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NIMH Study To Guide Treatment Choices for Schizophrenia (Phase 1 Results)
September 19, 2005 • Press Release
A large study funded by NIH's National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) provides, for the first time, detailed information comparing the effectiveness and side effects of five medications
Combination Treatment Most Effective in Adolescents with Depression
August 17, 2004 • Press Release
A clinical trial of 439 adolescents with major depression has found a combination of medication and psychotherapy to be the most effective treatment.
Gene More Than Doubles Risk Of Depression Following Life Stresses
July 17, 2003 • Press Release
Among people who suffered multiple stressful life events over 5 years, 43 percent with one version of a gene developed depression, compared to only 17 percent with another version of the gene, say researchers funded, in part, by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).
NIH Awards Grants for Six New Autism Research Centers
May 13, 2003 • Press Release
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has awarded grants to support six new research centers of a major network focusing on the biomedical and behavioral aspects of autism.
Gene Enhances Prefrontal Function at a Price
May 7, 2003 • Press Release
Studies of a gene that affects how efficiently the brain’s frontal lobes process information are revealing some untidy consequences of a tiny variation in its molecular structure and how it may increase susceptibility to schizophrenia.
Study Boosts Confidence in Potential Screening Tool for Alzheimer's Disease
April 22, 2003 • Press Release
A major study has confirmed the value of potential markers for identifying people with Alzheimer's disease.
Treatment for Minor Depression
March 21, 2003 • Press Release
In a new approach to research on minor depression, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has launched a four-year study to determine the safety and effectiveness of St. John’s wort, a common herbal supplement, and citalopram, a standard antidepressant, compared to placebo.
Human Gene Affects Memory
January 23, 2003 • Press Release
NIH scientists have shown that a common gene variant influences memory for events in humans by altering a growth factor in the brain's memory hub.
NIH Awards Grants for Two New Autism Research Centers
September 18, 2002 • Press Release
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced grants totaling $19 million to support the first two research centers of a major network of facilities to focus on the biomedical and behavioral aspects of autism.
Placebo, Antidepressant May Lift Depression Via Common Mechanism
May 1, 2002 • Press Release
Whether it’s a widely prescribed medication or a placebo, a successful treatment for depression must trigger a common pattern of brain activity changes, suggests a team of researchers funded by the National Institute of Mental Health.
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