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Windows Pesticide Screening Tool WIN-PST 3.0


WIN-PST 3.0 Software Download - Released 11-11-05

Instructions for Installing WIN_PST 3.0


WIN-PST 3.0 Getting Started

Pesticide Data Update for WIN_PST 3.0 Software (Released 11/01/2006)

Pesticide Properties Database (PPD) (Released 11/01/2006)

Documents Related to WIN-PST 3.0

Pest Management Team Contacts Page

What is WIN-PST?

WIN-PST is a pesticide environmental risk screening tool that NRCS field office conservationists, extension agents, crop consultants, pesticide dealers and producers can use to evaluate the potential for pesticides to move with water and eroded soil/organic matter and affect non-target organisms... More

WIN-PST 3.0 Software

WIN-PST 3.0 is now CCE Certified!  Released 11-11-05

New features of WIN-PST 3.0 include:

  • New easier to use interface.  Click here for a screen shot.
  • Brand new “Queue” feature allows users to select and save soils, pesticides and soil/pesticide combinations.
  • Users can see interaction ratings real time without having to create a report.
  • Reports can be saved as MS Word and Acrobat “pdf” documents for easier printing and management.
  • Results can now be exported directly to an MS Excel format for easier incorporation into automated worksheets.
  • Takes soils directly from the SSURGO Access Template (SSURGO Version 2.1 format).

Download WIN-PST 3.0:

For 'nrcs.usda.gov', 'fsa.usda.gov', and 'rd.usda.gov' hosts only

WIN-PST 3.0 Download for NRCS  
Hint: If the NRCS download site does not work, use WIN-PST 3.0 - Alternate Download.

For people outside of nrcs.usda.gov, fsa.usda.gov, or rd.usda.gov should use:

WIN-PST 3.0 - Alternate Download  

Instructions for Installing WIN-PST 3.0:
WIN-PST 3.0 must be installed by an “administrator” on XP and NT platforms. Make sure that “All Users” is chosen to use WIN-PST 3.0 during installation (the default is “All Users”). If “Only Me” is selected, only the administrator will be able to fully use the program.

WIN-PST 3.0 is installed into C:\Program Files\USDA\WIN-PST 3 and can be accessed through the start menu under “Engineering Applications-> Win-Pst 3.

For more detailed information on setting up WIN-PST 3.0 to use SSURGO Version 2.1 format soils data see “WIN-PST 3.0 Getting Started”.

WIN-PST 3.0 Soils
WIN-PST Takes soils directly from the SSURGO soils database (SSURGO Version 2.1 format). This SSURGO database is the soils data source for the Tool Kit and is typically found in Section II of the Field Office Guide (C:\Field_Office_Tech_Guide\Section_II). For those offices that don’t have Section II on their computer and partners, they can download the soils data from the Soil Data Mart. The SSURGO database can be placed anywhere on your computer. Make sure that if you have a laptop, that you don’t put it on a remote shared drive that is not available when you are not connected to the LAN (Local Area Network.) For more detailed information on setting up WIN-PST 3.0 to use SSURGO Version 2.1 format soils data see "WIN-PST 3.0 Getting Started".

WIN-PST 3.0 Getting Started:

WIN-PST 3.0 Getting Started

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Pesticide Data Update for WIN-PST 3.0 Software
(Released 11/01/2006)

This update contains all the pesticide database files used by WIN-PST 3.0 software:

  • Added 59 new pesticide active ingredients
  • Synchronized with EPA's July 2006 product database

* Please note that you do not have to be logged on to your computer as an administrator to update WIN-PST pesticide data.  If you are not comfortable copying the new files onto your computer, please ask for assistance from your IT support staff.

* Please note that this update has a macro that can import any scenarios that you may have created in the original WIN-PST 3.0 main database (winpst.mdb).

Installation instructions:
1) Download the zip file "WIN-PST data update 11-01-06.zip" which contains the updated pesticide data for WIN-PST 3.0 to any directory you wish.

2) Right click on the downloaded file and choose "WIN-ZIP-> Extract to Folder..\WIN-PST data update 11-01-06"  from the menu.

NOTE:  The new data update is named exactly the same as the old database winpst.mdb.  If you would like to keep your old database, make sure you unzip the update into the "WIN-PST data update 11-01-06" folder so you do not overwrite your old file with the same name.

To import previously saved scenarios into the new database:  a.) go to the "WIN-PST data update 11-01-06" folder and click on the file "winpst.mdb"; b.) on the left hand side under "Object", select "Macros"; and c.) double click on "Import Scenarios from winpst.mdb".  This will import scenarios from the previous database "C:\Program Files\USDA\WIN-PST 3\winpst.mdb" into the new database in the "WIN-PST data update 11-01-06" folder.

3) Open WIN-PST 3.0 and choose "Data Management" from the upper left menu.  At the bottom of the screen will be the text "Location and (optional) name of the winpst.mdb".  Use the browse button to the far right to browse to the "WIN-PST data update 11-01-06" folder and choose the new winpst.mdb.

Download the WIN-PST 3.0 pesticide data update now

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Pesticide Properties Database (PPD)
(Released 11/01/2006)

Note: Not for use within WIN-PST 3.0. For data useable within WIN-PST 3.0 see " Pesticide data Update for WIN-PST 3.0 software" above.

The Pesticide Properties Database (PPD) is a subset of the PPD maintained by the NRCS Pest Management Team/NAPRA Team in Amherst Massachusetts. This is the same active ingredient data that is in the Pesticide Data Update for WIN-PST 3.0. The PPD is stored as a single table of active ingredient data in an MS Excel spreadsheet format. The PPD can be used in lieu of WIN-PST under certain conditions. The loss ratings contained in the PPD are derived from  Soil Pesticide Interaction Procedure version 2 (SPISP 2) (Goss and Wauchope, 1990) but lack WIN-PST's rating adjustments for application area, rate or method.

Select here to open/download the AIData spreadsheet containing pesticide properties and loss ratings.

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Documents Related to WIN-PST 3.0

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