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Accession Number: 2914
Title: Streamlining Local Regulations: A Handbook for Reducing Housing and Development Costs.
Author(s): Garmise, Carolyn
Hershey, Stuart S.
Publication Date: 5/1/1983
Sponsoring Organization(s): U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC
Performing Organization(s): International City Management Association
Washington, DC
Availability: Available from The International City Management Association, 1120 G Street, NW, Washington, DC 20005.
Notes: Management Information Service Special Report no. 11. Development as part of HUD's Joint Venture for Affordable Housing. CP
Descriptors: Affordable housing. Zoning regulations. Construction codes. Construction costs. Local government. Infill development. Manufactured housing.
Abstract: Reforming local regulations may promote affordable housing by reducing procedural delays and speeding up the application and review process, by increasing efficiency and saving costs in city government, and by clarifying regulations so that developers can understand them without hiring special consultants. Local governments can modify zoning ordinances to allow well - designed, increased density development; create new subdivision regulations that reflect new technology in construction materials; and steamline in - house review procedures. Communities can begin the regulation reform proces by first determining whether there is a regulatory problem and making sure that regulations are consistent with the community's development objectives. Among the innovative approaches discussed are infill development, manufatured housing, and performance zoning. A land development guidance system and about 50 references are appended.