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King County Prosecuting Attorney

Civil Division

The Civil Division is the county’s in-house law firm. It serves as legal counsel to the Metropolitan King County Council, the County Executive and all Executive departments, the Sheriff, the Superior and District Courts, the County Assessor, certain independent boards and commissions, and some school districts. The division litigates cases on behalf and in defense of the county, provides legal advice and counsel to hundreds of county clients, and issues formal written opinions as needed.

Civil Division deputies deal with a wide range of subject areas arising from the county’s various departments, including Transportation, Natural Resources, Parks and Recreation, and Public Health, to name a few.

Attorneys work closely with clients to address complex issues such as land use planning and growth management, laws against discrimination, taxation, grant administration, construction of all sorts of public works, condemnation, purchasing and procurement, leasing, employment and labor legal matters, public disclosure issues, and tort law. To meet these demands for legal services in these and other diverse subject areas, individual deputy prosecuting attorneys develop areas of specialization and particular expertise.

The Division supports its clients from the early stage of the decision-making process. By becoming involved in this process of governance at an early phase, legal issues can be anticipated and addressed as the client’s course of action is developed. The Division is committed to continuing the performance of this critically important, forward-looking function.

Handling the county’s litigation, whether as a plaintiff or defendant, has evolved into a dominant part of the Civil Division’s professional activities. While most of the litigation occurs in King County Superior Court, Civil Division deputies are also active in litigation elsewhere in the state, federal courts, and courts of appeal. Additionally, Civil deputies appear regularly before county, state, and federal administrative bodies.

Major Working Units of the Civil Division

Contracts, Procurement and Court Services Section
This section is responsible for handling complex and demanding legal issues relating to the procurement of goods and services and the construction of county capital improvement projects. It also handles the legal needs of the King County Superior and District Courts and the Department of Judicial Administration.

County Services and Finance Section
This six-deputy section provides legal counsel to a diverse and interesting array of Executive Departments and independently elected officials. County Services advises the Departments of Public Health, Adult and Juvenile Detention, Community and Human Services, and Finance. County Services also represents the Sheriff’s Office, Assessor’s Office, Office of Civil Rights Enforcement, Budget Office, Personnel Board and the Harborview Medical Center Board of Trustees. In addition to providing client advice on matters such as contracting and public disclosure, this section is frequently involved in litigation ranging from administrative hearings to practice before the Washington State Supreme Court.

Labor and Employment Section

This ten-deputy section provides legal representation to King County in all facets of labor and employment law. Deputies in this section litigate cases in both federal and state court and represent King County at administrative hearings and arbitrations. This section also provides legal advice to Executive Branch Departments, the Metropolitan King County Council, King County Superior Court, King County Sheriff’s Office, and King County District Court regarding all aspects of employment law, including discrimination, wage and hour compliance, discipline, industrial insurance, policy development and review, contingent work force issues, and other personnel matters. With an emphasis on preventative personnel measures, this section provides training to King County managers and supervisors, including an annual seminar on emerging trends in labor and employment law.

Land Use Section

This nine-deputy section represents both Council and Executive clients with respect to land use matters. Deputies in this section represent the County in a broad array of land use litigation, ranging from defending challenges to County Comprehensive Plan provisions and permit decisions to initiating code enforcement proceedings to enforce the County’s zoning code. This section also advises Council and Executive clients regarding land use matters, including issues related to proposed new land use legislation, issues related to permit processing, and issues related to zoning code interpretation. Additionally, the land use section represents the King County International Airport. This section also advises County clients on compliance with the State Environmental Policy Act and the federal Endangered Species Act. Primary clients of the land use section include the County Council, the Office of the Zoning and Subdivision Examiner, the Department of Development and Environmental Services, and the King County International Airport.

Natural Resources and Endangered Species Act Section

This seven-deputy section advises and represents the Department of Natural Resources, which includes the Wastewater Treatment Division, the Water and Land Resources Division and the Solid Waste Division. This section advises the county on complex matters such as the siting of the County's third regional wastewater treatment plant, the development of a Habitat Conservation Plan under the ESA, the cleanup of the Lower Duwamish River, the development of alternative energy sources, and the redevelopment of contaminated lands. This section also represents and defends the county in litigation.

Tort Section

The hallmark of this section is litigation. This ten lawyer section, comprised exclusively of experienced senior deputies, defends the county against most personal injury and property damage claims or suits, as well as litigating for the county in cases where money damages are sought under constitutional torts. The section specifically advises and represents the county's Risk Management Division. As the litigation specialists in the Civil Division, deputies in the Tort Section also consult with and assist their colleagues throughout the division on litigation questions and issues.

Since its inception, the Tort Section has also advised county leaders on liability issues and insurance matters. Tort attorneys regularly provide training at the police academy, and to various county departments. Lawyers in this section also draft ordinances and review various county standard operating procedures, road standards, driving policies and numerous police policies and procedures.

Transportation and Administrative Services Section

This seven-deputy section engages in a wide-ranging municipal law practice. The responsibilities of this varied unit include advising clients on constitutional, statutory and regulatory issues, drafting and negotiating contracts, drafting ordinances, advising county boards, and participating in all facets of litigation including arbitration, mediation, administrative hearings, and trials and appeals in state and federal court.

The section represents and advises numerous county clients including: 1) the King County Transportation Department, which consists of the Transit Division and Roads Services Division; 2) the Department of Information and Administrative Services and several of its divisions, including Information Technology Services, Emergency Management, Telecommunications, and the County Recorder's Office; 3) the Office of Cultural Resources; 4) the Ombudsman’s Office; 5) the Parks Department; 6) the Property Services Division of the Department of Construction and Facilities Management; 7) real estate activities within the Water and Land Resources Division of the Department of Natural Resources; and 8) the Office of Regional Policy and Planning.

Attorneys and support staff in this section are involved in diverse and technical practice areas that support their clients’ varied activities, including procurement of software and technology systems, the implementation of telecommunications and cable agreements, the provision of efficient local and regional public transportation, the construction and maintenance of roads, the development and operation of the county’s park and open space land, real estate transactions and intergovernmental agreements.

Updated: April 12, 2001

Contact Us:

Phone:  206-296-9000
FAX:  206-296-9013
TDD:  206-296-0100

King County Prosecuting Attorney
W554 King County Courthouse
516 Third Avenue
Seattle, WA  98104

E-Mail:  Prosecuting Attorney

Usual Office Hours:
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Monday - Friday

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