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Accession Number: 7603
Title: Infill Housing: Opportunities and Strategies for Inner-City Neighborhoods.
Author(s): Suchman, Diane R.
Publication Date: 6/1/1996
Availability: Urban Land Institute, Publications Orders Department, 1025 Thomas Jefferson Street, NW, Suite 500 West, Washington, DC 20007-5201.
Notes: Working paper #653.
Abstract: This paper provides developers and city officials with an overview of the opportunities and challenges associated with developing infill housing and presents strategies for developing infill housing. Infill development can provide a variety of public benefits such as creating additional housing, rebuilding neighborhoods, and putting vacant land back onto the tax rolls. Infill development, however, also confronts a variety of barriers, including inadequate infrastructure, the presence of environmental contaminants, regulatory constraints, and financing concerns. This paper highlights issues that developers should consider when developing infill housing. It addresses issues such as the market for infill housing, site selection, neighborhood environment, government regulations, project concept, design, and public/private financing. The author uses examples of infill development to show how some developers have dealt with these issues. In addition, the paper suggests ways that local governments can encourage infill housing, including: developing a regulatory framework that encourages this type of development, making public investment in target communities, and providing other types of assistance to infill housing projects.