Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual

Effective Date: 1/24/97

Series: Intergovernmental Relations

Part 511: Coordination with State and Local Governments

Chapter 1: General

Originating Office: Office of Acquisition and Property Management

511 DM 1

1.1 Purpose. This Part establishes policies and procedures for bureau and office compliance with Executive Order 12372, "Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs", as amended, and the Department's implementing regulations under 43 CFR Part 9.

1.2 Applicability. In accordance with the requirements of 43 CFR ยง 9.3, the programs determined by the Department to be eligible for coverage are subject to the requirements of this Part.

1.3 Responsibility. To assure that opportunities for intergovernmental consultation continue to be provided for Departmental programs to the maximum extent possible, it is appropriate and necessary to arrange for staff responsibility throughout the Department.

A. The Office of Acquisition and Property Management is responsible, on behalf of the Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget, for Departmental oversight and coordination related to implementation of the Intergovernmental Coordination Act of 1968 and Executive Order 12372, as amended.

B. The Secretary's Field Special Assistants, which may be established from time to time, shall provide assistance in the coordination of programs and policies of the Secretary. (See 110 DM 3.)

C. Bureaus and offices which have programs affected by Executive Order 12372 are responsible for fully implementing all applicable requirements of this Part. In addition, bureaus and offices shall:

(1) as appropriate, designate bureau or office headquarters Intergovernmental Review Coordinator(s) (IRC)(s) with responsibility for liaison and communication on all matters pertaining to this Part between the bureau and with the State single point of contact. This list is maintained by the Office of Management and Budget and as provided by them, is issued by and is available from the Office of Acquisition and Property Management (PAM). The IRC(s) shall also be responsible for liaison with PAM and for maintaining a current list of appropriate programs;

(2) as appropriate, designate regional, area, or State office IRC(s) with responsibility to implement all requirements of this Part for individual bureau or office programs;

(3) provide information concerning IRC designations, addresses, and phone numbers, to PAM when changes are made. Bureaus shall also inform designated State single points of contact, areawide agencies, regional, State and local entities of the IRC(s) authorized to assist them; and

(4) as appropriate, bureau/office IRC(s) will consult with, and seek advice of, other affected Federal departments and agencies according to internal bureau/office procedures.

1.4 Procedures. Bureaus and offices shall establish procedures necessary to fully implement the requirements of this Part. Codified regulations of bureaus and offices should include reference to Executive Order 12372, as amended.

1.5 Related Instructions. The following Department directives relate to the policies and procedures in this Part and provide detailed guidance and instructions in each subject area:

A. 505 DM - Grants Administration

B. 507 DM 1 - Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance

C. 702 DM 1 - Coordination Procedures

D. 101 DM 1 - Organization Management, Policy and Responsibilities

E. 516 DM 1-7 - National Environmental Policy Act of 1969

1/24/97 #3130

Replaces 4/3/84 #2565

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