Databases and E-Resources at the Library of Congress

William Blake Archive

Access: Publicly available resource

Description: The Blake Archive contains fully searchable and scalable electronic editions of 27 copies of 16 of Blake's 19 illuminated works. The Archive provides context for the full, up-to-date bibliographic information about each image, transcriptions of all texts, detailed descriptions of all images, and extensive bibliographies. The Archive also contains one copy of all the illuminated books, including the longest, Jerusalem (100 plates), and multiple copies of several, along with a searchable new electronic version of David V. Erdman's Complete Poetry and Prose of William Blake, the standard printed edition for reference. A growing number of contributors, currently eight American and British institutions and a major private collector, have given the Archive permission to include thousands of Blake's images and texts without fees.

The Blake Archive is produced in collaboration with NINES , which is working to bring together peer-reviewed online scholarship centered in nineteenth-century studies, British and American. Other projects include: Rossetti Archive; the Poetess Archive; the Swinburne Project; the Romantic Circles Praxis Series; Romanticism on the Net; the Victorian Studies Bibliography; the Emily Dickinson Project; the Charles Chesnutt Digital Archive; the Walt Whitman Archive and Whitman Annotated Bibliography; Collective Biographies of Women; the Ambrose Bierce Project and Journal; British Women Romantic Poets; the Whistler Correspondence; and more material from Romantic Circles.

Coverage: Various Dates

Art & Architecture
Literature & Language
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Art Full Text
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Artcyclopedia: the Fine Arts Search Engine
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