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Subpart A--General Provisions


39.1 Purpose and scope.

39.2 Definitions.

39.5 Interpretations.

39.8 Information collection requirements: OMB approval.

Subpart B--Specific Licensing Requirements

39.11 Application for a specific license.

39.13 Specific license for well logging.

39.15 Agreement with well owner or operator.

39.17 Request for written statements.

Subpart C--Equipment

39.31 Labels, security, and transportation precautions.

39.33 Radiation detection instruments.

39.35 Leak testing of sealed sources.

39.37 Physical inventory.

39.39 Records of material use.

39.41 Design and performance criteria for sealed sources.

39.43 Inspection, maintenance, and opening of a source or source holder.

39.45 Subsurface tracer studies.

39.47 Radioactive markers.

39.49 Uranium sinker bars.

39.51 Use of a sealed source in a well without surface casing.

39.53 Energy compensation source.

39.55 Tritium neutron generator target source.

Subpart D--Radiation Safety Requirements

39.61 Training.

39.63 Operating and emergency procedures.

39.65 Personnel monitoring.

39.67 Radiation surveys.

39.69 Radioactive contamination control.

Subpart E--Security, Records, Notifications

39.71 Security.

39.73 Documents and records required at field stations.

39.75 Documents and records required at temporary jobsites.

39.77 Notification of incidents and lost sources; abandonment procedures for irretrievable sources.

Subpart F--Exemptions

39.91 Applications for exemptions.

Subpart G--Enforcement

39.101 Violations.

39.103 Criminal penalties.

Authority: Secs. 53, 57, 62, 63, 65, 69, 81, 82, 161, 182, 183, 186, 68 Stat. 929, 930, 932, 933, 934, 935, 948, 953, 954, 955, as amended, sec. 234, 83 Stat. 444, as amended (42 U.S.C. 2073, 2077, 2092, 2093, 2095, 2099, 2111, 2112, 2201, 2232, 2233, 2236, 2282); secs. 201, as amended, 202, 206, 88 Stat. 1242, as amended, 1244, 1246 (42 U.S.C. 5841, 5842, 5846); sec. 1704, 112 Stat. 2750 (44 U.S.C. 3504 note).

Source: 52 FR 8234, Mar. 17, 1987, unless otherwise noted.

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