PTDLP > PTDLP Overview > Notes on Becoming a PTDL

The term "Patent and Trademark Depository Library" (PTDL) refers to a library which (1) has acquired or is in the process of acquiring a collection of U.S. patent and trademark documents and (2) has established certain understandings with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) regarding the library's obligations concerning maintenance of a patent and trademark collection, public accessibility to that collection, and services offered by the library which afford its effective use.

Recognition as a PTDL is derived from the provisions of Title 35, Section 12 of the U.S. Code, which allows for the distribution of patent copies to libraries for an annual statutory fee of $50. This fee relates only to current issues of patents which are distributed to all PTDLs on optical disc.

To become a Patent and Trademark Depository Library, a library must subscribe to the following obligations:

  1. Pledge to acquire a minimum of a 20-year back file collection of U.S. utility patents issued 20 years prior to the date of designation. Such a back file is available from the USPTO on DVD-ROM. However, some portions of back files of patents on paper, reclaimed from PTDLs, occasionally are available to a newly-designated library that wishes to acquire them.
  2. Make access to patents and trademarks and all other depository materials freely available to the public.
  3. Protect the integrity of the collection so that the patents and trademarks and other documents and publications provided to each PTDL by the USPTO remain available to the public.
  4. Maintain a collection of the classification systems and other patent and trademark related publications and documents which are critical to the effective utilization of patent and trademark files. Although not mandatory, it would be helpful if the library were a recognized Federal Depository Library under the provisions of Title 44 of the U.S. Code and, therefore, a recipient of many such documents via the distribution system of the Superintendent of Documents.
  5. Retain any depository copies of patents until, at the initiative of the library, disposal of them has been arranged through the USPTO. The USPTO retains the right of first refusal to acquire any materials, including microform, being relinquished by a library, where such materials were acquired under the provision of 35 USC 12.
  6. Be in a position to assist the public in the efficient use of the patent and trademark collections and of the associated information access tools.
  7. Provide institutional support to permit a PTDL representative to attend the annual USPTO- sponsored PTDL training seminars at the USPTO.

Since 1988, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has been disseminating its Cassis data base to all PTDLs in electronic disc format at no cost. Cassis provides access to the most current patent classification information, term searching through a limited range of patent titles and abstracts, and name searching through a limited range of inventor and company names. Other products distributed to all PTDLs include various TRADEMARKS files and the ASSIST disc which provides searching through: the Manual of Classification, the Classification Definitions, the Index to U.S. Patent Classification, the Attorneys and Agents Registered to Practice Before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, and other pertinent information. Numerous other electronic products have been distributed to the PTDLs on a pilot basis. A work station to access these products is provided by the PTO to all PTDLs.

As a final note, it should be understood that a 20-year collection of patents will provide a resource for general patent searching of more recent technology, but it will be of limited value for comprehensive general patent searching. A library which aims to serve the total needs of the public effectively would need to acquire a more extensive back file collection of patents.

See the Core Collection of Reference Materials and Tools for a list of materials and tools held in PTDLs.

Contact the PTDLP Office for more information.


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