
        National organizations
        Additional resources
References and Acknowledgements

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