Desalination and Water Purification

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“And only with cost-effective and efficient revolutionary technologies will the nation be able to meet its future demand for safe, sustainable, and affordable water — relying on conventional water treatment plants is an insufficient answer to the nation's evolving water supply challenges.” - Desalination and Water Purification Technology Roadmap 2003.


Southwest Hydrology Desalination

Volume 2/Number 3, May/June 2003

  reflective lake
As local water supplies diminish and demand for water in the Southwest rises, communities are considering other sources of water: brackish groundwater, recycled water, and seawater, made potable through desalination. Once considered too expensive, desalination costs have come down as the price for local freshwater sources increases. This issue‘s articles describe current technologies, desalination of different types of water sources, and how, with the necessary commitment, desalination could be a viable technique for attaining sustainable water supplies.

Desalination of brackish ground waters and produced waters using in-situ precipitation.
by Pless, Jason, Krumhansl, James Lee, Voigt, James A, Moore, Diana Lynn, Axness, Marlene, Phillips, Mark L. F, Sattler, Allan Richard, Nenoff, Tina Maria, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM
Pub Date: August 2004.
Call No.: SAND2004-3908

Initial cost analysis of a desalination process utilizing hydrotalcite and permutite for ion sequestration.
by Evans, Lindsey R, Miller, James Edward, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM
Pub Date: December 2004.
Call No.: SAND2004-5461

Review of water resources and desalination technologies. by Miller, James Edward, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM
Pub Date: March 2003.
Call No.: SAND2003-0800 | PDF — 1.4MB

Sweeping gas membrane desalination using commercial hydrophobic hollow fiber membranes.
by Evans, Lindsey R., Miller, James Edward, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM
Pub Date: January 2002
Call No.: SAND2002-0138

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