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Accession Number: 2744
Title: Infill Development Strategies.
Publication Date: 1/1/1982
Sponsoring Organization(s): U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Washington, DC
Performing Organization(s): Real Estate Research Corp.
Chicago, IL
Availability: Available from Urban Land Institute, 1090 Vermont Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20005
Notes: Published jointly by ULI-The Urban Land Institute and American Planning Association. CP
Descriptors: Infill development. Vacant land. Zoning regulations.
Abstract: Written for local officials and developers carrying out infill programs, the guide synthesizes research findings on infill opportunities and constraints; examines information needed to formulate an infill strategy at the regional, municipal, or neighborhood level; and suggests ways in which cities can share information on infill development opportunities. It looks at tools and incentives for encouraging investment on bypassed sites by removing regulatory obstacles, reducing risk, upgrading infrastructure, lowering land costs, and other means in order to expand housing opportunities. Based on three indepth case studies, the guide examines the quantity of available infill land in Miami, Fla., (Dade County); Seattle, Wash., (King County); and Rochester, N.Y., (Monroe County) and compares the residential infill land supply with the anticipated housing demand over the next 10 years. Individual infill land parcels are examined in terms of their size, location, zoning, physical limitations, ownership, and availability; deterrents to infill development are reviewed; and infill and fringe development costs in the three metropolitan areas are compared. Study data, figures, footnotes, and photographs are provided. (Author abstract modified)